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Acharya, S; Mekker, M; De Vos, J; (2023) Linking travel behavior and tourism literature: Investigating the impacts of travel satisfaction on destination satisfaction and revisit intention. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives , 17 , Article 100745. 10.1016/j.trip.2022.100745. Green open access

Adewole, Ayooluwa; Shipworth, Michelle; Lemaire, Xavier; Sanderson, Danielle; (2023) Peer-to-Peer energy trading, independence aspirations and financial benefits among Nigerian households. Energy Policy , 174 , Article 113442. 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113442. Green open access

Andres, Lauren; Denoon-Stevens, Stuart; Jones, Phil; (2023) Planners, blended (in)formality and a public interest of fragments. Planning Practice and Research 10.1080/02697459.2023.2247249. (In press). Green open access

Andres, Lauren; Natarajan, Lucy; (2023) Towards a Women-Led Urbanism New Agenda, New Priorities. Built Environment , 49 (4) pp. 545-554. 10.2148/benv.49.4.545. Green open access

Arbaci Sallazzaro, Sonia; Gebhardt, Dirk; (2023) La financiarisation du logement dans la gentrification de Londres. Quoíque , 6 pp. 7-12.

Carmona, M; Gabrieli, T; Bento, J; (2023) Bridging the design / finance divide: adding ‘design strings’ to the finance of urban development. Journal of Urban Design 10.1080/13574809.2023.2206549. (In press). Green open access

Carmona, Matthew; (2023) Coding urban design: Constructing a wireframe for a place-focused urbanism. Progress in Planning , Article 100775. 10.1016/j.progress.2023.100775. (In press). Green open access

Chen, P; Zhang, M; Wang, Y; (2023) The Chinese new middle class and their production of an ‘authentic’ rural landscape in China's gentrified villages. Geoforum , 144 , Article 103793. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103793.

Clifford, Ben; Vigar, Geoff; (2023) Disparate goals, progressive ideals? Professional biographies of planners in the UK and their ideas of ‘mission’. Planning Practice & Research 10.1080/02697459.2023.2289274. (In press). Green open access

Clifford, Benjamin; (2023) England’s proposed national development management policies — potential lessons from Victoria. Town and Country Planning , 2023 (May-June) pp. 159-165. Green open access

Colomb, Claire; Moreira De Souza, Tatiana; (2023) Illegal short-term rentals, regulatory enforcement and informal practices in the age of digital platforms. European Urban and Regional Studies 10.1177/09697764231155386. Green open access

De Vos, J; Ermagun, A; Shaw, FA; (2023) Wait time, travel time and waiting during travel: existing research and future directions. Transport Reviews 10.1080/01441647.2023.2220206. (In press).

Dianati, V; Turcu, C; (2023) Place (un)making through soft urban densification: exploring local experiences of density and place attachment in Tehran. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development , 15 (1) pp. 63-79. 10.1080/19463138.2023.2184825. Green open access

Durrant, D; Saxe, S; Siemiatycki, M; Dean, M; (2023) Planning, ethics and infrastructural time. Time & Society 10.1177/0961463X231178132. (In press). Green open access

Durrant, Dan; Kossberg, Tania N; (2023) Social dramas and planning judgement. Town Planning Review , 94 (5) pp. 561-581. 10.3828/tpr.2023.13. Green open access

Durrant, Daniel; Cohen, Tom; (2023) Mini-Publics as an innovation in spatial governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 10.1177/23996544231176392. (In press). Green open access

Durrant, Daniel; Lamker, Christian; Rydin, Yvonne; (2023) The Potential of Post-Growth Planning: Re-Tooling the Planning Profession for Moving beyond Growth. Planning Theory & Practice , 24 (2) pp. 287-295. 10.1080/14649357.2023.2198876.

Ermagun, Alireza; Erinne, Jacqueline; De Vos, Jonas; (2023) Daily Activity Duration Tolerance: A Sensitivity Analysis of Emotional Well-being to Activity Duration. Transportation 10.1007/s11116-023-10437-6. (In press).

Fearn, Gareth; (2023) The end of the experiment? The energy crisis, neoliberal energy, and the limits to a socio-ecological fix. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 10.1177/25148486231172844. (In press). Green open access

Feng, Yi; Wu, Fulong; Zhang, Fangzhu; (2023) Building state centrality through state selective financialization: Reconfiguring the land reserve system in China. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 10.1177/0308518X231212974. (In press). Green open access

Ferm, Jessica; (2023) Hyper-Competitive Industrial Markets: Implications for Urban Planning and the Manufacturing Renaissance. Urban Planning , 8 (4) pp. 263-274. 10.17645/up.v8i4.7114. Green open access

Fiorentino, Stefania; Sielker, Franziska; Tomaney, John; (2023) Coastal towns as ‘left-behind places’: economy, environment and planning. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society , Article rsad045. 10.1093/cjres/rsad045. (In press). Green open access

Follmann, Alexander; Kennedy, Loraine; Pfeffer, Karin; Wu, Fulong; (2023) Peri-urban transformation in the Global South: a comparative socio-spatial analytics approach. Regional Studies , 57 (3) pp. 447-461. 10.1080/00343404.2022.2095365. Green open access

Gkartzios, Menelaos; Gallent, Nicholas; Scott, Mark; (2023) A capitals framework for rural areas: 'place planning' the global countryside. Habitat International , 127 , Article 102625. 10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102625. Green open access

Hamiduddin, Iqbal; (2023) Why the Car Is Not Always King in Global South Cities: Evidence From Ulaanbaatar. Urban Planning , 8 (3) pp. 14-26. 10.17645/up.v8i3.6355. Green open access

Hasan, Md Nazmul; Koksal, Caglar; Montel, Lisa; Le Gouais, Anna; Barnfield, Andrew; Bates, Geoff; Kwon, Heeseo Rain; (2023) Developing shared understanding through online interdisciplinary collaboration: Reflections from a research project on better integration of health outcomes in future urban development practice. Futures , 150 , Article 103176. 10.1016/j.futures.2023.103176. Green open access

Hickman, Robin; (2023) Beeching and the reshaping of public transport, walking, cycling and motorisation. Fabian Review , 135 (1) pp. 26-27. Green open access

Hickman, Robin; (2023) Discursive practice and transport planning in Plymouth. Town and Country Planning pp. 226-228. Green open access

Hickman, Robin; (2023) Manipulation and the A46 Newark bypass. Town & Country Planning , April pp. 82-85. Green open access

Hickman, Robin; (2023) Wedge issues, winning votes and car drivers. Town & Country Planning pp. 370-372. Green open access

Hook, H; De Vos, J; Van Acker, V; Witlox, F; (2023) A comparative analysis of determinants, characteristics, and experiences of four daily trip types. Travel Behaviour and Society , 30 pp. 335-343. 10.1016/j.tbs.2022.10.013. Green open access

Hook, H; De Vos, J; Van Acker, V; Witlox, F; (2023) Evolutions in undirected travel (satisfaction) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour , 94 pp. 99-113. 10.1016/j.trf.2023.01.025. (In press). Green open access

Huh, Jeongwha; Son, Jung Won; Zhao, Yang; Yang, Seongwon; (2023) Who built the "world's first smart city" of Songdo? Questioning the ICT firms' Leadership in Smart City Development. Eurasian Geography and Economics 10.1080/15387216.2024.2309879. (In press). Green open access

Jaewon, Lim; Eunah, Kang; Hwajin, Lim; Son, Jung Won; (2023) Rise of Work from Home & Post-pandemic Urban Form in Global Cities. Journal of Korea Planning Association , 58 (5) pp. 5-26. 10.17208/jkpa.2023. Green open access

Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Maloutas, Thomas; (2023) Immigrant integration in ITI/SUD strategies: The case of Athens, Greece. European Journal of Spatial Development , 20 (4) pp. 32-53. 10.5281/zenodo.8308424. Green open access

Kayanan, CM; Moore-Cherry, N; Tomaney, J; (2023) Metropolitanization, civic capacity and metropolitan governance: Ireland in the metropolitan century. Territory, Politics, Governance 10.1080/21622671.2023.2173642. (In press). Green open access

Kippin, Sean; Morphet, Janice; (2023) Coordination, agenda-setting, and future planning: the role of Combined Authorities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Review of Public Policy , 5 (3) pp. 1-24. 10.4000/irpp.3716. Green open access

Krawchenko, Tamara; Tomaney, John; (2023) The Governance of Land Use: A Conceptual Framework. Land , 12 (3) , Article 608. 10.3390/land12030608. Green open access

Kroesen, M; Le, HTK; De Vos, J; Ton, D; de Bruyn, M; (2023) Revealing latent trajectories of (intended) train travel during and after COVID-19. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 124 , Article 103952. 10.1016/j.trd.2023.103952. Green open access

Kroesen, Maarten; De Vos, Jonas; Le, Huyen TK; Ton, Danique; (2023) Exploring attitude-behaviour dynamics during COVID-19: How fear of infection and working from home influence train use and the attitude toward this mode. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 167 , Article 103560. 10.1016/j.tra.2022.103560. Green open access

Kwon, Heeseo; Pain, Kathy; (2023) Searching for Health and Wellbeing: Commercial Real Estate Actor Encounters with Planning in the Urban Decision-making ‘Black Box’. Built Environment , 49 (2) pp. 229-247. Green open access

Kwon, Heeseo; Wong, Cecilia; Pain, Kathy; Koksal, Caglar; (2023) Urban Planning and Public Health. Built Environment , 49 (2) pp. 157-165. Green open access

Lee, Yongsung; De Vos, Jonas; (2023) Who would continue to work from home in Hong Kong as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 120 , Article 103753. 10.1016/j.trd.2023.103753. Green open access

Li, Yi; Chen, Wen; Wu, Fulong; (2023) Building Chinese city-regions under state entrepreneurialism. Territory, Politics, Governance 10.1080/21622671.2023.2206430. (In press).

Li, Zhenfa; Wu, Fulong; Zhang, fangzhu; (2023) Adaptable state-controlled market actors: Underwriters and investors in the market of local government bonds in China. Environment and Planning A 10.1177/0308518X231174023. (In press). Green open access

Li, Zhenfa; Wu, Fulong; Zhang, Fangzhu; (2023) The Political Economy of China's Local Debt. The China Quarterly 10.1017/s0305741023000814. (In press). Green open access

Li, Zhenfa; Wu, Fulong; Zhang, Fangzhu; (2023) State de-financialisation through incorporating local government bonds in the budgetary process in China. Journal of Economic Geography , Article lbad016. 10.1093/jeg/lbad016. (In press). Green open access

Lin, Sainan; Wu, Fulong; Wang, Yu; Li, Zhigang; (2023) Migrants' perceived social integration in different housing tenures in urban China. Geoforum , 139 , Article 103693. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103693.

Liu, L; Wang, Y; Hickman, R; (2023) How Rail Transit Makes a Difference in People’s Multimodal Travel Behaviours: An Analysis with the XGBoost Method. Land , 12 (3) , Article 675. 10.3390/land12030675. Green open access

Liu, Lixun; Dennett, Adam; Hickman, Robin; (2023) Exploring the spatial differences in travel mode choice of rail transit in Chongqing. Transportation Planning and Technology 10.1080/03081060.2023.2228301. (In press).

Liu, Lixun; Dennett, Adam; Hickman, Robin; (2023) Social equity impacts of rail transit investments using community perceptions: evidence from Chongqing. Transportation Planning and Technology , 46 (1) pp. 1-21. 10.1080/03081060.2022.2152454. Green open access

Liu, Xiang; Chen, Xiaohong; Tian, Mingshu; De Vos, Jonas; (2023) Effects of buffer size on associations between the built environment and metro ridership: A machine learning-based sensitive analysis. Journal of Transport Geography , 113 , Article 103730. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103730.

Livingstone, Nicola; Fiorentino, Stefania; Short, Michael; (2023) Density, planning, and the emergent landscapes of purpose-built student accommodation in England. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities , 5 , Article 1119399. 10.3389/frsc.2023.1119399. Green open access

Livingstone, Nicola; Short, Michael; Fiorentino, Stefania; Bunce, Susannah; (2023) Editorial: Density, sustainability and the governance of urban futures. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities , 5 , Article 1277926. 10.3389/frsc.2023.1277926. Green open access

Lorne, Colin; Thompson, Matthew; Cochrane, Allan; (2023) Thinking conjuncturally, looking elsewhere. Dialogues in Human Geography 10.1177/20438206231202825. (In press). Green open access

Madeddu, Manuela; Clifford, Benjamin; (2023) The contribution of adaptive re-use to housing supply - what does good office-to-residential conversion look like? Town and Country Planning , 92 (6) pp. 392-397. Green open access

Marjanović, Marjan; (2023) In Defence of Scholarly Bullshit—a Reflection on Kirchherr. Circular Economy and Sustainability 10.1007/s43615-023-00253-6. (In press). Green open access

Mellen, Hal; Short, Michael; (2023) Designing for social interaction in high-density housing: a multiple case analysis of recently completed design-led developments in London. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 10.3389/frsc.2022.1043701. (In press). Green open access

Meng, Shasha; Pan, Fenghua; Wu, Fulong; (2023) Intergenerational financial support for homeownership and co-residence in Chinese cities. Cities , 137 , Article 104310. 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104310.

Moore, Susan; (2023) Curating ‘dialogue’ and evidencing topological reach. Dialogues in Urban Research , 1 (3) pp. 203-205. 10.1177/27541258231211255. Green open access

Morphet, Janice; (2023) Deals and devolution: The role of local authority deals in undermining devolved decision making. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 10.1177/02690942231172170. (In press). Green open access

Morphet, Janice; (2023) Levelling up in the UK. Town & Country Planning , 92 (3) pp. 155-158. Green open access

Morphet, Janice; (2023) Regionalism, Devolution and Infrastructure. Soundings , 83 (83) pp. 102-112. 10.3898/soun.83.07.2023. Green open access

Mouratidis, K; De Vos, J; Yiannakou, A; Politis, I; (2023) Sustainable transport modes, travel satisfaction, and emotions: Evidence from car-dependent compact cities. Travel Behaviour and Society , 33 , Article 100613. 10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100613. Green open access

Natarajan, Lucy; Panayotopoulos-Tsiros, Dimitrios; Manns, Jonathan; (2023) The Blended Landscapes of Outer London. Built Environment , 49 (1) pp. 23-38. 10.2148/benv.49.1.23. Green open access

Naylor, Larissa A; Zheng, Ying; Munro, Neil; Stanton, Alasdair; Wang, Weikai; Chng, Nai R; Oliver, David M; ... Waldron, Susan; + view all (2023) Bringing Social Science Into Critical Zone Science: Exploring Smallholder Farmers' Learning Preferences in Chinese Human‐Modified Critical Zones. Earth's Future , 11 (9) , Article e2022EF003472. 10.1029/2022ef003472. Green open access

Nordensvärd, J; Li, B; Turcu, C; Qian, J; Byun, YH; Li, Y; Sommar, CJ; (2023) State and communities in urban food governance: Lessons from COVID and insights for the future. Urban Governance , 3 (2) pp. 93-96. 10.1016/j.ugj.2023.05.001. Green open access

Pike, A; Béal, V; Cauchi-Duval, N; Franklin, R; Kinossian, N; Lang, T; Leibert, T; ... Velthuis, S; + view all (2023) ‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology. Regional Studies 10.1080/00343404.2023.2167972. (In press). Green open access

Purves, A; (2023) Singapore's Imminent Expiration of Land Leases: From Growth and Equality to Discontent and Inequality? Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Human Geography) 10.1111/tesg.12547. (In press). Green open access

Qi, C; De Vos, J; Tao, T; Shi, L; Guo, X; (2023) Trip chaining patterns of tourists: a real-world case study. Transportation 10.1007/s11116-023-10418-9. (In press).

Raco, Mike; Freire Trigo, Sonia; Webb, Ann-Marie; (2023) The rise of polycentric regulation and its impacts on the governance of housing associations in England. Housing Studies 10.1080/02673037.2022.2156984. (In press). Green open access

Rezaei, Amin; Cao, Mengqiu; Liu, Qihao; De Vos, Jonas; (2023) Synthesising the Existing Literature on the Market Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles and the External Underlying Factors. Journal of Advanced Transportation , 2023 , Article 6065060. 10.1155/2023/6065060. Green open access

Roth, L; Russell, B; Thompson, M; (2023) Politicising proximity: Radical municipalism as a strategy in crisis. Urban Studies , 60 (11) pp. 2009-2035. 10.1177/00420980231173825. Green open access

Rydin, Yvonne; (2023) Discovering the diverse economy of a ‘left-behind’ town. Planning Practice & Research pp. 1-16. 10.1080/02697459.2023.2231711. (In press). Green open access

Sanchez, Isabel Gutierrez; (2023) Care commons: Infrastructural (re)compositions for life sustenance through yet against regimes of chronic crisis. Urban Studies , 60 (12) pp. 2456-2473. 10.1177/00420980221145360. Green open access

Sendra, Pablo; (2023) The ethics of co-design. Journal of Urban Design 10.1080/13574809.2023.2171856. (In press). Green open access

Sendra, Pablo; Belson, Toby Laurent; Picardi, Marco Thomas; (2023) Assembling Under the Westway: The Emergence of Social Infrastructure in North Kensington, London. Antipode 10.1111/anti.12973. (In press). Green open access

Si, Hongyun; Shi, Jiangang; Hua, Wenwen; Cheng, Long; De Vos, Jonas; Li, Wenxiang; (2023) What influences people to choose ridesharing? An overview of the literature. Transport Reviews 10.1080/01441647.2023.2208290. (In press). Green open access

Stirling, Phoebe; Gallent, Nicholas; Hamiduddin, Iqbal; (2023) Affordable rural housing: tackling the 'land question' on rural exception sites. Town and Country Planning , 92 (5) pp. 305-311. Green open access

Suyoung, Kang; Son, Jung Won; Ilwon, Seo; (2023) Is national border weakening in technology space? Analysis of inter-urban hierarchy with Chinese patent licensing data. Environment and Planning B 10.1177/23998083231168871. (In press). Green open access

Taylor, M; (2023) The Economic Politics of Anti-Displacement Struggle: Connecting Diverse and Community Economies Research with Critical Urban Studies on the Carpenters Estate, London. Antipode 10.1111/anti.13005. (In press). Green open access

Thompson, M; (2023) Whatever happened to municipal radicalism? Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers , 48 (3) pp. 603-618. 10.1111/tran.12606. Green open access

Thompson, M; Lorne, C; (2023) Designing a New Civic Economy? On the Emergence and Contradictions of Participatory Experimental Urbanism. Antipode , 55 (6) pp. 1919-1942. 10.1111/anti.12962. Green open access

Thompson, M; Nishat-Botero, Y; (2023) Postcapitalist Planning and Urban Revolution. Competition and Change 10.1177/10245294231210980. (In press). Green open access

Tomaney, J; (2023) Mrs Ann Errington of Sacriston: the political biography of a Durham miner's wife between the wars. Women's History Review 10.1080/09612025.2023.2272102. (In press). Green open access

Tomaney, John; Blackman, Maeve; Natarajan, Lucy; Panayotopoulos-Tsiros, Dimitrios; Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Florence; Taylor, Myfanwy; (2023) Social infrastructure and ‘left-behind places’. Regional Studies 10.1080/00343404.2023.2224828. (In press). Green open access

van der Voorn, T; Quist, J; Svenfelt, Å; Kok, K; Hickman, R; Sheppard, S; Kanyama, AC; (2023) Advancing participatory backcasting for climate change adaptation planning using 10 cases from 3 continents. Climate Risk Management , 42 , Article 100559. 10.1016/j.crm.2023.100559. Green open access

Wang, Weikai; Wu, Fulong; Zhang, Fangzhu; (2023) Environmental city-regionalism in China: War against air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research (In press). Green open access

Ward, Callum; Brill, Frances; (2023) How to Make a City into a Firetrap: Relations of Land and Property in the UK's Cladding Scandal. Antipode pp. 1-21. 10.1111/anti.12970. (In press). Green open access

Wu, Fulong; (2023) Theorising urban development in China: ‘State entrepreneurialism’ from the ground up. Dialogues in Human Geography 10.1177/20438206231174638. (In press). Green open access

Xu, Mengran; Wu, Fulong; Moore, Susan; Li, Zhigang; (2023) Migrants' willingness to contact local residents in China. Cities , 133 , Article 104120. 10.1016/j.cities.2022.104120. Green open access

Yazici, E; Murji, K; Keith, M; Pile, S; Solomos, J; Wang, Y; (2023) ‘London is avocado on toast’: The urban imaginaries of the #LondonIsOpen campaign. Urban Studies 10.1177/00420980221149841. Green open access

Yazici, Edanur; Wang, Ying; (2023) Attack the bot: Mode effects and the challenges of conducting a mixed-mode household survey during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 10.1080/13645579.2023.2241797. (In press).

Zhang, Fangzhu; Wu, Fulong; Wang, Weikai; (2023) City-regional governance under state entrepreneurialism in China. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research 10.1177/27541223231164786. (In press). Green open access

Zhu, Jingyi; (2023) Micro-regeneration in Shanghai and the public-isation of space. Habitat International , 132 , Article 102741. 10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102741.

Zhu, Jingyi; (2023) Public Space and its Publicness in People-Oriented Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Shanghai. Journal of Urban Affairs 10.1080/07352166.2023.2279597. (In press). Green open access

Zielke, Julia; Hepburn, Paul; Thompson, Matthew; Southern, Alan; (2023) Corrigendum: Urban commoning under adverse conditions: lessons from a failed transdisciplinary project. [Corrigendum]. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities , 5 , Article 1205886. 10.3389/frsc.2023.1205886. Green open access

Zielke, Julia; Thompson, Matthew; Hepburn, Paul; (2023) On the (im)possibilities of being a good enough researcher at a neoliberal university. Area , 55 (1) pp. 46-52. 10.1111/area.12815. Green open access


Natarajan, Lucy and Short, Michael J (Eds). (2023) Engaged Urban Pedagogy: Participatory practices in planning and place-making. [Book]. Engaging Communities in City-making. UCL Press: London. Green open access

Carmona, Matthew; Bento, João; Gabrieli, Tommaso; (2023) Urban Design Governance. [Book]. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Clifford, Benjamin; Morphet, Janice; (2023) Major Infrastructure Planning and Delivery: Exploring nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) in England and Wales. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Book chapter

Blondel, C; Evrard, E; (2023) Incomplete justice is no justice: Learning from the neoliberal and elitist planning experiences of Euralens and EPA Alzette-Belval. In: Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development. (pp. 183-204). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Cafora, Silvia; (2023) Guardare al futuro. Il sistema abitativo Europeo e il mercato dell’economia sociale. In: Croce, Caterina, (ed.) Alternative living, models in action || Abitare alternativo, modelli in azione. Housing collaborativo, accessibile e inclusivo in Europa. (pp. 57-73). Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli: Milano, Italy.

Durrant, D; Brill, F; (2023) Shrinking aspirations: the potential impact of Build to Rent models on housing transitions. In: Harris, Ella and Nowicki, Mel and White, Tim, (eds.) The Growing Trend of Living Small: A Critical Approach to Shrinking Domesticities. (pp. 61-73). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Karadimitriou, Nikos; Pagonis, Athanasios; (2023) Greece. In: Halleux, Jean Marie and Hendricks, Andreas and Nordahl, Berit and Maliene, Vida, (eds.) Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values across Europe. (pp. 113-120). vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich: Zürich, Switzerland. Green open access

Kostopoulou, Effie; Kispert, Matthias; Porto, Renan; (2023) People, Places and more than Human: Past-Present-Future. In: Rocco, Roberto and Newton, Caroline, (eds.) A Manifesto for the Just City: Volume 3. (pp. 322-323). TU Delft Open Publishing 2023: The Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Green open access

Sendra, P; (2023) Grassroots Spaces Make London Exciting: The Relationship Between the Civitas and the Urbs. In: Urbicide. (pp. 779-792). Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Wu, Fulong; (2023) State entrepreneurialism: theorising urban development politics from China. In: Le Galès, Patrick and Robinson, Jennifer, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Global Urban Studies. (pp. 364-374). Routledge: London, UK.

Wu, Fulong; (2023) State Entrepreneurialism: Theorising Urban Development Politics from China. In: Le Galès, Patrick and Robinson, Jennifer, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Global Urban Studies. (pp. 364-374). Routledge: London, UK.

Yang, Yuchen; McDowall, Will; Zhang, Fangzhu; (2023) China’s environmental governance transition: a new paradigm for waste management. In: Zhang, Fangzhu and Wu, Fulong, (eds.) Handbook on China’s Urban Environmental Governance. (pp. 272-290). Edward Elgar Publishing

Zhang, Fangzhu; Wu, Fulong; Liu, Yining; (2023) China’s urban environmental governance: An introduction. In: Zhang, Fangzhu and Wu, Fulong, (eds.) Handbook on China’s Urban Environmental Governance. (pp. 1-24). Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access


Andres, Lauren; Moawad, paul; Kraftl, Peter; Denoon Stevens, Stuart; Marais, Lochner; Matamanda, Abraham; Bizzotto, Luciana; + view all (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Food & Play-Leisure and Related Adaptations for Children and Young People: International and National Overviews. PANEX-Youth WP2 Full Report: London, UK. Green open access

Andres, Lauren; Moawad, Paul; Kraftl, Peter; Denoon Stevens, Stuart; Marais, Lochner; Matamanda, Abraham; Bizzotto, Luciana; + view all (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Food & Play-Leisure and Related Adaptations for Children and Young People: International Overview. PANEX-Youth WP2 Short Report: London, UK. Green open access

De Vos, Jonas; (2023) Results of the 2023 UCL travel survey. Bartlett School of Planning and UCL Sustainability: London, UK. Green open access

Morphet, Janice; Clifford, Ben; (2023) Local Authority Direct Provision of Housing in England Desk Survey Report June 2023 | Bartlett School of Planning. University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Nordensvärd, Johan; Rotolo, Martina; Sommar, Carl-Johan; Li, Yiran; Turcu, Catalina; Li, Bingqin; Byun, Young-hwan; + view all (2023) Technological and social adaptation to COVID-19 : Food for Vulnerable Urban Groups in Six Global Cities. (Linköping studies in Social Policy 2022:1 ). Linköping University Electronic Press: Linköping, Sweden. Green open access

Whitehead, Christine; Scanlon, Kath; Voigtländer, Michael; Karlsson, Jacob; Blanc, Fanny; Rotolo, Martina; (2023) Financialization in 13 cities - an international comparative report. London School of Economics (LSE): London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Clifford, Ben; (2023) Healthy homes? Commercial-to-residential permitted development in England. Presented at: Healthy City Design 2023 (HCD 2023) International Congress, Liverpool, England. Green open access

Gabrieli, Tommaso; (2023) Back to the future with the dual lease-hold rate. Presented at: 29th European Real Estate Society (ERES) Annual Conference, London, UK. Green open access

Gabrieli, Tommaso; (2023) Future Urban Growth Lab: theory and applications. Presented at: UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2023: Planning on a Crisis Footing, Glasgow, UK. Green open access


Chaimanee, Anon; (2023) The Historical Traces of Residual Rhythms in Maintaining the Identity, Authenticity and Sense of Place in a Contemporary City: The Sino-Thai Urban Livelihoods in Thai Cities. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lo, Chien-Ling; (2023) Regeneration Policies and Property Markets: Evaluating Economic Sustainability of Manchester Office Market. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Peca Amaral Gomes, Alexandra; (2023) Invisible City. A Multi-Sensory Approach to the Analysis of Urban Space. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Purves, Andrew Mackay; (2023) Economic Rent, inequality and public revenue - The Singapore Model. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wu, Meiling; (2023) Second Home Impacts and Community Development in China. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Xu, Mengran; (2023) Migrants’ intergroup relations in urban China. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Digital scholarly resource

Clifford, Benjamin; (2023) Planning, regulation, the local state and the housing crisis in England. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://blogs.unsw.edu.au/cityfutures/blog/2023/02...

This list was generated on Mon Sep 9 02:35:29 2024 BST.