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Number of items: 111.


Aelbrecht, Wes; (2018) Constructing the urban imaginary: photography, decline and renaissance. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Aish, F; Ander, M; Hryhab, E; Olsson, J; Tsigkari, M; Williams, C; (2018) Form finding nodal connections in grid structure. In: Mueller, C and Adriaenssens, S, (eds.) Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2018: Creativity in Structural Design. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS): Boston, MA, USA. Green open access

Amoros Elorduy, Nerea; (2018) East African Refugee Camps as learning assemblages: the built environment as an educational resource for encamped young children in the East African Rift. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Andron, S; (2018) Selling streetness as experience: the role of street art tours in branding the creative city. Sociological Review , 66 (5) pp. 1036-1057. 10.1177/0038026118771293. Green open access

Andron, S; (2018) To occupy, to inscribe, to thicken: spatial politics and the right to the surface. lo Squaderno (48) pp. 7-11. Green open access

Andron, Sabina; (2018) Graffiti, street art and the right to the surface: for a semiotic, cultural and legal approach to urban surfaces and inscriptions. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Araguez Escobar, Marcela; (2018) Frameworks of uncertainty. Architectural strategies of control and change in the work of Cedric Price and Arata Isozaki (1955-1978). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Baggs, E; (2018) A psychology of the in between? Constructivist Foundations , 13 (3) pp. 395-397. Green open access

Balarezo, MLG; Karimi, K; (2018) Urban Art and place. Spatial patterns of urban art and their contribution to urban regeneration. In: Colomer, V, (ed.) Proceedings of the 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. (pp. pp. 587-597). Universitat Politècnica de València Green open access

Bar, Tal; (2018) Digital architecture and difference: a theory of ethical transpositions towards nomadic embodiments in digital architecture. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barber, P; Kattein, J; Chinchilla, I; We Made That, A; Weber, P; (2018) Street Life. [Group exhibition]. London, UK. 24 January - 09 February 2018. Green open access

Bartolomé, Jaime; (2018) Architectures of Joy: A theoretical and practical guide to the production of positive feelings in buildings. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Bavister, P; (2018) Artificial Intelligence and the generation of emotional response to sound and space. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Volume 40 Part 3: Auditorium Acoustics 2018. (pp. pp. 427-434). Institute of Acoustics (IOA): Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Behrens, M; Mavromichalis, K; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) The Sentiment Cocoon: A Case Study of Media Architectural Interfaces. In: (Proceedings) Media Architecture Biennale. ACM (In press). Green open access

Bolton, T; (2018) Wrong Side of the Tracks? The Development of London’s Railway Terminus Neighbourhoods. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Branscome, E; (2018) Protecting the Brute: The Barbican Estate. In: Fenstad Langdalen, E and Pinochet, A and Szacka, LC, (eds.) Concrete Oslo. (pp. 226-247). Torpedo Press: Oslo, Norway. Green open access


Campkin, B; Marshall, L; (2018) London’s nocturnal queer geographies. Soundings , Autumn (70) pp. 82-96. 10.3898/SOUN.70.06.2018. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Penn, A; (2018) From Foucault to Hillier: the interconnection of space and society in facilities for behavioural health. Presented at: Conference European Healthcare Design 2018, London, UK. Green open access

Claypool, M; (2018) Why I Strike. PNYX , 37 Green open access

Colletti, Marjan; Massing, Peter; (2018) Meeting Nature Halfway: Architecture Interfaced Between Technology and Environment. [Book]. Innsbruck university press Green open access


Denison, E; (2018) Modernism, HUL, and the Age of the Anthropocene. In: Modernism for the Future: An International Conference Proceedings. : Kaunas, Lithuania. Green open access

Denison, E; Ren, GY; (2018) RIBA president’s awards for research 2017: Winner, 2017 RIBA president’s medal for research and winner, history and theory category Ultra-Modernism in Manchuria. Journal of Architecture , 23 (1) pp. 4-41. 10.1080/13602365.2017.1415951. Green open access

Denison, EB; (2018) Modern Heritage, the Other, and the Anthropocene. Built Heritage , 2 (4) pp. 31-41. Green open access

Devilat, B M; (2018) Re-construction and record: exploring alternatives for heritage areas after earthquakes in Chile. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Ecem, FE; Afonso, AG; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Welcoming the Orange Collars: Robotic Performances in Everyday City Life. In: PerDis '18 Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. (pp. p. 17). ACM: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Ergin, E; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Times Square in the Era of Post-truth Politics. In: MAB18 Proceedings of the 4th Media Architecture Biennale Conference. (pp. pp. 11-18). ACM: New York, NY, USA. (In press). Green open access


Forty, JA; (2018) Appendices. In: Langdalen, Erik Fenstad and Pinochet, Andrea and Szacka, Léa-Catherine, (eds.) Concrete Oslo. (pp. 96-113). Torpedo Press: Oslo, Norway.

Forty, JA; (2018) Rectangle. In: Stene-Johansen, Knut and Refsum, Christian and Schimanski, Johan, (eds.) Living Together – Roland Barthes, the Individual and the Community. (pp. 277-282). transcript: Bielefeld, Germany.

Fraser, M; (2018) A British Perspective on Practice-based Architectural Research. Architecture Australia , 2018 (4) pp. 73-74. Green open access

Fraser, M; (2018) Turning East: Design Research in China in a Global Context. Architectural Design , 88 (6) pp. 124-133. 10.1002/ad.2375. Green open access


Giamarelos, S; (2018) The Anti-Hierarchical Atelier that Could not Last. [Magazine_article]. San Rocco , 14 (66) pp. 122-132. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2018) Calling Rowe: After-lives of Formalism in the Digital Age. Footprint , 22 pp. 89-102. 10.7480/footprint.12.1.1760. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2018) Re-habitations [in Greek: Επανακατοικήσεις]. AO Magazine , 80 pp. 45-47. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2018) The Formative Years of Suzana and Dimitris Antonakakis: A Transcultural Genealogy of Critical Regionalism. In: Tostões, A and Koselj, N, (eds.) 15IDC Conference Proceedings; Metamorphosis The Continuity of Change. (pp. pp. 232-240). Docomomo International: Ljubljana, Slovenia. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; Kotsiopoulos, AM; (2018) For the postmodern in architecture = Για το μεταμοντέρνο στην αρχιτεκτονική. [Book]. Portfolio: Architectural History, Theory & Critique. Nefeli: Athens, Greece.

Glynn, R; Abramovic, V; Overvelde, JTB; (2018) Edge of chaos: Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on cellular automata. In: Anzalone, P and Del Signore, M and Wit, AJ, (eds.) ACADIA 2018 Recalibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. (pp. pp. 226-231). ACADIA: Mexico City, Mexico. Green open access

Grigoriadis, K; (2018) The current state of autography. International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing , 7 (2/3) pp. 277-294. 10.1504/IJRAPIDM.2018.092902. Green open access

Guillery, P; (2018) The Survey of London's approaches to the history of East London. In: Proceedings of EAUH Rome 2018. European Association of Urban Historians: Rome, Italy. Green open access


Hanc, M; McAndrew, C; Ucci, M; (2018) Conceptual approaches to wellbeing in buildings: a scoping review. Building Research and Information 10.1080/09613218.2018.1513695. (In press). Green open access

Haralambidou, P; (2018) Eroticism, Architecture and the Desire to Grasp the World Visually in the Work of Marcel Duchamp. AArchitecture , 33 pp. 22-29. Green open access

Haralambidou, P; (2018) The Essayist Drawing: A Form that Thinks. Presented at: Disegno 2018 | Mastery and uncertainty: The Drawings of Architecture, Tournai, Belgium. Green open access

Hölsgens, Sander; (2018) A phenomenology of skateboarding in Seoul, South Korea: experiential and filmic observations. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Javornik, A; Kostopoulou, E; Rogers, Y; Fatah gen Schieck, A; Koutsolampros, P; Moutinho, AM; Julier, S; (2018) An experimental study on the role of augmented reality content type in an outdoor site exploration. Behaviour and Information Technology , 38 (1) pp. 9-27. 10.1080/0144929X.2018.1505950. Green open access

Ji, Y; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Exploring the Role of Data-supported Social Interaction manifested through Public Displays. In: Proceedings of Media Architecture Biennale - 2018. ACM: Beijing, China. (In press). Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Brave New World: Nagami re-thinks design in the new age of technology. [Solo exhibition]. Milan, Italy. 18 - 28 April 2018. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Dansk AM Hub Exhibition. [Group exhibition]. Copenhagen, Denmark. 10 September 2018. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Frizz s.1. [Design]. Manuel Jiménez García x Nagami: London, UK. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Nagami at AR Gallery Dubai. [Solo exhibition]. Dubai, UAE. 03 September - 01 December 2018. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Nagami at Audi Innovation Hub Dubai Design Week. [Group exhibition]. Dubai, UAE. 16 - 24 November 2018. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Nagami at Zaha Hadid Design Gallery. [Solo exhibition]. London, UK. 27 September - 15 November 2018. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Nectary. [Design]. Manuel Jimenez Garcia: London, UK. Green open access

Jimenez Garcia, M; Retsin, G; (2018) 3D Pioneers Challenge 2018. [Group exhibition]. Erfurt, Germany. 06 June - 01 July 2018. Green open access


Karimi, K; (2018) Space syntax: consolidation and transformation of an urban research field. Journal of Urban Design , 23 (1) pp. 1-4. 10.1080/13574809.2018.1403177. Green open access

Kelly, Irene Anne; (2018) Peace-process infrastructure: constructing landscapes in-between Irelands. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kim, Jeong Hye; (2018) An Urban Ecology of Seoul's Nanjido Landfill Park. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Klemmt, C; Gheorghe, A; Pantic, I; Hornung, P; Sodhi, R; (2018) Engineering design tropisms: Utilization of a bamboo-resin joint for voxelized network geometries. In: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). (pp. pp. 322-327). Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA): Mexico City, Mexico. Green open access

Kostopoulou, E; Javornik, A; Koutsolampros, P; Julier, S; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Mediated Spatial Narratives: Experiencing Archival Material and Shared Memories in Urban Space. In: MAB18 Proceedings of the 4th Media Architecture Biennale Conference. (pp. pp. 118-127). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Koutsolampros, P; Sailer, K; Varoudis, T; (2018) Partitioning indoor space using visibility graphs: investigating user behavior in office spaces. In: Proceedings of 4th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture - 2018. : Porto, Portugal. Green open access

Krenz, Kimon; (2018) Network Centralities in Polycentric Urban Regions: Methods for the Measurement of Spatial Metrics. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kurg, A; Correia, J; Crinson‡, M; Heynen, H; Martin, R; Rawes, P; Stieber, N; (2018) Reports from the Fifth EAHN Meeting in Tallinn. Architectural Histories , 6 (1) pp. 1-15. 10.5334/ah.358. Green open access


Massidda, AL; (2018) Utopian Visions for Buenos Aires Shantytowns: Collective Imaginaries of Housing Rights, Upgrading and Eviction (1956–2013). Bulletin of Latin American Research , 37 (2) pp. 144-159. 10.1111/blar.12559. Green open access

McAndrew, C; Konstantinou, E; Claypool, M; (2018) Future practice. In: Dhesi, M, (ed.) The Bartlett Review 2018. The Bartlett: London, UK. Green open access

McAndrew, CL; Palti, I; (2018) Seeking empathy in conscious cities. In: Vaughan, L, (ed.) Designing Cultures of Care. Bloomsbury: London, UK. Green open access

Murray, S; (2018) Radical foundations in Bloomsbury. Design Ecologies , 7 (1) pp. 96-142. 10.1386/des.7.1.96_1. Green open access

Murray, S; (2018) Surrealist Thames-side Piers Tellurian Relics. Architectural Design , 88 (2) pp. 78-83. 10.1002/ad.2283. Green open access


Outten, A; Sailer, K; Backhaus, J; (2018) Designing a Robust, Reliable and Repeatable Fieldwork Protocol for Hospital Observations. Presented at: Design4Health 2018, Sheffield, UK. Green open access


Pantic, Igor; Klemmt, Christoph; (2018) Discrete Cellular Growth. In: Bieg, Kory, (ed.) 2018 TxA Emerging Design + Technology Conference Proceedings. (pp. pp. 73-81). Texas Society of Architects: Austin, TX, USA. Green open access

Papadimitriou, I; Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) Digital Design Weekend. [Group exhibition]. London, UK. 22 - 23 September 2018. Green open access

Pearson, L; (2018) Sixty frames per second: Using the 'distancing' quality of hand drawing to interrogate the logic of virtual worlds. In: RAI2018: Art, Materiality and Representation. Royal Anthropological Institute: London, UK. Green open access

Pearson, L; (2018) Worlds That Are Given: How Architecture Speaks Through Videogames. Thresholds , 46 pp. 264-275. 10.1162/thld_a_00041. Green open access

Pearson, LC; (2018) Architecture of the 'Half Real': exploring the videogame as a new medium for architectural expression. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Penn, AR; (2018) The city is the map: exosomatic memory, shared cognition and a possible mechanism to account for social evolution. Built Environment , 44 (2) pp. 162-176. 10.2148/benv.44.2.162. Green open access

Penn, AR; Turner, JS; (2018) Can we identify general architectural principles that impact the collective behaviour of both human and animal systems? Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences , 373 (1753) , Article 20180253. 10.1098/rstb.2018.0253. Green open access

Penner, B; (2018) The Cornell Kitchen: Design and Housing Research in Postwar America. Technology and Culture , 59 (1) pp. 48-94. 10.1353/tech.2018.0006. Green open access

Pinter-Wollman, N; Penn, A; Theraulaz, G; Fiore, SM; (2018) Interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B , 373 (1753) , Article 20170232. 10.1098/rstb.2017.0232. Green open access

Psarra, S; (2018) The Role of Spatial Networks in the Historic Urban Landscape: Learning from Venice in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice , 9 (3-4) pp. 249-273. 10.1080/17567505.2018.1516380. Green open access

Psarra, S; (2018) The Venice Variations. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access


Rawes, Margaret; (2018) A Burning House. In: Julyan, Alex, (ed.) Chain Reaction. Alex Julyan and Wellcome Trust

Rawes, MS; (2018) Unusual alliances? Radical Philosophy (2.02) pp. 122-124. Green open access

Rawes, MSP; (2018) Insecure Predictions. E-flux Architecture Green open access

Read, Sophie; (2018) In, Out, and Again: Reading and Drawing John Soane’s Lectures at the Royal Institution of Great Britain (1817 and 1820). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Retsin, G; (2018) Blokhut. In: Sanchez, J, (ed.) The Blindspot Initiative Design Resistance and Alternative Modes of Practice. (pp. 38-45). eVolo Press Green open access

Retsin, G; Brayer, M-A; Olivier, Z; Jimenez Garcia, M; (2018) "Glass Pavilion" Second Hand Cars for Export. [Group exhibition]. Brussels, Belgium. 05 May 2018 - 05 May 2019. Green open access

Rock, J; Vaughan, LV; (2018) Jerusalem. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, USA. Green open access

Rock, J; Vaughan, L; (2018) Geographies of Ethnic Segregation in Stockholm: The Role of Mobility and Co-presence in Shaping the ‘Diverse’ City. Urban Studies (In press). Green open access


Sailer, K; Kendall, J; (2018) Contextualising and connecting learning. In: Davies, JP and Pachler, N, (eds.) Teaching and learning in Higher Education: Perspectives from UCL. (pp. 133-143). UCL IoE Press: London, UK. Green open access

Sailer, K; (2018) Corridors, classrooms, classification – The impact of school layout on pedagogy and social behaviours. In: Tse, HM and Daniels, H and Stables, A and Cox, S, (eds.) Designing Buildings for the Future of Schooling: Contemporary Visions for Education. (pp. 87-112). Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. Green open access

Saito, K; van Poeteren, K; (2018) The perception–production link revisited: The case of Japanese learners' English /ɹ/ performance. International Journal of Applied Linguistics , 28 (1) pp. 3-17. 10.1111/ijal.12175. Green open access

Serra, M; Hillier, B; (2018) Angular and Metric Distance in Road Network Analysis: A nationwide correlation study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems , 74 pp. 194-207. 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.11.003. Green open access

Serra, M; Psarra, S; O’Brien, J; (2018) Social and Physical Characterization of Urban Contexts: Techniques and Methods for Quantification, Classification and Purposive Sampling. Urban Planning , 3 (1) pp. 58-74. 10.17645/up.v3i1.1269. Green open access

Shen, Y; Karimi, K; (2018) Urban evolution as a spatio-functional interaction process: the case of central Shanghai. Journal of Urban Design , 23 (1) pp. 42-70. 10.1080/13574809.2017.1337496. Green open access

Sheng, Q; Chen, Z; Karimi, K; LU, A; Min, S; (2018) The Application of Space Syntaxmodelling in Data-based Urban Design: an Example of Chaoyang Square Renewal in Jilin City. Landscape Architecture Frontiers , 6 (2) pp. 102-113. 10.15302/J-LAF-20180211. Green open access

Spankie, Rosemary; (2018) Drawing out the Interior: Thinking through Drawing. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Tayob, H; (2018) Opaque Architectures: Spatial Practices of African Migrant Markets in Cape Town (1990 - present). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Tzortzi, K; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Displaying future heritage? The museum work of Jason Bruges Studio and United Visual Artists. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK. Green open access


Varoudis, T; Swenson, AG; Kirkton, SD; Waters, JS; (2018) Exploring nest structures of acorn dwelling ants with x-ray microtomography and surface based 3D visibility graph analysis. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences , 373 (1753) , Article 20170237. 10.1098/rstb.2017.0237. Green open access

Vaughan, LS; (2018) Mapping Society: The Spatial Dimensions of Social Cartography. [Book]. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Vaughan, LS; (2018) High Street Diversity. Urban Design , 2018:4 (18) pp. 6-23. Green open access

Vaughan, LS; Khan, S; Tarkhanyan, L; Dhanani, A; (2018) The spatial configuration of minority ethnic business diversity in London’s high streets. In: Heitor, T and Serra, M and Silva, JP and Bacharel, M and Da Silva, LC, (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium. University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Vaughan, LS; Khan, S; Tarkhanyan, L; Dhanani, AN; (2018) The impact of minority ethnic businesses on the spatial character of London's high streets. Urban Design International , 23 (4) pp. 249-263. 10.1057/s41289-018-0060-5. Green open access

Vercruysse, E; Mollica, Z; Devadass, P; (2018) Altered Behaviour: The Performative Nature of Manufacture Chainsaw Choreographies + Bandsaw Manoeuvres. In: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2018. (pp. pp. 309-319). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access


Waterman, T; (2018) Feasting is a Project. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://blogs.plymouth.ac.uk/imaginingalternatives/... Green open access

Waterman, T; (2018) Healthy Mergers. Azure , OCT 18 004-007. Green open access

Waterman, T; (2018) Living in Your Landscape. Garden Design Journal , SEP 18 p. 23. Green open access

Waterman, T; (2018) Making Meaning: Utopian Method for Minds, Bodies, and Media in Architectural Design. Open Library of Humanities , 4 (1) , Article 4. 10.16995/olh.109. Green open access

Waterman, T; (2018) Two London Squares and a Theory of the Beige Hole. Landscape Architecture Magazine , JUL 18 pp. 86-99. Green open access

Weber, PM; Storp, S; (2018) Eine Tragödie in drei Akten - Casa Sperimentale by Luigi Perugini. Deutsche Bauzeitung , 2018 (09) pp. 128-129. Green open access

Wilson, R; (2018) Figures of the Debacle: The Utopics of Whistler's Wapping. In: Proceedings of the Unmoored Cities: Radical Urban Futures and Climate Catastrophes. The Bartlett School of Architecture: London, UK. Green open access

Wilson, RM; (2018) A Journey Through Modern Foundations: Re-Imagining Modernity in the Work of Photolanguage. Design Ecologies , 7 (1) pp. 22-46. 10.1386/des.7.1.22_1. Green open access


Zaninović, T; Palaiologou, G; Griffiths, S; Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, B; (2018) Urban Landscape and Spatial Heritage: The Case of Gateway-Pathways in Zagreb, Croatia. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice , 9 (3-4) pp. 274-305. 10.1080/17567505.2018.1514568. Green open access

Zielinska-Dabkowska, K; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) Designing digital displays and interactive media in today’s cities by night. Do we know enough about attracting attention to do so? Conscious Cities 10.33797/CCA18.01. Green open access

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