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Number of items: 49.


Aghababaeian, H; Ostadtaghizadeh, A; Ardalan, A; Asgary, A; Akbary, M; Yekaninejad, MS; Sharafkhani, R; (2023) Mortality Risk Related to Heatwaves in Dezful City, Southwest of Iran. Environmental Health Insights , 17 10.1177/11786302231151538. Green open access

Alami Fariman, Mahsa; (2023) Closedness and openness in Tehran; a feminist critique of Sennett. Gender, Place & Culture , 30 (12) pp. 1690-1711. 10.1080/0966369x.2022.2092074. Green open access

Astolfo, Giovanna; Allsopp, Harriet; (2023) The coloniality of migration and integration: continuing the discussion. Comparative Migration Studies , 11 (1) , Article 19. 10.1186/s40878-023-00343-2. Green open access

Attard, Maria; Guzman, Luis A; Oviedo, Daniel; (2023) Urban space distribution: The case for a more equitable mobility system. Case Studies on Transport Policy , 14 , Article 101096. 10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101096. Green open access

Austin, Victoria; (2023) How does access to Assistive Technology mediate recourse to Disability Justice for urban poor people? A study centring the experiences of disabled slum dwellers in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Banerjee, Paroj; (2023) Making‐Home From Below: Domesticating Footpath and Resisting “Homelessness” in Mumbai. Antipode , 55 (1) pp. 5-26. 10.1111/anti.12889. Green open access

Boano, Camillo; (2023) The destituent power of Rancière's radical equality. In: Gunder, M and Grange, K and Winkler, T, (eds.) Handbook of Power and Planning. (pp. 118-133). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Boano, Camillo; Chmutina, Ksenia; (2023) GRRIPP Lexicon: A Collective Vocabulary for liberation in darker times. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.grripp.net/other Green open access

Bobbins, K; Diep, L; Hofmann, P; OkoWilliams, A; Campos, LC; Steenmans, I; Lakhanpaul, M; ... Parikh, P; + view all (2023) Accelerating progress towards the SDGs: Collaborative policymaking in sanitation for integrated benefits in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Development Sustainability , 2 , Article 100037. 10.1016/j.wds.2022.100037. Green open access

Brain Valenzuela, Isabel Margarita; (2023) Back to the City in Santiago, Chile: Reading Inner-City Change Through the Hybrid Urban Change Lens. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College of London). Green open access


Capriglione, Lourenço; Hofmann, Pascale; Chicarino, Tathiana; Pimenta, Elcires; (2023) Sanitation in Informal Settlements: Integrated local action towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Campinas. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access


Dávila, Julio D; (2023) Expansión urbana, accesibilidad y sostenibilidad. In: Fuentes, Luis and Greene, Margarita and Mora, Rodrigo, (eds.) Dinámicas Territoriales. (pp. 52-70). Ediciones ARQ: Santiago, Chile. Green open access

Dianati, V; Turcu, C; (2023) Place (un)making through soft urban densification: exploring local experiences of density and place attachment in Tehran. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development , 15 (1) pp. 63-79. 10.1080/19463138.2023.2184825. Green open access


Encinas, Felipe; Freed, Carmen; Aguirre, Carlos; Schueftan, Alejandra; Vergara, Francisco; Orellana, Sebastián; (2023) El individualismo como política pública: la vivienda incremental amenazada por la pobreza energética. Revista INVI , 38 (109) pp. 17-70. 10.5354/0718-8358.2023.70681. Green open access


Galeano Duque, Vanessa; (2023) Delivering the ‘miracle’: levelling-up low-income neighbourhoods through local infrastructure and jobs activation. Medellín, Colombia, 2000–2018. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Garb, Yaakov; Leblond, Nelly; (2023) Flowing toxics: E-waste field work in the Palestinian-Israeli space. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 10.1177/23996544231176923. (In press). Green open access

García González, Francisco; (2023) 'A parar la olla': learning from ollas comunes in times of crisis to enhance resilient and just food systems. (DPU Working Papers 215). UCL Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Garfias Royo, Margarita; Walker, Julian; Belur, Jyoti; Parikh, Priti; (2023) Violence against women in Corregidora, Mexico: the disconnect between women experiences and stakeholders' views. Development in Practice 10.1080/09614524.2023.2265586. (In press). Green open access

Guzman, Luis A; Arellana, Julian; Oviedo, Daniel; Castaño Herrera, Daniela; Sarmiento, Olga L; (2023) Lifting urban mobility for the poor: Cable-cars, travel satisfaction and subjective well-being. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 119 , Article 103765. 10.1016/j.trd.2023.103765. Green open access

Guzman, Luis A; Cantillo-Garcia, Victor A; Oviedo, Daniel; Arellana, Julian; (2023) How much is accessibility worth? Utility-based accessibility to evaluate transport policies. Journal of Transport Geography , 112 , Article 103683. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103683. Green open access


Joana, Dabaj; Sara, Maassarani; Rigon, Andrea; Riccardo Luca, Conti; (2023) Rebuilding communities through public space interventions: Co-learning from Beirut’s reconstruction after the 2020 port blast. CatalyticAction & University College London (UCL): Beirut, Lebanon. Green open access


Koliulis, Alessio; (2023) La città oltre il postfordismo. Geografie urbane e nuove economie di piattaforma. In: Fadini, Ubaldo and Zanini, Adelino, (eds.) Postfordismo e oltre. (pp. 69-79). Editrice Clinamen: Florence, Italy. Green open access


Lambert, Rita; Escalante Estrada, Carlos; De los Rios, Silvia; Verdiere, Marion; Wieser, Martin; (2023) Dignified housing and energy justice: Learning from low-income neigbourhoods in Lima [Policy Brief]. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.gemdev.net/ Green open access

Lambert, Rita; Escalante Estrada, Carlos; de los Rios, Silvia; Verdiere, Marion; Wieser, Martin; (2023) Vivienda digna y justicia energética: Una mirada a los barrios populares de Lima. GEMDEv project | University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Lambert, Rita; Tomei, Julia; Escalante Estrada, Carlos; De Los Rios, Silvia; (2023) Centralized injustices: understanding energy resilience in times of disruption in low-income settlements in Peru. Environment & Urbanization 10.1177/09562478231180771. (In press). Green open access


Marvin, Simon; McFarlane, Colin; Guma, Prince; Hodson, Michael; Lockhart, Andrew; McGuirk, Pauline; McMeekin, Andrew; ... Wiig, Alan; + view all (2023) Post‐pandemic cities: An urban lexicon of accelerations/decelerations. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 10.1111/tran.12607. (In press). Green open access

Mastromarino, Stefano; Boano, camillo; (2023) Vallée de la Roya and its opaque infrastructures of transit. Inhabiting the border. field: , 9 (1) 10.62471/field.117. Green open access

Mukherjee, J; Marks, S; Haeffner, M; Pande, S; van Oel, P; Sanderson, MR; Allen, A; (2023) Editorial: Solutions to water crises (related to actual interventions). Frontiers in Water , 5 , Article 1270291. 10.3389/frwa.2023.1270291. Green open access


Ortiz, Catalina; (2023) Galvanizing spatial imaginations otherwise. [Review]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research pp. 9-11. 10.56949/1HDW4826.

Ortiz, Catalina; (2023) Writing the Latin American city: Trajectories of urban scholarship. Urban Studies 10.1177/00420980231184037. (In press). Green open access

Ortiz, Catalina; Gómez Córdoba, Oscar; (2023) Territorial healing: A spatial spiral weaving transformative reparation. Planning Theory 10.1177/14730952231181129. Green open access

Ortiz, Catalina; Kolovou Kouri, Marina; Sakuma, Shoko; (2023) Community-Led Housing in Yangon: The Struggles of Non-Confrontational Resistance and Feminist Crisis Management. Partecipazione e Conflitto , 16 (1) pp. 7-23. 10.1285/i20356609v16i1p07. (In press). Green open access

Ortiz, Catalina; Villamizar Duarte, Natalia; García Fernández, Laia; Talocci, Giorgio; (2023) Framing a counter-city: The story of Sheffield Otherwise. Cities , 142 , Article 104533. 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104533. (In press). Green open access

Ortiz Arciniegas, Catalina; Franco Calderón, Ángela María; (2023) Mejoramiento integral del hábitat como estrategia para la transición hacia la paz territorial urban. (Populab Policy Briefs 1). The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Oviedo, Daniel; San Gil, Andrea; Sabogal-Cardona, Orlando; Scholl, Lynn; (2023) Microtransit in Latin America and the Caribbean: Governance, operations, and regulation for socially inclusive and sustainable urban mobility. (IDB Technical Note 02791). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Oviedo Hernandez, Daniel; Dávila, Julio D; (2023) Minding the gaps: Transport equity, accessibility, and wellbeing in contexts of transition. DPU News , 72 pp. 2-6. Green open access


Patel, Kamna; (2023) Decolonization, Development and Knowledge in Africa: Turning Over a New Leaf by Sabelo J. NDLOVU-GATSHENI, London, Routledge, 2022. [Review]. European Journal of Risk Regulation , 14 (2) pp. 425-428. 10.1017/err.2022.43. Green open access

Patel, Kamna; (2023) “We’re on a journey” - wandering, circuitous routes and dead ends: antiracist discourse in British development and humanitarian INGOs. Presented at: Humanitarianism, Development, and the Crafting of Racial Subjects, Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.), USA. (In press).

Patel, Kamna; (2023) Development and racial hierarchy. In: Clarke, Matthew and Zhao, Xinyu, (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Development. (pp. 170-173). Edward Elgar Publishing

Patel, Kamna; Sanyal, Romola; (2023) Diasporic scholarship: racialization, coloniality and de-territorializing knowledge. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 10.1111/sjtg.12529. (In press). Green open access

Pietrostefani, Elisabetta; Dabaj, Joana; Boano, Camillo; (2023) Chapter 14 — Rethinking ‘Spaces of Exchange’ for Future Cities. In: Veddeler, C and Kuijper,, J and Gath-Morad, M and van der Wal, I, (eds.) Future Cities—City Futures: Emerging Urban Perspectives. TU Delft OPEN Publishing: Delft, the Netherlands. Green open access

Praino, Evelina; Boano, Camillo; (2023) Zoé. Vesper. Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria / Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory , 8 (Vesper) pp. 210-211. Green open access


Rigon, Andrea; (2023) Da Mapping a Off Campus: Riflessione sui risultati e le prospettive delle attività del Politecnico a San Siro. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Rigon, Andrea; Dabaj, Joana; Conti, Riccardo Luca; (2023) Belonging and agency: the transformatory power of participatory design with children affected by displacement. In: Thomas, Nigel Patrick and Percy-Smith, Barry and Twum-Danso Imoh, Afua, (eds.) Handbook of Children and Young People's Participation: Conversations for Transformational Change. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Rokem, Jonathan; Boano, Camillo; (2023) Towards a Global Urban Geopolitics: Inhabiting Violence. Geopolitics pp. 1-14. 10.1080/14650045.2023.2212249. (In press). Green open access


Sabogal-Cardona, Orlando; Oviedo, Daniel; Scholl, Lynn; (2023) Can Ride-Hailing Services Reduce Car Ownership?: Lessons from 3 Latin-American Cities. (IDB Technical Note 02796). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Schwake, Gabriel; Yacobi, Haim; (2023) Decolonisation, gentrification, and the settler-colonial city: Reappropriation and new forms of urban exclusion in Israel. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 10.1177/23996544231208198. (In press). Green open access


von Bertrab, Étienne Miguel; Córdoba Azcárate, Matilde; (2023) Author meets critic: a critical and timely exploration of Yucatán’s predatory and sticky tourism. [Review]. Tourism Geographies , 25 (4) pp. 1292-1296. 10.1080/14616688.2022.2139408. Green open access


Zhou, Lin; de Vries, Walter Timo; Panman, Alexandra; Gao, F; Fang, C; (2023) Evaluating Collective Action for Effective Land Policy Reform in Developing Country Contexts: The Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Indicators. Land , 12 (7) , Article 1401. 10.3390/land12071401. Green open access

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