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Number of items: 78.


Abbass, Allan; Luyten, Patrick; Leichsenring, Falk; (2025) Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is a First Line Option for Depression and Treatment Resistant Depression According to Available Evidence. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (In press).

Aras, Aylin; Fonagy, Peter; Campbell, Chloe; Rosan, Camilla; (2025) What do we know about parental embodied mentalizing? A systematic review of the construct, assessment, empirical findings, gaps and further steps. Attachment and Human Development (In press).

Asztalos, Lilla; Senra, Hugo; O'Driscoll, Ciarán; Feigenbaum, Janet; King-Casas, Brooks; London Personality and Mood Disorder Consortium; Nolte, Tobias; ... Fonagy, Peter; + view all (2025) An exploration of the relationship between ineffective modes of mentalization and difficulties related to borderline personality disorder: A network approach. Journal of Affective Disorders (In press).


Baron-Cohen, Kate Lindley; Fearon, Pasco; Feldman, Ruth; Hardiman, Paul; Zagoory-Sharon, Orna; Meins, Elizabeth; Fonagy, Peter; (2025) Intranasal oxytocin increases breast milk oxytocin, but has a reduced effect in depressed mothers: A randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology , Article 107374. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2025.107374.

Berghmans, Ellen; Vliegen, Nicole; Destoop, Marianne; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) Engagement strategies in an assertive outreach context: a mixed-methods systematic review. Journal of Mental Health 10.1080/09638237.2024.2390363. (In press).

Birdal Altun, Seval; Luyten, Patrick; Karabulut, Vahap; Evren, Cuneyt; Bongard, Stephan; (2025) Yansıtıcı İşleyiş Ölçeği Türkçe versiyonunun psikometrik özelliklerinin madde kullanımı nedeniyle denetimli serbestlik sürecinde olan erkekler ve sağlıklı kontrol gruplarında değerlendirilmesi = Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire in males on probation due to substance use and a healthy control group. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi (In press).

Blandford, Ann; Bindman, Julia; Bradbury, Katherine; Cooper, Belinda; Costanza, Enrico; Edwards, Sandra; Hamilton, Fiona L; ... Goodfellow, Henry; + view all (2025) Experiences of user-centred design with agile development for clinically supported self-management of Long Covid. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 10.1145/3711839. (In press). Green open access

Brewin, Chris R; Atwoli, Lukoye; Bisson, Jonathan I; Galea, Sandro; Koenen, Karestan; Lewis-Fernández, Roberto; (2025) Post-traumatic stress disorder: evolving conceptualization and evidence, and future research directions. World Psychiatry , 24 (1) pp. 52-80. 10.1002/wps.21269.

Bruun, Andrea; Jordan, Leon; Giles, Jo; Hughes, Rhidian; Anderson-Kittow, Rebecca; Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene; (2025) Don’t assume, ask! A focus group study on end-of-life care planning with people with intellectual disabilities from minoritised ethnic groups. BMC Palliative Care , 24 (1) , Article 13. 10.1186/s12904-025-01646-0. Green open access

Bruun, Andrea; White, Nicola; Oostendorp, Linda; Stone, Paddy; Bloch, Steven; (2025) Initiating prognostic talk during hospice multidisciplinary team meetings: a conversation analytic study. Journal of Palliative Care (In press). Green open access

Bruun, Andrea; White, Nicola; Oostendorp, Linda; Stone, Paddy; Bloch, Steven; (2025) Time estimates in prognostic discussions: a conversation analytic study of hospice multidisciplinary team meetings. Palliative Medicine (In press). Green open access

Bryant, Olivia; (2025) Allied Healthcare Professionals’ experiences of addressing the psychological needs of people with cancer. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bustos-Rubilar, Mario; Kyle, Fiona; Mahon, Hadassa Merle; (2025) Deaf children with cochlear implants in Chile: A national analysis of health determinants and outcomes in the Latin American context. PLoS ONE (In press).

Buti, Jacopo; Ronca, F; Burgess, PW; Gallagher, J; Ashley, P; Needleman, I; (2025) Association between periodontitis and physical fitness in law enforcement workers. Clinical Oral Investigations , 29 (2) , Article 99. 10.1007/s00784-024-06135-x. Green open access


Chen, Y; Xu, Y; (2025) Sequential perception of tone and focus in parallel–A computational simulation. Speech Communication , 168 , Article 103173. 10.1016/j.specom.2024.103173. (In press). Green open access

Chow, Athena RW; Baldwin, Jessie R; Bowes, Lucy; (2025) Do meaningful dimensions of childhood adversity exist? Data-driven evidence from two prospective cohort studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (In press).

Cirasola, Antonella; Fonagy, Peter; Midgley, Nick; (2025) Alliance rupture and repair in adolescent psychotherapy: what clinicians can learn from research. Psychotherapy 10.1037/pst0000535. (In press). Green open access

Coates McDowall, Holly; Rimfeld, Kaili; Krishnan, Saloni; (2025) Cognitive reappraisal reduces academic anxiety in university students with dyslexia. Mind, Brain, and Education (In press).

Cooper, Kate; Burnley, Annabel; Allain, Leon; Beresford, Bryony; Crane, Laura; Vazquez Morales, Maximiliano; Portway, Lucy; ... Mandy, William; + view all (2025) Autism Transition to Adulthood Groups (ATAG): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a new peer-group intervention to promote successful transition to adulthood for autistic young people. BMJ Open 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-089802. (In press).

Cooper, Kate; Russell, Ailsa; (2025) Insistence on sameness, repetitive negative thinking and mental health in autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism (In press). Green open access


Dawe-Lane, Erin O; Saunders, Rob; Flouri, Eirini; Mandy, William PL; (2025) Emotion and peer problems in autistic adolescents: The role of puberty, school adjustment and bullying. JCPP Advances 10.1002/jcv2.12305. (In press). Green open access

Degano, Marco; Marty, Paul; Ramotowska, Sonia; Aloni, Maria; Breheny, Richard; Romoli, Jacopo; Sudo, Yasutada; (2025) The ups and downs of ignorance. Natural Language Semantics 10.1007/s11050-024-09226-3. (In press). Green open access

Delamain, H; Saunders, R; Tanzer, M; Luyten, P; Fonagy, P; Campbell, C; (2025) Identifying subgroups of individuals based on their epistemic stance, attachment dimensions and childhood trauma: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research , 181 pp. 701-708. 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.12.033. Green open access

DeYoung, Colin G; Hilger, Kirsten; Hanson, Jamie L; Abend, Rany; Allen, Timothy A; Beaty, Roger E; Blain, Scott D; ... Wacker, Jan; + view all (2025) Beyond Increasing Sample Sizes: Optimizing Effect Sizes in Neuroimaging Research on Individual Differences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience pp. 1-12. 10.1162/jocn_a_02297. (In press).


Fiore, SImon; Luyten, Patrick; Vliegen, Nicole; Soenens, Bart; (2025) Understanding parenting stress in adoptive parents: a longitudinal multilevel study of parents’ self-criticism, child negative emotionality, and child age at placement. Journal of Personality (In press).

Fiore, Simon; Mabbe, Elien; Luyten, Patrick; Vliegen, Nicole; Soenens, Bart; (2025) The Role of Parental Reflective Functioning in Associations between Daily Autonomy-Relevant Parenting, Parenting Stress, and Early and Middle Adolescents' Day-to-Day Difficulties. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (In press).

Fonagy, Peter; (2025) Preface. In: Midgley, Nick and Ensink, Karin and Lindqvist, Karin and Malberg, Norka and Muller, Nicole, (eds.) Mentalization-based treatment for children: a time-limited approach. American Psychological Association (APA): Washington, DC, USA. (In press).

Fonagy, Peter; Campbell, Chloe; Allison, Elizabeth; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) Epistemic trust and social learning: a transdiagnostic integrative model of mental disorders and therapeutic interventions. In: Rotenberg, Kenneth J and Petrocchi, Serena and Levante, Annalisa and Lecciso, Flavia, (eds.) Handbook of Trust and Social Psychology. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. (In press).

Fonagy, Peter; Simes, Elizabeth; Yirmiya, Karen; Wason, James; Barrett, Barbara; Frater, Alison; Cameron, Angus; ... Bateman, Anthony; + view all (2025) Mentalization-based treatment for antisocial personality disorder in male offenders on community probation in England and Wales (Mentalizing for Offending Adult Males, MOAM): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry (In press).


Giunta, Giulia; Roccaforte, Maria; Pouscoulous, Nausicaa; Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo; (2025) Presupposition: accepted information or embraced beliefs? The role of informative function and trigger type in separating two levels of accommodation. Folia Linguistica 10.1515/flin-2024-0027. Green open access

Grillo, Nino; Santi, Andrea; Turco, Giuseppina; (2025) Shaping Rhythm to Keep Balance: The Structural Implications of Temporal Modulation. In: Rhythms of Speech and Language: Culture, Cognition, and the Brain. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge,UK. (In press).

Gruffydd, Ianto; Tamburelli, Marco; Breit, Florian; Bagheri, Hamidreza; (2025) Investigating the relationship between language exposure and explicit and implicit language attitudes towards Welsh and English. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 10.1177/0261927X241294031. (In press).

Gu, Yan; Donnellan, Ed; Grzyb, Beata; Murgiano, Margherita; Brieke, Ricarda; Perniss, Pamela; Vigliocco, Gabriella; (2025) The ECOLANG Multimodal Corpus of adult-child and adult-adult Language. Scientific data 10.1038/s41597-025-04405-1. (In press).

Guinote, Ana; Kossowska, Malgorzata; Jago, Marian; Idenekpoma, Success; Biddlestone, Mikey; (2025) Why do people share (mis)information? Power motives in social media. Computers in Human Behavior , 162 , Article 108453. 10.1016/j.chb.2024.108453. Green open access


Haarsma, Joost; Kaltenmaier, Aaron; Fleming, Stephen M; Kok, Peter; (2025) Expectations about presence enhance the influence of content-specific expectations on low-level orientation judgements. Cognition , 254 , Article 105961. 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.105961. Green open access

Hannah, Jones; Krishnan, Saloni; (2025) Investigating reading enjoyment in adults with dyslexia. Dyslexia (In press).

Herle, Moritz; Carter Leno, Virginia; Mandy, Will; (2025) Recommendations for Advancing Understanding of Eating Disorders in Neurodivergent People: A Commentary on Inal-Kaleli et al. 2024 and Nimbley et al. 2024. International Journal of Eating Disorders 10.1002/eat.24380. (In press). Green open access

Hung, I-Tzu; Viding, Essi; Stringaris, Argyris; Ganiban, Jody M; Saudino, Kimberly J; (2025) Understanding the Etiology of Externalizing Problems in Young Children: The Roles of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Irritability. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 10.1016/j.jaac.2025.01.005. (In press).


Jensen, Keith; Rouvroye, Lin; Eiteljoerge, Sarah; Lieven, Elena; Fe, Eduardo; Pouscoulous, Nausicaa; (2025) Give some, keep some, put some: The language of sharing in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 249 , Article 106066. 10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106066. Green open access


Keenan, Megan; Freeman, Leanne; Santana de Lima, Ediane; Potter, Katie; Hobbs, Tim; Ballard, Ellis; Fonagy, Peter; (2025) A systemic approach to identifying sustainable community-based interventions for improving adolescent mental health: a participatory group model building and design protocol. Health Research Policy and Systems (In press).


Langmuir, Tori; Wilson, Mackenzie; McCleary, Nicola; Patey, Andrea M; Mekki, Karim; Ghazal, Hanan; Estey Noad, Elizabeth; ... Presseau, Justin; + view all (2025) Strategies and resources used by public health units to encourage COVID-19 vaccination among priority groups: a behavioural science-informed review of three urban centres in Canada. BMC Public Health , 25 (1) , Article 403. 10.1186/s12889-025-21342-1. Green open access

Lassri, Dana; Gewirtz-Meydan, Ateret; (2025) Breaking the cycle: Mentalizing moderates and mediates the link between childhood sexual abuse and satisfaction with adult romantic relationships. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 10.1037/tra0001692. (In press). Green open access

Laver, Katharine; (2025) Lawyers’ experiences of discussing trauma with asylum seeking clients. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lee, Jasmine; Janson, Harald; Nærde, Ane; Flouri, Eirini; (2025) The impact of maternal lifetime stressor exposure on child effortful control in the preschool years: Findings from the Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental study. Children and Youth Services Review , 170 , Article 108147. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2025.108147. Green open access

Lee, Kloe; (2025) Exploring the effects of a values-based micro-intervention for social media use on emerging adults: a randomised controlled trial. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Leichsenring, Falk; Abbass, Allan; Fonagy, Peter; Levy, Kenneth; Lilliengren, Peter; Luyten, Patrick; Midgley, Nick; (2025) Psychodynamic therapy can be adapted to and implemented in non-western cultures – a comment on the WHO treatment guideline for mental disorders. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (In press).

Long, Emily L; Catmur, Caroline; Fleming, Stephen M; Bird, Geoffrey; (2025) Metacognition facilitates theory of mind through optimal weighting of trait inferences. Cognition , 256 , Article 106042. 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.106042.

Lowyck, Benedicte; Verhaest, Yannic; Vermote, Rudi; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) Changes in self and object representations as measured by the differentiation-relatedness scale in patients with a personality disorder during a hospitalization-based psychodynamic treatment. Psychoanalytic Inquiry (In press).

Luyten, Patrick; Bex, Mélanie; Claeys, Herwig; (2025) Psychodynamische therapie gaat online: blended Dynamische Interpersoonlijke Therapie (DIT). Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie (In press).

Luyten, Patrick; Fonagy, Peter; (2025) Psychodynamic approaches. In: Conway, Christopher and Krueger, Bob, (eds.) Handbook of Dimensional Models of Psychopathology. Oxford University Press (In press).

Luyten, Patrick; Fonagy, Peter; (2025) Psychodynamic Treatments of Depression. In: Pettit, Jeremy W. and M. Olino, Thomas and Boyd, Rhonda C. and C. Chu, Brian and Hayden, P. Elizabeth and Pizzagalli, Diego A., (eds.) APA Handbook of Depression: Minoritized Populations, Lifespan Development, Assessment, and Treatment. American Psychological Association: Washington, D.C., USA.

Luyten, Patrick; Malcorps, Saskia; Fonagy, Peter; (2025) Mentalization-based treatment for adolescent depression. Psychodynamic Psychiatry (In press).

Luyten, Patrick; Moser, Max; Fonagy, Peter; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) Serious concerns about “Concerns over the process and outcomes of the review by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists into long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy”. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (In press). Green open access


Maimon-Mor, Roni O; Farahbakhsh, Mahtab; Hedger, Nicholas; Rider, Andrew T; Anderson, Elaine J; Rees, Geraint; Dekker, Tessa M; ... Michaelides, Michel; + view all (2025) Hierarchical cortical plasticity in congenital sight impairment. eLife , 13 (RP100404) 10.7554/eLife.100404.1. Green open access

Malcorps, Saskia; Vliegen, Nicole; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) Mentalizing in adolescence: developmental trends and associations with borderline personality disorder features. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment (In press).

Meekings, Sophie; Eijk, Lotte; Stankova, Stefany; Maruthy, Santosh; Scott, Sophie Kerttu; (2025) Conflicting Evidence for a Motor Timing Theory of Stuttering: Choral Speech Changes the Rhythm of Both Neurotypical and Stuttering Talkers, but in Opposite Directions. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-24-00405. (In press). Green open access

Mera, Yeray; Modirrousta-Galian, Ariana; Thomas, Gemma; Higham, Philip A; Seabrooke, Tina; (2025) Erring on the Side of Caution : Two Failures to Replicate the Derring Effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 10.1037/xge0001707. (In press). Green open access

Moll, Kristina; Krishnan, Saloni; (2025) Parenting as an influence on the course of neurodevelopmental conditions: Still a taboo topic? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (In press).


Perez, Alejandra; Steele, Miriam; Fonagy, Peter; Fearon, Pasco; Segal, Francesca; Steele, Howard; (2025) Predictions of adolescents’ responses to the Youth Self-Report from parental attachment interviews collected during pregnancy: a 17-year longitudinal study. Attachment & Human Development 10.1080/14616734.2024.2448916. (In press).

Pezzoli, Patrizia; McCrory, Eamon J; Viding, Essi; (2025) Shedding Light on Antisocial Behavior Through Genetically Informed Research. Annual Review of Psychology , 76 (27) pp. 1-23. 10.1146/annurev-psych-021524-043650.

Pilnick, Alison; O’Brien, Rebecca; Beeke, Suzanne; Windeatt-Harrison, Isabel; Bridgstock, Lauren; Harwood, Rowan H; (2025) “I want to get out… I’ve got a child at home”: intersubjectivity, reality disjunctures and distress in the care of people living with dementia in the acute hospital. Social Science & Medicine , Article 117805. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2025.117805. (In press).

Potter, Sally; Kox, Thomas; Mills, Brian; Taylor, Andrea; Robbins, Joanne; Cerrudo, Carolina; Wyatt, Faye; ... Tupper, Andrew; + view all (2025) Research gaps and challenges for impact-based forecasts and warnings: Results of international workshops for High Impact Weather in 2022. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , Article 105234. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2025.105234. (In press).


Qin, Erying; Sun, Chao; Breheny, Richard; (2025) Does ‘a couple’ pattern with scalars or numbers - Insights from inference and ‘so’ tasks. In: Experiments in Linguistic Meaning. (pp. pp. 299-307). Linguistic Society of America: Philadelphia, PA, USA. Green open access


Redburn, James; Hayes, Benjamin; (2025) A Qualitative Investigation of How UK-Based Educational Psychologists Use a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook with Young People. School Psychology International (In press). Green open access

Remeeus, Melissa GA; Silvius, Jordy AW; Feenstra, Dine J; Luyten, Patrick; Hutsebaut, Joost; Scholte, Ron HJ; (2025) Physical activity, sleep, and eating in young people with borderline personality disorder. Personality and Mental Health (In press).

Richmond, LL; Burnett, LK; Kearley, J; Gilbert, SJ; Morrison, AB; Ball, BH; (2025) Individual differences in prospective and retrospective memory offloading. Journal of Memory and Language , 142 , Article 104617. 10.1016/j.jml.2025.104617.

Rudkin, L; Williams, L; Williams, ACDC; (2025) Investigation into nurses' emotion regulation while causing pain to adult patients during burns dressing changes: a qualitative study. Burns , 51 (1) , Article 107315. 10.1016/j.burns.2024.107315.


Salvato, Gerardo; Jenkinson, Paul Mark; Sellitto, Manuela; Crivelli, Damiano; Crottini, Francesco; Fazia, Teresa; Squarza, Silvia Amaryllis Claudia; ... Bottini, Gabriella; + view all (2025) The contribution of cutaneous thermal signals to bodily self-awareness. Nature Communications , 16 (1) , Article 569. 10.1038/s41467-025-55829-7. Green open access

Serfaty, Marc; Satchell, Jessica; Laycock, Gloria K; Brewin, Chris R; Buszewicz, Marta; Leavey, Gerard; Drennan, Vari M; ... Kessel, Anthony; + view all (2025) Cross-agency working when conducting a pragmatic RCT for older victims of crime: our experiences and lessons learned. Trials , 26 , Article 17. 10.1186/s13063-024-08680-y. Green open access

Simes, Elizabeth; Butler, Stephen; Allison, Elizabeth; Barrett, Barbara; Bateman, Anthony; Cameron, Angus; Crawford, Mike; ... Fonagy, Peter; + view all (2025) Bridging the Gap: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Impact of the Involvement of Researchers With Lived Experience on a Multisite Randomised Control Trial in the National Probation Service in England and Wales. Health Expectations (In press).

Suh, JW; Saunders, Rob; Simes, Elizabeth; Delamain, Henry; Butler, Stephen; Cottrell, David; Kraam, Abdullah; ... Fonagy, Peter; + view all (2025) Predicting criminal offence in adolescents who exhibit antisocial behaviour: A machine learning study using data from a large randomised controlled trial of Multisystemic therapy. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (In press).

Sullivan, Mark D; Williams, Amanda C de C; (2025) The social nature of human pain. Pain , 166 (1) pp. 20-23. 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003250.


TAMBURELLI, Marco; Gruffydd, Ianto; Breit, Florian; Brasca, Lissander; (2025) Modelling language attitudes: attitudinal measurements and linguistic behaviour in two bilingual communities. Journal of Language and Social Psychology (In press).

Trompeter, Nora; Duffy, Fiona; Peebles, Imogen; Wadhera, Emily; Chambers, Kate; Sharpe, Helen; Maloney, Ellen; ... Jewell, Tom; + view all (2025) Impact of out-of-home nutrition labelling on people with eating disorders: a systematic review and metasynthesis. BMJ Public Health , 3 (1) , Article e000862. 10.1136/bmjph-2023-000862. Green open access


Wingfield, Cai; Soltan, Andrew; Nimmo-Smith, Ian; Marslen-Wilson, William D; Thwaites, Andrew; (2025) Tracking cortical entrainment to stages of optic-flow processing. Vision Research , 226 , Article 108523. 10.1016/j.visres.2024.108523. Green open access

Wright-Hughes, Alex; Farrin, Amanda J; Fonagy, Peter; Ougrin, Dennis; Stahl, Daniel; Wright, Judy; Irving, Donna; ... Cottrell, David; + view all (2025) Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis: Reducing Self-Harm in Adolescents: Pooled Treatment Effects, Study, Treatment and Participant Moderators. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 10.1016/j.jaac.2025.01.017. (In press). Green open access


Zavlis, Orestis; Fonagy, Peter; Luyten, Patrick; (2025) To love, to work, and to find meaning: the most important aims of psychotherapy? The Lancet Psychiatry (In press).

Zhao, Wenbo; Liu, Shaohang; Tian, Xiaofang; Li, Baike; Shanks, David R; Yang, Chunliang; Luo, Liang; (2025) Individual differences in the reactivity effect of judgments of learning: Cognitive factors. Journal of Memory and Language , 140 , Article 104574. 10.1016/j.jml.2024.104574.

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