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Number of items: 47.


Agnew, ZK; (2009) Action execution, action perception and’mirror’neurones. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Burnett, S; Blakemore, SJ; (2009) The Development of Adolescent Social Cognition. VALUES, EMPATHY, AND FAIRNESS ACROSS SOCIAL BARRIERS , 1167 51 - 56. 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04509.x. Green open access


Chan, D; Anderson, V; Pijnenburg, Y; Whitwell, J; Barnes, J; Scahill, R; Stevens, JM; ... Fox, NC; + view all (2009) The clinical profile of right temporal lobe atrophy. Brain , 132 (5) pp. 1287-1298. 10.1093/brain/awp037. Green open access

Charlesworth, G; (2009) An evaluation of two psychological interventions for family carers of people with dementia. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Chiesa, M; Fonagy, P; Gordon, J; (2009) Community-based psychodynamic treatment program for severe personality disorders: clinical description and naturalistic evaluation. Journal of Psychiatric Practice , 15 (1) 12 - 24. 10.1097/01.pra.0000344915.61706.d4. Green open access


Daprati, E; Iosa, M; Haggard, P; (2009) A Dance to the Music of Time: Aesthetically-Relevant Changes in Body Posture in Performing Art. PLOS ONE , 4 (3) , Article e5023. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005023. Green open access

Davis, K.; (2009) Cognitive function and ill health in commercial airline pilots flying aircraft types associated with 'Contaminated Air Events': a group comparison study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Duckworth, K; Akerman, R; Gutman, L; Vorhaus, J; (2009) Influences and leverages on low levels of attainment: a review of literature and policy initiatives [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 31]. Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Durling, E.; (2009) Parenting with support? Parenting with a learning disability in the Bangladeshi community. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Eccles, MP; Armstrong, D; Baker, R; Cleary, K; Davies, H; Davies, S; Glasziou, P; ... Sibbald, B; + view all (2009) An implementation research agenda. [Editorial comment]. Implementation Science , 4 , Article 18. 10.1186/1748-5908-4-18. Green open access


Fallow, K.; (2009) Reflective functioning, affective quality of mother-child interaction and borderline personality disorder: a study of mother referred to a Mellow Parenting Group. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Fonagy, P; Luyten, P; (2009) A developmental, mentalization-based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 21 (4) 1355 - 1381. 10.1017/S0954579409990198. Green open access

Fonagy, P; Twemlow, SW; Vernberg, EM; Nelson, JM; Dill, EJ; Little, TD; Sargent, JA; (2009) A cluster randomized controlled trial of child-focused psychiatric consultation and a school systems-focused intervention to reduce aggression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 50 (5) 607 - 616. 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2008.02025.x. Green open access

Forkel, SJ; (2009) The anatomy of fronto-occipital connections. Masters thesis , King's College London.

Forster, S; Lavie, N; (2009) Harnessing the wandering mind: The role of perceptual load. Cognition , 111 (3) pp. 345-355. 10.1016/j.cognition.2009.02.006. Green open access

Frick, PJ; Viding, E; (2009) Antisocial behavior from a developmental psychopathology perspective. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 21 (4) 1111 - 1131. 10.1017/S0954579409990071. Green open access


Gardner, B; Davidson, R; McAteer, J; Michie, S; Evidence Recommendations Study Grp; (2009) A method for studying decision-making by guideline development groups. Implementation Science , 4 , Article 48. 10.1186/1748-5908-4-48. Green open access

Gilbert, SJ; Meuwese, JDI; Towgood, KJ; Frith, CD; Burgess, PW; (2009) Abnormal functional specialization within medial prefrontal cortex in high-functioning autism: a multi-voxel similarity analysis. BRAIN , 132 869 - 878. 10.1093/brain/awn365. Green open access

Greenwood, JA; Edwards, M; (2009) The detection of multiple global directions: Capacity limits with spatially segregated and transparent-motion signals. Journal of Vision , 9 (1) , Article 40. 10.1167/9.1.40. Green open access

Gupta, R; Kar, BR; (2009) Development of attentional processes in ADHD and normal children. Progress in Brain Research , 176 pp. 259-276. Green open access

Gupta, R; Kar, BR; Srinivasan, N; (2009) Development of Task Switching and Post-Error Slowing in Children. Behavioral and Brain Functions , 5 , Article 38. 10.1186/1744-9081-5-38. Green open access

Gutman, L; Brown, JF; Akerman, R; (2009) Nurturing parenting capability: the early years. (Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning Research Reports 30 ). Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access


Hardeman, W; Kinmonth, AL; Michie, S; Sutton, S; ProActive Project Team; (2009) Impact of a physical activity intervention program on cognitive predictors of behaviour among adults at risk of Type 2 diabetes (ProActive randomised controlled trial). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 6 , Article 16. 10.1186/1479-5868-6-16. Green open access

Hernik, M; Fearon, P; Fonagy, P; (2009) There must be more to development of mindreading and metacognition than passing false belief tasks. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (2) 147 -148. 10.1017/S0140525X0900065X. Green open access

Huckvale, M; Howard, IS; Fagel, S; (2009) KLAIR: a Virtual Infant for Spoken Language Acquisition Research. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009. (pp. pp. 696-699). ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC Green open access

Huckvale, M; Leak, J; (2009) Effect of noise reduction on reaction time to speech in noise. Presented at: InterSpeech 2009, Brighton, U.K.. Green open access


Kadosh, RC; Walsh, V; (2009) Non-abstract numerical representations in the IPS: Further support, challenges, and clarifications Authors' Response. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (3-4) 356 - 373. 10.1017/S0140525X09990987. Green open access

Kadosh, RC; Walsh, V; (2009) Numerical representation in the parietal lobes: Abstract or not abstract? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (3-4) 313 -328. 10.1017/S0140525X09990938. Green open access

Killaspy, H; Kingett, S; Bebbington, P; Blizard, R; Johnson, S; Nolan, F; Pilling, S; (2009) Randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment: 3-year outcomes. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 195 (1) 81 - 82. 10.1192/bjp.bp.108.059303. Green open access

Kovas, Y; Giampietro, V; Viding, E; Ng, V; Brammer, M; Barker, GJ; Happe, FGE; (2009) Brain Correlates of Non-Symbolic Numerosity Estimation in Low and High Mathematical Ability Children. PLOS ONE , 4 (2) , Article e4587. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004587. Green open access


Lagnado, DA; (2009) A causal framework for integrating learning and reasoning. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (2) 211 -212. 10.1017/S0140525X09000995. Green open access

Latif, S.; (2009) Perceptions of talk therapies among people of Turkish origin in the UK. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Leech, R; Holt, LL; Devlin, JT; Dick, F; (2009) Expertise with non-speech 'auditory Greebles' recruits speech-sensitive cortical regions. Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (16) 5234 - 5239. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5758-08.2009. Green open access

Lindson, N; Aveyard, P; Ingram, JT; Inglis, J; Beach, J; West, R; Michie, S; (2009) Rapid reduction versus abrupt quitting for smokers who want to stop soon: a randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. Trials , 10 , Article 69. 10.1186/1745-6215-10-69. Green open access


Mahon, M; (2009) Interactions between a deaf child for whom English is an additional language and his specialist teacher in the first year at school: Combining words and gestures. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics , 23 (8) pp. 611-629. 10.1080/02699200802491140. Green open access

Michie, S; Fixsen, D; Grimshaw, JM; Eccles, MP; (2009) Specifying and reporting complex behaviour change interventions: the need for a scientific method. Implementation Science , 4 , Article 40. 10.1186/1748-5908-4-40. Green open access


Neeleman, A; Titov, E; van de Koot, H; Vermeulen, R; (2009) A syntactic typology of topic, focus and contrast. In: Alternatives to Cartography. (pp. 15-51). De Gruyter Mouton Green open access

Nevins, A; (2009) On formal universals in phonology. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 32 (5) 461 - 462. 10.1017/S0140525X09990537. Green open access


Osman, M; Channon, S; Fitzpatrick, S; (2009) Does the truth interfere with our ability to deceive? PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW , 16 (5) pp. 901-906. 10.3758/PBR.16.5.901. Green open access


Rees, RI; (2009) Deaf Children’s Acquisition of Speech Skills: A Psycholinguistic Perspective through Intervention. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Roiser, JP; Stephan, KE; Den Ouden, HEM; Barnes, TRE; Friston, KJ; Joyce, EM; (2009) Do patients with schizophrenia exhibit aberrant salience? Psychological Medicine , 39 (2) 199 - 209. 10.1017/S0033291708003863. Green open access

Ruff, JN; (2009) Tone in Lagwan verbs: the conflict between perceptual prominence and lexical contrast. In: Rothmaler, E, (ed.) (Proceedings) 4th Biennial International Colloquium on the Chadic Languages. (pp. pp. 117-128). Ruediger Koeppe: Cologne, Germany. Green open access

Rusconi, E; Gonzaga, M; Adriani, M; Braun, C; Haggard, P; (2009) Know Thyself: Behavioral Evidence for a Structural Representation of the Human Body. PLOS ONE , 4 (5) , Article e5418. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005418. Green open access


Schembri, A; Cormier, K; (2009) Canonical typology of person agreement: Evidence from signed languages. Presented at: Creating Infrastructure For Canonical Typology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. Green open access

Shanks, DR; (2009) The associative nature of human associative learning. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (2) 225 - 256. 10.1017/S0140525X09001149. Green open access

Strathearn, L; Fonagy, P; Amico, J; Montague, PR; (2009) Adult attachment predicts maternal brain and oxytocin response to infant cues. Neuropsychopharmacology , 34 (13) 2655 - 2666. 10.1038/npp.2009.103. Green open access


Tibber, MS; Anderson, EJ; Melmoth, DR; Rees, G; Morgan, MJ; (2009) Common Cortical Loci Are Activated during Visuospatial Interpolation and Orientation Discrimination Judgements. PLOS ONE , 4 (2) , Article e4585. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004585. Green open access

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