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Adda, J; Cooper, R; (2008) The Dynamics of Car Sales: A Discrete Choice Approach. (NBER Working Paper 7785). National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access

Addie, JD; (2008) The rhetoric and reality of urban policy in the neoliberal city: Implications for social struggle in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati. Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research , 40 (11) 2674 - 2692. 10.1068/a4045. Green open access

Akyeampong, E; Aikins, AD-G; (2008) Ghana at Fifty: Reflections on Independence and After. Transition , 98 pp. 24-34. 10.2979/trs.2008.-.98.24. Green open access

Alivizatou, Marilena; (2008) Contextualising Intangible Cultural Heritage in Heritage Studies and Museology. International Journal of Intangible Heritage , 3 pp. 43-54. Green open access

Arabindoo, P; (2008) Absent societies: Contouring urban citizenship in postcolonial Chennai. Doctoral thesis , London School of Economics and Political Science. Green open access

Asderaki, E; Rehren, T; (2008) Complex beauty: the manufacture of Hellenistic wreaths. In: Facorellis, Y and Zacharias, N and Polikreti, K, (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry. (pp. 507-514). BAR Publishing: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Atkeson, A; Kehoe, PJ; (2008) On the need for a new approach to analyzing monetary policy. NBER Macroeconomics Annual , 23 pp. 389-425. 10.1086/593091. Green open access

Aymar, Jaume; Barbier-Mueller, Jean Paul; Cabello Carro, Paz; Gil, Juan; McEwan, Colin; Oliver, José R; Varela, Consuelo; (2008) El Caribe precolombino: Fray Ramón Pané y el universo taíno. [Book]. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institute de Culture, Museu Barbier-Mueller: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access


Bandiera, O; Barankay, I; Rasul, I; (2008) Social capital in the workplace: Evidence on its formation and consequences. LABOUR ECONOMICS , 15 (4) 725 - 749. 10.1016/j.labeco.2007.07.006. Green open access

Barton, N; Bouzouggar, A; Humphrey, L; Berridge, P; Collcutt, S; Gale, R; Parfitt, S; ... Schwenninger, JL; + view all (2008) Human burial evidence from Hattab II Cave and the question of continuity in Late Pleistocene-Holocene mortuary practices in Northwest Africa. CAMB ARCHAEOL J , 18 (2) 195 - 214. 10.1017/S0959774308000255. Green open access

Basu, P; (2008) Reframing Ethnographic Film. In: Austin, T and de Jong, W, (eds.) Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices. (94 - 106). Open University Press: Maidenhead, UK. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2008) The democratic constitution: why Europeans should avoid American style constitutional judicial review. European Political Science , 7 (1) 9 - 20. 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210151. Green open access

Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Davidson, T; Morley, D; Rose, N; Turner, S; Yang, H; (2008) Palaeoecological study of seven mesotrophic lochs. (ECRC Research Report 121 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Davidson, T; Rose, C; Rose, N; Turner, S; Sayer, C; (2008) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 1). (ECRC Research Report 126 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Brewer, TS; Leng, MJ; Mackay, AW; Lamb, AL; Tyler, JJ; Marsh, NG; (2008) Unravelling contamination signals in biogenic silica oxygen isotope composition: the role of major and trace element geochemistry. Journal of Quaternary Science , 23 (4) 321 - 330. 10.1002/jqs.1171. Green open access

Brightman, MA; (2008) Amerindian Leadership in Guianese Amazonia. Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.


Ceccarelli, P; (2008) Demetrios of Byzantion (BNJ 162), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby, Part II. [Scholarly edition]. Worthington, Ian (Ed). Brill: Leiden, Netherlands. Green open access

Ceccarelli, P; (2008) Pierre Briant, Francis Joannès (ed.), La transition entre l'empire achéménide et les royaumes hellénistiques. Persika, 9. Paris: De Boccard, 2006. Pp. 476. ISBN 978-2-7018-0213-8. €75.00 (pb). [Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review Green open access

Chari, VV; Kehoe, PJ; (2008) Time inconsistency and free-riding in a monetary union. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , 40 (7) pp. 1329-1355. 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2008.00162.x. Green open access

Coupaye, L; (2008) Experiencing Spaces: The Tëkët frieze of the Abelam. Arts & Cultures 2009 (2009) p. 210. Green open access

Cripps, E.B.; (2008) Individuals, society and the world: a defence of collective environmental duties. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Davidson, TA; Appleby, PG; Clarke, G; Morley, D; Rose, N; Sayer, CD; Tuffin, S; + view all (2008) Palaeoecological study of Rockland Broad. (ECRC Research Report 124 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Davidson, TA; Clarke, G; Morley, D; Rose, N; Turner, S; Sayer, CD; (2008) Palaeoecological investigation of the past biological structure and function of the Trinity Broads. (ECRC Research Report 122 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Davidson, TA; Clarke, GH; Rawcliffe, R; Salgado, J; Burgess, A; Turner, S; Yang, H; + view all (2008) Palaeoecological assessment of freshwaters in SACs and ASSIs in Northern Ireland. (ECRC Research Report 130 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Davies, G; Dwyer, C; (2008) Qualitative methods II: minding the gap. Progress in Human Geography , 32 (3) pp. 399-406. 10.1177/0309132507084403. Green open access

Dearden, L; Emmerson, C; Frayne, C; Meghir, C; (2008) Education Subsidies and School Drop-out Rates. (IFS Working Paper Series WP05/11). Institute for Fiscal Studies Department of Economics, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Dennis, R; (2008) 'Babylonian flats' in victorian and edwardian London. London Journal , 33 (3) pp. 233-347. 10.1179/174963208X347709. Green open access

Dickson, AJ; Austin, WEN; Hall, IR; Maslin, MA; Kucera, M; (2008) Centennial-scale evolution of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in the northeast Atlantic Ocean between 39.5 and 56.5 ka BP. Paleoceanography , 23 (3) , Article PA3206. 10.1029/2008PA001595. Green open access

Dickson, AJ; Leng, MJ; Maslin, MA; (2008) Mid-depth South Atlantic Ocean circulation and chemical stratification during MIS-10 to 12: implications for atmospheric CO2. Climate of the Past , 4 (4) 333 - 344. 10.5194/cp-4-333-2008. Green open access


Ellul, C; Haklay, M; Francis, L; (2008) Empowering Individuals and Communities - is Web GIS the way forward? In: (Proceedings) Association of Geographic Information. Green open access


Fenwick, C; (2008) Archaeology and the search for authenticity: Colonialist, Nationalist, and Berberist visions of an Algerian past. In: Fenwick, C and Wiggins, M and Wythe, D, (eds.) TRAC 2007: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. (pp. 75-88). Oxbow: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Flower, RJ; Yang, H; (2008) Water quality and water availability variations in an upland Galloway loch with special reference to dissolved organic matter and the distribution of benthic diatoms. (ECRC Research Report 123 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Gardner, AJ; Guest, P; (2008) Exploring Roman Caerleon: new excavations at the legionary fortress of Isca. Archaeology International , 12 pp. 47-51. 10.5334/ai.1211. Green open access

Gardner, A; (2008) Romanitas: essays on Roman archaeology in honour of Sheppard Frere on the occasion of his 90th birthday (R. Wilson (ed.), 2006). [Review]. Britannia , 39 413 - 414. 10.3815/006811308785916845. Green open access

Gibin, M; Singleton, AD; Milton, R; Mateos, P; Longley, PA; (2008) Collaborative Mapping of London Using Google Maps: The LondonProfiler. (CASA Working Papers 132). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London. Green open access

Graham, E; (2008) Joel W. Palka, Unconquered Lacandon Maya: Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2005), pp. xxi+318, $65.00, hb. [Review]. J LAT AM STUD , 40 (2) 337 - 339. 10.1017/S0022216X08004069. Green open access

Graham, E; (2008) Shannon E. Plank, Maya Dwellings in Hieroglyphs and Archaeology: An Integrative Approach to Ancient Architecture and Spatial Cognition (Oxford: BAR International Series 1324, 2004), pp. vii+259, pb. [Review]. J LAT AM STUD , 40 (2) 336 - 337. 10.1017/S0022216X08004057. Green open access

Green, Fergus; (2008) Fragmentation in Two Dimensions: The ICJ’s Flawed Approach to Non-State Actors and International Legal Personality. Melbourne Journal of International Law , 9 (1) pp. 47-77. Green open access

Griffith, R; Nesheim, L; (2008) Household Willingness to Pay for Organic Products. (CEMMAP working paper CWP18/08 ). Green open access


Haklay, M; Jones, CE; (2008) Usability and GIS - why your boss should buy you a larger monitor. In: (Proceedings) AGI GeoCommunity '08. : Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Green open access

Haklay, M; Weber, P; (2008) OpenStreetMap: User-Generated Street Maps. IEEE PERVAS COMPUT , 7 (4) 12 - 18. Green open access

Holden, PB; Mackay, AW; Simpson, GL; (2008) A Bayesian palaeoenvironmental transfer function model for acidified lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology , 39 (4) 551 - 566. 10.1007/s10933-007-9129-7. Green open access

Hughes, M; Sayer, C; Davidson, T; (2008) Conservation value of non-Broads lakes in Norfolk: determining what is known. (ECRC Research Report 125 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Ingram, A; (2008) Security and health. In: Global Health Watch 2 An Alternative World Health Report. (pp. 334-339). Zed Books: London, UK. Green open access


Jones, CE; Haklay, M; Griffiths, S; Vaughan, L; (2008) Visualising London's Suburbs. In: (Proceedings) GISRUK 2008. : Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Green open access

Jones, PJS; (2008) Fishing industry and related perspectives on the issues raised by no-take marine protected area proposals. MAR POLICY , 32 (4) 749 - 758. 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.12.009. Green open access


Keene, S; Stevenson, A; Monti, F; (2008) Collections for people: museums' stored collections as a public resource. UCL Institute of Archaeology: London. Green open access

Körner, A; (2008) Ein soziales „Dramma in musica”?: Verdi, alte Notabeln und neue Eliten im Theater des liberalen Italiens / A Social "Dramma in musica"?: Verdi, Old Notables and New Elites in the Theatre of Liberal Italy. Historische Zeitschrift , 287 (1) 61 - 89. 10.1524/hzhz.2008.0035. Green open access

Kuhne, H; Radner, K; (2008) Das Siegel des Išme-ilu, Eunuch des Nergal-ēreš, aus Dūr-Katlimmu / The seal of the Isme-ilu, eunuch of Nergal-eres, from Dur-Katlimmu. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie , 98 (1) 26 - 44. 10.1515/ZA.2008.004. Green open access


LEWIS, J; (2008) Ekila: Blood, bodies and egalitarian societies. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute , 14 (2) 297 - 315. 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00502.x. Green open access

Longley, P; Singleton, A; (2008) Social Deprivation and Digital Exclusion in England. (CASA Working Paper Series 145). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London. Green open access


Mackay, AW; Karabanov, E; Leng, MJ; Sloane, HJ; Morley, DW; Panizzo, VN; Khursevich, G; (2008) Reconstructing hydrological variability in Lake Baikal during MIS 11: an application of oxygen isotope analysis of diatom silica. Journal of Quaternary Science , 23 (4) 365 - 374. 10.1002/jqs.1174. Green open access

Mackay, AW; Mazebedi, R; Wolski, P; Davidson, TA; Huntsman-Mapila, P; Todd, M; (2008) Monitoring and simulating threats to aquatic biodiversity in the Okavango Delta: field and laboratory methods. (ECRC Research Report 129 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Martinón-Torres, M; Thomas, N; Rehren, T; Mongiatti, A; (2008) Some problems and potentials of the study of cupellation remains: the case of post-medieval Montbeliard. ArcheoSciences: Revue d'Archeometrie , 32 pp. 59-70. Green open access

McCulloch, Tony; (2008) Roosevelt, Mackenzie King and the Royal Visit to the USA in 1939. London Journal of Canadian Studies , 23 (1) pp. 81-104. Green open access

McCulloch, T; (2008) Vietnam and the Anti-War Movement: did the protestors achieve anything? 20th Century History Review , 3 (3) Green open access

Meskell, L; Nakamura, C; King, R; Farid, S; (2008) Figured lifeworlds and depositional practices at Catalhoyuk. CAMB ARCHAEOL J , 18 (2) 139 - 161. 10.1017/S095977430800022X. Green open access

Miller, N; (2008) A revolutionary modernity: the cultural policy of the Cuban Revolution. Journal of Latin American Studies , 40 (Specia) 675 - 696. 10.1017/S0022216X08004719. Green open access

Miše, M; Šešelj, L; (2008) The late Hellenistic and Early Roman fine pottery from the sanctuaries of Diomedes in Dalmatia. Acta Rei Cretaria Romanae Fautorum , 40 pp. 113-119. Green open access


Naeser, C; (2008) Die Humboldt University Nubian Expedition 2008: Arbeiten auf der Insel Mograt. Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (MittSAG) , 19 pp. 47-51. Green open access

Naeser, C; (2008) The Humboldt University Nubian Expedition 2007: Fieldwork on Us and Sur. In: Gratien, B, (ed.) Actes de la 4e Conférence Internationale Sur L'archéologie de la 4e Cataracte Du Nil Villeneuve D'Ascq, 22 Et 23 Juin 2007. (pp. 73-83). Université Charles de Gaulle Lille: Lille, France. Green open access

Naeser, C; (2008) Jenseits von Theben. Inszenierung und Fragmentierung nichtköniglicher ägyptischer Bestattungen des Neuen Reiches. In: Kümmel, C and Schweizer, B and Veit, U, (eds.) Körperinszenierung – Objektsammlung – Monumentalisierung: Totenritual und Grabkult in frühen Gesellschaften. Archäologische Quellen in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Beiträge einer Internationalen Fachtagung am Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte u. (pp. 445-472). Waxmann Verlag: Münster. Green open access

Nesheim, L; (2008) Hedonic Pricing Functions. In: New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. Palgrave Macmillan: New York. Green open access

Nold, C; Jensen, OB; Harder, H; (2008) Mapping the City - Reflections on urban mapping methodologies from GPS to Community Dialogue. (Department Working Paper 25). Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University: Aalborg, Denmark. Green open access


Poulsen, L; Sauvé, P; Herman, L; Graham, EM; (2008) Preferential Services and Investment Agreements in Asia: Implications for Switzerland, in: Sur la voie du bilatéralisme: enjeux et conséquences (volume 1) (Etudes mandatées par le Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie SECO), pp. 183-333. (Strukturberichterstattung 36/1 ). Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement EVD: Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO: Berne, Switzerland. Green open access


Quaife, T; Quegan, S; Disney, M; Lewis, P; Lomas, M; Woodward, FI; (2008) Impact of land cover uncertainties on estimates of biospheric carbon fluxes. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES , 22 , Article GB4016. 10.1029/2007GB003097. Green open access


Radner, K; (2008) Esther's revenge at Susa: From Sennacherib to Ahasuerus. J ROY ASIATIC SOC , 18 (3) 361 - 364. 10.1017/S1356186308008316. Green open access

Radner, K; (2008) The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria (H. Tadmor, 2nd edition). Journal of Cuneiform Studies , 60 137 - 140. Green open access

Radner, K; (2008) The Lower Stratum Families in the Neo-Assyrian Period. Z ASSYRIOL VORDERASI , 98 (2) 295 - 297. Green open access

Radner, K; (2008) Representations of political power: Case histories from times of change and dissolving order in the Ancient Near East. B SCH ORIENT AFR ST , 71 (1) 115 - 116. 10.1017/S0041977X0800013X. Green open access

Radner, K; (2008) Esarhaddon’s expedition from Palestine to Egypt in 671 BCE: A trek through Negev and Sinai. In: Bonatz, D and Czichon, R and Kreppner, FJ, (eds.) Fundstellen: Gesammelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne. (pp. 305-314). Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. Green open access

Radner, K; (2008) The delegation of power: Neo-Assyrian bureau seals. In: Briant, P and Henkelman, WFM and Stolper, MW, (eds.) Actes du colloque organisé au Collège de France par la « Chaire d’histoire et civilisation du monde achéménide et de l’empire d’Alexandre » et le « Réseau international d’études et de recherches achéménides » (GDR 2538 CNRS), 3-4 novem. (pp. 481 - 515). Éditions de Boccard: Paris, France. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2008) The Marie Curie programme at the Institute of Archaeology 2004-2008. Archaeology International , 11 pp. 15-18. 10.5334/ai.1106. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2008) Metals: Chemical analysis. In: Pearsall, D, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology. (pp. 1614-1616). Elsevier: Netherlands.

Rehren, T; (2008) Metals: Primary production studies of. In: Pearsall, D, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology. (pp. 1616-1620). Elsevier: Netherlands.

Rehren, T; Pernicka, E; (2008) Coins, artefacts and isotopes-archaeometallurgy and Archaeometry. Archaeometry , 50 (2) pp. 232-248. 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2008.00389.x. Green open access

Rehren, T; Pusch, EB; (2008) Crushed rock and molten salt? Some aspects of the primary glass production at Qantir/Pi-Ramesse. In: Jackson, C and Wager, E, (eds.) Vitreous Materials in the Late Bronze Age Aegean: a window to the East Mediterranean world. (pp. 14-33). Oxbow Books: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Robson, S; Hess, M; Millar, F; Were, G; Brown, I; MacDonald, S; Ong, Y-H; (2008) Traceable storage and transmission of 3D colour scan data sets. In: Ioannides, M and Addison, A and Georgopoulos, A and Kalisperis, L, (eds.) VSMM 2008: Digital heritage: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Full papers, 20-25 October 2008, Limassol, Cyprus. (pp. 93 - 99). Archaeolingua: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Rose, N; Turner, S; Davidson, T; (2008) Sampling and analytical protocols for the Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) Water Projects. (ECRC Research Report 127 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre Green open access


Salway, B; (2008) Roman consuls, imperial politics, and Egyptian papyri: the consulates of 325 and 344 CE. Journal of Late Antiquity , 1 (2) 278 - 310. Green open access

Sauma, J; (2008) Street encounters: betrayal and belonging in youth gangs. Public Policy Research , 15 (1) pp. 32-35. 10.1111/j.1744-540X.2008.00505.x. Green open access

Sayer, CD; Goldsmith, B; Davidson, TA; Hughes, M; (2008) Nutrient sources to Blickling Hall Lake. (ECRC Research Report 131 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Shennan, SJ; (2008) Evolution in Archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology , 37 pp. 75-91. 10.1146/annurev.anthro.37.081407.085153. Green open access

Shilland, EM; (2008) UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network (UKAWMN) - Contract 22 01 249. Llyn Cwm Mynach - Annual Summary Progress Report. April 2007 - March 2008. ENSIS Ltd, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Singleton, AD; Longley, PA; (2008) Creating Open Source Geodemographic Classifications for Higher Education Applications. (CASA Working Paper Series 134). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London. Green open access

Singleton, AD; Longley, PA; (2008) Modifying a Geodemographic Classification of the e-Society using public feedback. (CASA Working Papers 136). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK. Green open access

Sommer, U; (2008) Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science, by Stefan Arvidsson, 2006. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; ISBN 0-226-02860-7. [Review]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 18 (2) 283 - 285. 10.1017/S0959774308000358. Green open access

Spiegler, R; (2008) COMMENTS ON THE POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF NEUROECONOMICS FOR ECONOMIC THEORY. ECON PHILOS , 24 (3) 515 - 521. 10.1017/S0266267108002125. Green open access


Tanimoto, S; Rehren, T; (2008) Interactions between silicate and salt melts in LBA glassmaking. Journal of Archaeological Science , 35 (9) 2566 - 2573. 10.1016/j.jas.2008.04.016. Green open access

Taylor, RG; Russell, J; Eggermont, H; Mileham, L; Tindimugaya, C; Verscheuren, D; Todd, M; + view all (2008) Hydrological and climatological change associated with glacial recession in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda. (ECRC Research Report 128 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Thornalley, David J.R.; (2008) Palaeoceanography of the South Iceland Rise over the past 21,000 years. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Cambridge.


Wardlaw, J; Haklay, M; Parker, S; (2008) Mapping Health Information. In: (Proceedings) AGI GeoCommunity '08. : Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Green open access

Wright, AJ; (2008) 'Sculptural Values': Reading Fictive Relief in Late 15th- and Early 16th-century Italy. In: Cooper, DL, (ed.) Depth of Field: Relief Sculpture in Renaissance Italy. (pp. 223-250). Peter Lang: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

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