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Abraham, Haim; (2022) Israel: supreme court’s double standard on liability is unfair to Palestinians. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://theconversation.com/israel-supreme-courts-... Green open access

Atkinson, J; Dhorajiwala, H; (2022) The Future of Employment: Purposive Interpretation and the Role of Contract after Uber. Modern Law Review , 85 (3) pp. 787-800. 10.1111/1468-2230.12693. Green open access

Ayada, S; (2022) Book review : Barbara Havelková and Mathias Möschel (eds), Anti-discrimination law in civil law jurisdictions (Oxford University Press 2019). European Journal of Legal Studies , 14 (1) pp. 279-291. 10.2924/EJLS.2022.018. Green open access

Azaria, D; (2022) Trade Countermeasures in Response to Breaches of Obligations outside the WTO. International and Comparative Law Quarterly (In press). Green open access

Azaria, Danae; (2022) Not All Silences Speak. [Lecture]. Presented at: Islamabad Security Dialogue 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan. Green open access

Azaria, Danae; (2022) The Relationship between State Secrecy and State Silence in International Law-Making. (International Law Weekend 2022). International Law Association: American Branch: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Azaria, Danae; (2022) Trade Countermeasures for Breaches of International Law Outside the WTO. International and Comparative Law Quarterly , 71 (2) pp. 389-423. 10.1017/s0020589322000057. Green open access

Azaria, Danae; (2022) The Renewable Energy Arbitrations Under the Energy Charter Treaty. In: Ruiz Fabri, H and Stoppioni, E, (eds.) International Investment Law: An Analysis of the Major Decisions. Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Azaria, Danae; Hollis, Duncan; Klabbers, Jan; Mbengue, Makane; Fitzmaurice, Malgosia; (2022) Working Group III: Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform: Multilateral instrument on ISDS Reform: Comments on A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.194. UNCITRAL: Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Azaria, Danai; (2022) Ascribing a Voice to Silent States: Reflections on (Differentiated) Legislative Responsibility. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.statesilence.org/wp-content/uploads/20... Green open access

Azaria, Danai; Ulfstein, Geir; (2022) Is the sabotage of submarine pipelines an 'armed attack' triggering a right to self-defence?, in: EJIL:Talk! [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ejiltalk.org/are-sabotage-of-submarine...


Barker, Roger M.; Chiu, H.-Y.; (2022) Investment Management, Stewardship and Corporate Governance Roles. In: Katelouzou, D and Puchniak, D, (eds.) Global Shareholder Stewardship. (pp. 529-548). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Bartels, Lorand; McBride, Catherine; Moseley, Jim; Porter, Cedric; Raymond, Meurig; Rowell, Kate; Singham, Shanker; + view all (2022) Trade and Agriculture Commission: Advice to the Secretary of State for International Trade on the UK – New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2022: London, UK. Green open access

Bartels, Lorand; McBride, Catherine; Moseley, Jim; Porter, Cedric; Raymond, Meurig; Rowell, Kate; Singham, Shanker; + view all (2022) Trade and Agriculture Commission: Advice to the Secretary of State for International Trade on the UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement. Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO: London, UK. Green open access

Biotti, Federica; Ahmad, Sarah; Quinn, Racquel; Brewer, Rebecca; (2022) Development and validation of the Interoceptive States Static Images (ISSI) database. Behavior Research Methods , 54 pp. 1744-1765. 10.3758/s13428-021-01706-2. Green open access


Chan, Jonathan; Petrin, Martin; (2022) Lost Synergies and M&A Damages: Considering Cineplex v Cineworld. The Canadian Bar Review , 100 (2) pp. 274-305. Green open access

Chan, Leon Vincent; (2022) When the Mule Refuses to Drink from the Water: An Empirical Study on Parental Alienation in Singapore. Child and Family Law Quarterly , 34 (1) pp. 81-108. Green open access

Chan, Leon Vincent; Xu, Kaizhe Richard; (2022) Trends in the Division of Matrimonial Property Based on Contribution: an Empirical Case Study Based on the Structured Approach in Singapore. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family , 36 (1) , Article ebac009. 10.1093/lawfam/ebac009. Green open access

Chave, Lynne; Jacob, Robin; (2022) Registered Trade Marks - A System in Crisis and What's to be Done? Intellectual Property Quarterly , 2022 (4) pp. 169-175. Green open access

Chiu, H-Y; Barker, R; (2022) Independent Directors in Investment Funds in the UK: What Role for Investor Protection? Capital Markets Law Journal , 17 (4) pp. 489-512. 10.1093/cmlj/kmac017. Green open access

Chiu, Hse-Yu; Allen, Jason; (2022) Exploring the Assetisation and Financialisation of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs): Opportunities and Regulatory Implications. Banking and Finance Law Review , 37 (3) pp. 401-438. Green open access

Chiu, Hse-Yu; Brener, Alan; (2022) Protecting What Matters: Reflections on a Central Bank’s Role at Times of War. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law , 55 (4) pp. 875-920. Green open access

Chiu, Iris H-Y; (2022) Building a Single Market for Sustainable Finance in the EU-Mixed Implications and the Missing Link of Digitalisation. In: Avgouleas, E and Marjosola, H, (eds.) Digital Finance in Europe: Law, Regulation, and Governance. (pp. 181-211). Walter de Gruyter GmbH: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Crummey, Conor; (2022) An Interpretivist Theory of the Principle of Legality. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Davies, P; (2022) Third Party Loss. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly , 2022 (part 2) , Article 92.

Davies, Paul; (2022) Winding up petitions and arbitration agreements. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (In press).

Davies, Paul S; (2022) The Mental Element of Accessory Liability. The Law Quarterly Review , 138 pp. 32-57. Green open access

Davies, Paul S; Tan, Cheng-Han; (2022) Introduction. In: Davies, Paul and Tan, Cheng Han, (eds.) Intermediaries in Commercial Law. (pp. 1-12). Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Donaldson, M; (2022) Absence of Ethiopian war crimes tribunal for prosecution of Italians responsible for war crimes in Ethiopia 1935–41 [draft entry for Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law]. UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. (In press).

Donaldson, M; Ranganathan, S; (2022) Accountability. In: Klabbers, J, (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to International Organizations Law. (pp. 50-75). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Donaldson, Megan; (2022) Ethiopia, Italy and the Archives of Selective Justice. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://opiniojuris.org/2022/05/05/symposium-on-the... Green open access

Donaldson, Megan; (2022) The Figure of the Lawyer in Orford’s International Law and the Politics of History. Temple International and Comparative Law Journal (In press). Green open access

Donaldson, Megan; (2022) Peace, war, law: Teaching international law in contexts. International Journal of Law in Context (In press). Green open access

Dsouza, M; (2022) Against the Act/Omission Distinction. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly , 73 (AD1) pp. 103-129. 10.53386/nilq.v73iAD1.945. Green open access

Dsouza, M; (2022) False Beliefs and Consent to Sex. The Modern Law Review 10.1111/1468-2230.12738. (In press). Green open access

Dsouza, Mark; (2022) Against the act/omission distinction. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://nilq.qub.ac.uk/index.php/nilq/issue73AD1-a... Green open access

Dsouza, Mark; (2022) Acts, Omissions, and Remark-able Criminal Conduct. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://criminaljusticetheoryblog.wordpress.com/20... Green open access

Dsouza, Mark; (2022) Part 4: A matter of perspective (in criminally blaming Decision Rules). [Digital scholarly resource]. https://criminaljusticetheoryblog.wordpress.com/20... Green open access


Eeckhout, Piet; (2022) Brexit Sovereignty and its Dead Ends. Global Policy , 13 (S2) pp. 98-105. 10.1111/1758-5899.13077. Green open access


Fhima, I; (2022) Consumer Value as the Key to Trade Mark Functionality. The Modern Law Review , 85 (3) pp. 661-696. 10.1111/1468-2230.12709. Green open access

Fhima, Ilanah; (2022) What is a significant departure from the norm? Assessing the inherent distinctiveness of 3D shape marks. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice , 17 (12) pp. 993-1010. 10.1093/jiplp/jpac101. Green open access

Fisher, Matthew; (2022) The Statute of Monopolies and Modern Patent Law: Foundation or Elaborate Folly? Intellectual Property Quarterly , 2022 (4) pp. 176-207. Green open access


Genders, E; Player, E; (2022) Long sentenced women prisoners: Rights, risks and rehabilitation. Punishment and Society , 24 (1) pp. 3-25. 10.1177/1462474520933097. Green open access

George, Robert; (2022) Legal professionals and the family justice system. In: Family Matters – Essays in Honour of John Eekelaar. (pp. 57-72). Intersentia Green open access

George, Robert; (2022) Vulnerable Children in Unregulated Care: The Unstoppable Inherent Jurisdiction. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law , 44 (2) pp. 254-257. 10.1080/09649069.2022.2067656. Green open access

Gerner-Beuerle, Carsten; (2022) Directors’ liability. In: Birkmose, Hanne and Neville, Mette and Engsig Sørensen, Karsten, (eds.) Instruments of EU Corporate Governance: Effecting Changes in the Management of Companies in a Changing World. (pp. 337-365). Kluwer Law International B.V.: Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands. Green open access

Granger, Rachel; Genn, Hazel; Tudor Edwards, Rhiannon; (2022) Health economics of health justice partnerships: A rapid review of the economic returns to society of promoting access to legal advice. Frontiers in Public Health , 10 , Article 1009964. 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1009964. Green open access

Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Alonso; (2022) Ending the Sharp War: Paradigm Shift & the History of International Humanitarian Law. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Hariharan, J; (2022) Ringing off the hook: when do domestic security devices become unlawful? Entertainment Law Review , 33 (2) pp. 60-62. Green open access

Horn, Ruth; Merchant, Jennifer; Abecassis, Marion; Bale, Mark; Chneiweiss, Hervé; Hallowell, Nina; Kerasidou, Angeliki; ... Winkler, Eva; + view all (2022) Managing expectations, rights, and duties in large-scale genomics initiatives: a European comparison. European Journal of Human Genetics 10.1038/s41431-022-01247-y. (In press). Green open access

Horvath, L; Banducci, S; Blamire, J; Degnen, C; James, O; Jones, A; Stevens, D; (2022) Adoption and continued use of mobile contact tracing technology: multilevel explanations from a three-wave panel survey and linked data. BMJ Open , 12 (1) , Article e053327. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053327. Green open access

Hoxhaj, Andi; (2022) The CJEU in Commission v Hungary Higher Education Defends Academic Freedom Through WTO Provisions. The Modern Law Review , 85 (3) pp. 773-786. 10.1111/1468-2230.12686. Green open access

Hoxhaj, Andi; (2022) The CJEU Validates in C-156/21 and C-157/21 the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation Regime to Protect the EU Budget. Nordic Journal of European Law , 5 (1) pp. 131-144. 10.36969/njel.v5i1.24501. Green open access


Joshi, Divij; (2022) How to Study Automated Decisions and Algorithmic Injustice in Online Spaces. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online 10.4135/9781529608410. Green open access

Joshi, Divij; Yameen, Farah; (2022) Archives, Ethics and the Law in India: A Guidebook for Archivists in India. National Centre for Biological Studies: Bengaluru, India. Green open access

Jütte, Bernd Justin; Trapova, Alina; (2022) The protection of cultural heritage by designs. In: Stamatoudi, Irini, (ed.) Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage. (pp. 94-112). Edward Elgar Green open access


Kelly, R; (2022) Criminalising dissent. Law Quarterly Review , 138 pp. 432-455. Green open access

Kelly, Rory; (2022) Totality: principle and practice. Criminal Law Review , 2022 (7) pp. 562-580. Green open access

Kloppenburg, Sanneke; Gupta, Aarti; Kruk, Sake RL; Makris, Stavros; Bergsvik, Robert; Korenhof, Paulan; Solman, Helena; (2022) Scrutinizing environmental governance in a digital age: New ways of seeing, participating, and intervening. One Earth , 5 (3) pp. 232-241. 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.02.004. Green open access


Lalafaryan, Narine; (2022) Orchestrating finance with Material Adverse Changes? Legal Studies , 42 (1) pp. 1-22. 10.1017/lst.2022.6. Green open access

Lapatoura, Ioanna; (2022) Book review for S. Karapapa's 'Defences to Copyright Infringement: Creativity, Innovation and Freedom on the Internet'. [Review]. European Intellectual Property Review , 44 (4) pp. 250-252. Green open access

Lapatoura, Ioanna; (2022) Fashion beyond physical space: NFTs and intellectual property challenges in the metaverse. Entertainment Law Review , 33 (6) pp. 197-202. Green open access

Lee, Joyman; (2022) Structure and Rulemaking in English, Japanese and Quebec Trusts. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL.

Lee, M; (2022) Brexit and the Environment Bill: The Future of Environmental Accountability. Global Policy , 13 (S2) pp. 119-127. 10.1111/1758-5899.13061. Green open access

Lianos, Ioannis; (2022) Reorienting competition law. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement , 10 (1) pp. 1-31. 10.1093/jaenfo/jnac003. Green open access

Lianos, Ioannis; (2022) Value extraction and institutions in digital capitalism: Towards a law and political economy synthesis for competition law. European Law Open , 1 (4) pp. 852-890. 10.1017/elo.2023.2. Green open access

Lianos, Ioannis; Carballa-Smichowski, Bruno; (2022) A Coat of Many Colours - New Concepts and Metrics of Economic Power in Competition Law and Economics. Journal of Competition Law & Economics 10.1093/joclec/nhac002. (In press). Green open access

Lianos, Ioannis; Wagner-von Papp, Florian; (2022) Tackling invitations to collude and unilateral disclosure: the moving frontiers of competition law? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice , 13 (4) pp. 249-253. 10.1093/jeclap/lpac017. Green open access

Lythe, Peter; (2022) Utility, Truth, and God: Religion in the Thought of Jeremy Bentham. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Makris, S; (2022) Book Review: Conceptualising Procedural Fairness in EU Competition Law. [Review]. European Competition and Regulatory Law Review , 6 (2) pp. 180-189. 10.21552/core/2022/2/14.

Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2022) The UK Seasonal Worker Visa. European Law Open , 1 (3) pp. 711-719. 10.1017/elo.2022.39. Green open access

Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2022) Welfare-to-Work, Zero-Hours Contracts and Human Rights. European Labour Law Journal , 13 (3) pp. 431-449. 10.1177/20319525221104168. Green open access

Mantzari, D; (2022) Power Imbalances in Online Marketplaces: At the Crossroads of Competition Law and Regulation. In: Kokkoris, Ioannis, (ed.) Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Competition Enforcement. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Mantzari, Despoina; (2022) Courts, Regulators, and the Scrutiny of Economic Evidence. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.

Mantzari, Despoina; Germain, Gaudin; (2022) Google Shopping and the As-Efficient-Competitor Test: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice , 13 (2) pp. 125-135. 10.1093/jeclap/lpac006. Green open access

Marin Duran, Gracia; (2022) Carbon Border Adjustments: Ensuring Compatibility with the International Climate and Trade Regimes. UCL, Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Marin Duran, Gracia; (2022) Editorial: Towards Reducing the EU’s Global Deforestation Footprint? European Foreign Affairs Review , 27 (4) pp. 437-444. 10.54648/eerr2022036. Green open access

Marín Durán, Gracia; Scott, Joanne; (2022) Regulating Trade in Forest-Risk Commodities: Two Cheers for the European Union. Journal of Environmental Law , 34 (2) pp. 245-267. 10.1093/jel/eqac002. Green open access

Matus, Kira JM; Veale, Michael; (2022) Certification Systems for Machine Learning: Lessons from Sustainability. Regulation and Governance , 16 (1) pp. 177-196. doi.org/10.1111/rego.12417. Green open access

McCrea, Ronan; (2022) Democratic Backsliding and the Unravelling of the EU Legal Order. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review , 111 (442) pp. 168-177. Green open access

McCrea, Ronan; (2022) Regulating the Role of Religion in Society in an Era of Change and Secularist Self-doubt: Why European Courts Have Been Right to Adopt a Hands-Off Approach. Current Legal Problems , 75 (1) pp. 111-135. 10.1093/clp/cuac004. Green open access

McCrea, Ronan; (2022) Discrimination on Grounds of Religion or Belief and Neutrality Requirements: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in Bougnaoui. In: Butler, Graham and Lazowski, Adam, (eds.) Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. (pp. 497-509). Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

McFarlane, B; (2022) The essential nature of trusts and other equitable interests: Two and half cheers for Hohfeld. In: Balganesh, S and Sichelman, T and Smith, H, (eds.) Wesley Hohfeld A Century Later: Edited Work, Select Personal Papers, and Original Commentaries. (pp. 312-330). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

McFarlane, B; Douglas, S; (2022) Property, Analogy and Variety. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies , 42 (1) pp. 161-186. 10.1093/ojls/gqaa043. Green open access

Mills, Alex; (2022) The Role of the Courts in Reviewing Arbitral Tribunal Determinations on Substantive Jurisdiction. (Law Commission Consultation Paper ). Law Commission of England and Wales: London, UK. Green open access

Mills, Alex; (2022) Exorbitant Jurisdiction and the Common Law. In: Harris, Jonathan and McLachlan, Campbell, (eds.) Essays in International Litigation for Lord Collins. (pp. 243-264). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.

Montgomery, Jonathan; Kaufman, Kenneth; Williams, Richard; (2022) Thinking, Talking and Acting about Public Health Ethics in the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Faculty of Laws University College London Research Papers 4). Faculty of Laws, University College London: London, UK. Green open access


O'Cinneide, C; (2022) Chapter 11: Dignity at the margins: the contestatory dynamic of the principle of human dignity. In: Bedford, D and Dupré, C and Halmai, G and Kapotas, P, (eds.) Human Dignity and Democracy in Europe: Synergies, Tensions and Crises. (pp. 225-247). Edward Elgar Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Ormerod, David; Taylor, Richard; (2022) Agreement and Disagreement in Murder and Manslaughter Verdicts. Criminal Law Review , 2022 (3) pp. 185-209. Green open access


Paparinskis, Martins; (2022) Lead Discussant's Remarks in the Interactive Dialogue 7. In: Proceedings of the the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference. The United Nations (UN) Green open access

Paparinskis, Martins; (2022) The Interpretation of Treaties and Investment Arbitration: Introductory Reflections. In: Shirlow, Esmé and Gore, Kiran Nasir, (eds.) The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution, and Future. Wolters Kluwer

Pavel, Valentina; Kind, Carly; Strait, Andrew; Reeve, Octavia; Peppin, Aidan; Szymielewicz, Katarzyna; Veale, Michael; + view all (2022) Rethinking data and rebalancing digital power. Ada Lovelace Institute: London, UK. Green open access

Penn, Graham; (2022) Promoting Liquidity in the Secondary Loan Market: Is Sub-Participation Still Fit for Purpose? Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation , 37 (3) pp. 85-102. Green open access


Raczynska, Magda; (2022) The Species and Structure(s) of the Floating Charge: the English law perspective on the Scottish Floating Charge. In: Hardman, Jonathan and MacPherson, Alisdair, (eds.) Floating Charges in Scotland: New Perspectives and Current Issues. (pp. 304-342). Edinburgh University Press

Rawlings, Richard; (2022) Wales and the United Kingdom: a territorial constitutional policy drive. Territory, Politics, Governance , 10 (5) pp. 714-732. 10.1080/21622671.2022.2036630. Green open access

Roach, J Ashley; Davenport, Tara Maria; Azaria, Danae; (2022) Submarine Cables and Pipelines under International Law: Second Interim Report 2022. International Law Association: London, UK.

Robinson, Edmund Paul; (2022) The Obligation to Avert Risks of Violence under the European Convention on Human Rights. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Ross, Callum; Brown, Penelope; Brown, Christian; Chopra, Arun; Adshead, Gwen; Tracy, Derek; Towers, Kevin; ... Forsberg, Lisa; + view all (2022) COVID-19 Vaccination in those with mental health difficulties: A guide to assist decision-making in England, Scotland, and Wales. Medicine Science and the Law , 62 (4) pp. 275-282. 10.1177/00258024221086054. Green open access


Saprai, Prince; Caulcott, Celia; Garb, Tamar; Anziska, Seth; Malik, Aatikah; Ogundele, Sandra; Panjwani, Farid; + view all (2022) Report of the Academic Board Working Group on Racism and Prejudice. University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Saunders, Anna; (2022) Law after dominium: thinking with Martti Koskenniemi on property, sovereignty and transformation. Transnational Legal Theory , 13 (4) pp. 475-492. 10.1080/20414005.2023.2178144. Green open access

Scotford, Eloise; (2022) The Status of Environmental Principles in Environmental Law. In: Fisher, Douglas, (ed.) Research Handbook on Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Law. (pp. 381-405). Edward Elgar Green open access

Scotford, Eloise; (2022) Environmental Principles and the Construction of a New Body of Legal Reasoning. In: Fisher, Elizabeth and Preston, Brian, (eds.) An Environmental Court in Action: Function, Doctrine and Process. (pp. 155-174). Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Sinanis, Nikolaos Emmanouil; (2022) Exemplary Damages: A Critical History. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sorabji, John; (2022) Legal Expenses Insurance and the Future of Effective Litigation Funding. Erasmus Law Review (4) pp. 189-197. 10.5553/ELR.000210. Green open access

Stothers, Christopher; Galea, Alessandra; (2022) The best medicine? Competition law and generics pricing in the UK. Competition Law Insight (In press).

Stothers, Christopher; Galea, Alessandra; (2022) Competition Law Implications of Generic Drug Price Rises. Bio-Science Law Review , 18 (6) Green open access

Suteu, S; (2022) The View from Nowhere in Constitutional Theory: A Methodological Inquiry. In: Kyritsis, D and Lakin, S, (eds.) The Methodology of Constitutional Theory. (pp. 341-358). Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Suteu, S; (2022) Scotland’s Political and Constitutional Process: negotiating independence under a flexible constitution. In: Vidmar, J and McGibbon, S and Raible, L, (eds.) Research Handbook on Secession. (pp. 128-147). Edward Elgar Publishing Green open access


Toh, Kevin; Schroeter, François; Schroeter, Laura; (2022) The Limits of Metalinguistic Negotiation: The Role of Shared Meaning in Normative Debate. Canadian Journal of Philosophy (In press). Green open access

Trapova, Alina; Mezei, Péter; (2022) Robojournalism – A Copyright Study on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the European News Industry. GRUR International , 71 (7) pp. 589-602. 10.1093/grurint/ikac038. Green open access

Troncoso, Carmela; Bogdanov, Dan; Bugnion, Edouard; Chatel, Sylvain; Cremers, Cas; Gürses, Seda; Hubaux, Jean-Pierre; ... Veale, Michael; + view all (2022) Deploying decentralized, privacy-preserving proximity tracing. Communications of the ACM , 65 (9) pp. 48-57. 10.1145/3524107. Green open access


Vargas Weil, Ernesto; (2022) Map and Territory in Comparative Law and Economics. Global Journal of Comparative Law , 11 (1) pp. 1-35. 10.1163/2211906x-11010001. Green open access

Vargas Weil, Ling Ernesto René; (2022) Stability and change in property law: a comparative approach to the principle of numerus clausus. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Vaughan, Steven; Clark, Trevor; Moorhead, Richard; (2022) Agency over Technocracy - How Lawyer Archetypes Infect Regulatory Approaches. Legal Ethics 10.1080/1460728x.2022.2059742. (In press). Green open access

Veale, M; Zuiderveen Borgesius, F; (2022) Adtech and Real-Time Bidding under European Data Protection Law. German Law Journal , 23 (2) pp. 226-256. 10.1017/glj.2022.18. Green open access

Veale, Michael; (2022) Adtech’s new clothes might redefine privacy more than they reform profiling. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://netzpolitik.org/2022/future-of-online-adve... Green open access

Veale, Michael; (2022) Die neuen Kleider der Werbe-Giganten. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://netzpolitik.org/2022/zukunft-der-online-we...

Veale, Michael; (2022) Schools must resist big EdTech – but it won’t be easy. In: Livingstone, Sonia and Pothong, Krukae, (eds.) Education Data Futures: Critical, Regulatory and Practical Reflections. (pp. 67-78). 5Rights Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Veale, Michael; Binns, Reuben; Ausloos, Jef; (2022) 设计数据保护与数据主体权利之间的冲突. In: 设计隐私权研究——新信息性隐私权(三). (pp. 651-684). Sun Yat-Sen University Press: Guangzhou.

Veale, Michael; Nouwens, Midas; Santos, Cristiana; (2022) Impossible Asks: Can the Transparency and Consent Framework Ever Authorise Real-Time Bidding After the Belgian DPA Decision? Technology and Regulation , 2022 pp. 12-22. 10.26116/techreg.2022.002. Green open access


Wilde, Ralph; (2022) Tears of the Olive Trees: Mandatory Palestine, the UK, and Reparations for Colonialism in International Law. Journal of the History of International Law 10.1163/15718050-12340216. (In press). Green open access

Williams, Ian; (2022) Communal Justice in Shakespeare's England: Drama, Law, and Emotion By Penelope Geng, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021. 257 pp. ISBN: 9781487508043 $75.00 (hardback). International Journal of Law in Context , 18 (SP 4) pp. 526-528. Green open access

Williams, Ian; (2022) Learning the ‘New Law of the Star Chamber’: Legal Education and Legal Literature in Early-Stuart England. Journal of Legal History , 43 (3) pp. 243-231. 10.1080/01440365.2022.2140493. Green open access

Williams, Ian; (2022) The Saxon Constitution and Early-Modern Law. [Lecture]. Presented at: Selden Society Lecture, London, UK. Green open access


Xanthaki, Helen; (2022) Drafting for the EU: transposition as a drafting task. In: Stefanou, Constantin, (ed.) Modern Legislative Drafting - A Research Companion. Routledge: UK. (In press).


Yaghini, M; Kulynych, B; Cherubin, G; Veale, M; Troncoso, C; (2022) Disparate Vulnerability to Membership Inference Attacks. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies , 2022 (1) pp. 460-480. 10.2478/popets-2022-0023. Green open access


Ó Cinnéide, Colm; (2022) Revisiting Old Ground - TD, Sinnott and The Dangers of Clinging Too Tightly to Separation of Powers Orthodoxy. Irish Judicial Studies Journal , 2022 (3) pp. 1-9. Green open access

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