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Addae-Dapaah, K; (1996) The effectiveness of the direct sales comparison approach to office appraisal in Singapore. Australian Land Economics Review , 2 (2) pp. 35-43. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Kion, CB; (1996) International diversity of property stock - a Singaporean investor's viewpoint. Real Estate Finance , 13 (3) pp. 54-66.

Agar, JE; (1996) History of science on the World Wide Web. British Journal for the History of Science , 29 (2) 223 - 227. 10.1017/S0007087400034257. Green open access

Allen, T; Brown, SN; Smith, FT; (1996) On vortex/wave interactions. Part 2. Originating from axisymmetric flow with swirl. J FLUID MECH , 325 145 - 161. 10.1017/S0022112096008063. Green open access

Ashley, P; Moxom, J; Laricchia, G; (1996) Near-threshold ionization of He and H-2 by positron impact. Physical Review Letters , 77 (7) 1250 - 1253. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.1250. Green open access

Barlow, MJ; Nguyen-Q-Rieu; Truong-Bach; Cernicharo, J; GonzalezAlfonso, E; Liu, XW; Cox, P; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The rich far-infrared water vapour spectrum of W Hya. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L241-L244. Green open access

Brody, DC; Hughston, LP; (1996) Geometry of Quantum Statistical Inference. Physical Review Letters , 77 2851 - 2854. 0031-9007y96y77(14)y2851. Green open access

Caracciolo, S; Edwards, RG; Pelissetto, A; Sokal, AD; (1996) Caracciolo et al. Reply:. Phys.Rev.Lett. , 76 (7) 1179 -1179. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.1179. Green open access

Cassel, KW; Smith, FT; Walker, JDA; (1996) The onset of instability in unsteady boundary-layer separation. J FLUID MECH , 315 223 - 256. 10.1017/S0022112096002406. Green open access

Cernicharo, J; Barlow, MJ; Gonzalez-Alfonso, E; Cox, P; Clegg, PE; Nguyen-Q-Rieu; Omont, A; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The ISO/LWS far infrared spectrum of IRC+10216. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L201-L204. Green open access

Clegg, PE; Ade, PAR; Armand, C; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Buckley, MA; Berges, JC; ... White, GJ; + view all (1996) The ISO long-wavelength spectrometer. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L38-L42. Green open access

Cox, P; GonzalezAlfonso, E; Barlow, MJ; Liu, XW; Lim, T; Swinyard, BM; Cernicharo, J; ... Serra, G; + view all (1996) The ISO/LWS spectrum of the Egg nebula, AFGL 2688. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L265-L268. Green open access

Crawford, IA; Barlow, MJ; (1996) Ultra-high-resolution measurements of the intrinsic line profiles of interstellar C-2 towards zeta Ophiuchi and HD 169454. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 280 (3) pp. 863-867. 10.1093/mnras/280.3.863. Green open access

Duffy, DM; Harding, JH; Stoneham, AM; (1996) A calculation of the structure and energy of the Nb/Al2O3 interface. Acta Materialia , 44 (8) 3293 - 3298. 10.1016/1359-6454(95)00424-6. Green open access

EAMES, I; Hunt, JCR; (1996) Displacement of inviscid fluid by a sphere moving away from a wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 324 333 - 353. 10.1017/S002211209600794X. Green open access

Emery, R; Aannestad, P; Minchin, N; Unger, SJ; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Caux, E; ... Smith, A; + view all (1996) Extended fine structure and continuum emission from S140/L1204. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L285-L288. Green open access

Farrell, WM; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Owen, CJ; Byrnes, JB; Lepping, RP; Ogilvie, KW; Neubauer, F; (1996) Upstream ULF waves and energetic electrons associated with the lunar wake: Detection of precursor activity. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1271 - 1274. 10.1029/96GL01355. Green open access

Green, AG; Kogan, II; Tsvelik, AM; (1996) Skyrmion liquid in SU(2)-invariant quantum Hall systems. Physical Review B , 53 (11) 6981 - 6983. 10.1103/PhysRevB.53.6981. Green open access

Green, AG; Kogan, II; Tsvelik, AM; (1996) Skyrmions in the quantum Hall effect at finite Zeeman coupling. Physical Review B , 54 (23) , Article 16838. 10.1103/PhysRevB.54.16838. Green open access

Hillier, B; (1996) Cities as movement economies. Urban Design International , 1 (1) pp. 41-60. 10.1057/udi.1996.5. Green open access

Jacobs, E; Weissert, H; Shields, G; Stille, P; (1996) The Monterey event in the Mediterranean: A record from shelf sediments of Malta. Paleoceanography , 11 (6) 717 - 728. 10.1029/96PA02230. Green open access

Justtanont, K; Barlow, MJ; Skinner, CJ; Roche, PF; Aitken, DK; Smith, CH; (1996) Mid-infrared spectroscopy of carbon-rich post-AGB objects and detection of the PAH molecule chrysene. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 309 (2) pp. 612-628. Green open access

Kenyon, AJ; Trwoga, PF; Pitt, CW; Rehm, G; (1996) The origin of photoluminescence from thin films of silicon-rich silica. Journal of Applied Physics , 79 (12) 9291 - 9300. 10.1063/1.362605. Green open access

Kirstein, P; (1996) The C-ODA Project - On-line Access to Electronic Journals. Communications of the ACM , 39 (6) pp. 87-89. 10.1145/228503.228523. Green open access

Liu, XW; Barlow, MJ; (1996) Physical conditions in the transition regions around the Ring Nebula and NGC 7027. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 279 (2) pp. 511-520. 10.1093/mnras/279.2.511. Green open access

Liu, XW; Barlow, MJ; NguyenQRieu; TruongBach; Cox, P; Pequignot, D; Clegg, PE; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The ISO LWS grating spectrum of NGC 7027. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L257-L260. Green open access

Meaburn, J; Lopez, JA; Barlow, MJ; Drew, JE; (1996) The expansion of the outer circumstellar shell of P Cygni. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 283 (3) L69-L71. 10.1093/mnras/283.3.L69. Green open access

Nisini, B; Lorenzetti, D; Cohen, M; Ceccarelli, C; Giannini, T; Liseau, R; Molinari, S; ... White, GJ; + view all (1996) LWS-spectroscopy of Herbig Haro objects and molecular outflows in the Cha II dark cloud. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 L321-L324. Green open access

Ogilvie, KW; Steinberg, JT; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Owen, CJ; Lazarus, AJ; Farrell, WM; Torbert, RB; (1996) Observations of the lunar plasma wake from the WIND spacecraft on December 27, 1994. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1255 - 1258. 10.1029/96GL01069. Green open access

Owen, CJ; Lepping, RP; Ogilvie, KW; Slavin, JA; Farrell, WM; Byrnes, JB; (1996) The lunar wake at 6.8 R(L): WIND magnetic field observations. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1263 - 1266. 10.1029/96GL01354. Green open access

Roelfsema, PR; Cox, P; Tielens, AGGM; Allamandola, LJ; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Beintema, D; ... Sandford, SA; + view all (1996) SWS observations of IR emission features towards compact HII regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 L289-L292. Green open access

Saraceno, P; Ceccarelli, C; Clegg, P; Correia, C; DiGiorgio, A; Giannini, T; Griffin, M; ... Unger, S; + view all (1996) LWS observations of the bright rimmed globule IC1396N. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L293-L296. Green open access

Slavin, JA; Szabo, A; Peredo, M; Lepping, RP; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Ogilvie, KW; Owen, CJ; (1996) Near-simultaneous bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1207 - 1210. 10.1029/96GL01351. Green open access

Smith, FT; Brown, SN; (1996) On vortex/wave interactions. Part 1. Non-symmetrical input and cross-flow in boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 307 101 - 133. 10.1017/S0022112096000067. Green open access

Smith, FT; Timoshin, SN; (1996) Planar flows past thin multi-blade configurations. J FLUID MECH , 324 355 - 377. 10.1017/S0022112096007951. Green open access

Sokol, AA; Catlow, SRA; (1996) Electronic structure of sodalite: a computational study. Computer Modelling and New Technologies , 1 pp. 44-49. Green open access

Swinyard, BM; Clegg, PE; Ade, PAR; Armand, C; Balteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Berges, JC; ... White, GJ; + view all (1996) Calibration and performance of the ISO Long-Wavelength Spectrometer. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 L43-L48. Green open access

Sylvester, RJ; Skinner, CJ; Barlow, MJ; Mannings, V; (1996) Optical, infrared and millimetre-wave properties of Vega-like systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 279 (3) pp. 915-939. 10.1093/mnras/279.3.915. Green open access

Taniguchi, T; Dobson, D; Jones, AP; Rabe, R; Milledge, HJ; (1996) Synthesis of cubic diamond in the graphite-magnesium carbonate and graphite-K2Mg(CO3)(2) systems at high pressure of 9-10 GPa region. Journal of Materials Research , 11 (10) 2622 - 2632. 10.1557/JMR.1996.0330. Green open access

Timoshin, SN; (1996) Concerning marginal singularities in the boundary-layer flow on a downstream-moving surface. J FLUID MECH , 308 171 - 194. 10.1017/S0022112096001449. Green open access

Varotsos, P; Eftaxias, K; Vallianatos, F; Lazaridou, M; (1996) Basic principles for evaluating an earthquake prediction method. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (11) 1295 - 1298. 10.1029/96GL00905. Green open access

Book chapter

Emmerich, W; (1996) Architecture for viewpoint environments based on OMG/CORBA. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 207-211). Green open access

Emmerich, W; Bandinelli, S; Lavazza, L; Arlow, J; (1996) Fine grained process modelling: An experiment at British Airways. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 2-12). Green open access

WORTLEY, RK; (1996) Guilt, shame and situational crime prevention. In: The politics and practice of situational crime prevention. (115 - 132). Green open access

Proceedings paper

Betteridge, S; Pankhurst, QA; Morales, MP; OGrady, K; Dickson, DPE; (1996) An investigation of the magnetic moment orientations in recording media using polarized Mossbauer spectroscopy. In: Ortalli, I, (ed.) International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect- ICAME-95. (pp. pp. 251-254). EDITRICE COMPOSITORI: Bologna, Italy. Green open access

Clack, CD; Gould, SJ; Lidwell, PR; McDonnell, JT; (1996) Advanced Technology Support for Information Management at Friends of the Earth. In: Proceedings of Technology Transfer and Innovation 1996. (pp. pp. 170-175). TCD Green open access

Delle Site, P; Mackett, RL; (1996) Development of a Comprehensive Urban Public Transport Model for Long-range Patronage Forecasting. In: Proceedings of the 24th PTRC European Transport Forum 1996. PTRC: UK: London. Green open access

DeMarco, O; Storey, PJ; Barlow, MJ; (1996) A method for the direct determination of the wind electron temperature of WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae. In: Jeffery, CS and Heber, U, (eds.) Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series: Volume:96, Hydrogen-Deficient Stars. (pp. pp. 145-148). Astronomical Society of the Pacific Green open access

Heydecker, BG; Van der Zijpp, N; (1996) On the calibration of the gravity model. In: Transportation Planning Methods. Proceedings of Seminar D held at the PTRC European Transport Forum, Brunel University, England, 2-6 September 1996. Volume P404-1. PTRC Education and Research Services Limited: London, UK. Green open access

Kirstein, PT; Lewis, D; Hutton, A; Handley, M; Su, P; (1996) UCL Experiences with Higher Speed Working. In: Proceedings of the Joint European Networking Conference (JENC) 7. (pp. pp. 1-10). TNC (TERENA Networking Conference)

Kostkova, P; MURRAY, K; Wilkinson, T; (1996) Component Based Operating System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation 1996:2nd OSDI. USENIX: Seattle, Washington. Green open access

Manolopoulos, S; Manolopoulos, S; (1996) Radiation Hardness of GaAs p-i-n Diodes to Neutron Irradiation. In: Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds Proceedings of the Third International Workshop. (pp. pp. 144-151). World Scientific Green open access

Watson, A; Sasse, A; (1996) Assessing the Usability and Effectiveness of a Remote Language Teaching System. In: Carlson, Patricia and Fillia, Makedon, (eds.) Proceedings of ED-TELECOM 96- World Conference on rational Telecommunications. (pp. pp. 1-7). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE): USA: VA. Green open access


Barrett, M; (1996) Environmental charges for controlling greenhouse gas emissions from civil aviation. UCL (University College London), WWF International: Switzerland. Green open access

Barrett, M; Fergusson, M; (1996) Aviation liberalisation and the environment in europe. UCL (University College London), WWF International: Switzerland. Green open access

Emmerich, W; Spanoudakis, G; (1996) Next-generation viewpoint-based environments. (Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on The Next Generation of CASE Technology, Crete, Greece ). Norweigan University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Norway. Green open access

Hillier, B; Major, MD; Desyllas, J; Karimi, K; Campos, B; Stonor, T; (1996) Tate Gallery, Millbank: a study of the existing layout and new masterplan proposal. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

LEVY, C; (1996) The process of Institutionalising Gender in Policy and Planning: the web of institutionalisation. (DPU Working Papers 74). DPU, University College London: London, UK. Green open access


Baddeley, M; (1996) Rationality, Expectations and Investment: the theory of Keynes versus neo-classical theory. Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.

Breeveld, Alice Antonia; (1996) Ultraviolet detectors for solar observations on the SOHO spacecraft. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London, UK. Green open access

Conroy-Dalton, R; (1996) Looking at Buildings: Visual Perception of Building Facades. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

DE MAGALHAES, C; (1996) Urban development, the development process and spatial change: A study of the agents, their functions, strategies and structures of operation in teh development of office space in Sao Paulo, 1980-1984. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Langdon, William Benjamin; (1996) Genetic programming and data structures. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


University College London, Selviah, D.R., Chang, C.C. (1996) Phase conjugation apparatus and method of phase conjugating light. WO 96/30802. Green open access

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