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Aalto, P; Babich, D; Dusseault, D; Kivinen, M; Mikhaylov, S; Palonkorpi, M; Smith, H; (2006) The Energy Dynamic on the Borders of the EU – Belarusian Russian Relations. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Alivizatou, Marilena; (2006) Museums and Intangible Heritage: The Dynamics of an 'Unconventional' Relationship. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 17 pp. 47-57. 10.5334/pia.268. Green open access

Anderson, R; Brown, I; Clayton, R; Dowty, T; Korff, D; Munro, E; (2006) Children's Databases - Safety and Privacy. [Book]. Information Commissioner's Office: Wilmslow. Green open access

Arabindoo, P; (2006) Neighbourhood transformations in peri-urban Chennai. C S H O c c a s i o n a l P a p e r , 2006 (17) pp. 17-49.

Arena, V; (2006) Reconstructions of a Republic. The political culture of ancient Rome and the research of the last decade. [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 56 (1) 168 - 170. 10.1017/S0009840X05000879. Green open access


Banks, J; Blundell, R; Emmerson, C; Oldfield, Z; (2006) State pensions and the well-being of the elderly in the UK. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies Green open access

Banks, J; Breeze, E; Lessof, C; Nazroo, J; (2006) Retirement, health and relationships of the older population in England: The 2004 English Longitudinal Study Of Ageing (Wave 2). [Book]. Institute for Fiscal Studies: London. Green open access

Beasley-Murray, T; (2006) Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin: Experience and Form. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Bellamy, RP; (2006) Still in Deficit: Rights, Regulation, and Democracy in the European Union. European Law Journal , 12 (6) 725 - 742. 10.1111/j.1468-0386.2006.00344.x. Green open access

Bevan, AH; Conolly, JW; (2006) Multiscalar approaches to settlement pattern analysis. In: Lock, G and Molyneaux, B, (eds.) Confronting Scale in Archaeology: issues of theory and practice. (217 - 234). Springer: New York, US. Green open access

Bowersox, JD; (2006) Colonized Classrooms: Introducing German Students to the Empire, 1884-1914, in: Conference Report, American Historical Association Meeting, 2006 CGCEH Session 4: Education and Empire in Imperial Germany. American Historical Association Green open access

Bowlby, R; (2006) "I had Barbara": Women's ties and Wharton's "Roman Fever". DIFFERENCES-A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL STUDIES , 17 (3) pp. 37-51. 10.1215/10407391-2006-010. Green open access

Bowman, JH; (2006) The decline of the printed catalogue in Britain. Library history , 22 (2) pp. 67-99. 10.1179/174581606X117652. Green open access

Bracewell, W; (2006) Adventures in the Marketplace: Yugoslav travel writing and tourism in the 1950s-1960s. In: Koenker, D and Gorsuch, A, (eds.) Turizm: The Russian and East European Tourist under Capitalism and Socialism. (pp. 248-265). Cornell University Press: Ithaca, New York. Green open access

Bray, PM; (2006) Lost in the Fold: Space and Subjectivity in Gérard de Nerval's "Généalogie" and Sylvie. French Forum , 31 (2) pp. 35-51. 10.1353/frf.2007.0002. Green open access

Brehm, G; Axmacher, JC; (2006) A comparison of manual and automatic moth sampling methods (Lepidoptera : Arctiidae, Geometridae) in a rain forest in Costa Rica. ENVIRON ENTOMOL , 35 (3) 757 - 764. 10.1603/0046-225X-35.3.757. Green open access

Brown, I; (2006) The evolution of anti-circumvention law. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology , 20 (3) pp. 239-260. 10.1080/13600860600852119. Green open access

Bruno, RL; (2006) Optimal speed of transition with a shrinking labour force and under uncertainty. The Economics of Transition , 14 (1) pp. 69-100. 10.1111/j.1468-0351.2006.00241.x. Green open access

Buchanan, G; Gow, J; Blandford, A; Rimmer, J; Warwick, C; (2006) Representing aggregate works in the digital library. In: Gonzalo, J and Thanos, C and Verdejo, MF and Carrasco, RC, (eds.) Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. (pp. 532 - 535). Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Germany. Green open access

Burgess, A; Bennion, H; Rose, NL; (2006) Palaeoecological study of Linlithgow Loch, Scotland. (ECRC Research Report 109 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Burgess, A; Goldsmith, B; Hatton-Ellis, TW; (2006) Site Condition Assessments of Welsh SAC and SSSI Standing Water Features. (CCW Contract Science Report 705 ). The Countryside Council for Wales Green open access

Burgess, A; Shilland, EM; (2006) Lake SSSI assessments (17 lakes) – site condition monitoring. (ECRC Research Report 112 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Button, T; (2006) Realistic structuralism's identity crisis: a hybrid solution. Analysis , 66 (3) pp. 216-222. 10.1093/analys/66.3.216. Green open access

Button, T; (2006) There's no time like the present. Analysis , 66 (2) pp. 130-135. 10.1093/analys/66.2.130. Green open access


Chari, VV; Kehoe, PJ; (2006) Modern macroeconomics in practice: How theory is shaping policy. Journal of Economic Perspectives , 20 (4) pp. 3-28. 10.1257/jep.20.4.3. Green open access

Chirikure, S; Rehren, T; (2006) Iron smelting in pre-colonial Zimbabwe: Evidence for diachronic change from Swart village and Baranda, northern Zimbabwe. Journal of African Archaeology , 4 (1) pp. 37-54. Green open access

Choi, S; Fisman, R; Gale, D; Kariv, S; (2006) Substantive and procedural rationality in decisions under uncertainty. (ELSE Working Papers 231). ESRC Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution: London, UK. Green open access

Christiansen, J; Altaweel, M; (2006) Understanding ancient societies: a new approach using agent- based holistic modeling. Structure and Dynamic: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences , 1 (2) Green open access

Clark, DJ; (2006) Slava Gerovitch. From Newspeak to Cyberspeak: a history of Soviet cybernetics. British Journal for the History of Science , 39 (1) 146 - 148. 10.1017/S0007087406417891. Green open access

Coupaye, L; (2006) Fredrik Barth, Andre Gingrich, Robert Parkin, Sydel Silverman. One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, and American Anthropology. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2005. $21.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-226-03829-2. H-Net Reviews in Humanities & Social Sciences , 2006 Green open access

Coupaye, L; (2006) Kauage's Visions: Art from Papua New Guinea. [Review]. Journal of Museum Ethnography , 18 pp. 177-180. Green open access


Davidson, P; (2006) Vyacheslav Ivanov and C.M. Bowra: A Correspondence from Two Corners on Humanism. [Book]. Birmingham Slavonic Monographs. University of Birmingham: Birmingham. Green open access

Davidson, TA; Hoare, D; Morley, D; Sayer, CD; (2006) Reconstructing the macrophyte flora of three Broads: A palaeolimnological analysis. (ECRC Research Report 106 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Dávila, JD; Gilbert, A; Rueda, N; Vargas, H; Quiñones, P; Carrizosa, M; Van Hemelryck, N; + view all (2006) Suelo urbano y vivienda para la población de ingresos bajos: estudios de caso: Bogotá-Soacha-Mosquera; Medellín y Área Metropolitana = Colombia: housing and land for the urban poor: case studies of Bogotá-Soacha-Mosquera and Medellín. Development Planning Unit, UCL; World Bank Cities Alliance & Departamento Nacional de Planeacion: Bogotá, Colombia. Green open access

De Giorgi, G; Angelucci, M; (2006) Indirect effects of an aid program: how do liquidity injections affect non-eligibles' consumption? (Discussion Papers in Economics 06-01 ). Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; (2006) “Entrevista com Jorge Díaz Cintas, por Eliana P. C. Franco e Vera Lúcia Santiago Araújo”. Cadernos de Tradução , 16 pp. 311-323. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; Muñoz Sánchez, P; (2006) Fansubs: Audiovisual Translation in an amateur environment. JoSTrans : The Journal of Specialised Translation , 6 pp. 37-52. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; Orero, P; Remael, A; (2006) Introduction: The landscapes of Audiovisual Translation. JoSTrans : The Journal of Specialised Translation , 6 pp. 2-9. Green open access


Eliaz, K; Spiegler, R; (2006) Can anticipatory feelings explain anomalous choices of information sources? GAME ECON BEHAV , 56 (1) 87 - 104. 10.1016/j.geb.2005.06.004. Green open access

Ellison, M; Graham, LM; Vilmunen, J; (2006) Strong contagion with weak spillovers. Review of Economic Dynamics , 9 (2) pp. 263-283. 10.1016/j.red.2006.01.001. Green open access


Fortunato, L; Holden, C; Mace, R; (2006) From bridewealth to dowry? A Bayesian estimation of ancestral states of marriage transfers in Indo-European groups. HUMAN NATURE-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE , 17 (4) 355 - 376. Green open access

Freestone, IC; (2006) Glass production in Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic period: a geochemical perspective. In: Maggetti, M and Messiga, B, (eds.) Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage. (pp. pp. 201-216). The Geological Society: London, UK. Green open access

French, Eric; (2006) Labor Force and Wage Dynamics Among Low Skilled Workers. In: Blank, R and Danziger, S and Schoeni, R, (eds.) Working and Poor: How Economic and Policy Changes Are Affecting Low-Wage Workers. Russell Sage Foundation: New York, NY, USA.


Gardner, S; (2006) The primacy of practical reason. In: Bird, G, (ed.) A Companion to Kant. (pp. 259-274). Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Oxford.

Gardner, A; (2006) Review of A. Macmahon, and J. Price 'Roman Working Lives and Urban Living'. [Review]. Journal of Roman Studies , 96 233 - 234. 10.1017/S007543580000109X. Green open access

Gardner, A; (2006) Rome and its Frontiers (C.R. Whittaker, 2004). [Review]. Britannia , 37 520 - 521. 10.1017/S0068113X00002154. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2006) Sartre, Schelling, and onto-theology. Religious Studies , 42 (3) pp. 247-271. 10.1017/S0034412506008407. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2006) Wollheims Ästhetik. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie , 54 (5) pp. 733-742. 10.1524/dzph.2006.54.5.733. Green open access

Gibson, MA; Mace, R; (2006) An energy-saving development initiative increases birth rate and childhood malnutrition in rural Ethiopia. PLOS MED , 3 (4) , Article e87. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030087. Green open access

Gingerich, Jonathan; (2006) Poincaré, Sartre, Continuity and Temporality. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology , 37 (3) pp. 327-330. 10.1080/00071773.2006.11006594. Green open access

Glinister, F; (2006) Review of P. Pieroni 'Marcus Verrius Flaccus' De Significatu Verborum in den Auszügen von Sextus Pompeius Festus und Paulus Diaconus. Einleitung und Teilkommentar (154,19—186,29 Lindsay)'. [Review]. Journal of Roman Studies , 96 251 - 252. 10.1017/S0075435800001210. Green open access

Graffy, J; (2006) Difficult people: Kira Muratova's cinematic encounter with Chekhov. ESSAYS IN POETICS , 31 180 - 212. Green open access

Graham, E; (2006) In the maw of the earth monster: Mesoamerican ritual cave use. [Review]. J LAT AM STUD , 38 (3) 680 - 682. 10.1017/S0022216X06501506. Green open access

Graham, E; (2006) Jon C. Lohse and Fred Valdez, Jr. (eds.), Ancient Maya Commoners (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2004), pp. viii+299, $45.00, hb. [Review]. J LAT AM STUD , 38 (1) 179 - 180. 10.1017/S0022216X05210672. Green open access

Griffith, R; Harrison, R; Simpson, H; (2006) Product market reform and innovation in the EU. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies Green open access

Griffith, R; Neely, A; (2006) Incentives and managerial experience in multi-taskteams: evidence from within a firm. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies Green open access

Guarino, A; Huck, S; Jeitschko, TD; (2006) Averting economic collapse and the solipsism bias. GAME ECON BEHAV , 57 (2) 264 - 285. 10.1016/j.geb.2005.10.003. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2006) Moses Mendelssohns Tätigkeit als Fürsprecher im Kontext jüdischer politischer Kultur der frühen Neuzeit. In: Schoeps, JH and Grözinger, K-E and Mattenklott, G, (eds.) Tradition, Emanzipation und Verantwortung. Moses Mendelssohn, die Aufklärung und die Anfänge des deutsch-jüdischen Bürgertums. (pp. 115-136). EVA Europäische Verlagsanstalt / Philo & Philo Fine Arts: Hamburg, Germany. Green open access


Haklay, MM; (2006) Usability dimensions in collaborative GIS. In: Collaborative Geographic Information Systems. (pp. 24-42). Green open access

Haklay, M; (2006) GIS 2 + 10: has new GIS emerged? In: (Proceedings) RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2006. : London, UK. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2006) Dissent and opposition in communist Eastern Europe: Origins of civil society and democratic transition. Europe-Asia Studies , 58 (2) 300 - 302. 10.1080/09668130500481543. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2006) Environment and democracy in the Czech Republic: The environmental movement in the transition. [Review]. Europe-Asia Studies , 57 (7) 1085 - 1087. 10.1080/09668130500302863. Green open access

Harris, SM; (2006) A report on the examination of animal skin artefacts from the Bronze Age salt mines of Hallstatt, Austria. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 17 69 - 76. 10.5334/pia.270. Green open access

Holbraad, M; (2006) Review of M.A. Clark, Where Men are Wives and Mothers Rule: Santería Ritual Practices and their Gender Implications (2005, University Press of Florida). [Review]. Journal of Latin American Studies , 38 (4) 888 - 889. 10.1017/S0022216X06361937. Green open access

Hoppit, J; (2006) The contexts and contours of British economic literature, 1660-1760. HIST J , 49 (1) 79 - 110. 10.1017/S0018246X05005066. Green open access

Hosking, G; (2006) Trust and Distrust: a suitable subject for historians? Transactions of the Royal Historical Society , 16 pp. 95-115. 10.1017/S0080440106000429. Green open access


Jasim, AK; Hamza, HA; Altaweel, M; (2006) Tell Abu Shijar, near Aqar Quf: Summary of excava- tions. Akkadica , 127 (2) 155 - 166. Green open access

Jaworski, PM; Radosevic, S; (2006) The Rise And Fall Of A Central European Enterprise: The Case Of 'Elektrim'. In: Mickiewicz, T, (ed.) Corporate Governance and Finance in Poland and Russia. (91 - 118). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. Green open access

Jones, PJS; (2006) The Marine Bill: Cornucopia or Pandora's box? Ecos , 27 (2) pp. 1-6. Green open access

Jones, PJS; (2006) Collective action problems posed by no-take zones. MAR POLICY , 30 (2) 143 - 156. 10.1016/j.marpol.2004.10.003. Green open access


Lee, Kelley; Lock, Karen; Ingram, Alan; (2006) The Role of Health Impact Assessment. The Nuffield Trust; Nuffield Health and Social Services Fund: London, UK.

Lewis, J; (2006) Les Pygmées Batwa du Rwanda: un peuple ignoré du Rwanda / The Twa Pygmies: Rwanda's ignored people. In: Abega, SC and Logo, PB, (eds.) La Margininalisation des Pygmées d'Afrique Centrale. (79 - 105). Editions Maisonneuve-Larose: Langres, France. Green open access

Lise, JS; (2006) On-the-Job Search and Precautionary Savings: Theory and Empirics of Earnings and Wealth Inequality. Version of January 13, 2006. Society for Economic Dynamics (2006 Meetings) Green open access

Longley, PA; Webber, R; Li, C; (2006) The UK geography of the E-Society: a national classification. (CASA Working Papers 111). Centre for Advanced Spatial Awareness (UCL), UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Awareness (UCL): London, UK. Green open access


Majcen, B; Rojec, SRAM; (2006) FDI Subsidiaries and Industrial Integration of Central Europe: Conceptual and Empirical Results. In: Dyker, DA, (ed.) Closing the East-West Productivity Gap: Foreign Direct Investment, Competitiveness and Public Policy. (pp. 35-70). Imperial College Press: London. Green open access

Markesinis, B; (2006) NATIONAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY OR INTELLECTUAL ARROGANCE? THE CURRENT ATTITUDE OF AMERICAN COURTS TOWARDS FOREIGN LAW. Cambridge Law Journal , 65 (2) pp. 301-329. 10.1017/S0008197306007136. Green open access

Martinón-Torres, M; Rehren, T; (2006) The 'mystery' of the post-medieval triangular crucibles reconsidered - a global perspective. In: Pérez-Arantegui, J, (ed.) Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Zaragoza, 3-7 May 2004. (pp. 515-524). Institución Fernando el Católico: Zaragoza, Spain. Green open access

MATEOS, P; WEBBER, R; LONGLEY, P; (2006) How segregated are name origins? A new method of measuring ethnic residential segregation. In: Priestnall, G and Aplin, P, (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th GIScience Research UK Annual Conference (GISRUK 2006). (pp. 285 - 291). University of Nottingham: Nottingham, UK. Green open access

Meghir, C; (2006) Dynamic models for policy evaluation. (IFS Working Papers W06/08). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Miše, M; (2006) Antička kuhinjska keramika iz Diomedovog svetišta na Palagruži [= Ancient Kitchen ware from Diomedes sanctuary at island of Palagrža]. Histria Antiqua , 14 pp. 203-215. Green open access

Montgomery, J; (2006) Law and the demoralisation of medicine. Legal Studies , 26 (2) pp. 185-210. 10.1111/j.1748-121X.2006.00004.x. Green open access

Moore, MT; (2006) Company law in crisis: regulating managerial power in the age of shareholder value. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Moshenska, G; (2006) Scales of memory in the archaeology of the Second World War. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 17 58 - 68. 10.5334/pia.269. Green open access


Naeser, C; (2006) Die Humboldt University Nubian Expedition 2006: Arbeiten auf Us und Mograt. Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (MittSAG) , 17 pp. 89-116. Green open access


Olivella, P; Vera-Hernández, M; (2006) Testing for Adverse Selection into Private Medical Insurance. The Institute for Fiscal Studies Green open access

Oliver, Jose R; Fontan, Juan Rivera; (2006) Bateyes de Viví (U-1), Utuado Puerto Rico. Final Documentation for Inclusion in the National Register of Historical Places. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Office-PR: San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Pease-Watkin, CFM; (2006) Bentham's Panopticon and Dumont's 'Panoptique'. Journal of Bentham Studies , 8 1 - 11. Green open access

Pease-Watkin, CFM; (2006) The Influence of Mary Bentham on John Stuart Mill. Journal of Bentham Studies , 8 1 - 11. Green open access

Perring, D; (2006) Comment on "What is the value of an archaeology degree". Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 17 16 -18. 10.5334/pia.262. Green open access

Perring, D; (2006) The Taberna Structures of Roman Britain (A. MacMahon,2003). [Review]. Britannia , 37 511 - 512. 10.1017/S0068113X00002075. Green open access

Perring, D; Pitts, M; (2006) The making of Britain’s first urban landscapes: the case of late Iron Age and Roman Essex. Britannia , 37 189 - 212. 10.3815/000000006784016585. Green open access

Pope, MI; Wells, C; Watson, K; (2006) Biface form and structured behaviour in the Acheulean. Lithics , 27 pp. 44-57. Green open access

Preston, I; (2006) Inequality and income gaps. Institute for Fiscal Studies Green open access


Radner, K; (2006) Aššur-dur-paniya, Statthalter von Til-Barsip unter Sargon II. von Assyrien. Baghdader Mitteilungen , 37 pp. 185-195. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) How to reach the Upper Tigris: the route through the Tur Abdin. State Archives of Assyria Bulletin , 15 pp. 273-305. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) Musker und Phryger (Wittke, Anne-Maria). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 96 (1) 144 - 149. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) A Passing Power (Hafthorsson, Sigurdur). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 96 (2) 276 - 278. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) Ritual and politics in Ancient Mesopotamia. J ROY ASIATIC SOC , 16 (2) 202 - 204. 10.1017/S1356186306236162. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) Briefe aus der Korrespondenz der neuassyrischen Könige. In: Janowski, B and Wilhelm, G, (eds.) Briefe. (pp. 116-157). Gütersloher Verlagshaus: Gütersloh, Germany. Green open access

Radner, K; (2006) Assyrische tuppi adê als Vorbild für Deuteronomium 28,20-44? In: Witte, M and Schmid, K and Prechel, D and Gertz, JC, (eds.) Die deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke: Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur 'Deuteronomismus' - Diskussion in Tora und Vorderen Propheten. (351 - 378). de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Radner, K; Kroll, S; (2006) Ein Bronzedolch des Simbar-Šipak von Babylon (1025-1008). Überlegungen zu Waffenweihungen im Vorderen Orient. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 96 (2) 212 - 221. 10.1515/ZA.2006.009. Green open access

Radosevic, S; (2006) Growth, Integration and Spillovers in the Central and East European Software Industry. (Economics Working Papers 69). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2006) The minting of platinum roubles. Platinum Metals Review , 50 (3) pp. 120-129. 10.1595/147106706X128890. Green open access


Salverda, R; (2006) Multilingual London and its Literatures. Opticon 10.5334/opt.010603. Green open access

Sauma, JF; (2006) Encontros cartografados: reflexões sobre encontros entre meninos e educadores de rua. Cadernos de Campo , 15 (14-15) pp. 41-63. 10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v15i14-15p41-63. Green open access

Schrumpf, M; Zech, W; Axmacher, JC; Lyaruu, HVM; (2006) Biogeochemistry of an afrotropical montane rain forest on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. J TROP ECOL , 22 (1) 77 - 89. 10.1017/S0266467405002907. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Bonjean, M; Beaumont, WRC; (2006) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2005-2006 (year 18). ENSIS: London, UK. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Keay, J; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2006) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Tenth report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Report 111 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Sayer, CD; (2006) Pond amphibian survey with special reference to Great Crested Newts. Manor Farm, Melton Constable, Norfolk. (ECRC Research Report 108 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Sikk, A; (2006) From private organizations to democratic infrastructure: Political parties and the state in Estonia. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics , 22 (3) pp. 341-361. 10.1080/13523270600855720. Green open access

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Skarlatidou, A; Haklay, M; (2006) Public Web Mapping: preliminary usability evaluation. In: (Proceedings) GIS Research UK 2006. : Nottingham, UK. Green open access

Snyder, S; (2006) The Helsinki process, American foreign policy, and the end of the Cold War. Doctoral thesis , Georgetown University.

Spiegler, R; (2006) Argumentation in multi-issue debates. SOC CHOICE WELFARE , 26 (2) 385 - 402. 10.1007/s00355-006-0100-8. Green open access

Spiegler, R; (2006) Competition over agents with boundedly rational expectations. Theoretical Economics , 1 (2) 207 -231. Green open access

Steele, J; (2006) The sociocultural theatre and the evolutionary play. Archaeology International , 2005/6 (9) pp. 20-22. Green open access

Stevens, TF; Jones, PJS; Howell, K; Mee, L; (2006) Methods for managing Marine Protected Areas: options for establishing and managing a marine protected area system in the UK. Report to Natural England. Natural England: Peterborough, UK. Green open access

Swann, GEA; Maslin, MA; Leng, MJ; Sloane, HJ; Haug, GH; (2006) Diatom δ18O evidence for the development of the modern halocline system in the subarctic northwest Pacific at the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Paleoceanography , 21 (1) , Article PA1009. 10.1029/2005PA001147. Green open access


Taylor, RG; Mileham, L; Tindimugaya, C; Majugu, A; Muwanga, A; Nakileza, B; (2006) Recent glacial recession in the Rwenzori Mountains of East Africa due to rising air temperature. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (10) , Article L10402. 10.1029/2006GL025962. Green open access

Taylor, RG; Mileham, L; Tindimugaya, C; Majugu, A; Muwanga, A; Nakileza, B; (2006) Reply to comment by T. Molg et al. on "Recent glacial recession in the Rwenzori Mountains of East Africa due to rising air temperature". Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (20) , Article L20405. 10.1029/2006GL027606. Green open access

Terras, M; (2006) Disciplined: Using educational studies to analyse 'Humanities Computing'. Literary and Linguistic Computing , 21 (2) pp. 229-246. 10.1093/llc/fql022. Green open access

Terras, M; (2006) Interpreting the image: using advanced computational techniques to read the Vindolanda texts. ASLIB PROCEEDINGS , 58 (1-2) pp. 102-117. 10.1108/00012530610648707. Green open access

Thomas, N; Martinón-Torres, M; Goy, C; Rehren, T; (2006) La fouille archéologique du quartier Velotte à Montbéliard: nouvelles données sur des opérations de chimie oubliées. Bulletin de la Société d’émulation de Montbéliard , 155 (129) pp. 441-465. Green open access

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Trifonova, Temenuga; (2006) The Fantastic Redemption of Reality. Quarterly Journal of Film and Video , 21 (1) pp. 55-78. 10.1080/10509200490476841. Green open access

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