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Carter, AK; Stark, MT; Castillo, CC; Heng, P; Zhuang, Y; Chhay, R; (2022) Prasat and Pteah: Habitation within Angkor Wat's temple enclosure. Archaeological Research in Asia , 32 , Article 100405. 10.1016/j.ara.2022.100405. Green open access

Carter, AK; Stark, MT; Quintus, S; Zhuang, Y; Wang, H; Heng, P; Chhay, R; (2019) Temple occupation and the tempo of collapse at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 116 (25) pp. 12226-12231. 10.1073/pnas.1821879116. Green open access

Castillo, CC; Carter, A; Kingwell-Banham, E; Zhuang, Y; Weisskopf, A; Chhay, R; Heng, P; ... Stark, M; + view all (2020) The Khmer did not live by rice alone: Archaeobotanical investigations at Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm. Archaeological Research in Asia , 24 , Article 100213. 10.1016/j.ara.2020.100213. Green open access

Huan, X; Zhang, J; Zhuang, Y; Fan, C; Wang, N; Ji, X; Shao, K; ... Lu, H; + view all (2022) Intensification of rice farming and its environmental consequences recorded in a Liangzhu reservoir, China. Quaternary International , 619 pp. 39-45. 10.1016/j.quaint.2022.01.012. Green open access

Jin, Y; Mo, D; Li, Y; Ding, P; Zong, Y; Zhuang, Y; (2018) Ecology and hydrology of early rice farming: geoarchaeological and palaeo-ecological evidence from the Late Holocene paddy field site at Maoshan, the Lower Yangtze. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10.1007/s12520-018-0639-1. (In press). Green open access

Li, C; Zhuang, Y; (2022) The Spread and Regional Development of Wheat Farming in the Yellow River Valley under the Han Empire. Journal of World History , 33 (3) pp. 367-402. 10.1353/jwh.2022.0025. Green open access

Li, Chunxia; Cao, Yanpeng; Zhang, Chi; Qin, Ling; Deng, Zhenhua; Chen, Yan; Zhu, Shuzheng; ... Zhuang, Yijie; + view all (2023) Earliest ceramic drainage system and the formation of hydro-sociality in monsoonal East Asia. Nature Water 10.1038/s44221-023-00114-4. (In press). Green open access

Liu, B; Wang, N; Chen, M; Wu, X; Mo, D; Liu, J; Xu, S; (2017) Earliest hydraulic enterprise in China, 5,100 years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 114 (52) pp. 13637-13642. 10.1073/pnas.1710516114. Green open access

Lu, P; Lü, J; Zhuang, Y; Chen, P; Wang, H; Tian, Y; Mo, D; ... Zhai, H; + view all (2021) Evolution of Holocene alluvial landscapes in the northeastern Songshan Region, Central China: Chronology, models and socio-economic impact. Catena , 197 , Article 104956. 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104956. Green open access

Lu, Peng; Xu, Junjie; Zhuang, Yijie; Chen, Panpan; Wang, Hui; Tian, Yan; Mo, Duowen; ... Li, Ye; + view all (2022) Prolonged landscape stability sustained the continuous development of ancient civilizations in the Shuangji River valley of China's Central Plains. Geomorphology , 413 , Article 108359. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108359. Green open access

Lü, J; Mo, D; Zhuang, Y; Jiang, J; Liao, Y; Lu, P; Ren, X; (2019) Holocene geomorphic evolution and settlement distribution patterns in the mid-lower Fen River basins, China. Quaternary International , 521 pp. 16-24. 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.05.032. Green open access

Pryce, TO; Pradier, Baptiste; Favereau, Aude; Oo, U Saw Naing; Le Meur, Clémence; Oo, Daw Kay Thwe; Aye, U Arkar; ... Higham, Thomas FG; + view all (2024) Late prehistoric and early historic chronology of Myanmar: a four-millennia sequence from Halin. Antiquity 10.15184/aqy.2023.190. (In press). Green open access

Qiu, Zhenwei; Zhuang, Lina; Rao, Huiyun; Lin, Liugen; Zhuang, Yijie; (2022) Excavation at Hanjing site yields evidence of early rice cultivation in the Huai River more than 8000 years ago. Science China Earth Sciences , 65 pp. 910-920. 10.1007/s11430-021-9885-x. Green open access

Storozum, Michael; Zhuang, Yijie; Wang, Hui; Mo, Duowen; (2023) Geoarchaeology in China: Progress, trends, and perspectives. Geoarchaeology , 38 (3) pp. 263-267. 10.1002/gea.21955. Green open access

Wang, N; Dong, C; Xu, H; Zhuang, Y; (2020) Letting the stones speak: An interdisciplinary survey of stone collection and construction at Liangzhu City, prehistoric Lower Yangtze River. Geoarchaeology 10.1002/gea.21793. (In press). Green open access

Yang, X; Fuller, DQ; Huan, X; Perry, L; Li, Q; Li, Z; Zhang, J; ... Lu, H; + view all (2015) Barnyard grasses were processed with rice around 10000 years ago. Scientific Reports , 5 , Article 16251. 10.1038/srep16251. Green open access

Yang, X; Zhuang, Y; Wang, W; Li, Z; Ma, Z; Ma, Y; Cui, Y; ... Fuller, D; + view all (2017) New radiocarbon evidence on early rice consumption and farming in South China. The Holocene , 27 (7) pp. 1045-1051. 10.1177/0959683616678465. Green open access

Zhang, Hai; Li, Wei; Bevan, Andrew; Wang, Hui; Liang, Fawei; Cao, Yanpeng; Zhuang, Yijie; (2023) Geostatistical and geoarchaeological study of Holocene floodplains and site distributions on the Sha‐Ying River Basin, Central China. Geoarchaeology 10.1002/gea.21957. (In press). Green open access

Zhao, Chengshuangping; Mo, Duowen; Yuxiang, Jin; Lu, Peng; Bin, Liu; Wang, Ningyuan; Chen, Minghui; ... Zhuang, Yijie; + view all (2022) A 7000-year record of environmental change: Evolution of Holocene environment and human activities in the Hangjiahu Plain, the lower Yangtze, China. Geoarchaeology 10.1002/gea.21945. (In press). Green open access

Zhuang, Y; (2021) Dams, moats, and cities: climate and societies in late-Holocene China. Journal of the British Academy , 9 pp. 295-318. 10.5871/jba/009.295. Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Lane, Paul J; (2022) Harvesting the winds, harvesting the rain: an introduction to the issue on Inhabiting tropical worlds. World Archaeology , 53 (4) pp. 563-578. 10.1080/00438243.2021.2062885. Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Rao, ZY; (2022) 焦家遗址大汶口文化城墙与壕沟使用过程的地学考古观察. 南方文物 Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Wei, Xingtao; Zhuang, Lina; Zhang, Xiaohu; Xu, Junjie; (2023) Wells, fields and the emergence of early-to-middle Holocene villages in the Huai River region, China: Contesting regional similarities and differences on prehistoric water management with new archaeological and palaeo-environmental evidence. The Holocene 10.1177/09596836231197736. (In press). Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Yuan, Junping; Liang, Shuaiwei; Chen, Minghui; Wang, Ningyuan; (2024) Architectural technology and labour organisation at the late Neolithic Liangzhu City, Yangtze Delta region, China. Journal of Archaeological Science , 167 , Article 105999. 10.1016/j.jas.2024.105999. Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Zhang, Xiaohu; Xu, Junjie; (2023) Aquatic landscape and the emergence of walled sites in late Neolithic Central Plains of China: Integrating archaeological and geoarchaeological evidence from the Guchengzhai site. Archaeological Research in Asia , 33 , Article 100428. 10.1016/j.ara.2022.100428. (In press). Green open access

Zhuang, Y; (2017) State and irrigation: archeological and textual evidence of water management in late Bronze Age China. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water , 4 (4) , Article e1217. 10.1002/WAT2.1217. Green open access

Zhuang, Y; (2016) The Ancient Highlands of Southwest China: From the Bronze Age to the Han Empire by Alice Yao. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 288 pp. American Anthropologist , 118 (4) pp. 988-989. 10.1111/aman.12802. Green open access

Zhuang, Y; Bao, W; French, C; (2016) Loess and early land use: geoarchaeological investigation at the early Neolithic site of Guobei, Southern Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena , 144 pp. 151-162. 10.1016/j.catena.2016.05.005. Green open access

Zhuang, Y; Lee, H; Kidder, TR; (2016) The cradle of heaven-human induction idealism: agricultural intensification, environmental consequences and social responses in Han China and Three-Kingdoms Korea. World Archaeology , 48 (4) pp. 563-585. 10.1080/00438243.2016.1251850. Green open access

Zhuang, Y; Zhang, H; Fang, Y; Wang, H; (2017) Life cycle of a moat: A detailed micromorphological examination and broader geoarchaeological survey at the late Neolithic Wadian site, Central China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 12 pp. 699-711. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.034. Green open access

Zongyue, Rao; Fen, Wang; Zhuang, Yijie; Hao, Wu; Guiyun, Jin; (2023) 焦家遗址大汶口文化城墙与壕沟使用过程的地学考古观察 饶宗岳 王芬 庄奕杰 武昊 靳桂云. 南方文物 , 2022 (1) pp. 140-151. Green open access

张, 海; 庄奕杰, .; 燕明, 方; 辉, 王; (2016) 河南禹州瓦店遗址龙山文化壕沟的土壤微形态分析. 华夏考古 (4) pp. 86-95. 10.16143/j.cnki.1001-9928.2016.04.008. Green open access


Zhuang, Y and Altaweel, M (Eds). (2018) Water Societies and Technologies from the Past and Present. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Book chapter

Zhuang, Yijie; (2020) Trajectories of agricultural development in prehistoric China: From the beginning of crop cultivation to the period of agricultural intensification (c. 10000-3000 BP). In: Hollander, David and Howe, Timothy, (eds.) A Companion to Ancient Agriculture. (pp. 611-632). Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, New Jersey, United States. Green open access

Zhuang, Yijie; Du, Shenglun; (2022) Holocene sea-level change and evolution of prehistoric settlements around the Yangtze Delta region. In: Carson, Mike T, (ed.) Palaeolandscapes in Archaeology: Lessons for the Past and Future. (pp. 192-214). Routledge

Digital scholarly resource

Zhuang, Yijie; (2024) Online Chinese references – Environmental Foundations to the Rise of Early Civilisations in China. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/ucl-institute-ar... Green open access

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