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Number of items: 6.


Declercq, C; (2014) Belgian Refugees in Britain 1914 - 1919. In: 'I Died in Hell - (They Called it Passchendaele). The Great War 1914-1918. (pp. 56-66). the Flemish-Netherlands Association Ons Erfdeel: Rekkem, Belgium. Green open access

Declercq, C; (2014) Crowd, cloud and automation in the translation education community. In: Katan, D and Spinzi, C, (eds.) Transcreation and the Professions. (pp. 37-56). Iconesoft Edizioni Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; (2014) Multilingüismo, traducción audiovisual y estereotipos: el caso de Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Prosopopeya: Revista de crítica contemporánea , 9 pp. 135-161.


Federici, F; TESSICINI, D; (2014) A servant of Two masters: the Translator Michel Angelo Corai as a Tuscan Diplomat (1599-1609). In: Translators, Interpreters, and Cultural Negotiators Mediating and Communicating Power from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era. (pp. 81-104). Palgrave MacMillan: London, UK. Green open access


Zarate, S; (2014) Subtitling for deaf children: Granting accessibility to audiovisual programmes in an educational way. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Zarate, S; Eliahoo, J; (2014) Word recognition and content comprehension of subtitles for television by deaf children. The Journal of Specialised Translation (21) 133 - 152. Green open access

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