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Number of items: 7.


Dave, SS; Johnson, AM; Fenton, KA; Mercer, CH; Erens, B; Wellings, K; (2003) Male circumcision in Britain: findings from a national probability sample survey. SEX TRANSM INFECT , 79 (6) 499 - 500. Green open access


Friis-Moller, N; Sabin, CA; Weber, R; Monforte, AD; El-Sadr, WM; Reiss, P; Thiebaut, R; ... Yerly, S; + view all (2003) Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE , 349 (21) pp. 1993-2003. 10.1056/NEJMoa030218. Green open access


Lascar, RM; Gilson, RJ; Lopes, AR; Bertoletti, A; Maini, MK; (2003) Reconstitution of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specific T cell responses with treatment of human immunodeficiency virus/HBV coinfection. J INFECT DIS , 188 (12) 1815 - 1819. Green open access


Mercer, CH; Fenton, KA; Johnson, AM; Wellings, K; Macdowall, W; McManus, S; Nanchahal, K; (2003) Sexual function problems and help seeking behaviour in Britain: national probability sample survey. BRIT MED J , 327 (7412) 426 - 427. Green open access


Stephenson, JM; Imrie, J; Davis, MMD; Mercer, C; Black, S; Copas, AJ; Hart, GJ; ... Williams, IG; + view all (2003) Is use of antiretroviral therapy among homosexual men associated with increased risk of transmission of HIV infection? SEX TRANSM INFECT , 79 (1) 7 - 10. Green open access


Tyrer, F; Walker, AS; Gillett, J; Porter, K; UK Register of HIV Seroconverters, UK; (2003) The relationship between HIV seroconversion illness, HIV test interval and time to AIDS in a seroconverter cohort. Epidemiol Infect , 131 (3) 1117 - 1123. 10.1017/S0950268803001377. Green open access


Wakefield, AE; Lindley, AR; Ambrose, HE; Denis, CM; Miller, RF; (2003) Limited asymptomatic carriage of Pneumocystis jiroveci in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. J INFECT DIS , 187 (6) 901 - 908. Green open access

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