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Number of items: 51.


Bahadur, Gulam; Homburg, Roy; Muneer, Asif; Racich, Paul; Jayaprakasan, Kanna; Acharya, Santanu; Jauniaux, Eric; (2022) Global inequality in sub-fertility treatment needs safer, cost effective, evidence-based and economically viable choices for patients and stakeholders. JBRA Assisted Reproduction , 26 (1) pp. 1-2. 10.5935/1518-0557.20210111. Green open access

Banerjee, A; Al-Dabbach, Z; Bredaki, FE; Casagrandi, D; Tetteh, A; Greenwold, N; Ivan, M; ... Napolitano, R; + view all (2022) Reproducibility of assessment of full dilatation Cesarean section scar in women undergoing second-trimester screening for preterm birth. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology , 60 (3) pp. 396-403. 10.1002/uog.26027. Green open access

Boyle, JA; Yimer, NB; Hall, J; Walker, R; Jack, B; Black, K; (2022) Reproductive Life Planning in Adolescents. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine , 40 (1/2) pp. 124-130. 10.1055/s-0041-1735210. Green open access

Broad, Anna; Biswakarma, Rina; Harper, Joyce C; (2022) A survey of women's experiences of using period tracker applications: Attitudes, ovulation prediction and how the accuracy of the app in predicting period start dates affects their feelings and behaviours. Women's Health , 18 pp. 1-16. 10.1177/17455057221095246. Green open access


Dorney, E; Barrett, G; Hall, J; Black, KI; (2022) Measures of Pregnancy Intention: Why Use Them and What Do They Tell Us? Seminars in Reproductive Medicine , 40 (5-6) pp. 229-234. 10.1055/s-0042-1760118. Green open access


Feldman, N; Maymon, R; Jauniaux, E; Manoach, D; Mor, M; Marczak, E; Melcer, Y; (2022) Prospective Evaluation of the Ultrasound Signs Proposed for the Description of Uterine Niche in Nonpregnant Women. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine , 41 (4) pp. 917-923. 10.1002/jum.15776. Green open access

Froeliger, Alizee; Madar, Hugo; Jeanneteau, Pauline; Ruiz, Vanessa; Le Lous, Maela; Perrotin, Franck; Winer, Norbert; ... Sentilhes, Loic; + view all (2022) Trial of Labor Compared With Elective Cesarean Delivery for Low-Lying Placenta. Obstetrics and Gynecology , 140 (3) pp. 429-438. 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004890. Green open access


Ghevaria, H; Sengupta, S; Naja, R; Odia, R; Exeter, H; Serhal, P; Gonzalez, XV; ... Delhanty, J; + view all (2022) Next Generation Sequencing Detects Premeiotic Errors in Human Oocytes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 23 (2) , Article 665. 10.3390/ijms23020665. Green open access

Grace, B; Shawe, J; Johnson, S; Usman, NO; Stephenson, J; (2022) The ABC of reproductive intentions: a mixed-methods study exploring the spectrum of attitudes towards family building. Human Reproduction , Article deac036. 10.1093/humrep/deac036. (In press). Green open access

Gürtin, Zeynep B; Jasmin, Ephia; Da Silva, Philomena; Dennehy, Carmel; Harper, Joyce; Kanjani, Shirin; (2022) Fertility treatment delays during COVID-19: Profiles, feelings and concerns of impacted patients. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online , 14 pp. 251-264. 10.1016/j.rbms.2021.12.004. Green open access


Hall, Jennifer; Barrett, Geraldine; Rocca, Corinne; (2022) Evaluation of the Desire to Avoid Pregnancy Scale in the UK: a psychometric analysis including predictive validity. BMJ Open , 12 (7) , Article e060287. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060287. Green open access

Hall, Jennifer A; Harris, Ross J; Zaidi, Asad; Dabrera, Gavin; Dunbar, J Kevin; (2022) Risk of hospitalisation or death in households with a case of COVID-19 in England: an analysis using the HOSTED dataset. Public Health 10.1016/j.puhe.2022.07.013. Green open access

Harper, JC; Abdul, I; Barnsley, N; Ilan-Clarke, Y; (2022) Telling donor-conceived children about their conception: Evaluation of the use of the Donor Conception Network children's books. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online , 14 pp. 1-7. 10.1016/j.rbms.2021.06.002. (In press). Green open access

Harper, Joyce C; Botero-Meneses, Juan Sebastián; (2022) An online survey of UK women's attitudes to having children, the age they want children and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Human Reproduction , Article deac209. 10.1093/humrep/deac209. (In press). Green open access

Harper, Joyce C; Phillips, Samantha; Biswakarma, Rina; Yasmin, Ephia; Saridogan, Ertan; Radhakrishnan, Sheila; C Davies, Melanie; (2022) An online survey of perimenopausal women to determine their attitudes and knowledge of the menopause. Women's Health , 18 pp. 1-18. 10.1177/17455057221106890. Green open access

Hirsch, Martin; Becker, Christian; Davies, Melanie; (2022) Fertility preservation for women with ovarian endometriosis: it is time to adopt this as routine practice. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 10.1111/1471-0528.17166. (In press). Green open access

Hirsch, Martin; Reisel, Dan; Saridogan, Ertan; David, Anna L; (2022) Endoscopic transabdominal cervical cerclage replacement after recurrent late miscarriage. BMJ Case Reports , 15 (2) , Article e247757. 10.1136/bcr-2021-247757. Green open access

Hussein, AM; Elbarmelgy, RA; Elbarmelgy, RM; Thabet, MM; Jauniaux, E; (2022) Prospective evaluation of the impact of post-cesarean section uterine scarification in the perinatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology , 59 (4) pp. 474-482. 10.1002/uog.23732. Green open access


Iacoponi, Olivia; van de Wiel, Lucy; Wilkinson, Jack; Harper, Joyce C; (2022) Passion, pressure and pragmatism: how fertility clinic medical directors view IVF add-ons. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 10.1016/j.rbmo.2022.02.021. (In press). Green open access

Imrie, S; Lysons, J; Jadva, V; Shaw, K; Grimmel, J; Golombok, S; (2022) Parent-child relationship quality and child psychological adjustment in families created using egg donation: children’s perspectives at age 5 years. Human Reproduction , 37 (3) pp. 499-509. 10.1093/humrep/deab265. Green open access


Jadva, Vasanti; Lysons, Joanna; Imrie, Dr Susan; Golombok, Professor Susan; (2022) An exploration of parental age in relation to parents' psychological health, child adjustment and experiences of being an older parent in families formed through egg donation. Reproductive BioMedicine Online , 45 (2) pp. 401-409. 10.1016/j.rbmo.2022.03.029. Green open access

Jauniaux, E; Hecht, JL; Elbarmelgy, RA; Elbarmelgy, RM; Thabet, MM; Hussein, AM; (2022) Searching for placenta percreta: a prospective cohort and systematic review of case reports. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 226 (6) 837.e1-837.e13. 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.12.030. Green open access

Jauniaux, E; Hussein, AM; Einerson, BD; Silver, RM; (2022) Debunking 20th century myths and legends about the diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , 59 (4) pp. 417-423. 10.1002/uog.24890. Green open access

Jauniaux, E; Hussein, AM; Elbarmelgy, RM; Elbarmelgy, RA; Burton, GJ; (2022) Failure of placental detachment in accreta placentation is associated with excessive fibrinoid deposition at the utero-placental interface. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 226 (2) 243.e1-243.e10. 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.08.026. Green open access

Jauniaux, E; Yan, J; Papageorghiou, AT; (2022) Aortic balloon for the intra-operative management of placenta accreta spectrum: need for standardised methodology and safety data. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , 129 (1) pp. 149-150. 10.1111/1471-0528.16846. Green open access

Jauniaux, E; Zosmer, N; De Braud, LV; Ashoor, G; Ross, J; Jurkovic, D; (2022) Development of the utero-placental circulation in cesarean scar pregnancies: A case-control study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 226 (3) 399.e1-399.e10. 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.08.056. Green open access

Jauniaux, Eric; (2022) Induction of labour and caesarean delivery rates: The need for a national and international consensus. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , 129 (11) p. 1907. 10.1111/1471-0528.17277. Green open access

Jauniaux, Eric; Hecht, Jonathan L; Hussein, Ahmed M; (2022) Placenta Percreta: The ghost of the Accreta opera. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.06.063. Green open access

Jauniaux, Eric; Hecht, Jonathan L; Hussein, Ahmed M; (2022) Placenta Percreta: Time to close a 50-year-old "Pandora's box". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 227 (6) pp. 935-936. 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.08.003. Green open access

Jauniaux, Eric; Jurkovic, Davor; Hussein, Ahmed M; Burton, Graham J; (2022) New Insights into the Etiopathology of Placenta Accreta Spectrum. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 227 (3) pp. 384-391. 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.02.038. Green open access

Jauniaux, Eric; McCarthy, Catherine; Coombe, Helen; Zarnfaller, Steven; (2022) Ensuring proper standards in digital technology for surgery in low resource settings. BMJ , 377 , Article o1368. 10.1136/bmj.o1368. Green open access

Jones, Catherine; Zadeh, Sophie; Jadva, Vasanti; Golombok, Susan; (2022) Solo Fathers and Mothers: An Exploration of Well-Being, Social Support and Social Approval. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (15) , Article 9236. 10.3390/ijerph19159236. Green open access


Kasaven, Lorraine S; Saso, Srdjan; Getreu, Natalie; O’Neill, Helen; Bracewell-Milnes, Timothy; Shakir, Fevzi; Yazbek, Joseph; ... Jones, Benjamin P; + view all (2022) Age-related fertility decline: is there a role for elective ovarian tissue cryopreservation? Human Reproduction , Article deac144. 10.1093/humrep/deac144. (In press). Green open access

Keeney, Edna; Memtsa, Maria; Goodhart, Venetia; Jurkovic, Davor; Ambler, Gareth; Khan, Nazim; Round, Jeff; (2022) An observational cohort study of health outcomes and costs associated with early pregnancy assessment units in the UK. BMC Health Services Research , 22 (1) , Article 319. 10.1186/s12913-022-07709-9. Green open access


Lysons, J; Imrie, S; Jadva, V; Golombok, S; (2022) ‘I’m the only mum she knows’: parents’ understanding of, and feelings about, identity-release egg donation. Human Reproduction 10.1093/humrep/deac174. (In press). Green open access


Manchanda, R; Gaba, F; Talaulikar, V; Pundir, J; Gessler, S; Davies, M; Menon, U; (2022) Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy and the Use of Hormone Replacement Therapy Below the Age of Natural Menopause: Scientific Impact Paper No. 66. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology , 129 (1) e16-e34. 10.1111/1471-0528.16896. Green open access

Maslowski, Katherine; Biswakarma, Rina; Reiss, Michael J; Harper, Joyce; (2022) Sex and fertility education in England: an analysis of biology curricula and students’ experiences. Journal of Biological Education 10.1080/00219266.2022.2108103. (In press). Green open access

Moosa, Almira; Ghani, Meeladah; O'Neill, Helen; (2022) Genetic Associations with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: The Role of The Mitochondrial Genome; A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. MedRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Green open access

Moosa, Almira; Ghani, Meeladah; O'Neill, Helen Claire; (2022) Genetic associations with polycystic ovary syndrome: the role of the mitochondrial genome; a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Pathology 10.1136/jcp-2021-208028. (In press). Green open access

Mufti, Nada; Chappell, Joanna; O'Brien, Patrick; Attilakos, George; Irzan, Hassna; Sokolska, Magda; Narayanan, Priya; ... Melbourne, Andrew; + view all (2022) Use of Super Resolution Reconstruction MRI for surgical planning in Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder: Case Series. Placenta , 142 pp. 36-45. 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.08.066. Green open access

Muleva, Belarmina R; Borges, Ana Luiza V; Hall, Jennifer A; Barrett, Geraldine; (2022) Evaluation of the Portuguese version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in Mozambique: a psychometric measurement study. African Journal of Reproductive Health , 26 (2) pp. 47-57. 10.29063/ajrh2022/v26i2.5. Green open access

Munn, Carly; Vaughan, Leigh; Talaulikar, Vikram; Davies, Melanie C; Harper, Joyce C; (2022) Menopause knowledge and education in women under 40: Results from an online survey. Women's Health , 18 10.1177/17455057221139660. (In press). Green open access

Mwase-Musicha, L; Chipeta, MG; Stephenson, J; Hall, JA; (2022) How do women prepare for pregnancy in a low-income setting? Prevalence and associated factors. PLoS ONE , 17 (3) , Article e0263877. 10.1371/journal.pone.0263877. Green open access


Nash, Zachary; Al-Wattar, Bassel H; Davies, Melanie; (2022) Bone and heart health in menopause. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology , 81 pp. 61-68. 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2022.03.002. Green open access


Pekar-Zlotin, M; Maymon, R; Eliassi Revivo, P; Ezratty, J; Melcer, Y; Kugler, N; Jauniaux, E; (2022) Comparison between a prenatal sonographic scoring system and a clinical grading at delivery for Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorders. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine , 35 (25) pp. 8810-8816. 10.1080/14767058.2021.2005563. Green open access


Silverio, Sergio A; Memtsa, Maria; Barrett, Geraldine; Goodhart, Venetia; Stephenson, Judith; Jurković, Davor; Hall, Jennifer A; (2022) Emotional experiences of women who access early pregnancy assessment units: a qualitative investigation. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.1080/0167482x.2022.2119958. (In press). Green open access

Solangon, SA; Otify, M; Gaughran, J; Holland, T; Ross, J; Jurkovic, D; (2022) The risk of miscarriage following surgical treatment of heterotopic extrauterine pregnancies. Human Reproduction Open , 2022 (1) , Article hoab046. 10.1093/hropen/hoab046. Green open access

Stewart, Catherine Louise; Hall, Jennifer Anne; (2022) Factors that affect the utilisation of maternal healthcare in the Mchinji District of Malawi. PLoS One , 17 (12) , Article e0279613. 10.1371/journal.pone.0279613. Green open access


Thwaites, Annette; (2022) Contraception After Successful In Vitro Fertilisation: What do women need? Doctoral thesis (M.D(Res)), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thwaites, Annette; Hall, Jennifer; Barrett, Geraldine; Stephenson, Judith; (2022) Contraception after in vitro fertilisation (IVF): a qualitative study of the views of women who have had spontaneous pregnancies after successful IVF. Reprod Health , 19 (1) , Article 40. 10.1186/s12978-022-01349-2. Green open access


Wieland, Jack; Buchan, Sarah; Sen Gupta, Sioban; Mantzouratou, Anna; (2022) Genomic instability and the link to infertility: A focus on microsatellites and genomic instability syndromes. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology , 274 pp. 229-237. 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2022.06.001. Green open access

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