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Number of items: 28.


Ament, MGA; Cox, AL; Blandford, A; Brumby, DP; (2013) Making a Task Difficult: Evidence That Device-Oriented Steps Are Effortful and Error-Prone. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied , 19 (3) pp. 195-204. 10.1037/a0034397. Green open access

Aung, MSH; Singh, A; Lim, SL; CdC Williams, A; Watson, P; Bianchi-Berthouze, N; (2013) Automatic Recognition of Protective Behaviour in Chronic Pain Rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Ubiquitous games and gamification for promoting behavior change and wellbeing. ACM Green open access


Back, J; Iacovides, J; Furniss, D; Vincent, C; Cox, A; Blandford, A; (2013) Designing Better Prescription Charts: Why we Can’t Just Ask the Nurses. In: Papers from the Workshop on Safer Interaction in Medical Devices. CHI+MED: Paris, France. Green open access

Bird, J; Harrison, D; Marshall, P; (2013) The Challenge of Maintaining Interest in a Large-Scale Public Floor Display. In: Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K and Häkkilä, J and Cassinelli, A and Müller, J and Rukzio, E and Schmidt, A, (eds.) Proceedings: Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces (EIPS): Workshop at CHI '13, April 28, 2013, Paris, France. (pp. pp. 122-125). Tampere University of Technology: Tampere, Finland. Green open access

Bradley, A; Brumby, D; Cox, AL; Bird, J; (2013) How to manage your inbox: Is a once a day strategy best? In: Proceedings of the 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013). BCS Learning and Development Limited: London, UK. Green open access

Brumby, D; Cox, AL; Bird, J; (2013) Too Much Email, Too Much Checking. Presented at: The 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of things, Brunel University, London, UK. Green open access


Cook, J; Swapp, D; Pan, X; Bianchi-Berthouze, N; Blakemore, SJ; (2013) Atypical interference effect of action observation in autism spectrum conditions. Psychological Medicine pp. 1-10. 10.1017/S0033291713001335. Green open access

Cox, AL; Bird, J; Fleck, R; (2013) Digital Epiphanies: how self-knowledge can change habits and our attitudes towards them. Presented at: The 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of things, Brunel University, London, UK. Green open access


Eveleigh, A; Jennett, C; Lynn, S; Cox, AL; (2013) "I want to be a Captain! I want to be a Captain!": Gamification in the Old Weather Citizen Science Project. In: Gamification '13: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful Design, Research, and Applications. (pp. 79 - 82). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access


Furfaro, E; berthouze, N; Bevilacqua, F; Tajadura Jimenez, A; (2013) Sonification of surface tapping: Influences on behaviour, emotion and surface perception. In: Proceedings of ISon. (pp. pp. 21-28). Interactive Sonification Workshop Green open access


Gould, SJJ; Brumby, DP; Cox, AL; (2013) What does it mean for an interruption to be relevant? An investigation of relevance as a memory effect. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. (pp. 149 -153). Sage Green open access

Gould, SJJ; Cox, AL; Brumby, DP; (2013) Frequency and Duration of Self-initiated Task-switching in an Online Investigation of Interrupted Performance. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing Works-in-Progress. The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI): Palo Alto, California. Gold open access

Gould, SJJ; Cox, AL; Brumby, DP; (2013) Using graphical representations to support the calculation of infusion parameters. In: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013. (pp. 721 -728). Springer: Berlin. Green open access

Gould, SJJ; Cox, AL; Brumby, DP; Wiseman, S; (2013) Assessing the Viability of Online Interruption Studies. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing Works-in-Progress. The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI): Palo Alto, California. Gold open access


Harrison, D; Bird, J; Marshall, P; Berthouze, N; (2013) Looking for bright spots: a bottom-up approach to encouraging urban exercise. In: McKnight, L and Fitton, D, (eds.) (Proceedings) Habits in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): 1st Workshop on Habits in Human-Computer Interaction (hosted as part of BCS HCI 2013), 9 September 2013, Uxbridge, UK. BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) Green open access


Iacovides, I; Aczel, J; Scanlon, E; Woods, W; (2013) Making sense of game-play: How can we examine learning and involvement? Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association , 1 (1) Green open access

Iacovides, I; Cox, AL; Blandford, A; (2013) Supporting learning within the workplace: Device training in healthcare. In: Palanque, P and Détienne, F and Tricot, A, (eds.) ECCE '13 Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics. Association for Computing Machinery: Toulouse, France. Green open access


Jennett, C; Iacovides, I; Skands, P; Shomar, H; Cox, AL; (2013) Gamification in citizen science: Projects in particle physics and synthetic biology. Presented at: Gamification 2013, Stratford, ON, Canada. Green open access

Jennett, C; Kloetzer, L; Gold, M; Cox, AL; (2013) Sociability in virtual citizen science. In: Christou, G and Law, ELC and Geerts, D and Nacke, L and Zaphiris, P, (eds.) Proceedings of the CHI 2013 Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Sociability in Online Video Games. (pp. 29 - 32). Self-published: Paris, France. Green open access

Joiner, R; Iacovides, I; Darling, J; Diament, A; Drew, B; Dudley, J; Owen, M; (2013) Racing Academy: A case study of a digital game for supporting students learning of physics and engineering. In: Baek, Y and Whitton, N, (eds.) Cases on Digital Game-Based Learning: Methods, Models, and Strategies. (pp. 509-523). IGI Global Green open access


Kloetzer, L; Schneider, D; Jennett, C; Iacovides, I; Eveleigh, A; Cox, AL; Gold, M; (2013) Learning by volunteer computing, thinking and gaming: What and how are volunteers learning by participating in Virtual Citizen Science? In: Proceedings of the 2013 European Research Conference of the network of Access, Learning Careers and Identities. (pp. pp. 73-92). European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA): Linköping, Sweden. Green open access


Meng, H; Bianchi-Berthouz, N; (2013) Affective state level recognition in naturalistic facial and vocal expressions. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , 44 (3) 315- 328. 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2253768. Green open access


Stawarz, KM; Cox, AL; (2013) How technology supporting daily habits could help women remember oral contraception. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Habits in Human-Computer Interaction at BCS-HCI 2013. CHI+MED: London, UK. Green open access

Stawarz, KM; Cox, AL; Bird, J; Benedyk, R; (2013) "I'd sit at home and do work emails": how tablets affect the work-life balance of office workers. In: CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. 1383 - 1388). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access


Wardlaw, J; Cox, AL; Haklay, M; (2013) Adaptation of Method-resources Between Projects: A Case Study From a Dynamic and Complex Work Domain. In: Law, ELC and Hvannberg, EF and Vermeeren, APOS and Cockton, G and Jokela, T, (eds.) Proceedings of CHI 2013 Workshop "Made for Sharing: HCI Stories for Transfer, Triumph and Tragedy". (pp. pp. 4-9). ACM SIGCHI: Paris, France. Green open access

Wiseman, S; Brumby, DP; Cox, A; Hennessy, O; (2013) Tailoring number entry interfaces to the task of programming medical infusion pumps. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. (pp. 683 - 687). Green open access

Wiseman, SEM; Cox, AL; Brumby, DP; (2013) Designing Devices With the Task in Mind: Which Numbers Are Really Used in Hospitals? Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society , 55 (1) 61 - 74. 10.1177/0018720812471988. Green open access


Zhou, Y; Bird, J; Cox, AL; Brumby, D; (2013) Estimating Usage Can Reduce the Stress of Social Networking. Presented at: Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness — CHI 2013 Workshop, Paris, France. Green open access

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