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Number of items: 37.


Ackemann, T; Gold, R; Mascolo, C; Emmerich, W; (2002) Incentives in peer-to-peer and grid networking. (Research Note 02/24 ). UCL-CS Green open access

Adams, A; Blandford, A; (2002) Digital libraries in academia: Challenges and changes. In: Lim, EP and Foo, S and Khoo, C and Urs, S and Costantino, T and Fox, E and Chen, H, (eds.) (Proceedings) 5th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2002). (pp. pp. 392-403). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Adams, A; Blandford, A; (2002) Acceptability of medical digital libraries. Health Informatics Journal , 8 (2) pp. 58-66. 10.1177/146045820200800202. Green open access

Akino, N; Germano, G; Phuong, NH; Schmid, F; Allen, MP; (2002) Simulations of liquid crystals: Bulk structure and interfacial properties. In: Rollnik, H and Wolf, D, (eds.) NIC Symposium 2001. (pp. 335-346). John von Neumann Institute for Computing: Jülich, Germany. Green open access


Barber, D; (2002) Learning in spiking neural assemblies. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15 (NIPS 2002). NeurIPS Green open access

Blandford, A; Wong, BLW; Connell, L; Green, T; (2002) Multiple viewpoints oil computer supported team work: A case study on ambulance dispatch. In: Faulkner, X and Finlay, J and Detienne, F, (eds.) (Proceedings) 16th British-Human-Computer-Interact-Group Annual Conference/European-Usability-Professionals-Association. (pp. pp. 139-156). SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD Green open access

Blandford, A; Rugg, G; (2002) A case study on integrating contextual information with analytical usability evaluation. International Journal of Human Computer Studies , 57 (1) pp. 75-99. 10.1006/ijhc.2002.1013. Green open access

Blandford, A; Stelmaszewska, H; (2002) Usability of Musical Digital Libraries: a Multimodal Analysis. In: Green open access

Boardman, R; Sasse, MA; Spence, R; (2002) Life Beyond the Mailbox: A Cross-Tool Perspective on Personal Information Management. In: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. ACM Green open access

Bruneau, D; Sasse, MA; McCarthy, JD; (2002) The Eyes Never Lie: The Use of Eyetracking Data in HCI Research. In: Proceedings of the CHI 2002: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Green open access


Capra, L; Blair, GS; Mascolo, C; Emmerich, W; Grace, P; (2002) Exploiting reflection in mobile computing middleware. In: (pp. pp. 34-44). Green open access

Capra, L; (2002) Mobile computing middleware for context-aware applications. In: ICSE 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. (pp. 723 - 724). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access

Capra, L; Emmerich, W; Mascolo, C; (2002) A micro-economic approach to conflict resolution in mobile computing. In: (pp. pp. 31-40). Green open access

Chalmers, M; Brown, B; Benford, S; Conroy-Dalton, R; Dalton, N; Galani, A; Greenhalgh, C; ... Weal, M; + view all (2002) Blurring the boundaries of the Mackintosh room. In: (Proceedings) CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. : Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Green open access

Crisler, K; Anneroth, M; Sasse, MA; Pulli, P; (2002) A User-Focused Reference Model for Wireless Systems Beyond 3G. (WG1 white paper draft, 7th WWRF meeting ). : Eindhoven. Green open access

Curzon, P; Blandford, A; (2002) From a formal user model to design rules. In: UNSPECIFIED (1 - 15). Green open access


Emmerich, W; (2002) Distributed component technologies and their software engineering implications. In: (Proceedings) 24th International Conference on Software Engineering. (pp. pp. 537-546). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access


Germano, G; Allen, MP; Masters, AJ; (2002) Simultaneous calculation of the helical pitch and the twist elastic constant in chiral liquid crystals from intermolecular torques. Journal of Chemical Physics , 116 (21) pp. 9422-9430. 10.1063/1.1475747. Green open access

Gledhill, TM; Bains, I; Yates, JA; (2002) Submillimetre photometry of post-asymptotic giant branch stars. MON NOT R ASTRON SOC , 332 (3) L55 - L58. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2002.05550.x. Green open access


Hirsch, Robin; Hodkinson, Ian; (2002) Relation algebras by games. [Book]. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics: Vol.147. North Holland [Elsevier]: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Hirsch, R; Hodkinson, I; (2002) Strongly representable atom structures of relation algebras. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY , 130 (6) pp. 1819-1831. 10.1090/S0002-9939-01-06232-3. Green open access


Jamieson, K; (2002) Implementation of a Power‐Saving Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Keith, S; Blandford, A; Fields, R; Theng, YL; (2002) An investigation into the application of Claims Analysis to evaluate usability of a digital library interface. In: (Proceedings) JCDL02 Workshop on Usability of Digital Libraries. Green open access


MacColl, I; Millard, D; Randell, C; Steed, A; (2002) Shared visiting in Equator city. In: (pp. pp. 88-94). Green open access


Osorio, M; Pérez, JAN; Arrazola, J; (2002) A logical approach to A-Prolog. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science , 67 284 - 295. 10.1016/S1571-0661(04)80554-1. Green open access

Osorio, M; Pérez, JAN; Arrazola, J; (2002) Equivalence in Answer Set Programming. In: Pettorossi, A, (ed.) Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. 11th International Workshop, LOPSTR 2001 Paphos, Cyprus, November 28–30, 2001 Selected Papers. (pp. 57 - 75). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Green open access

Osorio, M; Pérez, JAN; Arrazola, J; (2002) Debugging in A-Prolog: A Logical Approach. In: Stuckey, PJ, (ed.) Logic Programming. 18th International Conference, ICLP 2002 Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29 – August 1, 2002 Proceedings. (pp. 482 - 483). Springer Berlin Heidelberg Green open access


Piccinelli, G; Emmerich, W; Zirpins, C; Schutt, K; (2002) WEB service interfaces for inter-organisational business processes an infrastructure for automated reconciliation. In: (pp. pp. 285-292). Green open access


Ratnasamy, S; Handley, M; Karp, R; Shenker, S; (2002) Topologically-aware overlay construction and server selection. In: (pp. pp. 1190-1199). Green open access

Riegelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; (2002) Face it: Photos don't make a web site trustworthy. In: Proceedings of the CHI 2002: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 742-743). ACM: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Green open access


Sasse, MA; Monthienvichienchai, R; (2002) Computer Support for Vicarious Learning. In: Proceedings of E-Learn 2002: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. (pp. pp. 698-705). AACE: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education: Montreal, Canada. Green open access

Shawe-Taylor, J; Cristianini, N; (2002) On the generalization of soft margin algorithms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY , 48 (10) pp. 2721-2735. 10.1109/TIT.2002.802647. Green open access

Stelmaszewska, H; Blandford, A; (2002) Patterns of interactions: user behaviour in response to search results. In: Blandford, A and Buchanan, G, (eds.) (pp. pp. 29-32). UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC): London, UK. Green open access


Thimbleby, B; Blandford, A; Cairns, P; Curzon, P; Jones, M; (2002) User Interface Design as Systems Design. In: Faulkner, X and Finlay, J and D'Etienne, F, (eds.) Proceedings People and Computers XVI - Memorable yet Invisible. (pp. 281-301). Springer Green open access


Wang, J; (2002) Detecting and tracking human faces in compressed domain for content based video indexing. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Wong, BLW; Blandford, AE; (2002) Analysing ambulance dispatcher decision making: trialing emergent themes analysis. In: Vetere, F and Johnson, L and Kushinsky, R, (eds.) Ergonomics Society of Australia: Canberra, Australia. Green open access


Zachariadis, S; Capra, L; Mascolo, C; Emmerich, W; (2002) XMIDDLE: Information sharing middleware for a mobile environment. In: ICSE 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. (pp. 712 - 712). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access

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