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Number of items: 29.


Astley, MR; Kataoka, M; Ford, CJB; Barnes, CHW; Anderson, D; Jones, GAC; Farrer, I; ... Pepper, M; + view all (2007) Energy-dependent tunneling from few-electron dynamic quantum dots. PHYS REV LETT , 99 (15) , Article 156802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.156802. Green open access


Borrion, H.; (2007) Study of processing techniques for radar non-cooperative target recognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Cheng, L.L.L.; (2007) Efficient security management for active networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Coetzee, S.L.; (2007) Narrow band high resolution radar imaging. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Coutinho, RC; Selviah, DR; Griffiths, DG; (2007) A high sensitivity interferometer-based spectrometer without a Fourier transform. In: (Proceedings) OSA Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) Topical Meeting. : Santa Fe, USA. Green open access


Ismail, T.; (2007) Feed-forward linearisation of a directly modulated semiconductor laser and broadband millimetre-wave wireless over fibre systems. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Xyratex Technology Ltd; Johnson, Ian David; Pitwon, Richard Charles Alexander; Selviah, David R; Papakonstantinou, I (2007) Optical printed circuit board and manufacturing method. WO2007010184. Green open access


Kataoka, M; Schneble, RJ; Thorn, AL; Barnes, CHW; Ford, CJB; Anderson, D; Jones, GAC; ... Pepper, M; + view all (2007) Single-electron population and depopulation of an isolated quantum dot using a surface-acoustic-wave pulse. PHYS REV LETT , 98 (4) , Article 046801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.046801. Green open access

Khandaker, TRA; Kaiser, MJ; Das, JK; Hossain, MS; Sultana, KR; (2007) Upgrading Trust Factor Evaluation in AODV Protocol for MANET. Journal Computer Science , 1 pp. 40-43. Green open access


Li, Qiao; (2007) Using Watson perceptual model to improve quantization index modulation based watermarking schemes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Mathieu, B; Song, M; Galis, A; Cheng, L; Jean, K; Ocampo, R; (2007) Self-management of context-aware overlay ambient networks. In: 2007 10TH IFIP/IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED NETWORK MANAGEMENT (IM 2009), VOLS 1 AND 2. (pp. 749 - 752). IEEE Green open access

Mikhailov, V; Wurtz, GA; Elliott, J; Bayvel, P; Zayats, AV; (2007) Dispersing light with surface plasmon polaritonic crystals. PHYS REV LETT , 99 (8) , Article 083901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.083901. Green open access


Newton, Marcus Christian; (2007) Zinc oxide tetrapod nanocrystal diodes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Pantouvaki, M; Renaud, CC; Cannard, P; Robertson, MJ; Gwilliam, R; Seeds, AJ; (2007) Fast tuneable InGaAsP DBR laser using quantum-confined stark-effect-induced refractive index change. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics , 13 (5) 1112 - 1121. 10.1109/JSTQE.2007.906046. Green open access


Rashed, AM; Selviah, DR; (2007) Source misalignment in multimode polymer tapered waveguides for optical backplanes. OPT ENG , 46 (1) , Article 015401. 10.1117/1.2432875. Green open access

Renaud, CC; Moodie, D; Robertson, M; Seeds, AJ; (2007) High output power at 110 GHz with a waveguide uni-travelling carrier photodiode. In: LEOS 2007: the 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2007: Buena Vista Resort & Spa, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, October 21st-October 25th, 2007. (pp. 782 - 783). IEEE: Piscataway, US. Green open access

Renaud, CC; Pantouvaki, M; Gregoire, S; Lealman, I; Cannard, P; Cole, S; Moore, R; ... Seeds, AJ; + view all (2007) A monolithic MQW InP-InGaAsP-Based optical comb generator. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , 43 (11-12) 998 - 1005. 10.1109/JQE.2007.904522. Green open access


Selviah, D.; (2007) Effective LCD back-lighting using gratings. Presented at: Successful Displays by Design, Bletchley Park, UK. Green open access

Selviah, D.R.; Walker, A.C.; Hutt, D.; (2007) Integrated Optical and electronic interconnect PCB manufacturing (OPCB): invited talk. Presented at: Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre 2nd Annual Conference (IeMRC2007), Henry Ford College, Loughborough, UK. Green open access

Selviah, David R.; (2007) Measurement Challenges for Optical Printed Circuit Boards: Invited Talk. Presented at: Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC) 2007, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, UK. Green open access

Selviah, David R.; Wang, Kai; Richards, Martin; (2007) The AutoEye Rear View System Demonstration and Video. Presented at: Lotus Cars Exhibition, North Cloisters, University College London. Green open access

Selviah, David R.; Wang, Kai; Richards, Martin; (2007) The AutoEye Rear View System Demonstration and Video. Presented at: Security Grand Challenge, Russell Hotel, Russell Square, London. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Walker, AC; Hutt, DA; (2007) Integrated Optical and Electronic PCB Manufacturing Flagship Project OPCB. [Lecture]. Presented at: Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre, Henry Ford Building, Loughborough. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Wang, K; Richards, M; (2007) The AutoEye Mark 1 Vehicle Rear View Camera Vision system. In: (Proceedings) Displays and Lighting on the Move, Willams Formula 1 Centre, UK Displays and Lighting (UKDL), 29th October. UK Displays and Lighting: Williams Formula 1 Centre, UK. Green open access

Shea, DP; Mitchell, JE; (2007) A 10-Gb/s 1024-way-split 100-km long-reach optical-access network. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL , 25 (3) 685 - 693. 10.1109/JLT.2006.889667. Green open access

Shea, DP; Mitchell, JE; (2007) Long-reach optical access technologies. IEEE NETWORK , 21 (5) 5 - 11. Green open access

Spencer, J.J.L.; (2007) An investigation into the scale-free nature of heterogenous networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Tartakovskii, AI; Wright, T; Russell, A; Fal'ko, VI; Van'kov, AB; Skiba-Szymanska, J; Drouzas, I; ... Hopkinson, M; + view all (2007) Nuclear spin switch in semiconductor quantum dots. Physical Review Letters , 98 (2) , Article 026806. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.026806. Green open access

Tong, KF; Wong, TP; (2007) Circularly polarized U-Slot antenna. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG , 55 (8) 2382 - 2385. 10.1109/TAP.2007.901930. Green open access

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