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Aghababaeian, H; Ostadtaghizadeh, A; Ardalan, A; Asgary, A; Akbary, M; Yekaninejad, MS; Sharafkhani, R; (2021) Effect of Dust Storms on Non-Accidental, Cardiovascular, and Respiratory Mortality: A Case of Dezful City in Iran. Environmental Health Insights , 15 10.1177/11786302211060152. Green open access

Aghababaeian, H; Ostadtaghizadeh, A; Ardalan, A; Asgary, A; Akbary, M; Yekaninejad, MS; Stephens, C; (2021) Global Health Impacts of Dust Storms: A Systematic Review. Environmental Health Insights , 15 10.1177/11786302211018390. Green open access

Allen, A; (2021) Navigating stigma through everyday city-making: Gendered trajectories, politics and outcomes in the periphery of Lima. Urban Studies 10.1177/00420980211044409. (In press). Green open access

Allen, A; Hofmann, P; Leblond, N; (2021) COVID-19: A turning point to further sanitation justice? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity (In press). Green open access

Anand, Geetika; Lall, Ruchika; Wesely, Julia; Allen, Adriana; (2021) Um Entre Muitos: instituições de ensino superior em um ecossistema de pedagogias urbanas = One Amongst Many: higher education institutions in an ecosystem of urban pedagogies. Educação & Realidade , 46 (4) , Article e118080. 10.1590/2175-6236118080. Green open access

Arellana, J; Alvarez, V; Oviedo, D; Guzman, LA; (2021) Walk this way: Pedestrian accessibility and equity in Barranquilla and Soledad, Colombia. Research in Transportation Economics , 86 , Article 101024. 10.1016/j.retrec.2020.101024. Green open access

Arellana, J; Oviedo, D; Guzman, LA; Alvarez, V; (2021) Urban transport planning and access inequalities: A tale of two Colombian cities. Research in Transportation Business & Management , 40 , Article 100554. 10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100554. Green open access

Astolfo, G; Allsopp, H; Rudlin, J; Samhan, H; (2021) Unsettling integration. (DPU Working Papers 208 ). The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU), UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Astolfo, Giovanna; Ortiz, Catalina; Rhoads, Elizabeth; Sakuma, Shoko; Kolovou-Kouri, Marina; (2021) Trajectories of spatial violence in Southeast Asian cities. DPU at UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Austin, V; Mattick, K; Holloway, C; (2021) “This Is the Story of Community Leadership with Political Backing. (PM1)” Critical Junctures in Paralympic Legacy: Framing the London 2012 Disability Inclusion Model for New Global Challenges †. Sustainability , 13 (16) , Article 9253. 10.3390/su13169253. Green open access

Austin, V; Holloway, C; Ossul Vermehren, I; Dumbuya, A; Barbareschi, G; Walker, J; (2021) "Give Us the Chance to Be Part of You, We Want Our Voices to Be Heard": Assistive Technology as a Mediator of Participation in (Formal and Informal) Citizenship Activities for Persons with Disabilities Who Are Slum Dwellers in Freetown, Sierra Leone. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 18 (11) , Article 5547. 10.3390/ijerph18115547. Green open access


Bedoya-Maya, F; Scholl, L; Sabogal-Cardona, O; Oviedo, D; (2021) Who uses Transport Network Companies?: Characterization of Demand and its Relationship with Public Transit in Medellín. (IDB Technical Notes 02282). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Bernal Llanos, Mónica; (2021) Co-producing knowledge and politics for climate change adaptation. The case of Colombia’s Capital Region. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Boano, C; (2021) Se obedese ma no se cumple. Venire a patti con l’incompletezza e resistere all’esistenza. Dalla Differenza Amazzonica ad una architettura aberrante. Urbanistica Informazioni , 48 (296) pp. 117-120. Green open access

Boano, C; (2021) Urbanism of exception: camps and inhabitation. Revista Jatobá , 3 (2021) , Article e- 68984. Green open access

Boano, C; (2021) Beyond violence. Toward the politics of inhabitation. lo Squaderno. , 59 pp. 67-71. Green open access

Boano, C; Baccarin, A; Fabbri, E; Pone, M; Praino, E; (2021) A Critical Dictionary of Distances. A Clausure Inventory. ARQ , 107 10.4067/S0717-69962021000100106. Green open access

Bobbins, Kerry Leigh; (2021) Legacies, uncertainties and ownership: green infrastructure as practice in Johannesburg, South Africa. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brown, D; (2021) Towards a comparative research agenda on in situ urbanisation and rural governance transformation. International Development Planning Review , 43 (3) pp. 289-320. 10.3828/idpr.2020.15. Green open access

Burgos Salas, Vicente; (2021) Social Practices of Planning Law in the Built Environment Of Santiago 2007-2017. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Carpi, E; Field, JA; Dicker, SI; Rigon, A; (2021) From livelihoods to leisure and back: refugee ‘self-reliance’ as collective practices in Lebanon, India and Greece. Third World Quarterly , 42 (2) pp. 421-440. 10.1080/01436597.2020.1828852. Green open access

Cavoli, C; Yusuf, Y; Oviedo, D; Mella, B; Koroma, B; Jones, P; (2021) Transitions to sustainable urban mobility - Participatory policy planning in Freetown, Sierra Leone. T-SUM, UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access


Davila, J; (2021) Medellín’s low-carbon Metrocables. Lifting informal barrios out of poverty. ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America , 20 (4) Green open access

Davila, Julio; (2021) Z for Zoonoses. DPU News , 2021 (68) p. 28. Green open access

Desmaison,, B; Boano, C; Espinoza, K; (2021) Towards an Amazonian Urbanism Collective infrastructures of Care. Terrestrial , 1 (1) pp. 81-96. 10.13128/contest-12982. Green open access

Dianati, Vafa; (2021) The Anti-sprawl Policies in Tehran and the Creation of Spatial Injustice. disP - The Planning Review , 57 (3) pp. 83-99. 10.1080/02513625.2021.2026675. Green open access

Dianati, Vafa; (2021) The Interplay between Urban Densification and Place Change in Tehran; Implications for Place-Based Social Sustainability. Sustainability , 13 (17) , Article 9636. 10.3390/su13179636. Green open access

Diep, L; Martins, FP; Campos, L; Hofmann, P; Tomei, J; Lakhanpaul, M; Parikh, P; (2021) Linkages between sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goals: a case study of Brazil. Sustainable Development , 29 (2) pp. 339-352. 10.1002/sd.2149. Green open access


Ekman, Amina-Bahja; (2021) A Critical Theory Approach to Inequality in Somali Society: Rethinking Class and Identity For the Gabooye Collective in Somaliland. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Encinas, Felipe; Aguirre, Carlos; Vergara-Perucich, Francisco; Tironi, Martín; Truffello, Ricardo; Freed, Carmen; Hidalgo, Rodrigo; (2021) Inflexiones disciplinares: disputando tres conceptos para la construcción de la ciudad posneoliberal. ARQ (Santiago) (107) pp. 46-57. 10.4067/s0717-69962021000100046. Green open access

Encinas, Felipe; Soto-Liebe, Katia; Aguirre Núñez, Carlos Andrés; González, Bernardo; Bustamante, Waldo; Schueftan, Alejandra; Ugalde, Juan; ... Freed, Carmen; + view all (2021) COVID-19 y ciudad: hacia un modelo integrado de vivienda, microbiología, ambiente y urbanismo. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment , 16 (46) 10.5821/ace.16.46.9645. Green open access


Guzman, LA; Arellana, J; Oviedo, D; Moncada Aristizábal, CA; (2021) COVID-19, activity and mobility patterns in Bogotá. Are we ready for a ‘15-minute city’? Travel Behaviour and Society , 24 pp. 245-256. 10.1016/j.tbs.2021.04.008. Green open access

Guzman, LA; Oviedo, D; Arellana, J; Cantillo-García, V; (2021) Buying a car and the street: Transport justice and urban space distribution. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 95 , Article 102860. 10.1016/j.trd.2021.102860. Green open access


Hitzeroth, C; Boano, C; (2021) Rethinking housing as an infrastructure of care in violent realities. Engagèe Journal , 10 pp. 83-86. Green open access

Holloway, C; Morgado Ramirez, DZ; Bhatnagar, T; Oldfrey, B; Morjaria, P; Moulic, SG; Ebuenyi, ID; ... Sujatha, S; + view all (2021) A review of innovation strategies and processes to improve access to AT: Looking ahead to open innovation ecosystems. Assistive Technology , 33 (sup1) pp. 68-86. 10.1080/10400435.2021.1970653. Green open access


Jones, Mark Leonard Gregory; (2021) Energy Justice in Dhaka's Slums. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Karadimitriou, N; Cheru, F; Wondimu, A; Yacobi, H; Eyob, AE; Belay, F; Temesgen, TK; + view all (2021) The State of Addis Ababa 2021: Towards a Healthier City. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat): Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Kett, M; Holloway, C; Austin, V; (2021) Critical Junctures in Assistive Technology and Disability Inclusion. Sustainability , 13 (22) p. 12744. 10.3390/su132212744. Green open access

Koliulis, A; (2021) Città del capitale o economie urbane? In: Cegna, A, (ed.) Cosa succede in città? Lo spazio urbano e l'interesse economico. (pp. 141-146). Prospero: Milan, Italy.

Koliulis, A; (2021) Webinar. In: Yacobi, H and Allen, A and Ramalho, J and Marx, C, (eds.) The DPU (post) COVID Lexicon. (p. 24). The Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Koliulis, A; Scheele, T; Leichsenring, L; Fichman, M; Bazil, A; Sachse, K; Rahlia, J; + view all (2021) Voices of Creatives. Scenarios for the New Normal in the Creative Industries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East after Covid-19. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Koliulis, A; Siravo, J; Apostolidis, P; Kummer-Buléon, C; Matheou, L; Campani, C; (2021) Working Nights: municipal strategies for nocturnal workers. Autonomy: London, UK.

Koroma, B; Oviedo, D; Yusuf, Y; Macarthy, J; Cavoli, C; Jones, P; Caren, L; + view all (2021) City Profile: Freetown: Base conditions of mobility, accessibility and land use. T-SUM, UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access


Lambert, Rita; Hofmann, Pascale; Ray, Raktim; (2021) Infrastructure. DPU News , 68 p. 11. Green open access

Lambert, R; (2021) Land Trafficking and the Fertile Spaces of Legality. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 45 (1) pp. 21-38. 10.1111/1468-2427.12975. Green open access

Lambert, R; (2021) The violence of planning law and the production of risk in Lima. Geoforum , 122 pp. 82-91. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.03.012. Green open access

Levy, C; Rigon, A; Castàn Broto, V; (2021) Conclusion: Recognizing Intersectional Identities in Inclusive Urban Development. In: Rigon, A and Castán Broto, V, (eds.) Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Levy, Caren; Butcher, Stephanie; Cociña, Camila; Yap, Christopher; (2021) Localising the Sustainable Development Goals: An Urban Equality Perspective. (International Engagement Brief, Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality ). UCL Faculty of the Built Environment: London, UK. Green open access

Levy, Caren; Yap, Christopher; Cociña, Camila; (2021) The Urban Dimensions of Inequality and Equality. (GOLD VI Working Paper Series 01). UCL Faculty of the Built Environment: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Lipietz, Barbara; Oviedo, Daniel; Ramalho, Jordana; Sabogal, Orlando; Mtonga, Junior; Duda, Anita; Chavarro, Fabricio; + view all (2021) Navigating Space Under Lockdown National Lottery Community Fund Report: Perspectives and Experiences Of Young Black And Minoritised Adults. The National Lottery Community Support Fund (NSUL); The Ubele Initiative Green open access


Massingue, SA; Oviedo, D; (2021) Walkability and the Right to the city: A snapshot critique of pedestrian space in Maputo, Mozambique. Research in Transportation Economics , 86 , Article 101049. 10.1016/j.retrec.2021.101049. Green open access


Ortiz, Catalina; (2021) Decálogo para el Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios en Tiempos de Pandemia- Hoja de Ruta para Latinoamérica y el Caribe. In: Pandemia, Crisis y Oportunidades para el Habitat Popular. (pp. 405-420). Editorial FAU UNNE: Chaco, Argentina. Green open access

Ortiz, C; Vallejo, A; Peña, J; Morris, E; Cazanave Macías, J; Proenza González, D; (2021) Mapping participatory planning in Havana: patchwork legacies for a strengthened local governance. Environment and Urbanization 10.1177/09562478211032570. (In press). Green open access

Osuteye, E; (2021) Practising ethics guides to built environment research: Researching Internationally. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.practisingethics.org/practices Green open access

Oviedo, D; Okyere, SA; Nieto, M; Kita, M; Kusi, LF; Yusuf, Y; Koroma, B; (2021) Walking off the beaten path: Everyday walking environment and practices in informal settlements in Freetown. Research in Transportation Business & Management , 40 , Article 100630. 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100630. Green open access

Oviedo, D; Perez Jaramillo, D; Nieto, M; (2021) Governance and Regulation of Ride-hailing Services in Emerging Markets: Challenges, Experiences and Implications. (IDB Technical Notes 02164). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Oviedo, D; Scorcia, Y; Scholl, L; (2021) Ride-hailing and (dis)Advantage: Perspectives from Users and Non-users. (Inter-American Development Bank Technical Note 02265). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Oviedo Hernandez, D; (2021) Making the links between accessibility, social and spatial inequality, and social exclusion: A framework for cities in Latin America. In: Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. (pp. 135-172). Elsevier

Oviedo Hernandez, D; Behrens, R; Chalermpong, S; (2021) Informal paratransit in the Global South. In: Mulley, C and Nelson, JD and Ison, S, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Oviedo Hernandez, D; Nieto Combariza, M; (2021) Transport Planning in the Global South. In: International Encyclopedia of Transportation. (pp. 118-123). Elsevier


Panman, A; (2021) How effective are informal property rights in cities? Reexamining the relationship between informality and housing quality in Dar es Salaam. Oxford Development Studies , 49 (3) pp. 230-244. 10.1080/13600818.2020.1869927. Green open access

Panman, A; Lozano-Gracia, N; (2021) Making Room for Renters: Understanding and Supporting Rental Markets in the Global South — Evidence from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Policy Research Working Paper 9579). The World Bank: Washington, D.C., USA.

Panman, A; Lozano-Gracia, N; (2021) Titling and Beyond: Evidence from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Policy Research Working Paper 9580). The World Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Panman, A; Kimacha, NN; Madison, I; Falisse, J-B; (2021) Saving Up for a Rainy Day? Savings Groups and Resilience to Flooding in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Urban Forum 10.1007/s12132-021-09424-w. (In press). Green open access

Parikh, P; Diep, L; Hofmann, P; Tomei, J; Campos, L; Teh, T; Mulugetta, Y; ... Lakhanpaul, M; + view all (2021) Synergies and trade-offs between sanitation and the sustainable development goals. UCL Open: Environment pp. 1-45. 10.14324/111.444/ucloe.000016. Green open access

Patel, Kamna; (2021) Xenophobia. In: Yacobi, Haim and Ramalho, Jordana and Allen, Adriana and Marx, Colin and Majali, El Anoud and Jatkar, Harsh, (eds.) The DPU (post) COVID Lexicon. (p. 26). Development Planning Unit, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Pelling, M; Barcena, A; Leck, H; Adelekan, I; Dodman, D; Johnson, C; Issaka, H; ... Boubacar, S; + view all (2021) Uncertain pasts and risk-sensitive futures in sub-Saharan urban transformation. In: Kieth, M and de Souza Santos, AA, (eds.) African cities and collaborative futures: Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics. (pp. 53-72). Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. Green open access

Pelling, Mark; Chow, Winston TL; Chu, Eric; Dawson, Richard; Dodman, David; Fraser, Arabella; Hayward, Bronwyn; ... Ziervogel, Gina; + view all (2021) A climate resilience research renewal agenda: learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for urban climate resilience. Climate and Development , 14 (7) pp. 591-687. 10.1080/17565529.2021.1956411. Green open access

Pollak Williamson, Catalina; (2021) Things we hold dear. Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research (3) pp. 5-16. 10.2218/airea.5616. Green open access


Rafi, Kambaiz; (2021) Habitus and Embodied Institutions; A Study of Manufacturing Enterprises in Kabul’s Conflict-Affected Market Economy and Adaptive Strategies for Enterprise Continuation during 2002-2018. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rahiman, Riya; Lipietz, Barbara; Brand, Kobie; Hughes, Sara; Rangwala, Lubaina; Waud, Alexa; (2021) Urban Dynamics for Environmental Action. In: United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Human Se, (ed.) Global Environment Outlook for Cities-GEO for Cities: Towards Green and Just Cities. (pp. 21-40). United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Nairobi, Kenya. Green open access

Ramalho, J; Chant, S; (2021) "Missing Girls" In urban slums of the global south?: Exploring the intersections between puberty, poverty, and gender inequality. In: Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community. (pp. 17-30). Routledge: New York. Green open access

Ray, Raktim; (2021) Critical Ethnography: A Methodological Intervention for Understanding Human Settlement Issues. Indian Journal of Landscape Systems & Ecological Studies (IJLS & ES) , 44 (2) pp. 5-15. Green open access

Rigon, A; Castàn Broto, V; (2021) Introduction. In: Rigon, A and Castàn Broto, V, (eds.) Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Rigon, A; Dabaj, J; Baumann, H; (2021) Participatory design and diversity: Addressing vulnerabilities through social infrastructure in a Lebanese town hosting displaced people. In: Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community. (pp. 198-212). Routledge: New York. Green open access

Rigon, A; Khodor, R; (2021) Borders. In: Yacobi, H and Ramalho, J and Allen, A and Marx, C, (eds.) The DPU (post) COVID Lexicon. (p. 4). University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Rigon, Andrea; Conti, Riccardo Luca; Dabaj, Joana; (2021) Co-designing built interventions with children affected by displacement (DeCID). United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Green open access

Rigon, A; (2021) Participatory design and planning to build human infrastructures able to deal with shifting identities and new challenges. Presented at: N-AERUS: How to plan in a world of uncertainty, University of Berlin. Green open access

Rigon, A; Dabaj, J; Conti, R; (2021) Promoting Children’s Participation in Design. In: Twigg, J and Babister, E, (eds.) Roadmap for Research. Interaction


Sabogal-Cardona, O; Oviedo, D; Scholl, L; Crotte, A; Bedoya-Maya, F; (2021) Not my usual trip: Ride-hailing characterization in Mexico City. Travel Behaviour and Society , 25 pp. 233-245. 10.1016/j.tbs.2021.07.010. Green open access

Saud Casanova, Veronica Luisa; (2021) Contested Niche Innovations in Transport: Experiences from the Inter-comunal Bicycle Sharing System in Santiago de Chile, 2011-2017. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Scholl, L; Bedoya-Maya, F; Sabogal-Cardona, O; Oviedo, D; (2021) Making the Links between Ride-hailing and Public Transit Ridership: Impacts in Medium and Large Colombian Cities. (IDB Working Paper Series 01237). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Scholl, Lynn; Oviedo, Daniel; Sabogal-Cardona, Orlando; (2021) Disrupting Personal (In)Security? The Role of Ride-Hailing Service Features, Commute Strategies, and Gender in Mexico City. (IDB Technical Note 02361). Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C., USA. Green open access

Sharma, Akanksha; Beavor, Andreas; Brand, Yoav; Chiappe, Fredrica; Makarem, Naji; Li, Bian; (2021) The Role of Digital and Mobile-Enabled Solutions in Addressing Climate Change. GSMA: London, UK.

Smith, EM; MacLachlan, M; Ebuenyi, ID; Holloway, C; Austin, V; (2021) Developing inclusive and resilient systems: COVID-19 and assistive technology. Disability & Society , 36 (1) pp. 151-154. 10.1080/09687599.2020.1829558. Green open access


Talocci, Giorgio; (2021) (Re)Assessing scarcities Toward a holistic, participatory and longitudinal approach to the understanding of environmental issues in armed conflict scenarios. International Committee of the Red Cross: Geneva, Switzerland.

Tonne, C; Adair, L; Adlakha, D; Anguelovski, I; Belesova, K; Berger, M; Brelsford, C; ... Adli, M; + view all (2021) Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development. Environment International , 146 , Article 106236. 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106236. Green open access


Walker, Julian; Ossul Vermehren, Ignacia; (2021) (Re-)constructing Disability through Research: Methodological Challenges of Intersectional Research in Informal Urban Settlements. In: Rigon, Andrea and Castan-Broto, Vanesa, (eds.) Inclusive Urban Development in the Global South: Intersectionality, Inequalities, and Community. (pp. 167-181). Routledge: New York. Green open access

Walls, M; Pegg, S; (2021) Observing Somaliland’s 2021 Parliamentary and Local Council Elections. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://defactostates.ut.ee/blog/observing-somalil...

Walls, Michael; Stevens, Mark; Sullivan, Kate; Fradgley, Sarah; Howell, Dominic; (2021) Limited International Election Observation Mission: Somaliland House of Representatives and Local Council Elections, 31 May 2021. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU), UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Wesely, Julia; Allen, Adriana; (2021) De-Colonising Planning Education? Exploring the Geographies of Urban Planning Education Networks. In: Silver, Christopher and Frank, Andrea, (eds.) Transformative Planning Smarter, Greener and More Inclusive Practices. (pp. 103-120). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Wesely, Julia; Allen, Adriana; Zárate, Lorena; Emanuelli, María Silvia; (2021) Generative pedagogies from and for the social production of habitat: Learning from HIC-AL School of grassroots urbanism. plaNext - Next Generation Planning , 11 pp. 26-43. 10.24306/plnxt/72. Green open access

Wesely, J; (2021) Towards understanding enabling environments for good practices in disaster risk management: an analysis of critical junctures in Manizales, Colombia. Environment and Urbanization 10.1177/09562478211008873. (In press). Green open access


Yacobi, H; Pace, M; (2021) Settler Colonialism (Without Settlers) and Slow Violence in the Gaza Strip. Partecipazione e Conflitto , 14 (3) pp. 1221-1237. Green open access

Yacobi, Haim; Ramalho, Jordana; Allen, Adriana; (2021) The DPU (post) COVID Lexicon: Introduction. DPU News (68) p. 2. Green open access

Yacobi, H; Milner, E; (2021) Beyond "causes of causes": Health, stigma and the settler colonial urban territory in the Negev\Naqab. Urban Studies (In press). Green open access

Yap, C; (2021) Making the city through participatory video: implications for urban geography. Urban Geography 10.1080/02723638.2021.1948698. (In press). Green open access

Yassine, B; Al-Harity, H; Boano, C; (2021) Refugees Hosting Other refugees: Endurance and Maintenance of Care in Ouzaii (Lebanon). Journal of Refugee Studies , 34 (3) pp. 2871-2890. 10.1093/jrs/fez098. Green open access


Zhang, Le-Yin; (2021) 'Net Zero' and the State: What can we learn from China's experience. DPU News (69) pp. 2-6. Green open access

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