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Number of items: 35.


Ahmed, N; Brown, D; Siddiqui, B; Khalil, D; Tajuddin, S; McGranahan, G; (2015) Public and private control and contestation of public space amid violent conflict in Karachi. (Human Settlements Working Paper ). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.

Ahmed, S; Haklay, ME; Allen, A; Tacoli, C; Simiyu, E; Davila, J; (2015) Participatory mapping for transformation: multiple visual representation of foodscapes and environment in informal settlements in Nairobi. In: Malleson, N and Addis, N and Durham, H and Heppenstrall, A and Lovelace, R and Norman, P and Oldroyd, R, (eds.) Proceedings of GIS Research UK (GISRUK). (pp. pp. 14-19). GIS Research UK (GISRUK): Leeds, UK. Green open access

Allen, Adriana; Brown, D; Dávila, J; Hofmann, Pascale; (2015) Topic Guide: Building reciprocal rural-urban linkages through infrastructure investment and development. Evidence on Demand, UK. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.gov.uk/research-for-development-output... Green open access

Allen, A; Lambert, RC; Apsan Frediani, A; Ome, T; (2015) Can participatory mapping activate spatial and political practices? Mapping popular resistance and dwelling practices in Bogotá eastern hills. Area , 47 (3) pp. 261-271. 10.1111/area.12187. Green open access

Allen, AE; Davila, J; Hofmann, P; Brown, D; (2015) Topic guide: Building reciprocal rural-urban linkages through infrastructure investment and development. Evidence on Demand: London, UK. Green open access

Arefian, F; (2015) Organisational design and management for post disaster reconstruction programmes: the case of Bam. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Becerril Miranda, H; (2015) Slum upgrading role for housing policy and governance [trans]formation[s]: from Favela-Bairro to Morar Carioca, investigating the case of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bisiaux, R; (2015) Making a living in a slum settlement: The relative influence of norms, cognition and group practices on slum dwellers’ choices related to earning a living. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Boano, C; (2015) The impossible city: short reflections on urbanism, architecture and violence. Materia Arquitectura , 12 pp. 94-97. Green open access

Boano, C; Astolfo, G; (2015) A New Use of Architecture, the Political of Agamben's Common Use. ARQ (Santiago) , 91 pp. 15-25. 10.4067/S0717-69962015000300003. Green open access

Boano, C; Astolfo, G; Talocci, G; (2015) A six-fold mandate for an engaged urban design research education. Urban Pamphleteer , 5 pp. 43-45. Green open access

Boossabong, P; (2015) Governing the policy network on urban agriculture in Bangkok: The role of social capital in handling cooperation and conflicts. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brown, D; Johnson, C; (2015) Setting a new research agenda for urban crisis and humanitarian response. (IIED Briefing Paper Series ). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK. Green open access

Brown, D; Boano, C; Johnson, C; Vivekananda, J; Walker, J; (2015) Urban Crisis and Humanitarian Responses: A Literature Review. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL (University of London): London, UK. Green open access


Fevre, CM; (2015) Mainstreaming Inclusive Violence Prevention in the Agenda of Multilateral Development Banks: The Case of the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank in Latin America and the Caribbean. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Frediani, AA; (2015) Space and Capabilities: Approaching Informal Settlement Upgrading through a Capability Perspective. In: Lemanski, C and Marx, C, (eds.) The City in Urban Poverty. (pp. 64-84). Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access


Griffin, L; Patel, K; (2015) Research with urban youth: exploring representations of Kilburn through action methods. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference 2015, Exeter, UK. Green open access


Kombe, W; Ndezi, T; Hofmann, P; (2015) Water Justice City Profile: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Translocal Learning for Water Justice: Peri-Urban Pathways in India, Tanzania and Bolivia (WatJust) ). UCL Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access


Moretto, Luisa; Allen, Adriana; (2015) Co-producing water services in peri-urban Caracas: Political decentralisation without administrative decentralisation? In: Bogaert, Jan and Halleux, Jean-Marie, (eds.) Territoires périurbains. Développement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud. (pp. 231-245). Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux: Gembloux, Belgium. Green open access


Osuteye, ENN; (2015) Environmentalism in Ghana: The rise of Environmental Consciousness and Movements for Nature Protection. Doctoral thesis , University of Kent.


Pasiecznik, N; Choge, S; Fre, Z; Tsegay, B; Parra, F; (2015) The Great Green Forest is here and expanding all on its own: A call for action. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Resilience, Research and Innovation 2015. : Djibouti. Green open access

Patel, K; (2015) Sowing the seeds of conflict? Low income housing delivery, community participants and inclusive citizenship in South Africa. Urban Studies , 53 (13) pp. 2738-2757. 10.1177/0042098015572090. Green open access

Patel, K; (2015) Teaching and learning in the tropics: An epistemic exploration of 'the field' in a development studies fieldtrip. Journal of Geography in Higher Education , 39 (4) pp. 584-594. 10.1080/03098265.2015.1084499. Green open access


Rigon, A; (2015) Unequal power relations in the governance of the World Social Forum process: an analysis of the practices of the Nairobi Forum. Interface: a journal for and about social movements , 7 (2) pp. 75-97. Green open access

Rigon, A; ABAH, S; Dangoji, S; Walker, J; apsan frediani, A; Ogunleye, OJ; Hirst, L; (2015) Well-being and citizenship in urban Nigeria. ICF International, UCL Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access


Talocci, Giorgio; Boano, Camillo; (2015) The politics of urban displacement practices in Phnom Penh: Reflections from Borei Santepheap Pi & Oudong Moi. Pacific Geographies , 43 (1) pp. 15-20. Green open access

Tsegay, B; Livingstone, J; Fre, Z; (2015) Exploring Prosopis Management and Policy Options in the Greater Horn of Africa: Proceedings of a Regional Conference, Addis Ababa, November 2014. PENHA: London, UK. Green open access


Vergara Perucich, JF; (2015) Reimagining marxism: toward an architecture of happiness and enjoyment. In: De Mattos, C and Link, F, (eds.) Lefebvre Revisitado: Capitalismo, vida cotidiana y el derecho a la ciudad. (pp. 173-194). RIL Editores: Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Vergara Perucich, JF; (2015) Reflexiones sobre gobernanza, profanación y ciudad: Entrevista al profesor Julio Dávila y al Doctor Camillo Boano. Revista Diseño Urbano y Paisaje , 12 (30) pp. 36-39. Green open access


Waage, J; Yap, C; Bell, S; Levy, C; Mace, G; Pegram, T; Unterhalter, E; ... Poole, N; + view all (2015) Governing the UN sustainable development goals: interactions, infrastructures, and institutions. The Lancet Global Health , 3 (5) e251-e252. 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)70112-9. Green open access

Waage, J; Yap, C; Bell, SJ; Levy, C; Mace, G; Pegram, T; Unterhalter, E; ... Poole, N; + view all (2015) Governing Sustainable Development Goals: interactions, infrastructures and institutions. In: Waage, J and Yap, C, (eds.) Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development. (pp. 79-88). Ubiquity Press: London, UK. Green open access


Xu, D; (2015) Financial statism as an alternative interventionist approach in developing international financial centres(IFCs): the case of Shanghai since the 1990s. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Zhang, L-Y; (2015) 反思中国的低碳战略. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://paulsoninstitute.org.cn/archives/rethinkin...

Zhang, Le-Yin; (2015) Rethinking China's Low-Carbon Strategy. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.paulsoninstitute.org/

Zhang, L-Y; (2015) Setting the Scene: Meeting Inputs, Objectives, Structure and Expected Outcomes. Presented at: Expert meeting on livelihoods and economic diversification, Bonn, Germany. Green open access

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