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Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 84.
Arena, V;
Some remarks on the study of the Roman Republican History nowadays: and interview with Valentina Arena.
Romanitas - Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos
pp. 10-19.
Arena, V;
Varro and Italy: the de Lingua Latina and the Gauls.
In: Aberson, M and Biella, MC and Wullschleger, M, (eds.)
Nos sumus Romani qui fuimus ante: Memory of Ancient Italy.
Peter Lang
Arena, V;
Debt-Bondage, Fides, and Justice: Republican Liberty and the Notion of Economic Independence in the First Century BC.
In: Cecconi, GA and Lizzi Testa, R and Marcone, A, (eds.)
The Past as Present. Essays in Honour of Guido Clemente.
(pp. 621-646).
Brepolis: Turnhout, Belgium.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Aristodemos of Nysa (22), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part I.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Athenaios (BNJ2 166), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Demetrios of Byzantion (BNJ2 162), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Anonymous, Encheiridion (P. Ryl., 1.22) (BNJ2 18), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part I.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Satyros (20), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part I.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Simonides (163), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
Sostratos (BNJ2 23),in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part I.
[Scholarly edition].
Worthington, Ian (Ed).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Ceccarelli, P;
Review of: A. Sarri, Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World 500 BC – AD 300.
Classical Review
(In press).
Ceccarelli, P;
Economies of Memory in Greek Tragedy.
In: Castagnoli, L and Ceccarelli, P, (eds.)
Greek Memories: Theories and Practices.
(pp. 93-114).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Ceccarelli, P;
Nomi propri e tradizioni storiche nel racconto erodoteo sulle Termopili.
In: Savo, MB, (ed.)
Specola Historicorum. Tradizione e trasmissione dei testi storiografici nel mondo greco.
(pp. 35-73).
Edizioni Tored: Rome, Italy.
Ceccarelli, P;
Castagnoli, L;
In: Castagnoli, L and Ceccarelli, P, (eds.)
Greek memories: Theories and practices.
(pp. 1-49).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
(In press).
D'Avray, D;
Menski, W;
Authenticating Marriage: The Decree Tametsi in a Comparative Global Perspective.
Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History
, 27
pp. 71-89.
Davis, Gareth;
Lost Horizons: The United States and the Challenge of British North America, 1760-1871.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
de Arcangelis, A;
Towards a new philosophy of history. European Vichianism and Neapolitan Hegelianism (1804-48).
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
, 24
pp. 226-243.
Finn, Margot C;
Material Turns in British History: II. Corruption: Imperial Power, Princely Politics and Gifts Gone Rogue.
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
, 29
pp. 1-25.
Finn, MC;
The Female World of Love and Empire: Women, Family and East India Company Politics at the End of the 18th Century.
Gender and History
, 31
pp. 7-24.
Frost, MR;
Vickers, E;
Schumacher, D;
Introduction: Locating Asia's War Memory Boom: national, regional and global perspectives.
Remembering Asia's World War Two.
(pp. 1-24).
Routledge: London, UK.
Gibbs, T;
Writing the Histories of South Africa’s Cities after Apartheid.
The English Historical Review
, 134
pp. 1128-1144.
Gibbs, T;
Mandela, Human Rights and the Making of South Africa’s Transformative Constitution.
Journal of Southern African Studies
, 45
pp. 1131-1149.
Golf-French, Morgan;
Bourgeois Modernity Versus the Historical Aristocracy in Christoph Meiners’s Political Thought.
The Historical Journal
, 62
943 -966.
Goodall, A;
American Empire: A Global History , by A.G. Hopkins (Princeton, NJ: Princeton U.P., 2018; pp. xviii + 980. $39.95).
The English Historical Review
, 134
pp. 771-773.
Gowland, A;
'As Hunters find their Game by the Trace': Reading to Discover in The Anatomy of Melancholy.
Review of English Studies
, 70
pp. 437-366.
Graham, A;
Credit, confidence and the circulation of Exchequer bills in the early financial revolution.
Financial History Review
, 26
pp. 63-80.
Graham, A;
Settler Jamaica in the 1750s: A Social Portrait, by Jack P. Greene.
New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids
, 93
pp. 106-107.
Graham, A;
Slavery, capitalism, incorporation and the Close Harbour Company of Jamaica, circa 1800.
Business History
(In press).
Graham, A;
Towns, government, legislation and the 'police' in Jamaica and the British Atlantic, 1770-1805.
Urban History
(In press).
Graham, AB;
Politics, Persuasion and Public Health in Jamaica, 1800–1850.
, 104
pp. 63-82.
Grandmaison, RL;
Morris, N;
Smith, B;
The Last Harvest? From the US Fentanyl Boom to the Mexican Opium Crisis.
Journal of Illicit Economies and Development
, 1
pp. 312-329.
Hesketh, T;
Zhou, X;
Wang, X;
Raising awareness about anti-microbial resistance - a nationwide video and arts competition for Chinese university students using social media.
In: Lo, V and Berry, C and Liping, G, (eds.)
Film and the Chinese medical humanities.
Routledge: London, UK.
Hoppit, J;
Scotland and the Taxing Union, 1707–1815.
Scottish Historical Review
, 98
pp. 45-70.
Hoppit, J;
Taxing London and the British fiscal state, 1660-1815.
In: Hoppit, J and Needham, D and Leonard, A, (eds.)
Money and markets: essays in honour of Martin Daunton.
The Boydell Press: Suffolk, UK.
Horwell, Shane William;
Taxation in British political and economic thought, 1733-1816.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jennings, Rebecca;
Gender and the politics of marriage in post-war Australia and Britain.
In: Brady, Sean and Seymour, Mark, (eds.)
From Sodomy Laws to Same-Sex Marriage: International Perspectives since 1789.
(pp. 155-167).
Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK.
Jennings, Rebecca;
‘It was quite a scary time’: Lesbians and violence in post-war Australia.
In: Piper, Alana and Stevenson, Ana, (eds.)
Gender violence in Australia: historical perspectives.
(pp. 147-159).
Monash University Publishing: Melbourne, Australia.
Kaplan, BJ;
The context of conversions in early modern Europe: personal agency and choice in the construction of religious identities.
In: Rivlin-Katz, D and Hacham, N and Herman, G and Sagiv, L, (eds.)
A Question of Identity: Social, Political, and Historical Aspects of Identity Dynamics in Jewish and Other Contexts.
(pp. 315-335).
De Gruyter Oldenbourg: Germany.
Kaplan, BJ;
The Legal Rights of Religious Refugees in the Refugee-Cities of Early Modern Germany.
Journal of Refugee Studies
, 32
pp. 86-105.
Korner, A;
’Britain – the Sicily of Europe?’ Continental Perspectives on Britain’s Amour Propre.
Contemporary European History
, 28
pp. 23-26.
Korner, A;
Culture for a Cosmopolitan Empire: Rossini between Vienna and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown.
In: Narici, I and Sala, E and Senici, E and Walton, B, (eds.)
Gioachino Rossini 1868-2018: La musica e il mondo.
(pp. 357-380).
Fondazione Rossini Pesaro: Pesaro, Italy.
Korner, A;
Gallo, F;
Challenging Intellectual Hierarchies. Hegel in Risorgimento Political Thought: An Introduction.
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
, 24
pp. 209-225.
Lally, J;
Colour as Commodity: Colonialism and the Sensory Worlds of South Asia.
Third Text Forum online
Lally, J;
Gommans, JJL;
Introduction to the Third Edition. Afghans and their History between South Asia and the World.
The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire, c. 1710-1780.
Manohar: New Delhi, India.
Lim, Shi Ru;
Philosophical Kingship in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Frederick II, Catherine II, and the philosophes.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lo, V;
Afterthoughts | Complexities of Potency.
Himalaya: the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
, 39
pp. 229-230.
Lo, V;
Dead or Alive: martial arts and the forensic gaze.
In: Lo, V and Berry, C and Liping, G, (eds.)
Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities.
(pp. 12-34).
Routledge: London, UK.
Lo, V;
Wang, N;
Longing for the Rain : journeys into the dislocated female body of urban China.
In: Lo, V and Berry, C and Liping, G, (eds.)
Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities.
(pp. 116-131).
Routledge: London, UK.
Lo, V;
Wang, X;
Food-related Yangsheng short videos among the retired population in Shanghai.
In: Lo, V and Berry, C and Liping, G, (eds.)
Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities.
(pp. 226-240).
Routledge: London, UK.
Martin Romera, M;
Redes de poder. Las relaciones sociales de la oligarquía de Valladolid a finales de la Edad Media.
Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas: Madrid, Spain.
Martín-Romera, M-Á;
El control silenciado: el papel de la población en los juicios de residencia.
Memoria y Civilización
, 22
pp. 191-220.
Morris, Nathaniel;
Review of 'The Mexican Heartland: How Communities Shaped Capitalism, a Nation, and World History, 1500-2000'.
Reviews in History
Morris, N;
Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, Los Zetas Inc.: Criminal Corporations, Energy, and Civil War in Mexico (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2017), pp. xix + 370, $29.95, pb.
Journal of Latin American Studies
, 51
pp. 489-491.
Morris, N;
Memory, magic and militias: Cora Indian participation in Mexico’s wars, from the reforma to the revolution (1854-1920).
Small Wars & Insurgencies
, 30
pp. 841-871.
Morris, N;
Smith, BT;
Le Cour Grandmaison, R;
"No more opium for the masses": from the U.S. fentanyl boom to the Mexican opium crisis: opportunities amidst violence?
, pp. pp. 1-35
Noria Research: Washington DC.
Page, S;
A Late Medieval Demonic Invasion of the Heavens.
In: Collins, DJ, (ed.)
The Sacred and the Sinister Studies in Medieval Religion and Magic.
Pennsylvania State University Press: University Park, PA, USA.
Page, S;
Medieval magical figures: Between image and text.
In: Page, S and Rider, C, (eds.)
The Routledge History of Medieval Magic.
Routledge: London, UK.
Page, S;
Rider, C;
In: Page, S and Rider, C, (eds.)
The Routledge History of Medieval Magic.
Routledge: London, UK.
Patrizio Gunning, L;
Collecting practices in the Ottoman Empire.
Presented at: ICOM 25th General Conference KYOTO 2019 - Museums as Hubs of Contemporary Collecting: The Future of Collecting and its Traditions, Kyoto, Japan.
Patrizio Gunning, L;
Satala Aphrodite. Case Study.
Patrizio Gunning, L;
Conway, S;
Diplomats, Collecting and the Museum.
UCL: London, UK.
Patrizio Gunning, L;
Gunning, B;
Alexander, D;
Rizzi, P;
Prosperococco, M;
Vaccarelli, A;
Colacicchi, S;
I nostri figli, le nostre scuole, il nostro futuro: la scuola del futuro parte dall’Aquila.
NewsTown – Le notizie dalla città che cambia: L'Aquila, Italy.
Peacey, JT;
An “Amsterdamnified” Public Sphere: English Newsbooks, Pamphleteering, and Polemic in European Context.
In: Dobranski, S, (ed.)
Political Turmoil: Early Modern British Literature in Transition, 1623–1660.
(pp. 189-204).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Phelps, C;
Luff, J;
Goodall, A;
Bell, J;
Geidel, M;
Roundtable: Antecedents of 2019: 1949.
Journal of American Studies
, 53
pp. 871-878.
Rath, T;
Modernizing Military Patriarchy: Gender and State-building in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960.
Journal of Social History
, 52
pp. 807-830.
Reid, D;
Culture as Imperial Synapse: Pre- and Post-Foucauldian Approaches to Culture in British Imperial Historiography.
Le foucaldien
, 5
, Article 4. 10.16995/lefou.59.
Reid, D;
Distant Reading, ‘The Great Unread’, and Nineteenth Century British Conceptualizations of the Civilizing Mission: A Case Study.
Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas
, 8
pp. 4-1.
Robson, E;
The clay tablet book in Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria.
In: Eliot, S and Rose, J, (eds.)
A Companion to the History of the Book.
(pp. 175-190).
Blackwell: Oxford, UK.
Robson, E;
Ancient Knowledge Networks.
UCL Press: London, UK.
Robson, E;
Appendix: a new reading of ADART nos. -132B and C.
In: Haubold, J and Steele, J and Stevens, K, (eds.)
Keeping watch in Babylon: from evidence to text in the Astronomical Diaries.
Brill: Boston, MA.
Robson, E;
Who Wrote the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries?
In: Haubold, J and Steele, J and Stevens, K, (eds.)
Keeping Watch in Babylon: The Astronomical Diaries in Context.
(pp. 120-153).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Robson, E;
Information flows in rural Babylonia, c.1500 BC.
In: Johnston, C, (ed.)
The Concept of the Book: The Production, Progression and Dissemination of Information.
School of Advanced Study: London, UK.
Robson, E;
The book in the ancient world.
In: Raven, J, (ed.)
The Oxford illustrated history of the book.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Ross, JC;
McMahon, G;
Heffron, Y;
Adcock, SE;
Steadman, SR;
Arbuckle, BS;
Smith, A;
Anatolian Empires: Local Experiences from Hittites to Phrygians at Çadır Höyük.
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies
, 7
p. 299.
Salway, R;
Navicularii, naucleroi, and the Roman state.
In: Wiewiorowski, J, (ed.)
Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze 3/2019 Roman Maritime Law. Maritime Legal Tradition and Modern Legal Issues.
(pp. 41-54).
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego: Gdańsk.
Schröder, P;
The International Political Thought of Johann Jacob Schmauss and Johann Gottlieb Heineccius: Natural Law, Interest, History and the Balance of Power.
In: Zurbuchen, S, (ed.)
The Law of Nations and Natural Law 1625-1800.
(pp. 132-158).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Steadman, S;
McMahon, G;
Şerifoğlu, E;
Cassis, M;
Lauricella, A;
Hackley, L;
Selover, S;
... Hartley, A; + view all
The 2017-2018 Seasons at Çadir Höyük on the North Central Plateau.
, 45
pp. 77-119.
Steinhauer, Julietta;
Across gender, status, origin: Religious associations and
networks in the sanctuaries of late Hellenistic Delos.
In: Dana, M and Savalli‑Lestrade, I, (eds.)
La cité interconnectée dans le monde gréco-romain (ve siècle a.c.-ive siècle p.c: Transferts et réseaux institutionnels, religieux et culturels aux époques hellénistique et impériale.
(pp. 225-239).
Ausonius: Bordeaux, France.
Stokes, M;
D.W. Griffith's 'The Birth of a Nation': Transnational and Historical Perspectives.
In: Martin, MT, (ed.)
The Birth of a Nation: The Cinematic Past in the Present.
Indiana University Press: Bloomington, IN, USA.
Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F;
Labour and the Left in the 1980s, ed. Jonathan Davis and Rohan McWilliam.
The English Historical Review
, 134
pp. 1067-1069.
Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F;
Modern Britain, 1750 to the Present. By James Vernon.
Twentieth Century British History
, 30
pp. 264-284.
Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F;
Yes to Europe! The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain, by Robert Saunders.
The English Historical Review
, 134
pp. 767-769.
Tarrant, Neil;
Science, Religion, and Italy's Seventeenth-Century Decline: From Francesco de Sanctis to Benedetto Croce.
, 54
pp. 1125-1144.
Van Bremen, R;
On the Dating of the Land transaction documents from Olymos.
Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift fuer Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens
, 51
pp. 19-35.