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Number of items: 24.


Blakemore, SJ; Goodbody, SJ; Wolpert, DM; (1998) Predicting the consequences of our own actions: The role of sensorimotor context estimation. Journal of Neuroscience , 18 (18) 7511 - 7518. Green open access


Carston, R; (1998) Negation, 'presupposition' and the semantics/pragmatics distinction. Journal of Linguistics , 34 (2) 309 - 350. Green open access

Chater, N; Hahn, U; (1998) What is the dynamical hypothesis? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 21 (5) 633 - 634. 10.1017/S0140525X98271731. Green open access

Clement, S; Sikorski, J; Wilson, J; Candy, B; (1998) Incorporating patient preferences into clinical trials. Merits of alternative strategies for incorporating patient preferences into clinical trials must be considered carefully. [Letter]. BMJ , 317 (7150) , Article 78. 10.1136/bmj.317.7150.78. Green open access

Cordeiro, Maria Francesca; (1998) The role of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in the conjunctival scarring process following glaucoma surgery. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Cormier, K; (1998) Grammatical and Anaphoric Agreement in American Sign Language. Masters thesis (OTHER), UNSPECIFIED.


Davis, G; Driver, J; (1998) The functional effects of modal versus amodal completion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 21 752 - 753. 10.1017/S0140525X98271755. Green open access

Dowell, J; Long, J; (1998) Conception of the cognitive engineering design problem. Ergonomics , 41 (2) pp. 126-139. 10.1080/001401398187125. Green open access


Fonagy, P; Target, M; Steele, H; Steele, M; (1998) Reflective-Functioning Manual Version 5 for Application to Adult Attachment Interviews. Green open access


Gardner, M; Heyes, CM; (1998) Splitting, lumping and priming- Commentary on Byrne & Russon. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 21 (5) 690 - 691. 10.1017/S0140525X98291746. Green open access

Gilleard, C; Higgs, P; (1998) Old people as users and consumers of healthcare: a third age rhetoric for a fourth age reality? Ageing and Society , 18 (2) 233 - 248. Green open access

GILLEARD, C; HIGGS, P; (1998) Older people as users and consumers of health care: A third age rhetoric for a fourth age reality. Ageing and Society , 18 (2) 233 - 248. 10.1017/S0144686X98006904. Green open access


Hahn, U; Chater, N; (1998) The notion of distal similarity is ill defined. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 21 (4) 474 - 475. 10.1017/S0140525X98311255. Green open access

Hahn, U; Chater, N; (1998) Real-world categories don't allow uniform feature spaces - not just across categories but within categories also. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 21 (1) 28 - 28. 10.1017/S0140525X98370107. Green open access

Heyes, CM; (1998) Theory of mind in nonhuman primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 21 (1) 101 - 114. Green open access

Huckvale, M; (1998) Opportunities for re-convergence of engineering and cognitive science accounts of spoken word recognition. Presented at: IOA Conference on Speech and Hearing. Green open access

Huckvale, M; Bowerman, C; Eriksson, A; Pompino-Marschall, B; Rosner, M; Tatham, M; Williams, B; (1998) Computer-Aided Learning and use of the Internet. In: Bloothooft, G, (ed.) The Landscape of Future Education in Speech Communication Sciences: 2: Proposals for European education in phonetics, spoken language engineering, speech and language therapy. (pp. 81-110). OTS Publications: Utrecht, The Netherlands. Green open access


Mandler, JM; (1998) Whatever happened to meaning? Commentary on Millikan: A common structure for concepts of individuals, stuffs, and real kinds. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 21 (1) 79 - 80. 10.1017/S0140525X98380401. Green open access

McAlpine, D; Jiang, D; Shackleton, TM; Palmer, AR; (1998) Convergent input from brainstem coincidence detectors onto delay-sensitive neurons in the inferior colliculus. Journal of Neuroscience , 18 (15) 6026 - 6039. Green open access

Murray, J; Livingston, G; (1998) A qualitative study of adjustment to caring for an older spouse with psychiatric illness. Ageing and Society , 18 (6) 659 - 671. Green open access


Portas, CM; Rees, G; Howseman, AM; Josephs, O; Turner, R; Frith, CD; (1998) A specific role for the thalamus in mediating the interaction of attention and arousal in humans. Journal of Neuroscience , 18 (21) 8979 - 8989. Green open access


Saeed, SR; (1998) A visit to Doctor Jean-Bernard Causse, Beziers and Professor Jacques Magnan, Marseille. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 112 (1) 110 - 111. 10.1017/S0022215100140046. Green open access

Saunders, MW; Birchall, MA; (1998) Apoptosis, matters of life and death. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 112 (9) 822 - 826. 10.1017/S0022215100141829. Green open access


Woll, B; Sieratzki, JS; (1998) Echo phonology: Signs of a link between gesture and speech. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 21 (4) 531 - 532. 10.1017/S0140525X98481263. Green open access

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