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Number of items: 36.


Anciaes, PR; (2000) 欧州連合(EU):経済統合下での欧州運輸政策 ―トランスヨーロッピアン交通ネットワークを例にして― [Transport policy in integrated economies – The case of the Trans-European Network]. 運輸政策研究 [Transport Policy Studies Review] , 3 (1) 48 - 51. Green open access


Bohm, J; Guhring, J; Brenner, C; (2000) Implementation and calibration of a multi sensor measuring system. In: ELHakim, SFF and Gruen, A, (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape Measurement 2000. (pp. 154 - 161). SPIE-Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: San Jose, CA, USA. Green open access

Bouch, A; Sasse, MA; (2000) The case for predictable media quality in networked multimedia applications. In: Nahrstedt, K and Feng, WC, (eds.) Proceedings of the Multimedia Computing and Networking 2000. (pp. 188 - 195). SPIE: San Jose, CA, United States. Green open access

Bouch, A; Sasse, MA; DeMeer, H; (2000) Of packets and people: A user-centered approach to quality of service. In: IEEE 2000 Eighth international workshop on quality of service. (pp. 189 - 197). IEEE Green open access

Bracewell, DG; (2000) The use of optical biosensor for the real-time monitoring of product and product variants in biological process streams and application for control. University of London PhD thesis. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Brett, DJL; (2000) An electrochemical study of self-assembled monolayers. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Brostoff, S; Sasse, MA; (2000) Are passfaces more usable than passwords? A field trial investigation. In: McDonald, S and Waern, Y and Cockton, G, (eds.) People and Computers XIV — Usability or Else! (pp. 405 - 424). Springer Verlag: London, UK. Green open access


Chow, AHF; (2000) Effect of value-of-time distribution on private toll roads. Other thesis , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Clarkson, Matthew John; (2000) Registration of Optical Images to 3D Medical Images. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), King's College London. Green open access

Coutinho, RC; Selviah, DR; French, HA; (2000) Detection of partially coherent optical emission sources. In: Casasent, DP and Chao, TH, (eds.) OPTICAL PATTERN RECOGNITION XI. (pp. 238 - 248). SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING Green open access


Den Dekker, Guido; Hildering, Antoinette; Manusama, Kenneth; Petersen, Arthur; (2000) From human insecurity to international armed conflict. In: Proceedings of the 50th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs: Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Emmerich, W; Kaveh, N; (2000) Model checking distributed objects. In: Obbink, H and Balzer, B, (eds.) (Proceedings) Proc. of the 4th International Software Architecture Workshop, Limerick, Ireland. ACM Press Green open access

Emmerich, W; Mascolo, C; Finkelstein, A; (2000) Implementing incremental code migration with XML. In: (pp. pp. 397-406). Green open access

Emmerich, W.; (2000) Software engineering and middleware: a roadmap (Invited talk). In: Finkelstein, A., (ed.) The Future of Software Engineering. (pp. 117-129). ACM Press Green open access


Fermann, ME; Kruglov, VI; Thomsen, BC; Dudley, JM; Harvey, JD; (2000) Self-Similar Propagation and Amplification of Parabolic Pulses in Optical Fibers. Physical Review Letters , 84 (26) 6010 - 6013. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.6010. Green open access

Finkelstein, A; Emmerich, W; (2000) The future of requirements management tools. In: Quirchmayr, G and Wagner, R and Wimmer, M, (eds.) Information Systems in Public Administration and Law. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (Austrian Computer Society) Green open access


IBM, ; Creaney, S; Fergusson, RJ; Heath, S; Kerigan, S; Lane, PM; Stevens, A; (2000) Optical Data Link System. GB2339654/ GB9815138.4 . Green open access


Kenyon, AJ; Chryssou, CE; Pitt, CW; (2000) Indirect excitation of 1.5 mu m emission from Er3+ in silicon-rich silica. Applied Physics Letters , 76 (6) 688 - 690. 10.1063/1.125862. Green open access

Kwon, J; (2000) Developing an Embedded Real-Time Kernel for Microcontrollers with CAN support. Other thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Li, Z; Hertz, J; (2000) Multiple Zones of Contextual Surround for V1 Receptive Fields<b> </b>. In: (pp. 211.10-). Green open access


Malki, L; (2000) Atmospheric response to Pinatubo aerosols based on "model errors" and temperature anomalies. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Rana, S; (2000) Experiments on the generalisation and visualisation of surface networks. (CASA Working Papers 24). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Rana, S; Wood, J; (2000) Weighted and metric surface networks - new insights and an interactive application for their generalisation in Tcl/Tk. (CASA Working papers 25). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Renaud, CC; Offerhaus, HL; Alvarez-Chavez, JA; Nilsson, J; Turner, PW; Clarkson, WA; Grudinin, AB; (2000) Designs for efficient high-energy high brightness Q-switched cladding-pumped ytterbium-doped fiber lasers. In: Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest. (pp. 75 - 76). Optical Society of America: Washington, DC, US. Green open access

Rielgelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; (2000) Trust me, I'm a .com. InterMedia , 28 (4) pp. 23-27. Green open access

Rimmer, J; Wakeman, I; Sheeran, L; Sasse, MA; (2000) Messages from a tangled web. In: Proceedings of the OZCHI 2000: Interfacing reality in the new millennium. (pp. pp. 4-11). CSIRO Mathematics, Information and Statistics: Sydney , Australia. Green open access

Ross, S; Rogers, Y; Scaife, M; (2000) An ethnographic study of the BBC: current work practices in archive programme production and current approaches to web broadcasting. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Sheeran, L; Sasse, MA; Rimmer, J; Wakeman, I; (2000) Back to basics: is a better understanding of the Internet a precursor for effective use of the web? In: Proceedings of NordiCHI. NordiCHI: Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Smith, PJ; McCabe, EM; Taylor, CM; Selviah, DR; Day, SE; Commander, LG; (2000) Variable-focus microlenses as a potential technology for endoscopy. In: Conchello, JA and Cogswell, CJ and Wilson, T, (eds.) THREE-DIMENSIONAL AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL MICROSCOPY: IMAGE ACQUISITION PROCESSING VII. (pp. 187 - 192). SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING Green open access


Turner, A; Chapman, D; Penn, A; (2000) Sketching space. Computers and Graphics (Pergamon) , 24 (6) pp. 869-879. 10.1016/S0097-8493(00)00089-3. Green open access


Watson, A; Angela Sasse, M; (2000) Distance education via IP videoconferencing: Results from a national pilot project. In: Proceeding of the CHI EA '00 - CHI '00 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. 113 - 114). ACM: The Hague, The Netherlands. Green open access

Watson, A; Sasse, MA; (2000) The good, the bad, and the muffled: The impact of different degradations on Internet speech. In: Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Multimedia 2000. (pp. pp. 269-276). ACM: Marina del Rey, CA, USA. Green open access

Wilson, GM; Angela Sasse, M; (2000) The head or the heart? Measuring the impact of media quality. In: Tremaine, M, (ed.) CHI EA '00: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 117-118). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Wilson, GM; Sasse, MA; (2000) Investigating the impact of audio degradations on users: subjective vs objective assessment methods. In: Proceedings of the the Annual Conference of CHISIG, OZCHI 2000: Interfacing Reality in the New Millennium. (pp. pp. 135-142). CHISIG: the Computer Human Interaction Special Interest Group of the Ergonomics Society of Australia: Sydney, Australia. Green open access


Yerworth, Rebecca Jane; (2000) Real Time Imaging of Fluid Flow In Porous and Absorbent Materials. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access


Zisman, A; Emmerich, W; Finkelstein, A; (2000) Using XML to build consistency rules for distributed specifications. In: TENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN. (pp. 141 - 148). IEEE COMPUTER SOC Green open access

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