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Number of items: 32.


Allott, TEH; Flower, RJ; (1997) Epilithic diatoms in Welsh lakes and streams. (ECRC Research Report 35 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Banks, J; Blundell, R; Lewbel, A; (1997) Quadratic engel curves and consumer demand. REV ECON STAT , 79 (4) 527 - 539. Green open access

Basu, P; (1997) Narratives in a Landscape: Monuments and Memories of the Sutherland Clearances. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Bennion, H; Monteith, DT; Appleby, PG; (1997) Nutrient reconstructions in standing waters: final report. (ECRC Research Report 37 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Shilland, E; Appleby, PG; (1997) A study of recent environmental change at Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala), Wales. (ECRC Research Report 36 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Cooke, N; Gardner, A; Thomas, G; (1997) Report on Excavations at Sedgeford, Norfolk. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 8 17 - 36. 10.5334/pia.113. Green open access


Finn, MC; (1997) Editor's Introduction. Journal of British Studies , 36 (1) 1 - 2. Green open access

Flower, RJ; Patrick, S; (1997) CASSARINA: change, stress and sustainability: aquatic ecosystem resilience in North Africa. (ECRC Research Report 48 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Glinister, F; (1997) Regal Myths: reviews of T.P. Wiseman, Remus (Cambridge 1995) and M. Fox, Roman Historical Myths (Oxford 1996). Classical Review , 47 (1) 115 - 118. 10.1093/cr/47.1.115. Green open access

Glinister, F; (1997) Review of C. J. Smith 'Early Rome and Latium. Economy and Society c. 1000–500 B.C.'. [Review]. Journal of Roman Studies , 87 271 - 272. 10.2307/301386. Green open access


Holden, C; Mace, R; (1997) Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults. Human Biology , 69 (5) 605 - 628. Green open access


Jenkins, A; Coric, S; Reynolds, B; Curtis, C; Renshaw, M; (1997) Critical loads for soils and freshwaters: a comparison of methods at the Plynlimon catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , 1 (3) 729 - 741. 10.5194/hess-1-729-1997. Green open access


Maslin, MA; Hall, MA; (1997) Improving the reproducibility of stable isotope records from planktonic and benthic foraminifera. (ECRC Research Report 40 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Monteith, DT; Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Duigan, CA; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; + view all (1997) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: phase IV. A report to the Countryside Council for Wales: contract no. FC 73-01-71. (ECRC Research Report 43 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Peacey, JT; (1997) Order and disorder in Europe: Parliamentary agents and Royalist thugs 1649-1650. Historical Journal , 40 (4) 953 - 976. Green open access


Radner, K; (1997) Erntearbeiter und Wein. Neuassyrische Urkunden und Briefe im Louvre. State Archives of Assyria Bulletin , 11 3 - 29. Green open access

Radner, K; Mattila, R; (1997) A Bibliography of Neo-Assyrian Studies: 1988-1997. State Archives of Assyria Bulletin , 11 115 - 137. Green open access

Rehren, T; (1997) Die Rolle des Kohlenstoffs in der prähistorischen Metallurgie. Stahl und Eisen , 117 (9) pp. 87-92. Green open access

Rose, NL; Battarbee, RW; Bennion, H; Boyle, JF; Cai, S; Harlock, BH; Oldfield, F; + view all (1997) Palaeolimnological investigations of lakes on the Jianghan Plain, Central China. (ECRC Research Report 7 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Rose, NL; Bird, D; Keohane, B; Harriman, R; Battarbee, RW; (1997) The analysis of trace metals in surface waters from Scotland and Wales. (ECRC Research Report 39 , pp. pp. 1-54 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Ryves, DB; Battarbee, RW; (1997) Assessing the impact of diatom dissolution in biasing quantitative salinity reconstructions from saline lake sediments. (ECRC Research Report 38 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Salway, B; (1997) A Fragment of Severan History: The Unusual Career of ...atus Praetorian Prefect of Elagabalus. Chiron , 27 127 - 153. Green open access

Salway, RWB; (1997) Late Imperial Policy: G. A. Cecconi: Governo imperiale e élites dirigenti nelľ Italia tardoantica. Problemi di storia politico-amministrativa(270–476 d.C).(Biblioteca di Athenaeum, 24.) Pp. 267, 1 map. Como: Edizioni New Press, 1994. Paper, L 50,000. [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 47 (1) 126 - 128. 10.1093/cr/47.1.126. Green open access

Salway, RWB; (1997) Praetorian Prefects: J. Migl: Die Ordnung der Ämter. Prätorianerpräfektur und Vikariat in der Regionalverwaltung des Römischen Reiches von Konstantin bis zur Valentinianischen Dynastie. (Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 3, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, 623.) Pp. 285. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1994. [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 47 (2) 369 - 370. 10.1017/S0009840X00251147. Green open access

Salway, RWB; (1997) Review of H.A. Pohlsander, The Emperor Constantine. [Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review , 1997 , Article 97.12.07. Green open access

Salway, RWB; (1997) Review of M. Peachin 'Iudex Vice Caesaris: Deputy Emperors and the Administration of Justice during the Principate'. [Review]. J ROMAN STUD , 87 291 - 292. 10.2307/301405. Green open access

Salway, RWB; (1997) Review of The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government, AD 284-324, S.J.J. Corcoran. [Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review , 1997 , Article 97.8.4. Green open access

Steele, J; (1997) Traditional Crafts: Learning by Doing. [Review]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 7 (2) 314 - 316. 10.1017/S095977430000202X. Green open access


van Wees, H; (1997) Greek Armour: E. Jarva: Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour. (Studia Archaeologica Septentrionalia 3.) Pp. 176; 61 ills. Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys: Societas Historica Finlandiae Septentrionalis, 1995. ISBN: 952-9888-03-1 (ISSN: 0786-5066). [Review]. Classical Review , 47 (1) 154 - 155. 10.1093/cr/47.1.154. Green open access

van Wees, H; (1997) The Seleucid Army: N. Sekunda: Seleucid and Ptolemaic Reformed Armies 168–145 BC. Vol. 1: The Seleucid Army under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Pp. 80; ills. Stockport: Montvert, 1994. Paper. ISBN: 1-874101-02-7. Vol. 2: The Ptolemaic Army under Ptolemy VI Philometor.Pp. 84; ills. Stockport: Montvert, 1995. Paper. ISBN: 1-874101-03-5. [Review]. Classical Review , 47 (2) 356 - 357. 10.1017/S0009840X0025107X. Green open access

van Wees, H; (1997) The Trojan Cow: H. Derks: De Koe van Troje. De mythe van de Griekse oudheid. Pp. xii + 330, 32 ills. Hilversum: Verloren, 1995. Paper, Hfl. 57.50. ISBN: 90-6550-519-9. [Review]. Classical Review , 47 (2) 350 - 351. 10.1017/S0009840X00251044. Green open access


Witte, FMC; (1997) Spin densities in pseudoclassical kinetic theory. Physical Review A , 55 (6) 4093 - 4101. 10.1103/PhysRevA.55.4093. Green open access

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