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Number of items: 46.


Alderson, P; Goodwin, M; (1993) Contradictions in concepts of children's rights. The International Journal of Children's Rights , 1 (3-4) pp. 303-313. 10.1163/157181893X00179. Green open access

Pozzi, S; Healy, L; Hoyles, C; (1993) Learning and interaction in groups with computers: when do ability and gender matter? Social Development , 2 (3) pp. 222-241. Green open access

Pozzi, Stefano; Healy, Lulu; Hoyles, Celia; (1993) Learning and interaction in groups with computers: when do ability and gender matter? Social Development , 2 (3) pp. 222-241. Green open access


Balogh, Ruth Penelope.; (1993) Using action research to develop a national performance monitoring framework for nurse and midwife training institutions. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Bonnett, Michael Robert; (1993) Thinking and understanding in the primary school curriculum. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Bonnick, Lemah.; (1993) The racial structuring of educational marginality, 1960-1985. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Brider, John Edward; (1993) The classroom talk of nine-year-olds : A study of interactions amongst teachers and peer groups. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Buckingham, David; (1993) The development of television literacy : talk, text and context. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Chadwick, Priscilla.; (1993) Recent developments in "ecumenical" education: models of joint Church secondary schools in England and Northern Ireland. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Clayton, John Gibson; (1993) Estimation in schools. Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cohen, Michele Betty.; (1993) A genealogy of conversation: gender subjectivation and learning French in England. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Corrie, Loraine Frances; (1993) Pedagogical knowledge and classroom practice : teachers management of a disruptive classroom behaviour, talking out of turn. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Davies, Anne Beryl.; (1993) A framework for teaching and learning in art : with special reference to National Curriculum Key Stage One. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Evans, Jeff; (1993) Adults and numeracy. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

France-Dawson, Merry; (1993) The social context of health care for minority ethnic groups diagnosed as having sickle cell conditions. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Garner, Philip; (1993) A comparative study of the views of disruptive students in England and the United States. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Gilbey, Janet Mary.; (1993) 'A problem almost as difficult as that of Orkney or Shetland' :bringing schooling to the Cambridgeshire Fens in the 1870's. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Glass, Peter Ronald; (1993) Spinoza on freedom knowledge and education. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Harland, Janet.; (1993) From policy to practice: a study of power in relation to the implementation of curriculum policy, with particular reference to the use of contract. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Hentschke, Liane; (1993) Musical development : testing a model in the audience-listening setting. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Hodges, Richard Edgar.; (1993) Children's cognition of tonal organisation as measured by reaction time. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

James, Raymond John.; (1993) Middle management training does it make a difference back in the workplaceЁ. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Jongmans, Marian Jacqueline; (1993) Perceptuo-motor competence in prematurely born children at school age : Neurological and psychological aspects. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Kwesiga, Joy Constance.; (1993) Access of women to higher education in Uganda : an analysis of inequalities, barriers and determinants. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Law, Vivien Cheryl.; (1993) The women's cause: feminist campaigns 1918-1928. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Legovich, Sonia Ursini; (1993) Pupils approaches to different characterizations of variable in logo. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Leuner, Peter Stephen; (1993) Commitment to international education : structural influences and actors' perceptions of international education in the USA and the European Community. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Martin, Alfonso Gutierrez; (1993) Educational television & modern languages. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Mbali, Charlotte; (1993) Cohesive devices in the writing of near-tertiary students : A study of acquisitional influences and their pedagogical implications. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

McElligott, James Anthony.; (1993) Community education in British urban priority areas with special reference to Hull. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

McMahon, John Richard; (1993) Educational vision : a Marist perspective. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Moorcroft-Cuckle, Patricia Mary.; (1993) A comparison of home and school literacy learning for children aged 4 to 6 years with particular reference to reading. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Mukengeshay, Djeh Katombe.; (1993) Development and transfer in reading ability: a study of Zairean EFL learners. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Newman, Mary V; (1993) An examination of the contribution made by Cornelia Connelly and Janet Erskine Stuart to the secondary education of Roman Catholic girls in England during the second half of the nineteenth century. Masters thesis (M.A), University of London. Green open access

Pieck Gochicoa, Enrique.; (1993) The social function and meaning of nonformal education: a study of official community education programmes in the state of Mexico. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Presvelou, Ourania.; (1993) PA.SO.K. 1974-1985: the transformations of political discourse. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Sa-Correia, Maria Jose Cardoso Monteiro; (1993) A critical approach to EFL reading : reading for change in Portuguese secondary schools. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Sangster, Andrew; (1993) Religious education and its underlying structure. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Shiobara, Mari.; (1993) The effect of movement on musical comprehension. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Silto, William.; (1993) Compulsory day continuation schools : their origins, objectives and development, with special reference to H.A.L. Fishers 1918 experiment. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Simpson, Thomas John.; (1993) Towards an ecology of context and communication: negotiating meaning and language education. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Slater, Andrew James; (1993) Cussing, fighting, bullying : aspects of pupil interaction in the lower years of a mixed, multicultural, inner city comprehensive school. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Smith, Elaine Ann; (1993) The army schoolmaster and the development of elementary education in the army, 1812-1920. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Tam, Man Kwan.; (1993) The development and the role of private secondary schools in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Trant, Maurice Anthony.; (1993) The power of the provisional: the curriculum development unit - a case study in innovation in modern Irish education. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Zambrano Chaguendo, Alfonso Claret.; (1993) The history of heat and temperature and its relationship to the design of a teaching sequence and to a student conceptual framework. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

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