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Number of items: 32.


Alsoudani, TM; Bogle, IDL; (2014) From discretization to regularization of composite discontinuous functions. Computers & Chemical Engineering , 62 139 - 160. 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2013.11.019. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Copyright Reform and Text and Data Mining. Presented at: LERU Legal Community, UCL (University College London), London, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Early European Books in the research data landscape. Presented at: JISC and ProQuest symposium: Improving research outcomes with Early European Books, Senate House, University of London. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Implementing the Future: the LERU Roadmap for Research Data. Presented at: ERC Workshop on Research Data Management and Sharing, Covent Garden, Brussels, Belgium. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) LERU Roadmap for Research Data. Presented at: Launch event: LERU Roadmap for Research Data, Neth-ER House, Brussels, Belgium. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Licensing and Copyright for education and research. Presented at: WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Seventh Session (SCCR27): Information without Borders: a global library and archive ecosystem, Geneva, Switzerland. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Open access e-books: the role of the institution. Insights , 27 (S) 7 - 10. 10.1629/2048-7754.140. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Open Scholarship for doctoral studies. [Lecture]. Presented at: LERU Doctoral Studies Community Meeting, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Paying twice for Gold. ScienceGuide (5th Fe) Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Research libraries – new approaches for library-based publishing. Presented at: Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP) 2014, UNESCO, Paris, France. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Science 2.0: Open Access to research publications. Presented at: Science 2.0: its implications for research universities, Institute of Education, London, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Science 2.0: Research Data Management. Presented at: Science 2.0: its implications for research universities, Institute of Education, London, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Science 2.0: the view from LERU (League of European Research Universities). Presented at: Science 2.0 Validation Workshop No. 1: Science in Transition, Irish College, Leuven, Belgium. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) Science 2.0: the view from LERU (League of European Research Universities). Presented at: Coimbra Group High-level Seminar. “Horizons 2015: First Experiences, Emerging Expectations”: Horizon 2020 from the perspective of European Research Universities, Venice International University, Venice, Italy. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) UCL's Special Collections and UCL’s new publishing activities in an Internet age. Presented at: UCL Alumni Association meeting (London Branch), Ramsey Lecture Theatre, UCL, London. Green open access

Ayris, P; (2014) UK Open Access Policy – Principle and Practice. Presented at: Open access symposium: The new beginning, Aula - Oude Lutherse kerk/ Universiteit Van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Ayris, P; Moyle, M; McLaren, E; Sharp, C; Speicher, L; (2014) Open Access in UCL: a new paradigm for London's Global University in research support. Australian Academic & Research Libraries , 45 (4) pp. 282-295. 10.1080/00048623.2014.956462. Green open access


Boudagher-Fadel, MK; (2014) Marcelle BouDagher-Fadel. In: Sánchez-Villagra, MR and MacLeod, N, (eds.) Issues in Palaeobiology: a Global View. Interviews and Essays. (pp. 15-27). Scidinge Hall Verlag: Zürich, Switzerland. Green open access


Davies, MCR; Ayris, P; Stone, G; Cheshire, J; Jackson, R; Hacker, A; Bunz, M; ... Neuman, Y; + view all (2014) How should we fund open access monographs and what do you think is the most likely way that funding will happen? Insights , 27 (S) 45 - 50. 10.1629/2048-7754.164. Green open access


Gold, D; Hall, R; Burgess, P; Boudagher-Fadel, MK; (2014) IPA14-G-298 The Biak Basin and its Setting in the Bird’s Head Region of West Papua. In: 38th Annual Convention of the Indonesian Petroleum Association 2014: Strengthening Partnerships to Enhance Indonesia's Energy Resilience and Global Competitiveness: 21-23 May 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia. (pp. pp. 448-460). Indonesian Petroleum Association: Jakarta, Indonesia. Green open access


Ingrey, H; McLaren, ED; (2014) Open Access research enables Open Access learning at UCL. Presented at: UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2014 - Inspiring Students with Research-based Education, UCL, London, UK. Green open access


Mahon, MS; (2014) The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Digital Library. Presented at: UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2014 - Inspiring Students with Research-based Education, UCL, London, UK. Green open access

Meehan, TP; (2014) Bibframe. Catalogue and Index , 174 43 - 52. Green open access

Meehan, TP; (2014) The impact of Bibframe. Catalogue and Index , 177 2 - 16. Green open access

Meehan, TP; (2014) Introduction to linked data. Catalogue and Index , 174 2 - 12. Green open access

Meehan, TP; (2014) What's wrong with MARC? Catalogue and Index , 174 33 - 42. Green open access

Meunier, B; Eigenbrodt, O; (2014) More Than Bricks and Mortar: Building a Community of Users Through Library Design. Journal of Library Administration , 54 (3) 217 - 232. 10.1080/01930826.2014.915166. Green open access

Moyle, M; Sharp, C; Bracey, A; (2014) The Role of Standards in the Management of Open Access Research Publications: A Research Library Perspective. Information Standards Quarterly , 26 (2) 15 - 21. Green open access


Pinarello, MS; (2014) An archaeological discussion of writing practice: Deconstruction of the ancient Egyptian scribe. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Sharaf, E; Boudagher-Fadel, MK; Simo (Toni), JA; Carroll, AR; (2014) A revision of the biostratigraphy and strontium isotope dating of Oligocene-Miocene outcrops in East Java, Indonesia. Berita Sedimentologi , 30 pp. 44-81. Green open access

Sharp, C; (2014) Building a Successful Service: Developing Open Access Funding and Advocacy at University College London. The Serials Librarian , 67 (3) 276 - 288. 10.1080/0361526X.2014.954298. Green open access

Sharp, CL; (2014) UCL RCUK Open Access Report 2013-14. UCL Library Services: London, UK. Green open access

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