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Number of items: 66.


Adda, JC; (2000) Balladurette and Juppette: A discrete analysis of scrapping subsidies. Journal of Political Economy , 4 (108) pp. 778-806. Green open access

Allott, T; Bradley, D; Curtis, C; Evans, C; Ferrier, B; Harriman, R; Helliwell, R; + view all (2000) Critical loads of acidity and metals. (ECRC Research Reports 64 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Allott, TEH; Curtis, CJ; Hughes, M; Kernan, M; (2000) Empirical critical loads modelling for freshwater ecosystems. (ECRC Research Reports 65 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Attanasio, O; (2000) Consumer durables and inertial behaviour: Estimation and aggregation of Ss rules of automobiles. Review of Economic Studies , 67 (4) pp. 667-696. Green open access


Banks, J; Blundell, R; Smith, JP; (2000) Wealth inequality in the United Statesand Great Britain. (IFS Working Papers WP 00/20 ). UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Banks, J; Smith, S; (2000) UK household portfolios. (IFS Working Papers WP 00/14 ). UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Bartlett, R; (2000) Projects and Peasants: Russia's Eighteenth Century. [Book]. SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.44. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Appleby, PG; Boyle, JJ; Carvalho, L; Luckes, SJ; Henderson, ACG; (2000) Water quality investigation of Loweswater, Cumbria. (ECRC Research Report 68 ). Environmental Change Research Centre: London. Green open access

Boddy, K; (2000) Short Cuts and Long Shots: Raymond Carver's Stories and Robert Altman's Film. Journal of American Studies , 34 (1) 1 -22. Green open access

Bouloux, PMG; Harris, P; (2000) Editorial. CME Bulletin Endocrinology and Diabetes , 3 (1) 3-. Green open access

Brown, I; (2000) Maintaining consumer confidence in electronic payment mechanisms. UCL (University College London), Computer Science, Jesus College, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Brown, I; Davies, S; Hosein, G; (2000) The Economic Impact of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill. British Chambers of Commerce: London. Green open access

BURNS, J; (2000) Jeremy Bentham: An Iliad of Argument. Journal of Bentham Studies , 3 1 - 14. Green open access


Carlin, W; Fries, S; Schaffer, M; Seabright, P; (2000) Barter and non-monetary transactions in transition countries: evidence from a cross-country survey. In: Seabright, P, (ed.) The Vanishing Rouble. (pp. 236-256). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Green open access

Chari, VV; Kehoe, PJ; McGrattan, ER; (2000) Sticky price models of the business cycle: Can the contract multiplier solve the persistence problem? Econometrica , 68 (5) pp. 1151-1179. 10.1111/1468-0262.00154. Green open access

Corcoran, S; (2000) A Fragment of a Tetrarchic Constitution from Crete. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 133 251 - 255. Green open access

Crawford, MH; Salway, B; Corcoran, S; (2000) Projet Volterra. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung , 117 848 - 849. Green open access


Dalton, CPD; Battarbee, R; Birks, HJB; Brooks, SJ; Cameron, NG; Derrick, S; Evershed, RP; + view all (2000) Holocene lake sediment core sequences from Lochnagar, Cairngorm Mts., Scotland - UK final report for CHILL-10,000. (ECRC Research Reports 77 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Dalton, CPD; Battarbee, RW; Birks, HJB; Brooks, SJ; Cameron, NG; Derrick, S; Evershed, RP; + view all (2000) Holocene lake sediment core sequences from Lochnagar, Cairngorm Mts., Scotland - UK Progress Report for CHILL-10,000. (ECRC Research Reports 66 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2000) 'Vladimir Solov'ev and the Ideal of Prophecy'. Slavonic and East European Review , 78 (4) pp. 643-670. Green open access

Dustmann, C; Windmeijer, F; (2000) Wages and demand for health - a life cycle analysis. (IFS Working Paper W99/20). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access


Foot, J; (2000) VIA RASELLA, 1944: MEMORY, TRUTH, AND HISTORY. [Review]. Historical Journal , 43 (4) 1173 - 1181. Green open access

Foot, MM; (2000) Moving the British National Collections. LIBER Quarterly , 10 (3) 387 - 392. Green open access

Frackowiak, RSJ; (2000) Editorial. Current Opinion in Neurology , 13 (2) 1-. Green open access

FULLER, C; (2000) Primeiro e mais antigo Constitucional da Europa: Bentham's Contact with Portuguese Liberals, 1820-1823. Journal of Bentham Studies , 3 1 - 13. Green open access


Griffith, R; (2000) How important is business R&D for economic growth and should the government subsidise it? (IFS Briefing Note No. 12 ). Green open access


Haklay, M; (2000) Public access to environmental information - challenges and research directions: a review of current issues with environmental information provision. In: (Proceedings) 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4): Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. : Banff, Alberta, Canada. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2000) Review of H.Kitschelt, Z.Mansfeldová, R.Markowski and G.Toka, Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation and Inter-Party Cooperation. Party Politics , 6 (2) 241 - 243. 10.1177/1354068800006002008. Green open access

Hassall, M; Tomlin, RSO; (2000) Roman Britain in 1999: II. Inscriptions. Inscriptions Britannia , 31 433 - 449. 10.1017/S0068113X00010916. Green open access

Heinaman, R; (2000) Cooper on ancient ethics. Polis: the Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought , 17 (1-2) pp. 161-185. Green open access

Hughes, L; (2000) Playing Games: The Alternative History of Peter the Great. [Book]. SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.41. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access


Ichimura, H; Taber, C; (2000) Direct estimation of policy impacts. (IFS Working Papers WP 00/05 ). UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access


Klautke, E; (2000) Die 'Protokolle' oder 'Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion'. Das Historisch-Politische Buch , 48 117 - 122. Green open access

Klautke, E; (2000) Kronzeugen des Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland und Frankreich. Adolf Halfeld und Georges Duhamel. In: Essbach, W, (ed.) Welche Modernität? Intellektuellendiskurse zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich im Spannungsfeld nationaler und europäischer Identitätsbilder. (173 - 191). Verlag Arno Spitz: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Kolankiewicz, G; (2000) Towards a Sociology of the Transition: Rights, Resources and Social Integration in Poland. [Book]. SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.48. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access


Last, M; (2000) Children and the experience of violence: contrasting cultures of punishment in northern Nigeria. Africa , 70 (3) 359 - 393. 10.3366/afr.2000.70.3.359. Green open access

Luckes, S; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; (2000) Freshwater lake survey: SACs and SSSis. (ECRC Research Reports 69 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Ma, K; (2000) Hare-lip surgery in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. Medical History , 44 (4) 489 - 512. 10.1017/S0025727300067090. Green open access

Malleson, R; (2000) Forest Livelihoods in Southwest Province, Cameroon: An Evaluation of the Korup Experience. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Mokal, R; (2000) An Agency Cost Analysis of the Wrongful Trading Provisions: Redistribution, Perverse Incentives and the Creditors' Bargain. Cambridge Law Journal , 59 (2) 335 - 369. Green open access

Montgomery, JR; (2000) Time for a paradigm shift? Medical law in transition. In: Freeman, MDA, (ed.) Current Legal Problems 2000. (363 - 408). Oxford University Press Green open access

Morris, Sharon; (2000) Shifting Eyes: self-representation in words and images, re-reading Freud through the semiotics of C.S. Peirce, with particular reference to the work of poet H.D. and artist Claude Cahun. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Naeser, C; (2000) Cemetery 214 at Abu Simbel North. Non-elite burial practices in Meroitic Lower Nubia. In: Welsby, DA, (ed.) Recent Research in Kushite History and Archaeology. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Meroitic Studies. (pp. 19-28). British Museum Press: London, UK. Green open access


O'Sullivan, D; Haklay, M; (2000) Agent-based models and individualism: is the world agent-based? Environment and Planning A , 32 (8) 1409 - 1425. 10.1068/a32140. Green open access

Opsomer, J; Sharples, R; (2000) Alexander of Aphrodisias, De intellectu 110.4: 'I heard this from Aristotle'. A modest proposal. Classical Quarterly , 50 (1) 252 - 256. 10.1093/cq/50.1.252. Green open access


Peacey, JT; (2000) John Lilburne and the Long Parliament. Historical Journal , 43 (3) 625 - 645. Green open access

Perring, Dominic; Brigham, Trevor; (2000) Londinium and its hinterland: the Roman period. In: Kendall, Monica, (ed.) The archaeology of Greater London. An assessment of archaeological evidence for human presence in the area now covered by Greater London. (pp. 119-170). Museum of London (MoLAS): London, UK.


Radner, K; (2000) Analysis of Variants in the Assyrian Royal Titulary (Cifola,B.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 90 (1) 158 - 159. Green open access

Radner, K; (2000) Later Mesopotamia and Iran: Tribes and Empires 1600-539 BC (Curtis,J.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 90 (1) 160 - 160. Green open access

Radner, K; (2000) How did the Neo-Assyrian King Perceive his Land and its Resources? In: Jas, RM, (ed.) (pp. pp. 233-246). Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten: Leiden, The Netherlands. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2000) New aspects of ancient Egyptian glassmaking. Journal of Glass Studies , 42 pp. 13-24. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2000) Roads to riches: making good the silver ore at Lavrion in Greece. Archaeology International , 4 pp. 31-34. 10.5334/ai.0411. Green open access

Rehren, T; Papakhristu, O; (2000) Cutting edge technology - the Ferghana Process of medieval crucible steel smelting. Metalla (Bochum) , 7 (2) pp. 55-69. Green open access

Robin, JM; Smith, RJ; (2000) Tests of rank. Econometric Theory , 16 (2) pp. 151-175. 10.1017/s0266466600162012. Green open access

Rose, NL; Appleby, PG; Bennion, H; Boyle, JF; Cai, S; Du, Y; Yi, C; + view all (2000) Environmental change and atmospheric contamination across China as indicated by lake sediments (Joint Project Q741). (ECRC Research Reports 73 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Rose, NL; Yang, H; Berry, A; Boyle, J; (2000) Trace element measurements within London and across the UK with particular emphasis on mercury. (ECRC Research Reports 70 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Roseneil, Sasha; (2000) Common Women, Uncommon Practices. The Queer Feminisms of Greenham. Cassell: London, UK. Green open access


Salway, B; (2000) LAWYER-QUAESTORS: T. Honoré: Law in the Crisis of Empire 379–455 AD. The Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. Pp. xii + 320, 2 discs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Cased, £45. ISBN: 0-19-826078-4. [Review]. Classical Review , 50 (2) 501 - 503. 10.1093/cr/50.2.501. Green open access

Salway, B; (2000) Peter M. Fraser and Elaine Matthews (eds.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. III.A. The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily, and Magna Graecia. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp. xxxii, 519. ISBN 0-19-815229-9. $150. Bryn Mawr Classical Review , 2000 , Article 2000.02.40. Green open access

Sharples, R; (2000) D. O’Meara: Plotin: Traité 51, Introduction, traduction, commentaire et notes. Pp. 191. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1999. Paper, frs. 145. ISBN: 2-204-05956-0. [Review]. Classical Review , 50 (1) 290 - 291. 10.1017/S0009840X00510026. Green open access

Sharples, R; (2000) T. Dorandi (ed.): Antigone de Caryste. Fragments (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l’Association Guillaume Budé). Pp. cxxxviii + 72 (2–42 text double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999. Cased. ISBN: 2-251-00475-0. [Review]. Classical Review , 50 (2) 584 - 585. 10.1017/S0009840X00400053. Green open access

Shennan, SJ; (2000) Crafting Complexity: Craft and Social Identity, edited by C.L. Costin & R.P. Wright, 1998. (Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 8.) Arlington (VA): American Anthropological Association; ISBN 0-913167-90-8 $15.00 Members; £22.00 Non-members, vii + 182 pp. [Review]. CAMB ARCHAEOL J , 10 (1) 197 - 199. 10.1017/S0959774300230072. Green open access


Tanner, J; (2000) Portraits, Power, and Patronage in the Late Roman Republic. Journal of Roman Studies , 90 18 - 50. 10.2307/300199. Green open access

Terras, M; (2000) Towards a reading of the Vindolanda Stylus Tablets: Engineers and the Papyrologist. Human IT , 4 (2/3) Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2000) The Gaze of Blanchot through the Lens of Heidegger. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies , 2 (1) pp. 21-48. Green open access


Wright, KI; (2000) The social origins of cooking and dining in early villages of western Asia. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society , 66 89 - 121. Green open access

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