Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 52.
Some reflections on financial fragility in banking and finance.
Journal of Economic Issues
, 31
pp. 535-541.
Banks, J;
Blundell, R;
Lewbel, A;
Quadratic engel curves and consumer demand.
, 79
527 - 539.
Cooke, N;
Gardner, A;
Thomas, G;
Report on Excavations at Sedgeford, Norfolk.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 8
17 - 36.
Finn, MC;
Editor's Introduction.
Journal of British Studies
, 36
1 - 2.
Foot, JM;
'White Bolsheviks'? The Catholic left and the Socialists in Italy - 1919-1920.
, 40
415 - 433.
Glinister, F;
Regal Myths: reviews of T.P. Wiseman, Remus (Cambridge 1995) and M. Fox, Roman Historical Myths (Oxford 1996).
Classical Review
, 47
115 - 118.
Glinister, F;
Review of C. J. Smith 'Early Rome and Latium. Economy and Society c. 1000–500 B.C.'.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 87
271 - 272.
Heinaman, R;
Frede and Patzig on definition in Metaphysics Z.10 and 11.
, 42
pp. 283-298.
Holden, C;
Mace, R;
Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults.
Human Biology
, 69
605 - 628.
Jenkins, A;
Coric, S;
Reynolds, B;
Curtis, C;
Renshaw, M;
Critical loads for soils and freshwaters: a comparison of methods at the Plynlimon catchments.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
, 1
729 - 741.
Maehler, HGT;
Review of Kuhlmann PA. Die Giessener literarischen Papyri und die Caracalla-Erlasse Giessen: 1994.
Classical Review
, 47
177 - 180.
Maehler, HGT;
The State of Papyrology: Review of Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists Copenhagen: 1994.
Classical Review
, 47
173 - 176.
Peacey, JT;
Order and disorder in Europe: Parliamentary agents and Royalist thugs 1649-1650.
Historical Journal
, 40
953 - 976.
Quinn, M;
The fallacy of non-interference: the poor panopticon and equality of opportunity.
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 1
1 - 28.
Radner, K;
Erntearbeiter und Wein. Neuassyrische Urkunden und Briefe im Louvre.
State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
, 11
3 - 29.
Radner, K;
Mattila, R;
A Bibliography of Neo-Assyrian Studies: 1988-1997.
State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
, 11
115 - 137.
Radosevic, S;
Strategic policies for growth in post-socialism: theory and evidence based on the case of Baltic states.
Economic Systems
, 21
165 - 196.
Rehren, T;
Die Rolle des Kohlenstoffs in der prähistorischen Metallurgie.
Stahl und Eisen
, 117
pp. 87-92.
Salway, B;
A Fragment of Severan History: The Unusual Career of ...atus Praetorian Prefect of Elagabalus.
, 27
127 - 153.
Salway, RWB;
Review of H.A. Pohlsander, The Emperor Constantine.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
, 1997
, Article 97.12.07.
Salway, RWB;
Review of M. Peachin 'Iudex Vice Caesaris: Deputy Emperors and the Administration of Justice during the Principate'.
, 87
291 - 292.
Salway, RWB;
Review of The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government, AD 284-324, S.J.J. Corcoran.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
, 1997
, Article 97.8.4.
Sharples, RW;
Alexander on Soul: P. Accattino, P. Donini (edd.): Alessandro di Afrodisia: ĽAnima: traduzione, introduzione e commento. (Biblioteca Universale Laterza, 447.) Pp. xxxvi + 324. Rome, Bari: Laterza, 1996. Paper, L. 58,000. ISBN: 88-420-4843-7.
Classical Review
, 47
294 - 295.
Steele, J;
Traditional Crafts: Learning by Doing.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
, 7
314 - 316.
van Wees, H;
The Trojan Cow: H. Derks: De Koe van Troje. De mythe van de Griekse oudheid. Pp. xii + 330, 32 ills. Hilversum: Verloren, 1995. Paper, Hfl. 57.50. ISBN: 90-6550-519-9.
Classical Review
, 47
350 - 351.
Witte, FMC;
Spin densities in pseudoclassical kinetic theory.
Physical Review A
, 55
4093 - 4101.
Banks, J;
Johnson, P;
How Reliable is the Family Expenditure Survey? Trends in income and spending over time.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Banks, J;
Tanner, S;
The State of Donation: Household Gifts to Charity: 1974-1996.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Davies, N;
Adalbert or Wojciech. Gdańsk and Danzig: A Multinational Millenium 997-1997.
SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.37.
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK.
Griffith, R;
Chennells, C;
Taxing Profits in a Changing World.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Wyke, M;
Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema and History.
Routledge: London, UK.
Book chapter
Guesnet, F;
Zydowskie i niemieckie organizacje w Lodzi XIX wieku: typy i stosunki.
In: Samusia, P, (ed.)
Polacy - Niemcy - Zydzi w Lodzi w XIX-XX w. Sasiedzi dalecy i bliscy.
(pp. 162-191).
Ibidem: Kurowice, Poland.
Hermans, T;
The task of the translator in the European Renaissance: explorations in a discursive field.
In: Bassnett, S, (ed.)
Translating Literature.
(pp. 14-40).
D.S. Brewer
Proceedings paper
Bajaj, B;
Terminology Science as a means of improving specialist communication in the domain of aircraft accidents.
Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium ‘Aviation Communication’.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Prescott/Arizona, US.
Mackay, AM (Ed).
Surface water acidification: I. The increasing importance of nitrogen.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Patrick, S (Ed).
Palaeolimnology and lakes with respect to pollution and to climate change.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Allott, TEH;
Flower, RJ;
Epilithic diatoms in Welsh lakes and streams.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Bennion, H;
Monteith, DT;
Appleby, PG;
Nutrient reconstructions in standing waters: final report.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Bennion, H;
Shilland, E;
Appleby, PG;
A study of recent environmental change at Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala), Wales.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Flower, RJ;
Patrick, S;
CASSARINA: change, stress and sustainability: aquatic ecosystem resilience in North Africa.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Maslin, MA;
Hall, MA;
Improving the reproducibility of stable isotope records from planktonic and benthic foraminifera.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Monteith, DT;
Allott, TEH;
Bennion, H;
Carvalho, L;
Duigan, CA;
Harriman, R;
Kirika, A;
+ view all
Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: phase IV. A report to the Countryside Council for Wales: contract no. FC 73-01-71.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Rose, NL;
Battarbee, RW;
Bennion, H;
Boyle, JF;
Cai, S;
Harlock, BH;
Oldfield, F;
+ view all
Palaeolimnological investigations of lakes on the Jianghan Plain, Central China.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Rose, NL;
Bird, D;
Keohane, B;
Harriman, R;
Battarbee, RW;
The analysis of trace metals in surface waters from Scotland and Wales.
(ECRC Research Report
, pp. pp. 1-54
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Ryves, DB;
Battarbee, RW;
Assessing the impact of diatom dissolution in biasing quantitative salinity reconstructions from saline lake sediments.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Basu, P;
Narratives in a Landscape: Monuments and Memories of the Sutherland Clearances.
Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
El subtitulado en tanto que modalidad de traducción fílmica dentro del marco teórico de los Estudios sobre Traducción. (Misterioso asesinato en Manhattan, Woody Allen, 1993).
Doctoral thesis , Universitat de València.
Wu, Chin-tao;
Privatising culture: aspects of corporate intervention in contemporary art and art institutions during the Reagan and Thatcher decade.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).