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Attanayake, J; Ferreira, AMG; Berbellini, A; Morelli, A; (2017) Crustal structure beneath Portugal from teleseismic Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity. Tectonophysics , 712 pp. 344-361. 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.06.001. Green open access

Berbellini, A; Ferreira, AMG; Schimmel, M; Ferreira, AMG; Morelli, A; (2019) Constraining S-wave velocity using Rayleigh wave ellipticity from polarization analysis of seismic noise. Geophysical Journal International , 216 (3) pp. 1817-1830. 10.1093/gji/ggy512. Green open access

Berbellini, A; Morelli, A; Ferreira, AMG; (2017) Crustal structure of northern Italy from the ellipticity of Rayleigh waves. PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS , 265 pp. 1-14. 10.1016/j.pepi.2016.12.005. Green open access

Berbellini, A; Morelli, A; Ferreira, AMG; (2016) Ellipticity of Rayleigh waves in basin and hard-rock sites in Northern Italy. Geophysical Journal International , 206 (1) pp. 395-407. 10.1093/gji/ggw159. Green open access

Cabieces, Roberto; Arnaiz-Rodríguez, Mariano S; Villaseñor, Antonio; Berg, Elizabeth; Olivar-Castaño, Andrés; Ventosa, Sergi; Ferreira, Ana MG; (2022) Upper-lithospheric structure of northeastern Venezuela from joint inversion of surface-wave dispersion and receiver functions. Solid Earth , 13 (11) pp. 1781-1801. 10.5194/se-13-1781-2022. Green open access

Chang, S; Kendall, E; Davaille, A; Ferreira, AMG; (2020) The evolution of mantle plumes in East Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 125 (12) , Article e2020JB019929. 10.1029/2020jb019929. Green open access

Chang, S-J; Ferreira, AMG; (2019) Inference on Water Content in the Mantle Transition Zone Near Subducted Slabs From Anisotropy Tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 20 (2) pp. 1189-1201. 10.1029/2018GC008090. Green open access

Chang, SJ; Ferreira, AMG; (2017) Improving Global Radial Anisotropy Tomography: The Importance of Simultaneously Inverting for Crustal and Mantle Structure. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America , 107 (2) pp. 624-638. 10.1785/0120160142. Green open access

Chang, Sung-Joon; Ferreira, Ana M. G.; Faccenda, Manuele; (2016) Upper- and mid-mantle interaction between the Samoan plume and the Tonga–Kermadec slabs. Nature Communications , 7 , Article 10799. 10.1038/ncomms10799. Green open access

de Viron, O; Van Camp, M; Grabkowiak, A; Ferreira, AMG; (2021) Comparing global seismic tomography models using the varimax Principal Component Analysis. Solid Earth , 12 pp. 1601-1634. 10.5194/se-12-1601-2021. Green open access

Domingues, A; Silveira, G; Ferreira, AMG; Chang, S-J; Custódio, S; Fonseca, JFBD; (2016) Ambient noise tomography of the East African Rift in Mozambique. Geophysical Journal International , 204 (3) pp. 1565-1578. 10.1093/gji/ggv538. Green open access

Faccenda, M; Ferreira, AMG; Tisato, N; Lithgow-Bertelloni, C; Stixrude, L; Pennacchioni, G; (2019) Extrinsic elastic anisotropy in a compositionally heterogeneous Earth’s mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research , 124 (2) pp. 1671-1687. 10.1029/2018JB016482. Green open access

Ferreira, Ana; Fukuyama, Eiichi; (2023) Earthquake source theory and observations In: Virtual issue of Geophysical Journal International - 100 influential papers from Geophysical Journal International. Geophysical Journal International Green open access

Ferreira, A; Faccenda, M; Sturgeon, W; Chang, S-J; Schardong, L; (2019) Ubiquitous lower-mantle anisotropy beneath subduction zones. Nature Geoscience , 12 pp. 301-306. 10.1038/s41561-019-0325-7. Green open access

Ferreira, AMG; Marignier, A; Attanayake, J; Frietsch, M; Berbellini, A; (2020) Crustal structure of the Azores Archipelago from Rayleigh wave ellipticity data. Geophysical Journal International , 221 (2) pp. 1232-1247. 10.1093/gji/ggaa076. Green open access

Frietsch, M; Ferreira, A; Funning, G; Weston, J; (2019) Multiple fault modelling combining seismic and geodetic data: the importance of simultaneous sub-event inversions. Geophysical Journal International , 218 (2) pp. 958-976. 10.1093/gji/ggz205. (In press). Green open access

Frietsch, M; Ferreira, AMG; Funning, GJ; (2021) Data‐driven two‐fault modelling of the Mw 6.0 2008 Wells, Nevada earthquake suggests a listric fault rupture. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 126 (4) , Article e2020JB020263. 10.1029/2020jb020263. Green open access

Frietsch, M; Ferreira, AMG; Vales, D; Carrilho, F; (2018) On the robustness of seismic moment tensor inversions for mid-ocean earthquakes: the Azores archipelago. Geophysical Journal International , 215 (1) pp. 564-584. 10.1093/gji/ggy294. Green open access

García-Pérez, T; Ferreira, AMG; Yáñez, G; Iturrieta, P; Cembrano, J; (2021) Effects of topography and basins on seismic wave amplification: the Northern Chile coastal cliff and intramountainous basins. Geophysical Journal International , 227 (2) pp. 1143-1167. 10.1093/gji/ggab259. Green open access

Heorton, HDBS; Tsamados, M; Cole, ST; Ferreira, AMG; Berbellini, A; Fox, M; Armitage, TWK; (2019) Retrieving Sea Ice Drag Coefficients and Turning Angles From In Situ and Satellite Observations Using an Inverse Modeling Framework. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans , 124 (8) pp. 6388-6413. 10.1029/2018JC014881. Green open access

Hicks, Stephen P; Matos, Sandro B; Pimentel, Adriano; Belli, Giacomo; Gheri, Duccio; Tsekhmistrenko, Maria; Hosseini, Kasra; ... Ferreira, Ana MG; + view all (2023) Exclusive Seismoacoustic Detection and Characterization of an Unseen and Unheard Fireball Over the North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters , 50 (22) , Article e2023GL105773. 10.1029/2023gl105773. Green open access

Jones, GA; Ferreira, AMG; Kulessa, B; Schimmel, M; Berbellini, A; Morelli, A; (2023) Constraints on the Cryohydrological Warming of Firn and Ice in Greenland From Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Data. Geophysical Research Letters , 50 (15) , Article e2023GL103673. 10.1029/2023gl103673. Green open access

Jones, GA; Ferreira, AMG; Kulessa, B; Schimmel, M; Berbellini, A; Morelli, A; (2021) Uppermost crustal structure regulates the flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Nature Communications , 12 , Article 7307. 10.1038/s41467-021-27537-5. Green open access

Jones, Glenn; Kulessa, Bernd; Ferreira, Ana; Schimmel, Martin; Berbellini, Andrea; Morelli, Andrea; (2023) Extraction and applications of Rayleigh wave ellipticity in polar regions. Annals of Glaciology 10.1017/aog.2023.1. (In press). Green open access

Kendall, E; Faccenda, M; Ferreira, AMG; Chang, S-J; (2022) On the Relationship Between Oceanic Plate Speed, Tectonic Stress, and Seismic Anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letters , 49 (15) , Article e2022GL097795. 10.1029/2022GL097795. Green open access

Kendall, E; Ferreira, AMG; Chang, S; Witek, M; Peter, D; (2021) Constraints on the upper mantle structure beneath the Pacific from 3‐D anisotropic waveform modelling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 126 (4) , Article e2020JB020003. 10.1029/2020jb020003. Green open access

López-Comino, JÁ; Stich, D; Ferreira, AMG; Morales, J; (2015) Extended fault inversion with random slipmaps: a resolution test for the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica earthquake. Geophysical Journal International , 202 (3) pp. 1505-1521. 10.1093/gji/ggv235. Green open access

Lopez-Comino, JA; Stich, D; Morales, J; Ferreira, AMG; (2016) Resolution of rupture directivity in weak events: 1-D versus 2-D source parameterizations for the 2011, M-w 4.6 and 5.2 Lorca earthquakes, Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 121 (9) pp. 6608-6626. 10.1002/2016JB013227. Green open access

Marignier, Augustin; McEwen, Jason D; Ferreira, Ana MG; Kitching, Thomas D; (2023) Posterior sampling for inverse imaging problems on the sphere in seismology and cosmology. RAS Techniques and Instruments , 2 (1) , Article rzac010. 10.1093/rasti/rzac010. Green open access

Marignier, A; Ferreira, A; Kitching, T; (2020) The probability of mantle plumes in global tomographic models. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 21 (9) , Article e2020GC009276. 10.1029/2020GC009276. Green open access

Nader, MF; Igel, H; Ferreira, AMG; Al-Attar, D; Wassermann, J; Schreiber, KU; (2015) Normal mode coupling observations with a rotation sensor. Geophysical Journal International , 201 (3) pp. 1482-1490. 10.1093/gji/ggv082. Green open access

Parisi, L; Ferreira, AMG; (2016) Empirical assessment of the validity limits of the surface wave full ray theory using realistic 3-D Earth models. Geophysical Journal International , 205 (1) pp. 146-159. 10.1093/gji/ggw005. Green open access

Parisi, L; Ferreira, AMG; Capdeville, Y; (2015) Validity domain of the Born approximation for seismic waveform modelling in realistic 3-D Earth structure. Geophysical Journal International , 200 (2) pp. 910-916. 10.1093/gji/ggu446. Green open access

Parisi, L; Ferreira, AMG; Ritsema, J; (2018) Apparent Splitting of S Waves Propagating Through an Isotropic Lowermost Mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research , 123 (5) pp. 3909-3922. 10.1002/2017JB014394. Green open access

Piras, D; Spurio Mancini, A; Ferreira, AMG; Joachimi, B; Hobson, MP; (2023) Towards fast machine-learning-assisted Bayesian posterior inference of microseismic event location and source mechanism. Geophysical Journal International , 232 (2) pp. 1219-1235. 10.1093/gji/ggac385. Green open access

Rappisi, F; Witek, M; Faccenda, M; Ferreira, AMG; Chang, S-J; (2024) Artificial age-independent seismic anisotropy, slab thickening and shallowing due to limited resolving power of (an)isotropic tomography. Geophysical Journal International , 237 (1) pp. 217-234. 10.1093/gji/ggae042. Green open access

Restelli, F; Koelemeijer, P; Ferreira, AMG; (2023) Normal mode observability of radial anisotropy in the Earth's mantle. Geophysical Journal International , 233 (1) pp. 663-679. 10.1093/gji/ggac474. Green open access

Schardong, L; Ferreira, AMG; Berbellini, A; Sturgeon, W; (2019) The anatomy of uppermost mantle shear-wave speed anomalies in the western U.S. from surface-wave amplification. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 528 , Article 115822. 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115822. Green open access

Schlaphorst, David; Silveira, Graça; Mata, João; Krüger, Frank; Dahm, Torsten; Ferreira, Ana; (2022) Heterogeneous seismic anisotropy beneath Madeira and Canary archipelagos revealed by local and teleseismic shear wave splitting. Geophysical Journal International , 233 (1) pp. 510-528. 10.1093/gji/ggac472. Green open access

Sturgeon, William; Ferreira, Ana MG; Schardong, Lewis; Marignier, Augustin; (2023) Crustal Structure of the Western U.S. From Rayleigh and Love Wave Amplification Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 128 (8) , Article e2022JB026148. 10.1029/2022jb026148. Green open access

Sturgeon, W; Ferreira, AMG; Faccenda, M; Chang, S-J; Schardong, L; (2020) On the origin of radial anisotropy near subduction slabs in the mid-mantle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 20 (11) pp. 5105-5125. 10.1029/2019GC008462. Green open access

Van Camp, M; de Viron, O; Ferreira, AMG; Verhoeven, O; (2022) A naive Bayesian method to chase mantle plumes in global tomography models. Geophysical Journal International , Article ggac415. 10.1093/gji/ggac415. (In press). Green open access

Weston, J; Ferreira, AMG; Funning, GJ; (2014) Joint earthquake source inversions using seismo-geodesy and 3-D earth models. Geophysical Journal International , 198 (2) pp. 671-696. 10.1093/gji/ggu110. Green open access

Zuern, W; Ferreira, AMG; Widmer-Schnidrig, R; Lentas, K; Rivera, L; Clevede, E; (2015) High-quality lowest-frequency normal mode strain observations at the Black Forest Observatory (SW-Germany) and comparison with horizontal broad-band seismometer data and synthetics. Geophysical Journal International , 203 (3) pp. 1787-1803. 10.1093/gji/ggv381. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Spurio Mancini, Alessio; Piras, Davide; Ferreira, Ana; Hobson, Michael Paul; Joachimi, Benjamin; (2021) Accelerating Bayesian microseismic event location with deep learning. arXiv: Ithaca, NY, USA. Green open access

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