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Number of items: 16.


Anderson-Whymark, H; Pope, M; (2016) Late Quaternary (Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Later Prehistoric) Human Activity in the Darent Valley at Lullingstone Country Park, Eynsford, Kent. [Book]. (1st ed.). SpoilHeap Publications/ Archaeology South-East: Portslade, UK. Green open access


Conneller, C; Bates, M; Bates, R; Schadla Hall, T; Blinkhorn, E; Cole, J; Pope, M; ... Underhill, D; + view all (2016) Rethinking Human Responses to Sea-level Rise: The Mesolithic Occupation of the Channel Islands. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society , 82 pp. 27-71. 10.1017/ppr.2016.1. Green open access


Dawkes, G; Jorayev, G; Rouard, O; (2016) Urbanism East of the Aral Sea: The Medieval City of Kuik-Mardan, Kazakhstan. Archaeology International , 19 pp. 63-67. 10.5334/ai.1911. Green open access

Doherty, A; Greatorex, C; (2016) Excavations on St Anne's Hill: A Middle/Late Iron Age site and Anglo-Saxon cemetery at St Anne’s Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex. [Book]. SpoilHeap Publications/Archaeology South-East: Portslade, UK. Green open access


Garland, N; Anderson-Whymark, H; Pope, MI; Allen, M; (2016) Mesolithic and late neolithic/Bronze Age activity on the site of the American Express Community Stadium, Falmer, East Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collection , 154 pp. 1-44. Green open access


Herisson, D; Brenet, M; Cliquet, D; Moncel, M-H; Richter, J; Scott, B; Van Baelen, A; ... Van Peer, P; + view all (2016) The emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in north-western Europe and its southern fringes. Quaternary International , 411 (Part A) pp. 233-283. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.02.049. Green open access


Jorayev, G; Wehr, K; Benito-Calvo, A; Njau, J; de la Torre, I; (2016) Imaging and photogrammetry models of Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A high-resolution digital database for research and conservation of Early Stone Age sites. Journal of Archaeological Science , 75 pp. 40-56. 10.1016/j.jas.2016.08.002. Green open access


Milks, A; Dinnis, R; Pope, M; (2016) Morpho-metric variability of Early Gravettian tanged “Font-Robert” points, and functional implications. In: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Stone Age Weaponry. (pp. 135-146). Springer

Milks, A; Pope, MI; Carr, D; Champion, S; Cowper, E; (2016) Early spears as thrusting weapons: Isolating force and impact velocities in human performance trials. Journal of Archaeological Science , 10 pp. 191-203. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.09.005. Green open access


Perring, D; (2016) Working for commercial clients: the practice of development-led archaeology in the UK. In: Florjanowicz, P, (ed.) When Valletta meets Faro: the reality of European archaeology in the 21st century. (pp. 95-104). Europae Archaeologica Consilium: Namur, Belgium.

Perring, D; (2016) Review of 'The Origin of Roman London' by L. M. Wallace. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014. isbn 978 1 107 04757 0. Britannia , 47 pp. 432-433. 10.1017/S0068113X16000246. Green open access

Pope, MI; Bates, M; Conneller, C; Shaw, A; Scott, B; Blinkhorn, E; (2016) Excavation and Advice on Recording Lithic Artefcats. (the Sussex Archaeological Recording Standards , pp. pp. 1-6 ). Archaeology South-East, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Pope, M; Scott, B; Cutler, H; Blundell, L; (2016) Behaviour and process in the formation of the North European Acheulean record: Towards a Unified Palaeolithic Landscape Approach. Quaternary International , 411 (Part B) pp. 85-94. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.01.070. Green open access


Shaw, A; Bates, M; Conneller, C; Gamble, C; Julien, M-A; McNabb, J; Pope, M; (2016) The archaeology of persistent places: the Palaeolithic case of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey. Antiquity , 90 (354) pp. 1437-1453. 10.15184/aqy.2016.212. Green open access


White, M; Bates, M; Schreve, D; Pope, M; Shaw, A; Scott, B; (2016) The British Palaeolithic post-ALSF: Core Principles for Future Enhancement, Expansion and Engagement. (ALSF Dissemination Project: Lost Landscapes of Palaeolithic Britain Issue 3 ). Oxford Archaeology: Oxford, UK.

Williams, TD; (2016) Final Technical Report on the results of the UNESCO/Korean Funds-in-Trust Project: Support for the Preparation for the World Heritage Serial Nomination of the Silk Roads in South Asia, 2013-2016. [Book]. UCL Institute of Archaeology: London, UK. Green open access

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