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Number of items: 24.


Apete, Larisha; Martin, Olwenn V; Iacovidou, Eleni; (2024) Fishing plastic waste: Knowns and known unknowns. Marine Pollution Bulletin , 205 , Article 116530. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116530. Green open access

Austen, Kat; (2024) The Constitution of the Sea: New boundaries and identity through watery, transdisciplinary artistic practice. Technoetic Arts , 22 pp. 183-196. 10.1386/tear_00130_1.


Borragán, alfonso; (2024) Re·generation: Bucarolito. Visual Ethnography Journal (In press).

Burnell, Karen J; Everill, Paul; Makri, Eva; Baxter, Louise; Watson, Kathryn; (2024) Developing the AMPHORA policy guidelines for heritage projects as mental health interventions: a Delphi consultation. Mental Health Review Journal 10.1108/MHRJ-12-2022-0076. (In press). Green open access


Chetty, Darren; (2024) The gated community of inquiry: racism and philosophy for children. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Elmimouni, Houda; Sharma, Anasuya; Manayra, Vidushi; Chan, Man Iao; Feng, Yifan; Kyrölä, Kata; Rode, Jennifer A; (2024) Whose Values Matter in Persuasive Writing Tools? In: HttF '24: Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium. (pp. pp. 1-9). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access


Kortenkamp, Andreas; Martin, Olwenn; Iacovidou, Eleni; Scholze, Martin; (2024) Drivers of divergent assessments of bisphenol-A hazards to semen quality by various European agencies, regulators and scientists. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health , 255 , Article 114293. 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114293. Green open access


Moustakas, Aristides; Thomson, Linda JM; Mughal, Rabya; Chatterjee, Helen J; (2024) Effects of Community Assets on Major Health Conditions in England: A Data Analytic Approach. Healthcare , 12 (16) , Article 1608. 10.3390/healthcare12161608. Green open access

Murphy, Sam; Zhong, Chen; Lopane, Fulvio D; Rogerson, Luke; Gong, Yi; (2024) Socio-economic factors affecting spatial inequalities in pregnancy-related ambulance attendances in Greater London. Frontiers in Disaster and Emergency Medicine , 2 , Article 1402957. 10.3389/femer.2024.1402957. Green open access


Osbourne, Lateesha; Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2024) Editorial. Psychology Teaching Review , 30 (1) pp. 4-6. 10.53841/bpsptr.2024.30.1.4. Green open access


Richards, Mary E; Hussein, Mandekh; Castro-Sánchez, Enrique; Martin, Olwenn; (2024) Breaching boundaries: reflections on the journey towards a transdisciplinary arts and sciences undergraduate degree programme to address global challenges. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications , 11 , Article 709. 10.1057/s41599-024-03165-4. Green open access

Rode, Jennifer; Feng, Yifan; Zhang, Hanlin; Rosman, Ria; Bastaman, Amanda S; King, John; Samson, Madeline H; ... Elmimouni, Houda; + view all (2024) Playful Telepresence Robots with School Children. In: NordiCHI 2024: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Uppsala, Sweden. (In press). Green open access

Rode, Jennifer A; Feng, Yifan; Chandrashekar, Annapoorni; Andreou, Sonia; Ioannou, Andri; (2024) Spools and Sparks: The Role of Materiality in Computational Making with E-textiles and BBC Micro:bit. In: HttF '24: Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium. (pp. pp. 1-11). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access


Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2024) Book Review: Cefai, C. (Ed.) (2024). Nurturing the wellbeing of students in difficulty. The legacy of Paul Cooper. Oxford/New York: Peter Lang. International Journal of Emotional Education , 16 (2) pp. 111-113. 10.56300/PRZR4494. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2024) Eclectic Resilience in Childhood: Centralising Children's Voices through Interdisciplinary Research. Presented at: Understanding the Wellbeing of Young Children, Nottingham, UK. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2024) The Mental Health Of Children And Young People: Conversation With The Editor. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/network/publishing/res...

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; (2024) Multisensory approaches to centralising voices from displaced and marginalised communities (Keynote). Presented at: Open University, WELS Postgraduate Researchers Conference 2024, Milton Keynes, UK. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Thapa, Manisha; (2024) 'Rocky Road' & 'Brick Walls' – Multiple Meanings of Resilience in a Social Work Context through the Lens of Critical Realist informed Grounded Theory. Qualitative Social Work , 23 (2) 382 -398. 10.1177/14733250231152264. Green open access

Sims-Schouten, Wendy; Wingate-Gray, Sara; (2024) "Tiny Luggages”: Immersive Migrant Childhoods and Multi-Sensory Methods as Disruptive and Facilitative Opportunities. Childhood: A journal of global child research (In press). Green open access


Taylor, Louise; (2024) Psychology Teaching Review: Editorial. Psychology Teaching Review (In press). Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2024) Fake It till You Make It: Inventing the Neoliberal Self. Imagining Futures: Science BLOGS 10.57708/BBBESSGCIQ26CCWTDD2GZ9G. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2024) The working class in contemporary British cinema. Journal of Class & Culture , 2 (C&F, P1) pp. 129-148. 10.1386/jclc_00028_1. Green open access

Tse, Yee Ni; (2024) The perceptions and cultural persistence of Graded music examinations, and their impacts on instrumental teaching and learning in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tupper, Devin Robert; (2024) Lives Between: a Novel of Critical Gothic Authorship and New Methodologies in Creative Criticism. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

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