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Number of items: 11.


Morgenstern, P; Lowe, R; Chiu, LF; (2015) Heat metering: socio-technical challenges in district-heated social housing. Building Research & Information , 43 (2) 197 - 209. 10.1080/09613218.2014.932639. Green open access

Morgenstern, P; Raslan, R; Ruyssevelt, P; (2015) Assessing savings potentials from changes in energy behaviours of hospital staff: benefits and challenges of energy audits. In: Dyhr-Mikkelsen, K and Broc, JS, (eds.) Proceedings of ECEEE 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency. (pp. pp. 1797-1807). European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE): Belambra Les Criques, Toulon/Hyères, France. Green open access

Morse, N; Thomson, LJM; Brown, Z; Chatterjee, HJ; (2015) Effects of creative museum outreach sessions on measures of confidence, sociability and well-being for mental health and addiction recovery service-users. Arts & Health , 7 (3) pp. 231-246. 10.1080/17533015.2015.1061570. Green open access


Smith, K; (2015) Stumping and stunts: Walking in circles in the "go-as-you-please" race. TDR - The Drama Review - A Journal of Performance Studies , 59 (2) , Article 226. 10.1162/DRAM_a_00454. Green open access

Smith, TWP; Prakash, V; Aldous, L; Krammer, P; (2015) The existing shipping fleet's CO2 efficiency. Executive Summary, and Main Report: March 2015 (MEPC 68/INF.24). International Maritime Organization: Marine Environment Protection Committee Green open access


Trifonova, Temenuga; (2015) Cinematic Cool: Jean-Pierre Melville’s Le Samourai. Senses of Cinema , 2015 (74) Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2015) Man of Glass. TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses , 19 (29) pp. 166-199. 10.52086/001c.27281. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2015) Contemporary Bulgarian Cinema: From Allegorical Expressionism to Declined National Cinema. In: Herzog, Todd and Gott, Michael, (eds.) East, West and Centre: Reframing post-1989 European Cinema. (pp. 127-146). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh , UK. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2015) Cinematic Photography. In: Medeiros, Margarida and Flores, Teresa Mendes and Leal, Joana Cunha, (eds.) Photography and Cinema: 50 years of Chris Markers’ La jetée. Cambridge Scholars Press: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.


West, E James; (2015) The War on Drugs. In: Stabler, Scott L and Green, Michael S, (eds.) Ideas and Movements That Shaped America. Bloomsbury Publishing USA: Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Green open access

Woodgate, Graham; Sevilla Guzmán, Eduardo; (2015) Transformative Agroecology: Foundations in agri-cultural practice, agrarian social thought and sociological theory. In: Méndez, V Ernesto and Bacon, Christopher M and Cohen, Roseann and Gliessman, Stephen R, (eds.) Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary, Participatory and Action-oriented Approach. (pp. 37-54). CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA. Green open access

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