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Number of items: 12.


Ang, L; (2008) Language and Literacy in Early Childhood. In: Arnold, W and Powell, K and Mol, H, (eds.) Literacy in the Language Classroom: The Role of the YL professional in Developing Reading in Young Learners. (pp. 99-115). IATEFL YL SIG: Canterbury, UK.

Ang, L; (2008) Singapore Preschool Teachers' Responses to the Introduction of A Framework for a Kindergarten Curriculum in the Context of 3 Preschool Settings. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education , 2 (1) pp. 55-81. Green open access


Bibby, T; (2008) The experience of learning in classrooms : moving beyond Vygotsky. In: Brown, T, (ed.) The psychology of mathematics education. (pp. 37-60). Sense: Rotterdam.

Bubb, S; Earley, P; (2008) From self-evaluation to school improvement: the importance of effective staff development. CfBT Education Trust: Reading.


Crawford, Claire; Dearden, Lorraine; Mesnard, Alice; SHAW, Jonathan; Sianesi, Barbara; Urwin, Peter; (2008) Estimating ethnic parity in Jobcentre Plus programmes: A quantitative analysis using the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). (Research Report 491 ). Government Department for Work and Pensions, UK: London, UK. Green open access


Ehren, MCM; Visscher, AJ; (2008) The relationships between school inspections, school characteristics and school improvement. British Journal of Educational Studies , 56 (2) pp. 205-227. 10.1111/j.1467-8527.2008.00400.x. Green open access


Glauert, EB; (2008) Making Sense of Electricity in Reception and Year 1. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


James, M; Pollard, A; (2008) What have we have learned from TLRP? Education Review , 21 (1) pp. 90-100.


Mayer, S; Tydda, H; Fitt, V; (2008) Reflexive on Leading Inquiry-based Professional Learning Communities. Presented at: BELMAS Workshop, Birmingham, UK. Green open access


Pollard, A; (2008) Knowledge transformation and impact: Aspirations and experiences from TLRP. Cambridge Journal of Education , 38 (1) pp. 5-22. 10.1080/03057640801889949. Green open access

Pollard, A; (2008) Towards new strategic initiatives for research capacity in Education: a discussion paper. Building Research Capacity , 13 pp. 1-6.


Sammons, P; Sylva, K; Melhuish, E; Siraj-Blatchford, I; Taggart, B; Jelicic, H; (2008) Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 Project (EPPE 3-11) Influences on children's development and progress in Key Stage 2: Social/behavioural outcomes in Year 6. DCSF Research Report: Vol.DCSF-R. Institute of Education, University of London/ Department for Children, Schools and Families Green open access

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