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Number of items: 6.


Blatchford, P; Moriarty, V; Edmonds, S; Martin, C; (2002) Relationships between class size and teaching: A multimethod analysis of english infant schools. American Educational Research Journal , 39 (1) pp. 101-132. 10.3102/00028312039001101. Green open access


Lindsay, G; Dockrell, J; Letchford, B; Mackie, C; (2002) Self esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties. Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 18 (2) pp. 125-143. 10.1191/0265659002ct231oa. Green open access


McAteer, E; Tolmie, A; Crook, C; MacLeod, H; Musselbrook, K; Macleod, H; (2002) Learning networks and the issue of communication skills. In: Steeples, C and Jones, C, (eds.) Networked Learning: Perspectives & Issues. (pp. 309-322). Springer-Verlag: [Heidelberg].


Radford, JA; Stuart, M; Hill, V; Male, D; (2002) Intervention to promote literacy in looked after children. IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society: London, UK.

Ridley, J; Radford, J; Mahon, M; (2002) How do teachers manage topic and repair. Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 18 (1) pp. 43-58. 10.1191/0265659002ct226oa. Green open access


Tolmie, A; Thomson, J; Foot, H; (2002) Computer-based support for the training of children's pedestrian skills: software design and evaluation of impact. In: Computers in Education, International Conference on,. (pp. 515-519). IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA, USA.

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