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Number of items: 11.
Baerlecken, M;
Tiedau, U;
Das Deutsch-Niederländische Institut in Köln 1931–1945 und die Neubegründung der Niederlandistik in der Bundesrepublik.
In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.)
Griff nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum 1920-1960.
(851 - 885).
Waxmann: Münster, Germany.
Bajaj, B;
A terminological study of the means of signalling temporal order in aircraft accident reports.
Proceedings of the The 14th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes:Communication, Culture, Knowledge.
University of Surrey, UK
Bajaj, Bettina C.;
A terminological approach to the investigation of temporal ordering relations in English and German aircraft accident reports.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Surrey.
Bowersox, JD;
'Loyal Sons of the Church and Fatherland'? Center-Polish Relations in Upper Silesia, 1871-1907.
Canadian Journal of History = Annales canadiennes d'histoire
, 38
pp. 231-257.
Dietz, B;
Gabel, H;
Tiedau, U;
Die 'Westforschung' zum europäischen Nordwesten als Gegenstand der Zeit- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
In: Dietz, B and Gabel, H and Tiedau, U, (eds.)
nach dem Westen : die 'Westforschung' der völkisch-nationalen Wissenschaften zum nordwesteuropäischen Raum (1919-1960).
Waxmann: Münster, New York, Berlin, Munich.
Hilson, M;
Co-operation and consumer politics in comparative perspective: Britain and Sweden during the First World War.
In: Verbruggen, P and Soubry, L, (eds.)
(Proceedings) Consumerism versus Capitalism? Co-operatives seen from an International Comparative Perspective..
(pp. pp. 221-241).
Amsab Institute of Social History: Ghent.
Lack, RF;
The point in time: Precise chronology in early godard.
Studies in French Cinema
, 3
pp. 101-109.
Shih, C;
A cognitive approach to three trainee translators’ overnight revision processes.
Translation Quarterly
, 28
pp. 1-17.
Sica, B;
Tra le carte di Jacobbi. Progetti di antologia.
In: Dolfi, A, (ed.)
L'eclettico Jacobbi. Percorsi multipli tra letteratura e teatro.
(pp. 85-97).
Bulzoni: Rome, Italy.
Siciliano, C;
Williams, G;
Beskow, J;
Faulkner, A;
Evaluation of a multilingual synthetic talking face as a communication aid for the hearing impaired.
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: 15th ICPhS, Barcelona 3-9 August 2003.
(pp. 131 - 134).
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / International Phonetic Association: Barcelona, Spain.
Thomson, CC;
Danmarkshistorier: National Imagination and Novel in Late Twentieth Century Denmark.
Doctoral thesis , University of Edinburgh.