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Number of items: 9.


Drew, LJ; Rugiero, F; Cesare, P; Gale, JE; Abrahamsen, B; Bowden, S; Heinzmann, S; ... Wood, JN; + view all (2007) High-threshold mechanosensitive ion channels blocked by a novel conopeptide mediate pressure-evoked pain. PLoS ONE , 13 (2) , Article e515. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000515. Green open access

Drew, LJ; Rugiero, F; Cesare, P; Gale, JE; Abrahamsen, B; Bowden, S; Heinzmann, S; ... Wood, JN; + view all (2007) High-Threshold Mechanosensitive Ion Channels Blocked by a Novel Conopeptide Mediate Pressure-Evoked Pain. PLOS ONE , 2 (6) , Article e515. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000515. Green open access

Drew, LJ; Wood, JN; (2007) FMI-43 is a permeant blocker of mechanosensitive ion channels in sensory neurons and inhibits behavioural responses to mechanical stimuli. MOL PAIN , 3 , Article 1. 10.1186/1744-8069-3-1. Green open access


Flores-Garcia, Lisbeth; (2007) Transcriptional regulation of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (PDGFRA) gene during development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fogarty, M; Grist, M; Gelman, D; Marin, O; Pachnis, V; Kessaris, N; (2007) Spatial genetic Patterning of the embryonic neuroepithelium generates GABAergic interneuron diversity in the adult cortex. J NEUROSCI , 27 (41) 10935 - 10946. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1629-07.2007. Green open access


Leiper, J.; Nandi, M.; Torondel, B.; Murray-Rust, J.; Malaki, M.; O'Hara, B.; Rossiter, S.; ... Vallance, P.; + view all (2007) Disruption of methylarginine metabolism impairs vascular homeostasis. Nature Medicine , 13 (2) pp. 198-203. 10.1038/nm1543. Green open access


Panayiotou, C.M.; (2007) Characterisation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects of natriuretic peptides in rodents. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Wanrooij, S; Goffart, S; Pohjoismäki, JLO; Yasukawa, T; Spelbrink, JN; (2007) Expression of catalytic mutants of the mtDNA helicase Twinkle and polymerase POLG causes distinct replication stalling phenotypes. Nucleic Acids Research , 35 (10) 3238 - 3251. 10.1093/nar/gkm215. Green open access


Young, KM; Fogarty, M; Kessaris, N; Richardson, WD; (2007) Subventricular zone stem cells are heterogeneous with respect to their embryonic origins and neurogenic fates in the adult olfactory bulb. J NEUROSCI , 27 (31) 8286 - 8296. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0476-07.2007. Green open access

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