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Abascal, F; Zardoya, R; Telford, MJ; (2010) TranslatorX: multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid translations. Nucleic Acids Research , 38 (Web Se) W7-13. 10.1093/nar/gkq291. Green open access

Amorim, MJ; Cotobal, C; Duncan, C; Mata, J; (2010) Global coordination of transcriptional control and mRNA decay during cellular differentiation. Molecular Systems Biology , 6 (380) 10.1038/msb.2010.38. Green open access


Baxter, SW; Nadeau, NJ; Maroja, LS; Wilkinson, P; Counterman, BA; Dawson, A; Beltran, M; ... Jiggins, CD; + view all (2010) Genomic Hotspots for Adaptation: The Population Genetics of Mullerian Mimicry in the Heliconius melpomene Clade. PLoS Genetics , 6 (2) , Article e1000794. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000794. Green open access

Bernal, R; Galeano, G; García, N; Olivares, IL; Cocomá, C; (2010) Uses and commercial prospects for the wine palm, Attalea butyracea, in Colombia. Ethnobotany Research and Applications , 8 pp. 255-268. 10.17348/era.8.0.255-268. Green open access

Bjedov, I; Toivonen, JM; Kerr, F; Slack, C; Jacobson, J; Foley, A; Partridge, L; (2010) Mechanisms of Life Span Extension by Rapamycin in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster. Cell Metabolism , 11 (1) 35 - 46. 10.1016/j.cmet.2009.11.010. Green open access

Boakes, EH; McGowan, PJ; Fuller, RA; Chang-qing, D; Clark, NE; O'Connor, K; Mace, GM; (2010) Distorted views of biodiversity: spatial and temporal bias in species occurrence data. PLoS Biol , 8 (6) , Article e1000385. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000385. Green open access

Brown, KJ; Rüber, L; Bills, R; Day, JJ; (2010) Mastacembelid eels support lake tanganyika as an evolutionary hotspot of diversification. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 10 , Article 188. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-188. Green open access

Browning, S.L.; (2010) Human genetic variation with implications for healthcare in Ethiopian populations. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Buckley, J; Bridle, JR; Pomiankowski, A; (2010) Novel variation associated with species range expansion. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 10 , Article 382. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-382. Green open access

Byrne, E.H.; (2010) Molecular cloning and characterisation of the general control non-derepressible 2 protein kinase from Triticum aestivum. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Calboli, FCF; Tozzi, F; Galwey, NW; Antoniades, A; Mooser, V; Preisig, M; Vollenweider, P; ... Balding, DJ; + view all (2010) A Genome-Wide Association Study of Neuroticism in a Population-Based Sample. PLOS ONE , 5 (7) , Article e11504. 10.1371/journal.pone.0011504. Green open access

Chen, M-S; Liu, X; Yang, Z; Zhao, H; Shukle, RH; Stuart, JJ; Hulbert, S; (2010) Unusual conservation among genes encoding small secreted salivary gland proteins from a gall midge. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 10 (Septem) , Article 296. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-296. Green open access

Chevin, LM; Lande, R; Mace, GM; (2010) Adaptation, plasticity, and extinction in a changing environment: towards a predictive theory. PLoS Biol , 8 (4) , Article e1000357. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000357. Green open access

Counterman, BA; Araujo-Perez, F; Hines, HM; Baxter, SW; Morrison, CM; Lindstrom, DP; Papa, R; ... McMillan, WO; + view all (2010) Genomic hotspots for adaptation: The population genetics of Müllerian mimicry in Heliconius erato. PLoS Genetics , 6 (2) , Article e1000794. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000794. Green open access

Counterman, BA; Araujo-Perez, F; Hines, HM; Baxter, SW; Morrison, CM; Lindstrom, DP; Papa, R; ... McMillan, WO; + view all (2010) Genomic Hotspots for Adaptation: The Population Genetics of Mullerian Mimicry in Heliconius erato. PLOS GENET , 6 (2) , Article e1000796. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000796. Green open access


Durant, SM; Craft, ME; Foley, C; Hampson, K; Lobora, AL; Msuha, M; Eblate, E; ... Pettorelli, N; + view all (2010) Does size matter? An investigation of habitat use across a carnivore assemblage in the Serengeti, Tanzania. Journal of Animal Ecology , 79 (5) pp. 1012-1022. 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01717.x. Green open access


Freeman, R; Dennis, T; Landers, T; Thompson, D; Bell, E; Walker, M; Guilford, T; (2010) Black Petrels (Procellaria parkinsoni) patrol the ocean shelf-break: GPS tracking of a vulnerable procellariiform seabird. PLOS One , 5 (2) , Article e9236. 10.1371/journal.pone.0009236. Green open access


Goswami, A; Polly, PD; (2010) The Influence of Modularity on Cranial Morphological Disparity in Carnivora and Primates (Mammalia). PLOS ONE , 5 (3) , Article e9517. 10.1371/journal.pone.0009517. Green open access

Gronke, S; Clarke, DF; Broughton, S; Andrews, TD; Partridge, L; (2010) Molecular Evolution and Functional Characterization of Drosophila Insulin-Like Peptides. PLOS GENET , 6 (2) , Article e1000857. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000857. Green open access


Harley, E; Fowler, K; Cotton, S; (2010) No Detectable Fertility Benefit from a Single Additional Mating in Wild Stalk-Eyed Flies. PLOS ONE , 5 (12) , Article e14309. 10.1371/journal.pone.0014309. Green open access

Herridge, V.L.; (2010) Dwarf elephants on Mediterranean islands: a natural experiment in parallel evolution. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Itan, Y.; Jones, B.L.; Ingram, C.J.E.; Swallow, D.M.; Thomas, M.G.; (2010) A worldwide correlation of lactase persistence phenotype and genotypes. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 10 (1) , Article 36. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-36. Green open access


Johnson, L.; (2010) Genetically determined variation of respiratory mucins: disease and demography. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Kays, R; Tilak, S; Kranstauber, B; Jansen, PA; Carbone, C; Rowcliffe, MJ; Fountain, T; ... He, Z; + view all (2010) Monitoring wild animal communities with arrays of motion sensitive camera traps. ArXiv: Ithaca, NY, USA. Green open access


MacCarthy, T; Seymour, RM; Pomiankowski, A; (2010) Differential regulation drives plasticity in sex determination gene networks. BMC EVOL BIOL , 10 , Article 388. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-388. Green open access

MacLean, RC; Fuentes-Hernandez, A; Greig, D; Hurst, LD; Gudelj, I; (2010) A Mixture of "Cheats'' and "Co-Operators'' Can Enable Maximal Group Benefit. PLOS BIOL , 8 (9) , Article e1000486. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000486. Green open access

Marlétaz, F; Gyapay, G; Le Parco, Y; (2010) High Level of Structural Polymorphism Driven by Mobile Elements in the Hox Genomic Region of the Chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera. Genome Biology and Evolution , 2 pp. 665-677. 10.1093/gbe/evq047. Green open access

Martindale, MQ; Telford, MJ; (2010) Welcome to open access publishing at EvoDevo: a macroevolutionary change in sharing data. Evodevo , 1 (1) , Article 1. 10.1186/2041-9139-1-1. Green open access


Nübel, U; Dordel, J; Kurt, K; Strommenger, B; Westh, H; Shukla, SK; Zemlicková, H; ... Witte, W; + view all (2010) A timescale for evolution, population expansion, and spatial spread of an emerging clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS Pathogens , 6 (4) , Article e1000855. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000855. Green open access


Piper, MDW; Wong, R; Grandison, RC; Bass, TM; Martinez, PM; Partridge, L; (2010) Water-independent effects of dietary restriction in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 107 (14) E54 - E56. 10.1073/pnas.0914686107. Green open access


Raychaudhuri, S; Korn, JM; McCarroll, SA; International Schizophrenia, C; Altshuler, D; Sklar, P; Purcell, S; (2010) Accurately assessing the risk of schizophrenia conferred by rare copy-number variation affecting genes with brain function. PLoS Genetics , 6 (9) , Article e1001097. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1001097. Green open access

Reiss, D; Zhang, Y; Rouhi, A; Reuter, M; Mager, DL; (2010) Variable DNA methylation of transposable elements: The case study of mouse Early Transposons. Epigenetics , 5 (1) 68 - 79. 10.4161/epi.5.1.10631. Green open access

Rota Stabelli, O.; (2010) Molecular approaches to the study of ecdysozoan evolution. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rota-Stabelli, O; Kayal, E; Gleeson, D; Daub, J; Boore, JL; Telford, MJ; Pisani, D; ... Lavrov, DV; + view all (2010) Ecdysozoan mitogenomics: evidence for a common origin of the legged invertebrates, the Panarthropoda. Genome Biology and Evolution , 2 425- 440. 10.1093/gbe/evq030. Green open access


Slack, C; Werz, C; Wieser, D; Alic, N; Foley, A; Stocker, H; Withers, DJ; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2010) Regulation of Lifespan, Metabolism, and Stress Responses by the Drosophila SH2B Protein, Lnk. PLoS Genetics , 6 (3) , Article e1000881. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000881. Green open access

Slack, C.; Werz, C.; Wieser, D.; Alic, N.; Foley, A.; Stocker, H.; Withers, D.J.; ... Lu, B.; + view all (2010) Regulation of lifespan, metabolism, and stress responses by the Drosophila SH2B protein, Lnk. PLoS Genetics , 6 (3) , Article e1000881. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000881. Green open access

Sofola, O; Kerr, F; Rogers, I; Killick, R; Augustin, H; Gandy, C; Allen, MJ; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2010) Inhibition of GSK-3 ameliorates Aβ pathology in an adult-onset drosophila model of Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS Genetics , 6 (9) , Article e1001087. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1001087. Green open access


Vaquerizas, JM; Suyama, R; Kind, J; Miura, K; Luscombe, NM; Akhtar, A; (2010) Nuclear pore proteins nup153 and megator define transcriptionally active regions in the Drosophila genome. PLoS Genetics , 6 (2) e1000846 -. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000846. Green open access

Veeramah, KR; Connell, BA; Pour, NA; Powell, A; Plaster, CA; Zeitlyn, D; Mendell, NR; ... Thomas, MG; + view all (2010) Little genetic differentiation as assessed by uniparental markers in the presence of substantial language variation in peoples of the Cross River region of Nigeria. BMC EVOL BIOL , 10 , Article 92. 10.1186/1471-2148-10-92. Green open access


Warren, IA; Fowler, K; Smith, H; (2010) Germline transformation of the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni. BMC MOL BIOL , 11 , Article 86. 10.1186/1471-2199-11-86. Green open access


Yang, N.; (2010) Population history and genetic diversity in the Americas. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Yang, Z; (2010) A likelihood ratio test of speciation with gene flow using genomic sequence data. Genome Biology and Evolution , 2 , Article evq011v1. 10.1093/gbe/evq011. Green open access

Yang, Z; (2010) The Timetree of Life. [Review]. The Quarterly Review of Biology , 85 (3) pp. 360-361. 10.1086/655063. Green open access


Zabaneh, D; Balding, DJ; (2010) A Genome-Wide Association Study of the Metabolic Syndrome in Indian Asian Men. PLOS ONE , 5 (8) , Article e11961. 10.1371/journal.pone.0011961. Green open access

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