Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
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Number of items: 56.
Berry, CJ;
Kessels, RP;
Wester, AJ;
Shanks, DR;
A single-system model predicts recognition memory and repetition priming in amnesia.
J Neurosci
, 34
10963 - 10974.
Bobadilla-Suárez, S;
López-Avila, A;
Distorsión de imagen corporal percibida e imaginada. Un posible factor para la obesidad y el sobrepeso en mexicanos
sobrepeso en mexicanos.
Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
, 52
pp. 408-414.
Borgi, M;
Cogliati-Dezza, I;
Brelsford, V;
Meints, K;
Cirulli, F;
Baby schema in human and animal faces induces cuteness perception and gaze allocation in children.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 5
, Article 411. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00411.
Campbell, R;
MacSweeney, M;
Woll, B;
Cochlear implantation (CI) for prelingual deafness: the relevance of studies of brain organization and the role of first language acquisition in considering outcome success.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
, 8
, Article 834. 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00834.
Chadwick, MJ;
Jolly, A;
Amos, DP;
Hassabis, D;
Spiers, HJ;
A goal direction signal in the human entorhinal/subicular region.
Current Biology
, 25
pp. 87-92.
Charpentier, CJ;
Moutsiana, C;
Garrett, N;
Sharot, T;
The Brain's Temporal Dynamics from a Collective Decision to Individual Action.
J Neurosci
, 34
5816 - 5823.
Chowdhury, R;
Sharot, T;
Wolfe, T;
Düzel, E;
Dolan, RJ;
Optimistic update bias increases in older age.
Psychol Med
, 44
pp. 2003-2012.
Cook, S;
Howell, P;
Bullying in Children and Teenagers Who Stutter and the Relation to Self-Esteem, Social Acceptance and Anxiety.
Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders
, 24
pp. 46-57.
Dekker, T;
Mareschal, D;
Johnson, MH;
Sereno, MI;
Picturing words? Sensorimotor cortex activation for printed words in child and adult readers.
Brain & Language
, 139
pp. 58-67.
Denmark, T;
Atkinson, J;
Campbell, R;
Swettenham, J;
How do Typically Developing Deaf Children and Deaf Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Use the Face When Comprehending Emotional Facial Expressions in British Sign Language?
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
, 44
pp. 2584-2592.
Duvelle, E;
Role of the hippocampus in goal representation : Insights from behavioural and electrophysiological approaches.
Doctoral thesis , Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
Edelson, MG;
Dudai, Y;
Dolan, RJ;
Sharot, T;
Brain substrates of recovery from misleading influence.
J Neurosci
, 34
7744 - 7753.
Fenlon, J;
Schembri, A;
Rentelis, R;
Vinson, D;
Cormier, K;
Using conversational data to determine lexical frequency in British Sign Language: The influence of text type.
, 143
pp. 187-202.
Garrett, N;
Sharot, T;
How robust is the optimistic update bias for estimating self-risk and population base rates?
PLoS One
, 9
, Article e98848. 10.1371/journal.pone.0098848.
Garrett, N;
Sharot, T;
Faulkner, P;
Korn, CW;
Roiser, JP;
Dolan, RJ;
Losing the rose tinted glasses: neural substrates of unbiased belief updating in depression.
Front Hum Neurosci
, 8
, Article 639 . 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00639.
Geiser, E;
Walker, KM;
Bendor, D;
Global timing: a conceptual framework to investigate the neural basis of rhythm perception in humans and non-human species.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 5
, Article 00159. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00159.
Guinote, A;
The Social Cognition of Power.
In: Borgida, E and Bargh, J, (eds.)
APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition.
American Psychological Association: Washington, DC, Unites States.
Hodge, GCE;
Ferrara, L;
Showing the story: Enactment as performance in Auslan narratives.
In: Gawne, L and Vaughn, J, (eds.)
Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 2013.
(pp. pp. 372-397).
University of Melbourne: Melbourne, Australia.
Howard, LR;
Javadi, AH;
Yu, Y;
Mill, RD;
Morrison, LC;
Knight, R;
Loftus, MM;
... Spiers, HJ; + view all
The hippocampus and entorhinal cortex encode the path and Euclidean distances to goals during navigation.
Curr Biol
, 24
1331 - 1340.
Javadi, AH;
Brunec, IK;
Walsh, V;
Penny, WD;
Spiers, H;
Transcranial electrical brain stimulation modulates neuronal tuning curves in perception of numerosity and duration.
, 102
pp. 451-457.
Johansen, MK;
Savage, J;
Fouquet, N;
Shanks, DR;
Salience Not Status: How Category Labels Influence Feature Inference.
Cognitive Science
, 39
pp. 1594-1621.
Knight, R;
Piette, CE;
Page, H;
Walters, D;
Marozzi, E;
Nardini, M;
Stringer, S;
Weighted cue integration in the rodent head direction system.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
, 369
, Article 20120512. 10.1098/rstb.2012.0512.
Konstantinidis, E;
Shanks, DR;
Don't bet on it! Wagering as a measure of awareness in decision making under uncertainty.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
, 143
2111 - 2134.
Krumhuber, EG;
Likowski, KU;
Weyers, P;
Facial Mimicry of Spontaneous and Deliberate Duchenne and Non-Duchenne Smiles.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
, 38
pp. 1-11.
Leutner, F;
Ahmetoglu, G;
Akhtar, R;
Chamorro-Premuzic, T;
The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits.
Personality and Individual Differences
, 63
pp. 58-63.
Lo, Hui-Yi;
Harvey, Nigel;
Compulsive Buying: Obsessive Acquisition, Collecting or Hoarding?
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
, 12
pp. 453-469.
Marozzi, EC;
The Cellular and Molecular Characterisation of Context Representation in Entorhinal Cortex.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
McClelland, A;
Khanam, S;
Furnham, A;
Cultural and age differences in beliefs about depression: British Bangladeshis vs. British Whites.
Mental Health, Religion and Culture
, 17
225 - 238.
Mukhopadhyay, D;
The neurophilosophy of archetype in visual aesthetics: from Plato to Zeki and beyond.
Mukhopadhyay, D;
Understanding the neuropsychology of aesthetic paradox: The dual phase oscillation hypothesis.
Review of General Psychology
, 18
pp. 237-248.
Newell, BR;
Shanks, DR;
Prime numbers: anchoring and its implications for theories of behavior priming.
Social Cognition
, 32
88 - 108.
Newell, BR;
Shanks, DR;
Unconscious influences on decision making: A critical review.
Behavioral And Brain Sciences
, 37
1 - 19.
Page, HJI;
Walters, DM;
Knight, R;
Piette, CE;
Jeffery, KJ;
Stringer, SM;
A theoretical account of cue averaging in the rodent head direction system.
, 369
, Article ARTN 20130283. 10.1098/rstb.2013.0283.
Papageorgiou, TD;
Papanikolaou, A;
Smirnakis, SM;
A Systematic approach to visual system rehabilitation: population receptive field analysis and real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback methods.
In: Papageorgiou, TD and Christopoulos, GI and Smirnakis, SM, (eds.)
Advanced brain neuroimaging topics in health and disease: methods and applications.
(pp. 371-402).
InTech: London, UK.
Perniss, P;
Vigliocco, G;
The bridge of iconicity: from a world of experience to the experience of language.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
, 369
, Article 20130300. 10.1098/rstb.2013.0300.
Potts, R;
Shanks, DR;
The Benefit of Generating Errors During Learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
, 143
pp. 644-667.
Protti, DA;
Di Marco, S;
Huang, JY;
Vonhoff, CR;
Nguyen, VA;
Solomon, SG;
Inner retinal inhibition shapes the receptive field of retinal ganglion cells in primate.
J Physiol
, 592
pp. 49-65.
Raihani, NJ;
McAuliffe, K;
Dictator Game Giving: The Importance of Descriptive versus Injunctive Norms.
PLoS One
, 9
, Article e113826. 10.1371/journal.pone.0113826.
Rezlescu, C;
Susilo, T;
What can the Thatcher illusion tell us about face processing in the brain? Commentary on Psalta, Young, Thompson, and Andrews (2014).
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
, 8
, Article 289. 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00289.
Rychlowska, M;
Canadas, E;
Wood, A;
Krumhuber, EG;
Fischer, A;
Niedenthal, PM;
Blocking Mimicry Makes True and False Smiles Look the Same.
, 9
, Article e90876. 10.1371/journal.pone.0090876.
Sayim, B;
Greenwood, JA;
Cavanagh, P;
Foveal target repetitions reduce crowding.
Journal of Vision
, 14
, Article 4. 10.1167/14.6.4.
Schulz, E;
Speekenbrink, M;
Shanks, DR;
Predict choice: A comparison of 21 mathematical models.
In: Bello, P and Gaurini, M and McShane, M and Scassellati, B, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
(pp. 2889 - 2894).
Cognitive Science Society: Austin, TX.
Sexton, NJ;
Cooper, RP;
An architecturally constrained model of random number generation and its application to modeling the effect of generation rate.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 5
, Article 670. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00670.
Shanks, DR;
Newell, BR;
The primacy of conscious decision making.
Behavioral And Brain Sciences
, 37
45 - 53.
Shiner, T;
Symmonds, M;
Guitart-Masip, M;
Fleming, SM;
Friston, KJ;
Dolan, RJ;
Dopamine, Salience, and Response Set Shifting in Prefrontal Cortex.
Cereb Cortex
(In press).
Skipper, JI;
Echoes of the spoken past: how auditory cortex hears context during speech perception.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
, 369
, Article 20130297 . 10.1098/rstb.2013.0297.
Sliwinska, MW;
Vitello, S;
Devlin, JT;
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Investigating Causal Brain-behavioral Relationships and their Time Course.
J Vis Exp
, Article e51735. 10.3791/51735.
Solomon, SG;
Rosa, MG;
A simpler primate brain: the visual system of the marmoset monkey.
Front Neural Circuits
, 8
, Article 96 . 10.3389/fncir.2014.00096.
Speekenbrink, M;
Konstantinidis, E;
Uncertainty and exploration in a restless bandit task.
In: Bello, P and Gaurini, M and McShane, M and Scassellati, B, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
(pp. 1491 - 1496).
Cognitive Science Society: Austin, TX.
Spiers, HJ;
Bendor, D;
Enhance, delete, incept: Manipulating hippocampus-dependent memories.
Brain Res Bull
, 105
pp. 2-7.
Vinson, D;
Ponari, M;
Vigliocco, G;
How does emotional content affect lexical processing?
Cogn Emot
, 28
pp. 737-746.
Visser, I;
Speekenbrink, M;
It's a Catastrophe! Testing dynamics between competing cognitive states using mixture and hidden Markov models.
In: Bello, P and Gaurini, M and McShane, M and Scassellati, B, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
(pp. 1688 - 1693).
Cognitive Science Society: Austin, TX.
Vitello, S;
Warren, JE;
Devlin, JT;
Rodd, JM;
Roles of frontal and temporal regions in reinterpreting semantically ambiguous sentences.
Front Hum Neurosci
, 8
, Article 530. 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00530.
Wilkinson, L;
Tai, YF;
Lin, CS;
Lagnado, DA;
Brooks, DJ;
Piccini, P;
Jahanshahi, M;
Probabilistic classification learning with corrective feedback is associated with in vivo striatal dopamine release in the ventral striatum, while learning without feedback is not.
Hum Brain Mapp
, 35
5106 - 5115.
Xu, J;
Harvey, N;
Carry on winning: The gamblers' fallacy creates hot hand effects in online gambling.
, 131
173 - 180.
Zisch, Fiona;
Gage, Stephen;
Spiers, Hugo;
Navigating the Museum.
In: Levent, Nina and Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, (eds.)
The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space.
(pp. 215-237).
Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, USA.