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Number of items: 45.


Allan, MP; Tamai, A; Rozbicki, E; Fischer, MH; Voss, J; King, PDC; Meevasana, W; ... Baumberger, F; + view all (2013) Formation of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in Sr₃Ru₂O₇. New Journal of Physics , 15 , Article 063029. 10.1088/1367-2630/15/6/063029. Green open access


Badger, J; Lal, J; Harder, R; Inouye, H; Gleber, SC; Vogt, S; Robinson, I; (2013) Three-dimensional imaging of crystalline inclusions embedded in intact maize stalks. Scientific Reports , 3 , Article 2843. 10.1038/srep02843. Green open access

Berridge, AM; Green, AG; (2013) Nonequilibrium conductivity at quantum critical points. PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 88 (22) 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.220512. Green open access

Boseggia, S; Springell, R; Walker, HC; Ronnow, HM; Rueegg, C; Okabe, H; Isobe, M; ... McMorrow, DF; + view all (2013) Robustness of Basal-Plane Antiferromagnetic Order and the J(eff)=1/2 State in Single-Layer Iridate Spin-Orbit Mott Insulators. Physical Review Letters , 110 (11) , Article 117207. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.117207. Green open access

Boseggia, S; Walker, HC; Vale, J; Springell, R; Feng, Z; Perry, RS; Sala, MM; ... McMorrow, DF; + view all (2013) Locking of iridium magnetic moments to the correlated rotation of oxygen octahedra in Sr2IrO4 revealed by x-ray resonant scattering. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 25 (42) , Article 422202. 10.1088/0953-8984/25/42/422202. Green open access

Bruin, JAN; Borzi, RA; Grigera, SA; Rost, AW; Perry, RS; Mackenzie, AP; (2013) Study of the electronic nematic phase of Sr3Ru2O7 with precise control of the applied magnetic field vector. Physical Review B , 87 (16) , Article 161106(R). 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.161106. Green open access

Bruin, JAN; Sakai, H; Perry, RS; Mackenzie, AP; (2013) Similarity of Scattering Rates in Metals Showing T-Linear Resistivity. Science , 339 (6121) pp. 804-807. 10.1126/science.1227612. Green open access


Cha, W; Jeong, NC; Song, S; Park, HJ; Thanh Pham, TC; Harder, R; Lim, B; ... Kim, H; + view all (2013) Core-shell strain structure of zeolite microcrystals. Nature Materials , 12 (8) pp. 729-734. 10.1038/nmat3698. Green open access

Challand, MR; Salvadori, E; Driesener, RC; Kay, CW; Roach, PL; Spencer, J; (2013) Cysteine Methylation Controls Radical Generation in the Cfr Radical AdoMet rRNA Methyltransferase. PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e67979. 10.1371/journal.pone.0067979. Green open access

Chen, B; (2013) X-ray Imaging of Three-dimensional Spatial Structure of Coatings. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chen, B; Guizar-Sicairos, M; Xiong, G; Shemilt, L; Diaz, A; Nutter, J; Burdet, N; ... Robinson, I; + view all (2013) Three-dimensional structure analysis and percolation properties of a barrier marine coating. Scientific Reports , 3 , Article 1177. 10.1038/srep01177. Green open access

Clark, JN; Beitra, L; Xiong, G; Higginbotham, A; Fritz, DM; Lemke, HT; Zhu, D; ... Robinson, IK; + view all (2013) Ultrafast three-dimensional imaging of lattice dynamics in individual gold nanocrystals. Science , 341 (6141) pp. 56-59. 10.1126/science.1236034. Green open access

Conduit, GJ; Pedder, CJ; Green, AG; (2013) Fluctuation-induced pair density wave in itinerant ferromagnets. Physical Review B , 87 (12) , Article 121112. 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.121112. Green open access

Cote, AS; Freeman, CL; Darkins, R; Duffy, DM; (2013) Structure and Orientation of MDBA Self-Assembled Monolayers and Their Interaction with Calcite: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 117 (14) 7148 - 7153. 10.1021/jp4006235. Green open access


Daraszewicz, SL; Duffy, DM; (2013) Hybrid continuum–atomistic modelling of swift heavy ion radiation damage in germanium. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms , 303 , Article C. 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.11.027. Green open access

Daraszewicz, SL; Giret, Y; Naruse, N; Murooka, Y; Yang, J; Duffy, DM; Shluger, AL; (2013) Structural dynamics of laser-irradiated gold nanofilms. Physical Review B , 88 (18) , Article 184101. 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.184101. Green open access

Darkins, R; Côté, AS; Duffy, DM; Freeman, CL; (2013) Crystallisation rates of calcite from an amorphous precursor in confinement. Journal of Crystal Growth , 367 110 - 114. 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.12.027. Green open access

Diemoz, PC; Endrizzi, M; Zapata, CE; Bravin, A; Speller, RD; Robinson, IK; Olivo, A; (2013) Improved sensitivity at synchrotrons using edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging. In: Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). (pp. C06002-0). IOP: UK. Green open access

Diemoz, PC; Endrizzi, M; Zapata, CE; Pesic, ZD; Rau, C; Bravin, A; Robinson, IK; (2013) X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging with Nanoradian Angular Resolution. Physical review letters , 110 (13) , Article 138105. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.138105. Green open access


Giret, Y; Naruse, N; Daraszewicz, SL; Murooka, Y; Yang, J; Duffy, DM; Shluger, AL; (2013) Determination of transient atomic structure of laser-excited materials from time-resolved diffraction data. Applied Physics Letters , 103 (25) , Article 253107. 10.1063/1.4847695. Green open access

Green, AG; (2013) An introduction to gauge-gravity duality and its application in condensed matter. Contemporary Physics , 54 (1) 33 - 48. 10.1080/00107514.2013.779477. Green open access


Hadjivasiliou, Z; Lane, N; Seymour, RM; Pomiankowski, A; (2013) Dynamics of mitochondrial inheritance in the evolution of binary mating types and two sexes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 280 (1769) , Article 20131920. 10.1098/rspb.2013.1920. Green open access

Harder, R; Robinson, IK; (2013) Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Morphology and Strain in Nanomaterials. JOM , 65 (9) pp. 1202-1207. 10.1007/s11837-013-0682-4. Green open access

Huang, X; Yan, H; Nazaretski, E; Conley, R; Bouet, N; Zhou, J; Lauer, K; ... Chu, YS; + view all (2013) 11 nm hard X-ray focus from a large-aperture multilayer Laue lens. Scientific Reports , 3 , Article 3562. 10.1038/srep03562. Green open access


Iqbal, Z; Li, M; McKendry, R; Horton, M; Caruana, DJ; (2013) Investigation of Sickle-Cell Haemoglobin Polymerisation under Electrochemical Control. Chemphyschem , 14 (10) pp. 2143-2148. 10.1002/cphc.201300203. Green open access


Ndieyira, JW; Watari, M; McKendry, RA; (2013) Nanomechanics of Drug-target Interactions and Antibacterial Resistance Detection. Journal of Visualized Experiments (80) , Article e50719. 10.3791/50719. Green open access


O'Rourke, C; (2013) Dye Sensitised Solar Cells: A Computational Approach. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Oberg, JC; Calvo, MR; Delgado, F; Moro-Lagares, M; Serrate, D; Jacob, D; Fernández-Rossier, J; (2013) Control of single-spin magnetic anisotropy by exchange coupling. Nature Nanotechnology , 9 (1) pp. 64-68. 10.1038/nnano.2013.264. Green open access

Osley, EJ; Biris, CG; Thompson, PG; Jahromi, RRF; Warburton, PA; Panoiu, NC; (2013) Fano Resonance Resulting from a Tunable Interaction between Molecular Vibrational Modes and a Double Continuum of a Plasmonic Metamolecule. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , 110 (8) , Article ARTN 087402. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.087402. Green open access


Pedder, CJ; Krueger, F; Green, AG; (2013) Resummation of fluctuations near ferromagnetic quantum critical points. Physical Review B , 88 (16) , Article 165109. 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.165109. Green open access


Rakowska, PD; Jiang, H; Ray, S; Pyne, A; Lamarre, B; Carr, M; Judge, PJ; ... Ryadnov, MG; + view all (2013) Nanoscale imaging reveals laterally expanding antimicrobial pores in lipid bilayers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 110 (22) 8918 - 8923. 10.1073/pnas.1222824110. Green open access

Robinson, I; (2013) Nanoparticle Structure by Coherent X-ray Diffraction. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , 82 (2) , Article 021012. 10.7566/JPSJ.82.021012. Green open access


Schofield, SR; Studer, P; Hirjibehedin, CF; Curson, NJ; Aeppli, G; Bowler, DR; (2013) Quantum engineering at the silicon surface using dangling bonds. Nat Commun , 4 , Article 1649. 10.1038/ncomms2679. Green open access

Schumacher, FF; Sanchania, VA; Tolner, B; Wright, ZV; Ryan, CP; Smith, ME; Ward, JM; ... Baker, JR; + view all (2013) Homogeneous antibody fragment conjugation by disulfide bridging introduces 'spinostics'. [Magazine_article]. Scientific Reports , 3 , Article 1525. 10.1038/srep01525. Green open access

Shi, X; Clark, JN; Xiong, G; Huang, X; Harder, R; Robinson, IK; (2013) Mechanical breakdown of bent silicon nanowires imaged by coherent x-ray diffraction. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS , 15 , Article ARTN 123007. 10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/123007. Green open access

Stingl, C; Perry, RS; Maeno, Y; Gegenwart, P; (2013) Electronic nematicity and its relation to quantum criticality in Sr3Ru2O7 studied by thermal expansion. Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics , 250 (3) pp. 450-456. 10.1002/pssb.201200905. Green open access

Sun, D; Wu, W; Grigera, SA; Perry, RS; Mackenzie, AP; Julian, SR; (2013) Pressure study of nematicity and quantum criticality in Sr3Ru2O7 for an in- plane field. Physical Review B , 88 (23) , Article 235129. 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.235129. Green open access


Thomson, SJ; Krueger, F; Green, AG; (2013) Helical glasses near ferromagnetic quantum criticality. Physical Review B , 87 (22) , Article 224203. 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.224203. Green open access

Tong, L; (2013) Non-Adiabatic Molecular Dynamics And Its Applications In Electron Transport In Nanostructures. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Wang, H; Fenton, JC; Chiatti, O; Warburton, PA; (2013) Model-independent quantitative measurement of nanomechanical oscillator vibrations using electron-microscope linescans. Review of Scientific Instruments , 84 (7) , Article 075002 . 10.1063/1.4811740. Green open access

Warner, B; Oberg, JC; Gill, TG; El Hallak, F; Hirjibehedin, CF; Serri, M; Heutz, S; ... Rosa, P; + view all (2013) Temperature- and Light-Induced Spin Crossover Observed by X-ray Spectroscopy on Isolated Fe(II) Complexes on Gold. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 4 (9) 1546 - 1552. 10.1021/jz4005619. Green open access

Webster, CH; Fenton, JC; Hongisto, TT; Giblin, SP; Zorin, AB; Warburton, PA; (2013) NbSi nanowire quantum phase-slip circuits: dc supercurrent blockade, microwave measurements, and thermal analysis. Physical Review B , 87 (14) , Article 144510. 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.144510. Green open access

Wilson, K; Lewalle, A; Fritzsche, M; Thorogate, R; Duke, T; Charras, G; (2013) Mechanisms of leading edge protrusion in interstitial migration. Nat Commun , 4 , Article 2896. 10.1038/ncomms3896. Green open access


Zarkadoula, E; Daraszewicz, SL; Duffy, DM; Seaton, MA; Todorov, IT; Nordlund, K; Dove, MT; (2013) The nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 25 (12) , Article 125402. 10.1088/0953-8984/25/12/125402. Green open access

Zhang, F; Peterson, I; Vila-Comamala, J; Diaz, A; Berenguer, F; Bean, R; Chen, B; ... Rodenburg, JM; + view all (2013) Translation position determination in ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging. Optics Express , 21 (11) 13592 -13606. 10.1364/OE.21.013592. Green open access

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