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Backman, J.; Moran, K.; McInroy, D.; Brinkhuis, H.; Clemens, S.; Cronin, T.; Dickens, G.R.; ... Yamamoto, M.; + view all (2006) Sites M0001-M0004. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program , 302 10.2204/iodp.proc.302.104.2006. Green open access

Bailey, I.; (2006) A high-resolution record of mid-Holocene climate change from Diss Mere, UK. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Benson, P; Schubnel, A; Vinciguerra, S; Trovato, C; Meredith, P; Young, RP; (2006) Modeling the permeability evolution of microcracked rocks from elastic wave velocity inversion at elevated isostatic pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth , 111 (B4) 10.1029/2005JB003710. Green open access

Benson, PM; Meredith, PG; Schubnel, A; (2006) Role of void space geometry in permeability evolution in crustal rocks at elevated pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth , 111 (B12) , Article B12203. 10.1029/2006JB004309. Green open access

Berggren, WA; Pearson, PN; Huber, B; Wade, BS; (2006) Taxonomy, Biostratigraphy and Phylogeny of Eocene Acarinina. In: Pearson, PN and Olsson, RK and Huber, BT and Hemleben, C and Berggren, WA, (eds.) Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. (pp. 257-326). Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Green open access

Bishop, L.J.; (2006) Quantitative studies of volcanic processes on Mars using data from the Mars Global Surveyor. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Brand, HEA; Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Alfredsson, M; Vocadlo, L; (2006) High pressure properties of planetary sulphate hydrates determined from interatomic potential calculations. In: (pp. 1310-). Lunar and Planetary Institue: Houston, US. Green open access

Bugiolacchi, R.; (2006) The Nubium and Imbrium regions on the Moon: a history of mare flows. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Conrad, CP; Lithgow-Bertelloni, C; (2006) Influence of continental roots and asthenosphere on plate-mantle coupling. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (5) , Article L05312. 10.1029/2005GL025621. Green open access


Foley, A.E.; (2006) The use and development of some groundwater tracing techniques for wellhead protection: Studies from the Corallian Limestone of Yorkshire. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Grindrod, PM; (2006) A sulfate-rich model of Titan's interior 1: implications for the composition of cryomagmas. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute: Houston, US. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Alfredsson, M; Smith, RI; (2006) The incompressibility and high-pressure behaviour of anhydrous MgSO₄. (ISIS Experimental Reports RB510036 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Brand, HEA; Chapon, L; (2006) Characterisation of the rotor phase of solid ND₃ - ammonia II. (ISIS Experimental Reports RB520271 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Brand, HEA; Vocadlo, L; Knight, KS; (2006) The thermal expansivity of mirabilite (Na₂SO₄·10D₂O). (ISIS Experimental Reports RB610128 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Smith, RI; (2006) The high pressure phase IV of epsomite (MgSO₄·7D₂O). (ISIS Experimental Reports RB620224 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Smith, RI; Brand, HEA; (2006) Thermal expansivity of sulfuric acid tetrahydrate. (ISIS Experimental Reports RB500086 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Vocadlo, L; Brand, HEA; Grindrod, PM; Joy, KH; Tucker, MG; (2006) The phase behaviour of epsomite (MgSO₄⋅7H₂O) to 50 kbar: planetary implications. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute: Houston, US. Green open access


Grindrod, Peter Martin; (2006) Corona-related volcanism on Venus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Grindrod, PM; Fortes, AD; (2006) A sulfate-rich model of Titan's interior 2: implications for possible explosive cryovolcanism. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute: Houston, US. Green open access


Hawley, RL; Morris, EM; Cullen, R; Nixdorf, U; Shepherd, AP; Wingham, DJ; (2006) ASIRAS airborne radar resolves internal annual layers in the dry-snow zone of Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (4) , Article L04502. 10.1029/2005GL025147. Green open access

Hirose, K; Karato, S; Cormier, VF; Brodholt, JP; Yuen, DA; (2006) Unsolved problems in the lowermost mantle. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (12) , Article L12S01. 10.1029/2006GL025691. Green open access

Hunt, J.C.R.; Eames, I.; Westerweel, J.; (2006) Mechanics of inhomogeneous turbulence and interfacial layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 554 pp. 499-519. 10.1017/S002211200600944X. Green open access


Jakobsson, M.; Floden, T.; Backman, J.; Moran, K.; McInroy, D.; Brinkhuis, H.; Clemens, S.; ... Yamamoto, M.; + view all (2006) Expedition 302 geophysics: integrating past data with new results. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program , 302 10.2204/iodp.proc.302.102.2006. Green open access

Jones, S; Benson, P; Meredith, P; (2006) Pore fabric anisotropy: testing the equivalent pore concept using magnetic measurements on synthetic voids of known geometry. Geophysical Journal International , 166 (1) pp. 485-492. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03021.x. Green open access


Kender, S; Kaminski, MA; Jones, RW; (2006) Four new species of deep water agglutinated foraminifera from the Oligocene-Miocene of the Congo Fan (offshore Angola). MICROPALEONTOLOGY , 52 (5) 465 - 470. Green open access


Moore, T.C.; Backman, J.; Moran, K.; McInroy, D.; Brinkhuis, H.; Clemens, S.; Cronin, T.; ... Yamamoto, M.; + view all (2006) Sedimentation and subsidence history of the Lomonosov Ridge. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program , 302 10.2204/iodp.proc.302.105.2006. Green open access


Ostanin, S; Alfe, D; Dobson, D; Vocadlo, L; Brodholt, JP; Price, GD; (2006) Ab initio study of the phase separation of argon in molten iron at high pressures. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (6) , Article L06303. 10.1029/2005GL024276. Green open access


Ravenscroft, P; Howarth, RJ; McArthur, JM; (2006) Comment on "Limited temporal variability of arsenic concentrations in 20 wells monitored for 3 years in Araihazar, Bangladesh". Environmental Science and Technology , 40 (5) pp. 1716-1717. 10.1021/es058017a. Green open access


Sarwar, M.; (2006) Computer simulation of the adsorption of chlorinated organics in zeolites. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Schubnel, A; Benson, PM; Thompson, BD; Hazzard, JF; Young, RP; (2006) Quantifying damage, saturation and anisotropy in cracked rocks by inverting elastic wave velocities. Pure and Applied Geophysics , 163 pp. 947-973. 10.1007/s00024-006-0061-y. Green open access

Scott, JBT; Nienow, P; Mair, D; Parry, V; Morris, E; Wingham, DJ; (2006) Importance of seasonal and annual layers in controlling backscatter to radar altimeters across the percolation zone of an ice sheet. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (24) , Article L24502. 10.1029/2006GL027974. Green open access

Stackhouse, S; Brodholt, JP; Dobson, DP; Price, GD; (2006) Electronic spin transitions and the seismic properties of ferrous iron-bearing MgSiO3 post-perovskite. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (12) , Article L12S03. 10.1029/2005GL025589. Green open access

Stackhouse, S; Brodholt, JP; Price, GD; (2006) Elastic anisotropy of FeSiO3 end-members of the perovskite and post-perovskite phases. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (1) , Article L01304. 10.1029/2005GL023887. Green open access


Vermeesch, P; (2006) Tectonic discrimination diagrams revisited. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 7 , Article Q06017. 10.1029/2005GC001092. Green open access

Vinciguerra, S; Trovato, C; Meredith, PG; Benson, PM; Troise, C; De Natale, G; (2006) Understanding the seismic velocity structure of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): From the laboratory to the field scale. Pure and Applied Geophysics , 163 pp. 2205-2221. 10.1007/s00024-006-0118-y. Green open access


Washington, R; Todd, MC; Lizcano, G; Tegen, I; Flamant, C; Koren, I; Ginoux, P; ... J, M; + view all (2006) Links between topography, wind, deflation, lakes and dust: The case of the Bodélé Depression, Chad. Geophysical Research Letters , 33 (9) , Article L09401. 10.1029/2006GL025827. Green open access

Watson, S.J.; (2006) Solute transport and hydrodynamic characteristics in the Chalk aquifer at Tilmanstone, Kent. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

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