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Number of items: 56.


Allen, MP; Germano, G; (2006) Expressions for forces and torques in molecular simulations using rigid bodies. Molecular Physics , 104 (20-21) pp. 3225-3235. 10.1080/00268970601075238. Green open access

Aste, T; (2006) Volume fluctuations and geometrical constraints in granular packs. Physical Review Letters , 96 (1) , Article 018002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.018002. Green open access

Attfield, SJ; Adams, A; Blandford, A; (2006) Patient information needs: pre- and post-consultation. Health Informatics J , 12 (2) pp. 165-177. 10.1177/1460458206063811. Green open access

Austin, T; Gibson, AP; Branco, G; Yusof, RM; Arridge, SR; Meek, JH; Wyatt, JS; ... Hebden, JC; + view all (2006) Three dimensional optical imaging of blood volume and oxygenation in the neonatal brain. Neuroimage , 31 (4) 1426 - 1433. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.02.038. Green open access


Back, J; Cheng, WL; Dann, R; Curzon, P; Blandford, A; (2006) Does being motivated to avoid procedural errors influence their systematicity? In: Bryan-Kinns, N and Blandford, A and Curzon, P and Nigay, L, (eds.) (pp. pp. 151-157). Springer-Verlag: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany. Green open access

Bahsoon, R.K.; (2006) Evaluating architectural stability with real options theory. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Barratt, DC; Penney, GP; Chan, CSK; Slomczykowski, M; Carter, TJ; Edwards, PJ; Hawkes, DJ; (2006) Self-calibrating 3D-ultrasound-based bone registration for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery. IEEE T MED IMAGING , 25 (3) 312 - 323. 10.1109/TMI.2005.862736. Green open access

Bentley, K.; (2006) Adaptive behaviour through morphological plasticity in natural and artificial systems. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Blandford, A; (2006) Interacting with information resources: designing libraries for learning. International Journal of Learning Technologies , 2 (2-3) 185 - 202. Green open access

Blandford, A; (2006) Interacting with information resources: digital libraries for education. International Journal of Learning Technology , 2 , Article 2/3. 10.1504/IJLT.2006.010617. Green open access

Blandford, A; Furniss, D; (2006) DiCoT: A methodology for applying Distributed Cognition to the design of teamworking systems. In: Gilroy, SW and Harrison, MD, (eds.) INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, SPECIFICATION, AND VERIFICATION. (pp. 26 - 38). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Green open access

Blandford, A; Keith, S; Fields, B; (2006) Claims analysis "in the wild": A case study on digital library development. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION , 21 (2) pp. 197-218. 10.1207/s15327590ijhc2102_5. Green open access

Bochardt, O; Uhlmann, JK; Calhoun, R; Julier, SJ; (2006) Generalized information representation and compression using covariance union. In: Green open access

Bonhard, P; Harries, C; McCarthy, J; Sasse, MA; (2006) Accounting for Taste: Using profile similarity to improve recommender systems. In: Grinter, R and Rodden, T and Aoki, P and Cutrell, E and Jeffries, R and Olson, G, (eds.) CHI '06: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. pp. 1057-1066). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Buchanan, G; Gow, J; Blandford, A; Rimmer, J; Warwick, C; (2006) Representing aggregate works in the digital library. In: Gonzalo, J and Thanos, C and Verdejo, MF and Carrasco, RC, (eds.) Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. (pp. 532 - 535). Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Germany. Green open access

Bull, L.; (2006) Point based graphics rendering with unified scalability solutions. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Cemgil, AT; Kappen, HJ; Barber, D; (2006) A generative model for music transcription. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing , 14 (2) pp. 679-694. 10.1109/TSA.2005.852985. Green open access

Cercignani, M; Alexander, DC; (2006) Optimal acquisition schemes for in vivo quantitative magnetization transfer MRI. MAGN RESON MED , 56 (4) 803 - 810. 10.1002/mrm.21003. Green open access

Cernicharo, J; Goicoechea, JR; Daniel, F; Lerate, MR; Barlow, MJ; Swinyard, BM; van Dishoeck, EF; ... Yates, J; + view all (2006) The water vapor abundance in Orion KL outflows. The Astrophysical Journal Letters , 649 (1) L33-L36. 10.1086/508259. Green open access

Chadwick, D; Sasse, A; (2006) The virtuous circle of expressing authorization policies. In: Proceedings of the ISWC'06 Workshop on Semantic Web Policy (SWPW'06). CEUR-WS.org: Athens, Georgia, USA. Green open access

Coffin, DJ; Clack, CD; (2006) gLINC: Identifying composability using group perturbation. In: Keijzer, M, (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. (pp. pp. 1133-1140). ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: Seattle, WA, USA. Green open access

Cook, P.A.; (2006) Modelling uncertainty in brain fibre orientation from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Dingwall-Smith, A.R.; (2006) Run-time monitoring of goal-oriented requirements specification. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Egyed, A; Wile, DS; (2006) Support for managing design-time decisions. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) , 32 (5) pp. 299-314. 10.1109/TSE.2006.48. Green open access


Flechais, I; Riegelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; (2006) Divide and conquer: The role of trust and assurance in the design of socio-technical systems. In: Foley, S, (ed.) NSPW '05: Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on New security paradigms. (pp. pp. 33-41). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Fleck, R; Fitzpatrick, G; (2006) Supporting collaborative reflection with passive image capture. Presented at: COOP '06: 7th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, Carry-le-Rouet, France. Green open access

Furniss, D; Dix, A; Ponsard, C; Zhang, GQ; (2006) Outdated ideas of the design process and the future of formal models, methods and notations. In: (pp. 265-). Green open access

Furniss, D; Blandford, A; (2006) Understanding emergency medical dispatch in terms of distributed cognition: a case study. ERGONOMICS , 49 (12-13) 1174 - 1203. 10.1080/00140130600612663. Green open access


Germano, G; Engel, M; Scalas, E; (2006) City@home: Monte Carlo derivative pricing distributed on networked computers. Proceedings of Science , 26 , Article 011. Green open access

Goicoechea, JR; Cernicharo, J; Lerate, MR; Daniel, F; Barlow, MJ; Swinyard, BM; Lim, TL; ... Yates, J; + view all (2006) Far-infrared excited hydroxyl lines from Orion KL outflows. Astrophysical Journal , 641 (1) L49-L52. 10.1086/503799. Green open access


Jin, B; Zheng, Y; (2006) A meshless method for some inverse problems associated with the Helmholtz equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 195 (19-22) pp. 2270-2288. 10.1016/j.cma.2005.05.013. Green open access


Kankanhalli, MS; Wang, J; Jain, R; (2006) Experiential sampling in multimedia systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , 8 (5) pp. 937-946. 10.1109/TMM.2006.879876. Green open access

Kankanhalli, MS; Wang, J; Jain, R; (2006) Experiential sampling on multiple data streams. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , 8 (5) pp. 947-955. 10.1109/TMM.2006.879875. Green open access

Knoche, HO; McCarthy, JD; Sasse, MA; (2006) Reading the Fine Print: the Effect of Text Legibility on Perceived Video Quality in Mobile TV. In: Nahrstedt, Klara and Turk, Matthew, (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '06. (pp. pp. 727-730). ACM: USA: New York. Green open access

Knoche, HO; Sasse, MA; (2006) Breaking the News on Mobile TV: User requirements of a popular mobile content. In: Creutzburg, R and Takala, JH and Chen, CW, (eds.) Proceedings of SPIE. SPIE Green open access

Kumaran, D; Maguire, EA; (2006) An unexpected sequence of events: mismatch detection in the human hippocampus. PLoS Biology , 4 (12) , Article e424. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0040424. Green open access


Laqua, S; Pate, G; Sasse, MA; (2006) Personalised Focus-Metaphor Interfaces: An Eye Tracking Study on User Confusion. In: Heinecke, AM and Paul, H, (eds.) Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2006: Mensch und Computer im Strukturwandel. (pp. pp. 175-184). Oldenbourg Verlag: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Lerate, MR; Barlow, MJ; Swinyard, BM; Goicoechea, JR; Cernicharo, J; Grundy, TW; Lim, TL; ... Yates, J; + view all (2006) A far-infrared molecular and atomic line survey of the Orion KL region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 370 (2) pp. 597-628. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10518.x. Green open access

Lise, S; Walker-Taylor, A; Jones, DT; (2006) Docking protein domains in contact space. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 7 , Article 310. 10.1186/1471-2105-7-310. Green open access


Makri, S; Blandford, A; Cox, AL; (2006) Studying Lawyers’ Information Seeking Behaviour to Inform the Design of Digital Law Libraries. In: Green open access

Makri, S; Blandford, A; Cox, AL; (2006) A Study of Legal Information Seeking Behaviour to Inform the Design of Electronic Legal Research Tools. In: Blandford, A and Gow, J, (eds.) UCL Interaction Centre: UCL, London. Green open access


Pagtzis, T.; (2006) Advanced IPV6 mobility management for next generation wireless access networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Patriarca, M; Chakraborti, A; Germano, G; (2006) Influence of saving propensity on the power-law tall of the wealth distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications , 369 (2) pp. 723-736. 10.1016/j.physa.2006.01.091. Green open access


Raiciu, C; Rosenblum, DS; Handley, M; (2006) Revisiting content-based publish/subscribe. In: Green open access

Riegelsberger, J; Sasse, MA; McCarthy, JD; (2006) Rich Media, Poor Judgement? A Study of Media Effects on Users’ Trust in Expertise. In: McEwan, T and Gulliksen, J and Benyon, D, (eds.) People and Computers XIX - The Bigger Picture. (pp. 267 - 284). Springer: UK, London. Green open access

Roussou, M; Oliver, M; Slater, M; (2006) The virtual playground: An educational virtual reality environment for evaluating interactivity and conceptual learning. Virtual Reality , 10 (3-4) pp. 227-240. 10.1007/s10055-006-0035-5. Green open access


Sasse, MA; Knoche, H; (2006) Quality in Context - an ecological approach to assessing QoS for mobile TV. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ISCA/DEGA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems 2006. (pp. pp. 11-20). ISCA: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Sharp, H; Robinson, H; Segal, J; Furniss, D; (2006) The Role of Story Cards and the Wall in XP teams: a distributed cognition perspective. In: Chao, J and Cohn, M and Maurer, F and Sharp, H and Shore, J, (eds.) AGILE 2006, Proceedings. (pp. 65 - 75). IEEE Green open access

Slater, M; Antley, A; Davison, A; Swapp, D; Guger, C; Barker, C; Pistrang, N; (2006) A Virtual Reprise of the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiments. PLOS ONE , 1 (1) , Article e39. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000039. Green open access

Stillings, C; Steinhart, M; Zimmermann, S; Schaper, AK; Brandl, B; Gösele, U; Weder, C; ... Wendorff, JH; + view all (2006) Discotic liquid crystals in cylindrical confinement: Supramolecular architecture of LC nanorods. In: 34. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle (34th Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals). Deutsche Flüssigkristall-Gesellschaft: Freiburg, Germany.


Tan, C.W.; (2006) Using machine learning for decoy discrimination in protein tertiary structure prediction. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Taylor, ZA; (2006) Patient specific models of cartilaginous tissues based on laser scanning confocal arthroscopy. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Vinayagamoorthy, V.; (2006) Participant responses to virtual agents in immersive virtual environments. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Weyrich, T; (2006) Acquisition of Human Faces using a Measurement-Based Skin Reflectance Model. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Yan, W; Clack, CD; (2006) Behavioural GP diversity for dynamic environments: An application in hedge fund investment. In: Keijzer, M, (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. (pp. 1817-+). ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: Seattle, WA, USA. Green open access


Zhou, S; (2006) Understanding the evolution dynamics of internet topology. Physical Review E , 74 (1) , Article 016124. 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.016124. Green open access

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