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Number of items: 41.


Badi, Sulafa; Wang, Lisha; Pryke, Stephen; (2017) Relationship marketing in Guanxi networks: A social network analysis study of Chinese construction small and medium-sized enterprises. Industrial Marketing Management , 60 pp. 204-218. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2016.03.014. Green open access

Badi, SM; Diamantidou, D; (2017) A social network perspective of building information modelling in Greek construction projects. Architectural Engineering and Design Management , 13 (6) pp. 406-422. 10.1080/17452007.2017.1307167. Green open access

Badi, SM; Razmdoost, K; Murtagh, N; (2017) When Service Ecosystems Collapse: Understanding the Demise of the UK Green Deal. In: Gummesson, E and Mele, C and Polese, F, (eds.) Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda. Naples Forum on Service: Sorrento, Italy. Green open access

Belur, J; Parikh, P; Daruwalla, N; Joshi, R; Fernandes, R; (2017) Perceptions of gender-based violence around public toilets in Mumbai slums. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice , 41 (1-2) pp. 63-78. 10.1080/01924036.2016.1240094. Green open access


Castro, A; Ansari, S; (2017) Readiness and Institutional Breakthroughs: A Study of the Fight Against Corruption in Brazil. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2017) ECOPSYCHOSOCIAL PARAMETERS AND MENTAL HEALTH: the complexities of the psychiatric ward. In: (Proceedings) 11th INTERNATIONAL SPACE SYNTAX SYMPOSIUM. Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal: Portugal. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2017) Inclusive Urban and Rural Communities: The Bartlett Faculty Of The Built Environment “Commitment” On the Call For Commitments Of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) On Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). Presented at: UCL QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2017, Institute of Child Health, UCL. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Tziraki, C; Buhalis, D; (2017) Architectural hybrids for living across the lifespan: lessons from dementia. The Service Industries Journal , 38 (1-2) pp. 4-26. 10.1080/02642069.2017.1365138. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; Tziraki, C; Buhalis, D; (2017) Co-creating integrated health-hospitality hybrids for across the lifespan. In: Proceedings: Cornell Symposium: Hospitality, Health & Design HHDS2016 In Search of a Healthy Future. (pp. pp. 15-24). Green open access

Cidik, M; Boyd, D; (2017) Redefining design in construction. ARCOM: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Coffman, DD; (2017) Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism, by Christine Desan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 512 pp. [Review]. British Numismatic Journal , 87 pp. 283-285. Green open access

Coffman, DD; (2017) Normal Narcissism in the Age of Trump (Review Article). [Review]. Psychoanalysis and history , 19 (3) pp. 407-413. 10.3366/pah.2017.0233. Green open access


Dawson, A; Pantelias, A; Davies, A; (2017) The Transition to Procuring Complex Performance in New Infrastructure Authorities: The Case of the California High-Speed Rail Authority. In: 2017 Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers. Transportation Research Board: Washington DC, USA.

Denicol, J; Davies, A; Brady, T; Thurston, M; (2017) Building and leveraging capabilities to deliver megaprojects: The case of CH2M. In: EPOC 2017. Engineering Project Organization Conference (EPOC) Green open access

Duryan, M; Smyth, H; (2017) Facilitating Knowledge Sharing Environment Within Bureaucracies by Cultivating Communities of Practice: a Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management:ECKM 2017. (pp. pp. 283-292). ACPI: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access


Fatah gen. Schieck, A; Chrysikou, E; (2017) Medical Architecture on the Social Valorisation of Psychiatric Patients: Employing Transdisciplinary Approaches between Architecture, Physical and Mental Well-being Disciplines. Presented at: "Architecture Connects", the aae 2017 conference: International peer reviewed conference of the association of architectural educators, Oxford, UK. Green open access


Jones, K; Stegemann, J; Mills, G; Winslow, P; Martin, B; (2017) Construction innovation: theory & practice. In: IABSE Conference 2017: Creativity and Collaboration. (pp. pp. 329-330). IABSE: Zurich, Switzerland. Green open access


Ma, L; Sacks, R; Uri, K; (2017) Building Model Object Classification for Semantic Enrichment Using Geometric Features and Pairwise Spatial Relationships. In: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3) 2017. (pp. pp. 373-380). LC3: Heraklion, Crete - Greece. Green open access

Marmot, A; (2017) Educational Innovation through Building Adaptation. Architectural Design , 87 (5) pp. 96-105. 10.1002/ad.2222. Green open access

Mi, Z-F; Wei, Y-M; He, C-Q; Li, H-N; Yuan, X-C; Liao, H; (2017) Regional efforts to mitigate climate change in China: a multi-criteria assessment approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , 22 (1) pp. 45-66. 10.1007/s11027-015-9660-1. Green open access

Morgan, B; (2017) Organizing for Digitization in Firms: a Multiple Level Perspective. In: ARCOM Thirty-Third Annual Conference 2017: September 4-6, Cambridge: Working Papers. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM): Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Morgan, B; (2017) Organizing for technology in practice: implementing Building Information Modeling in a design firm. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Morgan, B; Davies, A; (2017) Routine dynamics and digital technologies: Implementing building modeling software in a design firm. In: Proceedings of the 33rd EGOS Colloquium. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS): Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Mulholland, KM; (2017) The resilience of asset systems to the operational risk of obsolescence: using fuzzy logic to quantify risk profiles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Murtagh, NM; Gatersleben, B; Fife-Schaw, C; (2017) Householders as actors for urban resilience: What influences the intentions of English householders to take precautionary action against overheating? In: Proceedings of the IAPS 2017 Symposium. International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS): Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Green open access

Murtagh, NM; Gatersleben, B; Fife-Schaw, C; (2017) Resilience to overheating in homes in southern England: Householders' awareness and preparedness. In: Gorse, C, (ed.) Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS): Conference Proceedings from the Third International Conference. Leeds Beckett University: Leeds, UK. Green open access


Ndoni, DH; (2017) Collaborative Relationships: Means to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer, Inter-organisational Learning and Innovation in PFI/PF2 Project-Based Environments. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London).

Ninan, J; Mahalingam, A; (2017) Stakeholder Management Strategies in Infrastructure Megaprojects – A Dimensions of Power Perspective. In: Proceedings of the Engineering Project Organization Conference. Engineering Project Organization Society (EPOS) 2017: Stanford,California, USA. Green open access


Oliveira, TC; Barrenho, E; Vernet, A; Autio, E; Barlow, J; (2017) Developing a Global Healthcare Innovation Index. PIRU: Policy Innovation Research Unit: London, UK. Green open access


Paranagamage, P; Chrysikou, E; (2017) Critique of Built Environment practices in care and extra care settings for people across the ageing lifespan. In: Young, M, (ed.) AMPS Proceedings Series 9. Living and Sustainability: An Environmental Critique of Design and Building Practices, Locally and Globally. (pp. pp. 507-514). AMPS Publication Series: London, UK. Green open access

Pryke, S; Badi, SM; Bygballe, L; (2017) Editorial for the special issue on social networks in construction. [Editorial comment]. Construction Management and Economics , 35 (8-9) pp. 445-454. 10.1080/01446193.2017.1341052. Green open access


Rickaby, M; Glass, J; Mills, G; McCarthy, S; (2017) Exploring alignment of personal values in a complex, multi-organisation construction project environment. In: Chan, PW and Neilson, CJ, (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference 2017. (pp. pp. 94-103). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Green open access


Scarso Borioli, G; (2017) The Minimum Viable Organization Model: a grounded model of planned transformation to a Lean Production System. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Sergeeva, N; (2017) Innovation and storytelling. In: (Proceedings) The XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference. ISPIM: Vienna. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; (2017) Labeling Projects as Innovative: A Social Identity Theory. Project Management Journal , 48 (1) pp. 51-64.

Sharif, S; Kamaruzzaman, SN; Pitt, M; (2017) Implementation Framework of Green Building for Government Building: Menara Kerja Raya, Malaysia. Journal of Design and Built Environment , 17 (2) pp. 27-36. Green open access

Song, EY; (2017) Downfall of Jell-O salad: Boundary spanning and a shift in taste. In: Proceedings of 12th Organization Studies Workshop: Food Organizing Matters: Paradoxes, Problems and Potentialities. Organization Studies: Khania, Greece. (In press). Green open access


Tunçer, AC; (2017) Conditionality, fiscal rules and international financial control in the European periphery before 1914. In: Cardinale, I and Coffman, DD and Scazzieri, R, (eds.) The political economy of the Eurozone: Structural heuristics and policy analysis. (pp. 96-128). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Wei, S; Hassan, TM; Firth, SK; Fouchal, F; (2017) Impact of occupant behaviour on the energy-saving potential of retrofit measures for a public building in the UK. Intelligent Buildings International , 9 (2) pp. 97-106. 10.1080/17508975.2016.1139538. Green open access


Yuan, X-C; Wei, Y-M; Mi, Z; Sun, X; Zhao, W; Wang, B; (2017) Forecasting China's regional energy demand by 2030: A Bayesian approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling , 127 pp. 85-95. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.08.016. Green open access


Zerjav, V; (2017) Technology, Business, or Resource? Towards an Architecture of Value Creation in Infrastructure Projects. (15th Engineering Project Organization Conference with 5th International Megaprojects Workshop ). Engineering Project Organization Society: Lake Tahoe, California. Green open access

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