Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 26.
Fournier, C;
Wirz-Justice, A;
Light, Health and Wellbeing: Implications from chronobiology for architectural design.
World Health Design: Architecture, Culture, Technology
, 3
44 - 49.
Giamarelos, S;
Το στοίχημα του Κέντρου Αρχιτεκτονικής Μεσογείου: The bet of the Center for Mediterranean Architecture.
, 80
(Period B)
pp. 25-26.
Giamarelos, S;
Young Greek Architects of Europan 10: An Interview with Point Supreme Architects and Alexandros Gerousis [Βράβευση ομάδας νέων αρχιτεκτόνων στο Europan 10: Συνέντευξη των Point Supreme Architects και του Αλέξανδρου Γερούση στον Στέλιο Γιαμαρέλο].
Αρχιτέκτονες: Journal of the Association of Greek Architects
, 79
(Peroid B)
pp. 33-34.
Griffiths, S;
Jones, CE;
Vaughan, L;
Haklay, M;
The persistence of suburban centres in Greater London: combining Conzenian and space syntax approaches.
Urban Morphology
, 14
85 - 99.
Hillier, WRG;
What do we need to add to a social network to get a society ? answer: something like what we have to add to a spatial network to get a city.
Journal of Space Syntax
, 1
Hillier, WRG;
Turner, A;
Yang, T;
Park, H;
Metric and topo-geometric properties of urban street networks: some convergencies, divergencies and new results.
Journal of Space Syntax
, 1
The Ghost of Conceived Space – What Kind of Work Does or Should Space Syntax Perform for Architecture.
The Journal of Space Syntax
, 1
pp. 17-29.
Sailer, K;
Budgen, A;
Lonsdale, N;
Turner, A;
Penn, A;
Pre and Post Occupancy Evaluations in Workplace Environments.
The Journal of Space Syntax
, 1
199 - 213.
Thom, C;
Fine veneers, army boots and tinfoil: New light on Marc Isambard Brunel's activities in Battersea.
Construction History
, 25
pp. 53-67.
Vaughan, L;
Jones, CE;
Griffiths, S;
Haklay, M;
The spatial signature of suburban town centres.
The Journal of Space Syntax
, 1
77 - 91.
Book chapter
Massidda, AL;
d'Angiolillo, J;
Dimenstein, M;
di Peco, M;
Scarfi, JP;
Torroja, P;
Guérin, AI;
Feria La Salada: una centralidad periférica intermitente en el Gran Buenos Aires.
Argentina: persistencia y diversificación, contrastes e imaginarios en las centralidades urbanas.
(pp. 169-206).
Olacchi-Flacso Ecuador: Quito, Ecuador.
Proceedings paper
Intelligent design: going back to Darwin for a better computational model of creation.
(Proceedings) Workshop on Design Creativity, Fourth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition.
Hanna, S;
Hesselgren, L;
Gonzalez, V;
Vargas, I;
Beyond simulation: designing for uncertainty and robust solutions.
Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim '10).
ACM Press: New York, US.
Leung, C;
Gage, S;
Croxford, B;
Passive autonomic computing with 'heat-motors' and their compounds.
Proceedings of the PhD Symposium 2010.
Center for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA), Royal Danish Academy: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference item
Hanna, S;
Simulation and the search for stability in design.
Presented at: Design Computing and Cognition '10: Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Complexity Science in Design, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.
Sailer, K;
Penn, A;
Towards an Architectural Theory of Space and Organisations: Cognitive, Affective and Conative Relations in Workplaces.
Presented at: 2nd Workshop on Architecture and Social Architecture, EIASM, Brussels, Belgium.
Vaughan, L;
Haklay, M;
Griffiths, S;
Jones, CE;
The Shape of Belonging in the Outer London Suburbs: Beyond the Discourse of Alienation.
Presented at: PLiC: Public Life in the In-Between-City, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Wheatley, D;
Nichols, C;
Sailer, K;
Practising design research skills while undertaking a PhD.
Presented at: CONNECTED 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Design Education, Sydney.
Chamoun, C.;
Neorealist director-architect critically observing the obvious.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Lai, S.-Y.;
The making of the city image: architecture and the representations of the New Shanghai in China's Reform Era.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Litchfield, R.L.;
(Re)Imagining Los Angeles:
five psychotopographies in the fiction of Steve Erickson.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Nakagawa, M.;
The production of multi-layered space in Japanese spatial representations between 2D and 3D.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Perry, VJ;
Slavery, sugar and the sublime.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Sailer, K;
The Space-Organisation Relationship. On the Shape of the Relationship between Spatial Configuration and Collective Organisational Behaviours.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), TU Dresden, Germany.
Sprake, J.A.;
Learning-through-Touring: a new design methodology for situated learning derived through touring the built environment.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Varsamis, S.;
Spatial palindromes/palindromic spaces: spatial devices in Vitruvius, Mallarmé, Polieri, Perec and Libeskind.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).