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Number of items: 29.


Beckhurst, Gabriella; (2022) Leave No Trace: Incongruous Environmental Affiliations in American Art after 1970. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Da Fonseca, Anais; (2022) Paintings, Painters, and Patrons Institutional Interventions in the Lives of Cheriyal Paintings. Asian Ethnology , 81 (1-2) pp. 125-148. Green open access


Field-Donovan, Freya; (2022) A Strange American Funeral: Dance and Technological Reproduction in 1940s USA. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Ghigo, Tea; Bone, Daniel; Howell, David; Domoney, Kelly; Gironda, Michele; Beeby, Andy; (2022) Material Characterisation of William Burges’ Great Bookcase within the Disruption of a Global Pandemic. Studies in Conservation 10.1080/00393630.2022.2153463. (In press). Green open access

Gnisci, Jacopo; Lusini, Gianfrancesco; Villa, Massimo; Bottari, Gioia; (2022) Savona, Archivio Storico Diocesano: Atti dei martiri. Catalogo Nazionale dei Manoscritti Etiopici in Italia , 3 Green open access

Gnisci, Jacopo; Villa, Massimo; (2022) Evidence for the History of Early Solomonic Ethiopia from Tämben: Part II: Yoḥanni Däbrä ʿAśa. Rassegna di Studi Etiopici , 6 (53) pp. 97-119. Green open access

Green, Michael John; (2022) Thinking Back: Artistic Returns to H.D. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Gupta, Vivek; (2022) Arabic in Hindustan: Comparative Poetics in the Eighteenth Century and Azad Bilgrami’s The Coral Rosary. Journal of South Asian Intellectual History , 4 (2) pp. 181-222. 10.1163/25425552-12340034. Green open access


Hayes, Rosalind Catherine; (2022) ‘Look To Your Eating’: Animals, Meat and Visual Culture in Britain, c. 1880-1910. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Hölling, Hanna B; (2022) Post-Preservation: Paik's Virtual Archive, Potentially. NJP Reader , 11 pp. 2-18. Green open access

Holling, Hanna Barbara; (2022) Exhausting Conservation: Object, Event, Performance in Franz Erhard Walther’s Werkstücke. In: Holling, Hanna Barbara, (ed.) Object—Event—Performance: Art, Materiality and Continuity since the 1960s. (pp. 62-84). Bard Graduate Center: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Hölling, Hanna Barbara; (2022) Introduction: Object—Event—Performance. In: Hölling, Hanna Barbara, (ed.) Object—Event—Performance: Art, Materiality and Continuity since the 1960s. (pp. 1-39). Bard Graduate Center: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Holling, Hanna Barbara; Hedinger, Johannes M; (2022) The Propensity to Openness: Bloch as Object, Event, Performance—Hanna B. Hölling in Conversation with Johannes M. Hedinger. In: Holling, Hanna B, (ed.) Object—Event—Performance: Art, Materiality and Continuity since the 1960s. (pp. 261-283). Bard Graduate Center: New York, NY, USA. Green open access


Ingrams, Catherine; (2022) Resisting Forms: Forms of Resistance: Avant-garde Practice in Italy 1947 - 1958. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Kwartler, Talia; (2022) Suzanne Duchamp Does More Intelligent Things Than Paint. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Lawson, L; Marcal, H; (2022) Method for assessing conservation documentation for complex performance artworks. [Scholarly edition]. Tate Research: London, UK.


Marça, H; (2022) Ecologies of memory in the conservation of Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain, in: Reshaping the Collectible: Tony Conrad, Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain, Tate Research Publication. [Scholarly edition]. Tate Green open access

Marcal, H; Lawson, L; Ribeiro, A; (2022) Experimenting with transmission. [Scholarly edition]. Tate Research: London, UK.

Marçal, H; Salazar, D; (2022) ‘Political-Timing-Specific’ Performance Art in the Realm of the Museum. In: Baldacci, Cristina and Nicastro, Clio and Sforzini, Arianna, (eds.) Cultural Inquiry. (pp. 239-254). ICI Berlin Press: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Marçal, Hélia; (2022) A Word About Performance Art. In: Engel, Deena and Philips, Joanna, (eds.) Conservation of Time-Based Media Art. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Marçal, Hélia; Fekrsanati, Farideh; (2022) Affirming change in participatory practice of cultural conservation. In: Rausch, Christoph and Benschop, Ruth and Sitzia, Emilie and van Saaze, Vivian, (eds.) Participatory Practices in Art and Cultural Heritage - Learning Through and from Collaboration. (pp. 127-141). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Mills, Robert; (2022) Elliott, Dyan. The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. viii+378 pp. $45.00 (cloth). [Review]. The Journal of Religion , 102 (3) pp. 421-423. 10.1086/719734. Green open access

Mladentseva, A; (2022) Responding to obsolescence in Flash-based net art: a case study on migrating Sinae Kim’s Genesis. Journal of the Institute of Conservation , 45 (1) pp. 52-68. 10.1080/19455224.2021.2007412. Green open access


Paskins, Jacob; (2022) Reconstructing and Teaching Medieval Paris in the Digital Age. Architectural Histories , 10 (1) pp. 10-15. 10.16995/ah.8756. Green open access


Robbins, Nicholas; (2022) Review of Winslow Homer: Crosscurrents. The Burlington Magazine , 164 (1434) pp. 919-922. Green open access


Schreiber, Kimberly; (2022) Still Lives in Changing Times: Documentary and the American Carceral State, 1964-1980. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Stinton, Cecilia Violet; (2022) Opera as Multimedia: The Experiments of Wassily Kandinsky, Natalia Goncharova and Kurt Schwitters, 1908-1924. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Taylor, Joel; Marcal, Helia; (2022) Conservation in the performative turn. Studies in Conservation , 67 (Sup 1) pp. 260-266. 10.1080/00393630.2022.2067717. Green open access

Thomas, Sarah; Eaton, Natasha; (2022) Swollen detail, or what a vessel might give: Agostino Brunias and the visual and material culture of colonial Dominica. Atlantic Studies , 19 (1) pp. 60-85. 10.1080/14788810.2021.1930773. Green open access

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