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Number of items: 46.


Castriota, Brian; (2021) Object trouble: constructing and performing artwork identity in the museum. ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History , 2021 (1) pp. 12-22. Green open access


Doucet, Emily; Hunter, Matthew C; Robbins, Nicholas; (2021) Editors' Introduction: The Aerial Image. Grey Room , 83 pp. 6-23. 10.1162/grey_a_00318. Green open access

Dumitriu, Anna; May, Alex; Velios, Athanasios; Sakki, Zoi; Korakidou, Veroniki; Marçal, Hélia; Panagiaris, Georgios; (2021) Unruly objects: NFTs, blockchain technologies and bio-conservation. Technoetic Arts , 19 (3) pp. 383-397. 10.1386/tear_00076_1. Green open access


Floyd, E; (2021) The word as object in colonial Spanish South America: Juan María de Guevara y Cantos’s corona de la divinissima María (Lima, 1644). Material Religion: the journal of objects, art and belief , 17 (2) pp. 202-227. 10.1080/17432200.2021.1897281. Green open access

Floyd, E; (2021) Tras los pasos de un artista en blanco y negro: identidad y agencia en los grabadores limeños del siglo XVIII. Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture , 3 (3) pp. 106-114. 10.1525/lavc.2021.3.3.106. Green open access


Ghigo, Tea; (2021) Where science meets Victorian Art. Ashmolean Magazine , 82 pp. 40-42. Green open access

Gnisci, J; (2021) A Contextual Reading of Ethiopian Crosses through Form and Ritual. [Review]. Aethiopica: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Aethiopistik , 23 (2020) pp. 256-268. 10.15460/aethiopica.23.0.1457. Green open access

Gnisci, J; Bausi, A; (2021) Project Report: New UK-German Cooperative Project to look at Medieval Illuminated Ethiopic Manuscripts. (ICMA News 2021 (3) , pp. pp. 15-18 ). International Capital Market Association

Gujral, Diva; (2021) Picturing Non-Alignment: Photography, nation-building and identity in India, c. 1950-1975. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Gupta, Vivek; (2021) Images for Instruction: A Multilingual Illustrated Dictionary in Fifteenth-Century Sultanate India. Muqarnas Online , 38 (1) pp. 77-112. 10.1163/22118993-00381p04. Green open access

Gupta, Vivek; (2021) Remapping the World in a Fifteenth-Century Cosmography: Genres and Networks Between Deccan India and Iran. Iran , 59 (2) pp. 151-168. 10.1080/05786967.2021.1911755. Green open access

Gupta, Vivek; (2021) Shahzia Sikander: Unbound. [Solo exhibition]. Cambridge, UK. 15 October 2021 - 18 Feb 2022.

Gupta, Vivek; (2021) Splendour of the City, Nagarshobha: Textile Culture of Mughal Burhanpur. In: Ahluwalia, Roda, (ed.) Reflections on Mughal Art and Culture. (pp. 229-253). Niyogi Books: New Delhi, India.


Hölling, Hanna B; (2021) Matter Minding, or What the Work Wants: Aldo Tambellini’s Intermedia. Afterall , 52 pp. 106-119. 10.1086/719773. Green open access

Hölling, HB; (2021) Caring For Performance: Recent Debates. CeROArt : Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art , 12 10.4000/ceroart.8119. Green open access

Holling, HB; (2021) Unpacking the Score: Fluxus and the Material Legacy of Intermediality. On Curating: Fluxus Special Issue , 52 pp. 64-81. Green open access

Holling, HB; (2021) Über das Nichts, die Leere und die Langeweile. In: Krüsi, A, (ed.) Leere. (pp. 60-61). VGS St Gallen: St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Hölling, H; (2021) Assembling a Work of Art: An Annotated History of Fluxfilm No. 1. MAP – Media | Archive | Performance , 11 Green open access

Hölling, HB; (2021) Keeping Time: On Museum, Temporality and Heterotopia. ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History , SI (1) pp. 47-54. Green open access

Hölling, HB; (2021) Baumfänger: Auszüge aus der Eröfnungrede. In: Waldner, C, (ed.) Von Würzlen zu Wolken. (pp. 10-21). Kunsthaus Zofingen: Zofingen, Switzerland. Green open access


Khan, M; (2021) Notes On A (Dis)continuous Surface. [Magazine_article]. Stages , 9

Knapp, Ivan; (2021) Meme-work: Psychoanalysis and the alt-right. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Kumar, Aparna; (2021) Narrating South Asian Partition: Oral History, Literature, Cinema. By Anindya Raychaudhuri. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. ix, 223 pp. ISBN: 9780190249748 (cloth). [Review]. The Journal of Asian Studies , 80 (4) pp. 1114-1115. 10.1017/s0021911821001947. Green open access


Lawson, L; Finbow, A; Marcal, H; (2021) Documentation tool: Activation Report. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/document... Green open access

Lawson, L; Marçal, H; (2021) Documentation tool: Map of Interactions. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/document... Green open access

Lawson, L; Marcal, H; Finbow, A; Harvey, D; Ribeiro, A; (2021) ‘Strategy and Glossary of Terms for the Documentation and Conservation of Performance’, published as part of Documentation and Conservation of Performance (March 2016 – March 2021), a Time-based Media Conservation project at Tate. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/document... Green open access

Lawson, L; Marcal, H; Ribeiro, A; Harvey, D; Finbow, A; (2021) ‘Documentation Tool: Performance Specification’, in Documentation and Conservation of Performance (March 2016 – March 2021), a Time-based Media Conservation project at Tate. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/document...


Marcal, H; (2021) Becoming Difference: on the Ethics of Conserving the In-between. Studies in Conservation 10.1080/00393630.2021.1947074. (In press). Green open access

Marcal, H; (2021) Documentation tool: Material Histories. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.tate.org.uk/about-us/projects/document... Green open access

Marçal, H; (2021) Hélia Marçal reviews: Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage: Construction, Transformation and Destruction, edited by Veysel Apaydin, London, UCL Press, 2020, 336 pp., (paperback). ISBN 9781787354845. Journal of the Institute of Conservation , 44 (2) pp. 153-155. 10.1080/19455224.2021.1929579. Green open access

Marcal, H; (2021) Situated knowledges and materiality in the conservation of performance art. Art Matters: International Journal for Technical Art History Green open access

Marcal, H; Lawson, L; (2021) Unfolding interactions in the preservation of performance art at Tate. In: Proceedings of the 19th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference in Beijing. International Council of Museums: Beijing, China. Green open access

Marçal, H; Salazar, D; (2021) Performance after performance: on the material legacies and their possibilities for transmission. In: Baião, J, (ed.) Artists’ Legacies. Preservation, Study, Dissemination, Institutionalisation. (pp. pp. 219-229). Fundação Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva (FASVS): Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Marcal, H; (2021) Towards a relational ontology of conservation. In: Proceedings of the 19th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference in Beijing. International Council of Museums: Beijing, China. Green open access

Marcal, H; Castriota, B; (2021) Always already fragment: integrity, deferral, and possibility in the conservation of cultural heritage. In: Schädler-Saub, U and Weyer, A, (eds.) The Fragment in the Digital Age. Opportunities and risks of new conservation-restoration techniques. Schriften des Hornemann Instituts


Preuten, T; Marcal, H; (2021) Procedure for making iron gall ink. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/art-history/sites/art_histor... Green open access

Preuten, T; Marcal, H; (2021) Procedure for synthesising a red dye. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/art-history/sites/art_histor... Green open access


Robbins, N; (2021) Atmospheric Regulation in the Panorama. Grey Room , 83 pp. 56-81. 10.1162/grey_a_00320. Green open access

Robbins, N; (2021) John Constable, Luke Howard, and the Aesthetics of Climate. The Art Bulletin , 103 (2) pp. 50-76. 10.1080/00043079.2021.1847578. Green open access

Robbins, N; (2021) Rock-Bound: Fitz Henry Lane in 1862. Oxford Art Journal , 44 (1) pp. 105-123. 10.1093/oxartj/kcaa029. Green open access

Robbins, N; (2021) Ruskin, Whistler, and the climate of art in 1884. In: Freeman, K and Hughes, T, (eds.) Ruskin’s ecologies: figures of relation from Modern Painters to the Storm-Cloud. (pp. 203-223). Courtauld Books Online: London, UK. Green open access


Schwartz, S; (2021) David Levi Strauss: Photography and Belief Jörg Colberg: Photography’s Neoliberal Realism. Art Monthly , 443 pp. 35-36. Green open access

Schwartz, S; (2021) Street Photography Reframed. Arts , 10 (2) p. 29. 10.3390/arts10020029. Green open access

Stielau, A; (2021) Liquid Metaphors and the Politics of Melted Metal. West 86th , 28 (2) pp. 319-326. 10.1086/721215. Green open access


Taws, R; (2021) Death from Above in Minard's Napoleon Map. Grey Room , 83 pp. 82-111. 10.1162/grey_a_00321. Green open access

Taws, R; (2021) At the Musée des arts et métiers: Madame de Genlis’s Models. London Review of Books , 43 (6) Green open access

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