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Number of items: 5.


Ashwell, M; Cole, TJ; Dixon, AK; (1996) Ratio of waist circumference to height is strong predictor of intra-abdominal fat. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 313 (7056) pp. 559-560. Green open access


Buffolano, W; Gilbert, R; Holland, F; Fratta, D; Palumbo, F; Ades, AE; (1996) Risk factors for recent toxoplasma infection in pregnant women in Naples. Epidemiology and Infection , 116 (3) 347 - 351. 10.1017/S0950268800052675. Green open access


Hobbs, R; Cole, TJ; (1996) Deprivation payments revisited (again). BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 313 (7058) pp. 641-642. Green open access

Hyppönen, E; (1996) Absorption of calcium and effect on fat excretion in young French men. (Kalsiumin imeytyminen maitotuotteista ja vaikutus rasvan eritykseen nuorilla ranskalaisilla miehillä, in Finnish). Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Richards, A; Brain, C; Dillon, MJ; Bailey, CM; (1996) Craniometaphyseal and craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, head and neck manifestations and management. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (4) 328 - 338. 10.1017/S0022215100133560. Green open access

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