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Number of items: 25.


Ali, AB; (2007) Target Dependent Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity Among Hippocampal Interneurones. Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2007, San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access


Barber, N; Cornford, T; Klecun, E; (2007) Qualitative evaluation of an electronic prescribing and administration system. Qual Saf Health Care , 16 (4) 271 - 278. 10.1136/qshc.2006.019505. Green open access

Bowskill, R; Clatworthy, J; Parham, R; Rank, T; Horne, R; (2007) Patients' perceptions of information received about medication prescribed for bipolar disorder: Implications for informed choice. Journal of Affective Disorders , 100 (1-3) 253 - 257. 10.1016/j.jad.2006.10.018. Green open access

Brock, TP; Taylor, DG; Wuliji, T; (2007) Ending the global tobacco pandemic. ISBN: 978-0-902936-14-0. The School of Pharmacy: London. Green open access

CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED, R. Brown, J. Plumb, G. W. Aherne, E. Mcdonald, K. Jones, S. Hilton (2007) Preparation of 2-[3H]-thiazol-2-ylidine-methylpyridine and related compounds and their use as antitumor agents. Green open access


Clatworthy, J; Bowskill, R; Rank, T; Parham, R; Horne, R; (2007) Adherence to medication in bipolar disorder: a qualitative study exploring the role of patients' beliefs about the condition and its treatment. Bipolar Disord , 9 (6) 656 - 664. 10.1111/j.1399-5618.2007.00434.x. Green open access

Costa, FA; Duggan, C; Bates, I; (2007) A systematic approach to cross-cultural adaptation of survey tools. Pharmacy Practice , 5 (3) 115 - 124. Green open access


Davies, RJH; Malone, JF; Gan, Y; Cardin, CJ; Lee, MPH; Neidle, S; (2007) High-resolution crystal structure of the intramolecular d(TpA) thymine-adenine photoadduct and its mechanistic implications. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH , 35 (4) 1048 - 1053. 10.1093/nar/gkl1101. Green open access

Deadman, CM; Kellaway, IW; Yasin, M; Dickinson, PA; Murdan, S; (2007) An investigation into the influence of drug lipophilicity on the in vivo absorption profiles from subcutaneous microspheres and in situ forming depots. J Control Release , 122 (1) 79 - 85. 10.1016/j.jconrel.2007.06.013. Green open access


Fadda, Hala Muhammad; (2007) Probing physiological media composition and polymer- plasticizer interactions on dissolution of pH-responsive systems. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Franklin, BD; O'Grady, K; Donyai, P; Jacklin, A; Barber, N; (2007) The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and administration system on prescribing errors, administration errors and staff time: A before-and-after study. QUALITY & SAFETY IN HEALTH CARE , 16 (4) 279 - 284. 10.1136/qshc.2006.019497. Green open access


Hilton, ST; Jones, K; (2007) The tandem radical route to indole alkaloids: an unusual rearrangement reaction. Arkivoc , 2007 (XI) 120 - 128. Green open access

Hinsu, D; Murdan, S; (2007) Measurements of trans-onychial water loss (TOWL) using Aquaflux. In: (Proceedings) AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition. Green open access

Horne, R; Price, D; Cleland, J; Costa, R; Covey, D; Gruffydd-Jones, K; Haughney, J; ... Williams, S; + view all (2007) Can asthma control be improved by understanding the patient's perspective? BMC Pulm Med , 7 (8) 10.1186/1471-2466-7-8. Green open access


McConnell, E; Basit, AW; Murdan, S; (2007) The colon as a site for vaccination: preliminary studies in mice using a nanoparticle vaccine. Presented at: AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego. Green open access

McConnell, EL; Basit, AW; Murdan, S; (2007) Chitosan and crosslinked chitosan for colonic specific drug delivery. Presented at: AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA. Green open access

McConnell, EL; Basit, AW; Murdan, S; (2007) Quantification of lymphoid tissue in the rat and mouse gastrointestinal tract. Presented at: AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA. Green open access

Meng, W; Li, HY; Murdan, S; (2007) Evaluation of different setups for the measurement of drug penetration into the nail. Presented at: 8th Annual Meeting of Skin Forum. Green open access

Mercer, A; Trigg, HL; Thomson, AM; (2007) Characterization of neurons in the CA2 subfield of the adult rat hippocampus. J Neurosci , 27 (27) 7329 - 7338. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1829-07.2007. Green open access


Prieto-Garcia, JM; (2007) La regulacion global de los medicamentos herbarios. Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas , 6 (4) 92 - 101. Green open access


Ramaswamy, C; Kim, H-C; Fridan, P; Murdan, S; (2007) Iontophoresis to enhance topical delivery of terbinafine to the nail. Presented at: AAPS Conference, San Diego. Green open access


Taylor, DG; Garfield, S; Hawkins, J; Newbould, J; Rennie, T; (2007) Greater Expectations. Pharmacy based health care: The future for Europe? Policy Paper: Vol.5. The School of Pharmacy, University of London: London. Green open access

Thomson, AM; Lamy, C; (2007) Functional maps of neocortical local circuitry. Front Neurosci , 1 (1) 19 - 42. 10.3389/neuro. Green open access

Todd, AK; Haider, SM; Parkinson, GN; Neidle, S; (2007) Sequence occurrence and structural uniqueness of a G-quadruplex in the human c-kit promoter. Nucleic Acids Res , 35 (17) 5799 - 5808. 10.1093/nar/gkm609. Green open access

Torkar, A; Kristl, J; Murdan, S; (2007) Low-frequency ultrasound to enhance topical drug delivery to the nail. Presented at: AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA. Green open access

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