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Number of items: 59.


Azaria, D; (2014) Investment Protection in the Context of Hydrocarbons Transboundary Pipelines. Energy: Networks and Infrastructure Green open access

Black, Isra; (2014) EXISTENTIAL SUFFERING AND THE EXTENT OF THE RIGHT TO PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE IN SWITZERLAND: Gross v Switzerland [2013] ECHR 67810/10. Medical Law Review , 22 (1) pp. 109-118. 10.1093/medlaw/fwt038. Green open access

Black, Isra; (2014) A POSTSCRIPT TO GROSS V SWITZERLAND. Medical Law Review , 22 (4) p. 656. 10.1093/medlaw/fwu035. Green open access

Choudhury, B; (2014) Aligning Corporate and Community Interests: From Abominable to Symbiotic. Brigham Young University Law Review , 2014 (2) , Article 3. Green open access

Choudhury, B; (2014) New Rationales for Women on Boards. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies , 34 (3) pp. 511-542. 10.1093/ojls/gqt035. Green open access

Connolly, N; (2014) A Common Law Perspective on the Concurrence of Claims in Contract and Unjust Enrichment. European Review of Private Law Green open access

Delacroix, S; (2014) From Constitutional words to Statehood? The Palestinian case. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law , 3 (4) 1 - 18. 10.7574/cjicl.03.04.244. Green open access

Dsouza, M; (2014) Undermining Prima Facie Consent in the Criminal Law. Law and Philosophy , 33 (4) pp. 489-524. 10.1007/s10982-013-9188-z. Green open access

Frantziou, E; (2014) Case C-176/12 Association de Médiation Sociale: Some Reflections on the Horizontal Effect of the Charter and the Reach of Fundamental Employment Rights in the European Union. European Constitutional Law Review , 10 (02) 332 - 348. 10.1017/S1574019614001205. Green open access

Frantziou, E; (2014) Further Developments in the Right to be Forgotten: The European Court of Justice's Judgment in Case C-131/12, Google Spain, SL, Google Inc v Agencia Espanola de Proteccion de Datos. Human Rights Law Review , 14 (4) pp. 761-777. 10.1093/hrlr/ngu033. Green open access

Hickman, T; (2014) The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act: going beyond declarations. Policy Quarterly , 10 (4) pp. 39-45. 10.26686/pq.v10i4.4508. Green open access

Hunter-Henin, M; (2014) The Lautsi Papers: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom. [Review]. Journal of Contemporary Religion , 29 (1) pp. 141-143. 10.1080/13537903.2013.864816. Green open access

King, JA; (2014) Social Rights, Constitutionalism and the German Social State Principle. E-Pública: Revista Electronica de Direito Publico , 3 Green open access

Liew, YK; Low, WT; (2014) The Quistclose Doctrine: Resurrection of the Primary Trust? King's Law Journal , 25 (1) 8 - 18. 10.5235/09615768.25.1.8. Green open access

Lock, SJ; Smallman, M; Lee, M; Rydin, Y; (2014) "Nuclear energy sounded wonderful 40 years ago": UK citizen views on CCS. Energy Policy , 66 428 - 435. 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.11.024. Green open access

McCrea, R; (2014) La religion, la loi et l'Etat dans l'Europe contemporaine: perspective comparative des principaux dilemmes. Politique Américaine , 23 pp. 73-90. Green open access

Mills, A; (2014) Rethinking Jurisdiction in International Law. British Yearbook of International Law , 84 (1) pp. 187-239. 10.1093/bybil/bru003. Green open access

Montgomery, J; (2014) Public ethics and faith. Theology , 117 (5) 342 - 348. 10.1177/0040571X14537031. Green open access

Montgomery, J; Jones, C; Biggs, H; (2014) Hidden Law-Making in the Province of Medical Jurisprudence. Modern Law Review , 77 (3) 343 - 378. 10.1111/1468-2230.12070. Green open access

Moore, MT; (2014) Private Ordering and Public Policy: The Paradoxical Foundations of Corporate Contractarianism. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies , 34 (4) pp. 693-728. 10.1093/ojls/gqu006. Green open access

O'Cinneide, C; (2014) "Zones of Constitutionalisation" and the Regulation of State Power: The Missing Social Dimension to the Irish Constitutional Order. Dublin University Law Journal , 37 pp. 322-347. Green open access

Raczynska, ME; (2014) A new model law of secured transactions: worldwide modernisation in the making? Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law , 29 (11) pp. 697-700.

Schofield, P; (2014) James E. Crimmins, ed., The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism, New York, London, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. xx + 585. Journal of Bentham Studies , 16 pp. 1-4. 10.14324/111.2045-757X.005. Gold open access

Scott, J; (2014) Extraterritoriality and Territorial Extension in EU Law. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW , 62 (1) 87 - 125. 10.5131/AJCL.2013.0009.

Scott, J; (2014) The new EU "extraterritoriality". Common Market Law Review , 51 (5) 1343 - 1380. Green open access

Suttle, O; (2014) Equality in Global Commerce: Towards a Political Theory of International Economic Law. European Journal of International Law , 25 (4) pp. 1043-1070. 10.1093/ejil/chu072. Green open access

Terras, MM; Causer, T; (2014) Crowdsourcing Bentham: beyond the traditional boundaries of academic history. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing , 8 (1) pp. 46-64. 10.3366/ijhac.2014.0119. Green open access

Ue, T; (2014) Seven on Seven : A Conversation with the Writers of Orca Book Publishers' Series. New Writing , 11 (3) 417 - 435. 10.1080/14790726.2014.923467. Green open access

Wagner-Von Papp, Florian; (2014) Comparative Law & Economics and the ‘Egg-Laying WoolMilk Sow’. The Journal of Comparative Law , 9 (2) pp. 137-165. Green open access


McCrea, R; (2014) Religion and the Public Order of the European Union. [Book]. Oxford Studies in European Law. (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Book chapter

Azaria, D; (2014) The Relationship between Treaty Obligations on Energy Carriage via Pipelines (in Greek). In: Farantouris, N, (ed.) Ενεργεια: Δίκτυα και Υποδομές (Energy: Networks and Infrastructure). Nomiki Vivliothiki: Athens, Greece.

Causer, T; Terras, M; (2014) “Many hands make light work. Many hands together make merry work”: Transcribe Bentham and crowdsourcing manuscript collections. In: Crowdsourcing our Cultural Heritage. (57- 88). Ashgate: Farnham. Green open access

Hickman, TR; Tomkins, A; (2014) National Security Law and the Creep of Secrecy: A Transatlantic Tale. In: Lazarus, L and McCrudden, C and Bowles, N, (eds.) Reasoning Rights: Comparative Judicial Engagement. (pp. 135-160). Hart: London, UK. Green open access

Letsas, G; Saprai, P; (2014) Mitigation, Fairness and Contract Law. In: Klass, G and Letsas, G and Saprai, P, (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law. Oxford University Press (In press). Green open access

Mills, A; (2014) The Balancing (and Unbalancing?) of Interests in International Investment Law and Arbitration. In: Douglas, Z and Pauwelyn, J and Viñuales, JE, (eds.) The Foundations of International Investment Law: Bringing Theory into Practice. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Wagner-Von Papp, FH; (2014) Comparative antitrust federalism and the error-cost framework, or: rhetoric and reality: you protect competitors, we protect competition - except when we protect competitors. In: Charbit, N and Ramundo, E, (eds.) William E. Kovacic: an antitrust tribute: liber amicorum - volume II. (pp. 23-91). Institute of Competition Law: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Williams, Ian; (2014) Edward Coke. In: Galligan, Denis, (ed.) Constitutions and the Classics: Patterns of Constitutional Thought from Fortescue to Bentham. (pp. 86-107). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Proceedings paper

Montgomery, JR; (2014) The British Nuffield Council on Bioethics. In: Palazzani, L, (ed.) Role and Functions of Bioethics Committees. (pp. 49 - 64). Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri , Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica: Rome. Green open access


King, JA; (2014) Social Rights and Welfare Reform in Times of Economic Crisis. European Commission of Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission): Strasbourg, France. Green open access

McCrea, R; (2014) Recent Developments and Overall Trends in the Relationship between Religion, Law and State in Europe. (Faith in Europe Briefings 82 ). Faith in Europe: London, UK. Green open access

Pleasence, PT; Coumarelos, C; Forell, S; McDonald, HM; Mulherin, G; (2014) Reshaping Legal Services: Building on the Evidence Base. Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales: Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Schofield, P; (2014) tranScriptorium: A Guide for the Humanist. Green open access

Trinder, L; Hunter, R; Hitchings, E; Miles, J; Smith, L; Moorhead, R; Sefton, M; + view all (2014) Litigants in Person in Private Family Law Cases. (Ministry of Justice Analytical Series ). Ministry of Justice: London, UK. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Lianos, I; (2014) Brands, Product Differentiation and EU Competition Law. (CLES Research Paper series 7/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; (2014) In Memoriam Keck: The Reformation of the EU Law on the Free Movement of Goods. (CLES Research Paper series 5/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; (2014) The Principle of Effectiveness, Competition Law Remedies and the Limits of Adjudication. (CLES Research Paper series 6/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Fazekas, M; (2014) The One and the Many: Elaborating a taxonomy of Impact Assessment practices in Europe. (CLES Research Paper series 1/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Fazekas, M; Karliuk, M; (2014) The Diffusion of Impact Assessment Practices in Europe. (CLES Research Paper series 2/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Jenny, F; Wagner von Papp, F; Motchenkova, E; David, E; (2014) Judicial Scrutiny of Financial Penalties in Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective. (CLES Research paper series 4/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Jenny, F; Wagner-Von Papp, F; Motchenkova, E; David, E; (2014) An Optimal and Just Financial Penalties System for Infrigments of Competition Law: A Comparative Analysis. (CLES Research paper series 3/2014). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Montgomery, JR; (2014) Public Bioethics and the Challenges of Legitimation. [Lecture]. Presented at: Inaugural lecture for the Bioethics & Society Master’s Programme, King's College London, Kings College London. Green open access


Chullapram, S; (2014) A Comparative Study of Online Political Speech Regulation in the UK, the USA, and Thailand. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Denvir, CE; (2014) What is the net worth? Young people, civil justice and the Internet. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Herrera-Martin, CR; (2014) Judicial Review of Expropriation. The Case of Mexico. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kokkinis, A; (2014) Rethinking the corporate governance of UK banks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Mantzari, D; (2014) Appeals from Utilities Regulators in the US and the UK; What Are the Limits of Judicial Review of Economic Evidence? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Spooner, Joseph; (2014) Personal Insolvency Law in the Modern Consumer Credit Society: English and Comparative Perspectives. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thepot, FCS; (2014) The Interaction between Competition Law and Corporate Governance: Opening the 'Black Box'. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Scholarly edition

Causer, T; Martin, J; (2014) The Memorandoms of James Martin. [Scholarly edition]. Causer, T (Ed). Bentham Project, UCL: London. Green open access

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