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Number of items: 45.


Agnew, SC; (2012) Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between the Pauline Action and the Désastre Regime in Jersey. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review , 2012 (1) pp. 63-68.

Black, Isra; (2012) SUICIDE ASSISTANCE FOR MENTALLY DISORDERED INDIVIDUALS IN SWITZERLAND AND THE STATE'S POSITIVE OBLIGATION TO FACILITATE DIGNIFIED SUICIDE: Haas c. Suisse, Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, 1re section (20 janvier 2011) (Unreported). Medical Law Review , 20 (1) pp. 157-166. 10.1093/medlaw/fwr033. Green open access

Causer, T; (2012) Anti-transportation, "unnatural crime", and the "horrors" of Norfolk Island. Journal of Australian Colonial History , 14 pp. 230-240. Green open access

Fisher, MJ; (2012) Extracting the price of a patent: enablement and written description. Intellectual Property Quarterly , 2012 pp. 262-288. Green open access

Guilfoyle, Douglas; (2012) Somali Pirates as Agents of Change in International Law-making and Organisation. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law , 1 (3) 81 - 106. 10.7574/cjicl.01.03.58. Green open access

Liew, YK; (2012) Carl Schmitt's Sovereign: A Critique. Ratio Juris , 25 (2) 263 - 269. 10.1111/j.1467-9337.2012.00513.x. Green open access

Mantzari, D; Korah, V; (2012) It Takes One to Tango: The Single UK Competition and Markets Authority. Competition Policy International, Antitrust Chronicle , 12 (1) Green open access

Montgomery, J; (2012) The Compleat Lawyer - Medical Law As Practical Reasoning: Doctrine, Empiricism, And Engagement. Medical Law Review , 20 (1) 8 - 28. 10.1093/medlaw/fwr034. Green open access

Montgomery, JR; (2012) Lawyers and the future of UK bioethics. Verdict - the magazine of the Oxford Law Society (student) Green open access

Quinn, M; (2012) Which comes first, Bentham's chicken of utility, or his egg of truth? Journal of Bentham Studies , 14 pp. 1-46. Gold open access

Sands, PJ; (2012) Twin Peaks: The Hersch Lauterpacht Nuremberg Speeches. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law , 1 (1) pp. 37-44. 10.7574/cjicl.01.01.41. Green open access

Stothers, Christopher; (2012) EPO Revokes Patent in Record Time, Relying on Documents Disclosed in the UK. BNA's Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal , 84 (2081) pp. 880-883. Green open access

Twining, W; (2012) Globalização e estudos jurídicos. Meritum, revista de Direito da Universidade FUMEC , 7 (1) pp. 15-53. Green open access

Wagner-Von Papp, FH; (2012) Best and even better practices in commitment procedures after Alrosa: The dangers of abandoning the “Struggle for Competition Law”. Common Market Law Review , 49 (3) 929 - 970. Green open access


King, JA; (2012) Judging Social Rights. [Book]. Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Schofield, TP; (2012) Jeremy Bentham: Prophet of Secularism. South Place Ethical Society: London, UK. Green open access

Book chapter

Hunter-Henin, M; (2012) Introduction: Religious Freedoms in European Schools: Contrasts and Convergence. In: Hunter-Henin, M, (ed.) Law, Religious Freedoms and Education in Europe. (pp. 1-33). Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, UK. Green open access

King, Jeff; (2012) Introduction: aims and methods. In: Judging Social Rights. (pp. 1-14). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Liew, YK; (2012) Rochefoucauld v Boustead (1897). In: Mitchell, P and Mitchell, C, (eds.) Landmark Cases in Equity. (pp. 423-452). Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Montgomery, JR; (2012) The British Nuffield Council on Bioethics. In: Palazzani, L, (ed.) Role and Functions of Bioethics Committees. (pp. 51-64). Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri: Rome, Italy.

SMITH, F; (2012) Food Security and International Agricultural Trade: Old Problems, New Perspectives. In: McMahon, JA and Desta, MG, (eds.) Handbook on International Agricultural Trade. (45 - 69). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Green open access

Twining, W; (2012) Donald Neil MacCormick, 1941–2009. In: Johnston, R, (ed.) Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, XI. (pp. 448-471). The British Academy & Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Twining, W; (2012) Legal Pluralism 101. In: Tamanaha, BZ and Sage, C and Woolcock, M, (eds.) Legal Pluralism and Development: Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue. (pp. 112-128). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Proceedings paper

Genn, H; (2012) Why the Privatisation of Justice is a Rule of Law Issue. In: Proceedings of the 36th FA Mann Lectures. BIICL Green open access


Lewis, Penney; Black, Isra; (2012) The effectiveness of legal safeguards in jurisdictions that allow assisted dying. (The Commission on Assisted Dying: Briefing Paper ). Demos: London, UK. Green open access

Marin Duran, G; Bullón Caro, C; Morgera, E; (2012) Organic Agriculture and the Law. (FAO Legislative Study 107 ). United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: Rome, Italy.

Working / discussion paper

Lianos, I; (2012) The Emergence of Forensic Economics in Competition Law: Foundations for a Sociological Analysis. (CLES Research Paper series 5/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; (2012) Towards a Bureaucracy Theory of the Interaction between Competition Law and State Action. (CLES Research Paper series 3/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Genakos, C; (2012) Econometric Evidence in EU Competition Law: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis. (CLES Research Paper series 6/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Mateus, A; Raslan, A; (2012) Development Economics and Competition. A Parallel Intellectual History. (CLES Research Paper series 1/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Lianos, I; Motchenkova, E; (2012) Market Dominance and Quality of Search Results in the Search Engine Market. (CLES Research Paper series 2/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Smith, F; Haberli, C; (2012) Food Security, Foreign Direct Investment and Multilevel Governance in Weak States. Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research: Berne, Switzerland. Green open access

Strader, JM; (2012) The Consequences of Neoclassical Price Theory for U.S. Predatory Pricing Law. (CLES Research Paper series 7/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Thepot, F; (2012) Market Power in Online Search and Social-Networking: A Matter of Two-Sided Markets. (CLES Research Paper series 4/2012). Centre for Law, Economics and Society, UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Montgomery, JR; (2012) Whose Ethics are Bioethics? [Lecture]. Presented at: UNSPECIFIED, Portsmouth Cathedral. Green open access


Baars, G.; (2012) Law(yers) congealing capitalism: on the (im)possibility of restraining business in conflict through international criminal law. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Larcom, ST; (2012) A law and economic analysis of legal pluralism in Papua New Guinea. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Owusu-Bempah, A; (2012) Penalising defendant non-cooperation in the criminal process and the implications for English criminal procedure. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rakpong, J.; (2012) Regulatory aspects of EU-Thai trade relations in the area of food safety. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sarvarian, A; (2012) Professional Ethics at the International Bar. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Stamatakis, N.; (2012) Restorative justice behind bars: exploring the applicability of restorative justice in custodial settings. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London).

Tapia Canales, J.; (2012) Analysing economic regulation through institutions, finance and public law. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Torricke-Barton, TD; (2012) An anthropological analysis of interpersonal violence. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London).

Tribe, J.P.; (2012) Debtor treatment themes in personal bankruptcy policy development from the early-modern period to the present day - plus ça change (plus c'est la même chose). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Woolley, O.A.; (2012) Developing a system of ecological governance: a legal framework for determining offshore wind energy’s role in the formation and implementation of an ecologically coherent energy policy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

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