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Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: las tumbas 33, 34aa y 34bb. Sexta campaña

Jiménez-Serrano, A; Aguilera, AI; Ayora Cañada, MJ; López, MB; Vidal, AD; Piquette, KE; (2014) Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: las tumbas 33, 34aa y 34bb. Sexta campaña. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología , 23 pp. 7-48. Green open access

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Jimenez-Serrano_etal2014_Projecto_Qubbet_el-Hawa_Las_tumbas_33_34.pdf - Published Version

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En el presente articulo se presentan los resultados preliminares de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo durante el afio 2014. Por un lado, se describen brevemente los trabajos arqueologicos de sarrollados en el complejo funerario QH33 (Sectores C17, C18, C19 y C24) y se avanzan los des cubrimientos de dos nuevas tumbas denominadas QH34aa y QH34bb, que se encuentran entre la QH34 y QH34a. Gracias al analisis de diferentes aspectos, ha sido posible determinar que el complejo funerario QH33 fue construido para albergar los enterramientos de dos gobernadores de Elefantina, de los que solo uno ha sido, por el momento, localizado: Heqaib III (C23). Por otro lado, se avanzan los estudios de antropologia fisica, arquitectura historica y geodinamica de las tumbas de Qubbet el-Hawa, antracologia, quimica (Raman), restauracion y DStrech. / The main aim of this paper is to present the preliminary results of the research carried out along 2014. On the one hand, the archaeological works carried out in the funerary complex (Sectors C17, C18, C19 and C24) QH33 are briefly described. The discovery of two new tombs (QH34aa and QH34bb), located between QH34 and QH34a, is just advanced. After the analysis of different aspects, it has been possible to determine that the funerary complex QH33 was constructed to bury two governors of Elephantine. Up to the present moment, just one of them has been excavated: Heqaib III (C23). Secondly, Physical Anthropological, Historic Architecture of the tombs of Qubbet el-Hawa and their geo-dynamic, Anthracological, Chemical (Raman) Restoration and DStrech technique studies are advanced.

Type: Article
Title: Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: las tumbas 33, 34aa y 34bb. Sexta campaña
Location: Spain
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Publisher version: http://www.aedeweb.com/recursos/biblioteca/indices...
Language: Spanish
Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Archaeology, Qubbet el-Hawa
UCL classification: UCL
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UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Dept of Information Studies
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1508405
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