Bird, J;
Harrison, D;
Marshall, P;
The Challenge of Maintaining Interest in a Large-Scale Public Floor Display.
In: Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K and Häkkilä, J and Cassinelli, A and Müller, J and Rukzio, E and Schmidt, A, (eds.)
Proceedings: Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces (EIPS): Workshop at CHI '13, April 28, 2013, Paris, France.
(pp. pp. 122-125).
Tampere University of Technology: Tampere, Finland.
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Floor displays, because of the novelty of their location, can be more effective at grabbing the attention of passersby than public wall mounted screens. However, a concern is that as floor displays become more familiar, people will take less notice of them. We are exploring how to maintain interest in a large-scale interactive floor display in a semi-public university location. Our ongoing research involves exploring ways to enable participants to update the content of the display and seeing how effectively this keeps them interested. Firstly, we are making the floor display interactive so that participants can manipulate the content in real-time using whole body interaction. Secondly, we are encouraging the local community to generate content for the display.
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