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An analysis of the hadronic final state and jets in deep inelastic e[gamma] scattering events using the OPAL detector at LEP

Rooke, Anthony Michael; (1998) An analysis of the hadronic final state and jets in deep inelastic e[gamma] scattering events using the OPAL detector at LEP. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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The hadronic final state of deep inelastic e[gamma] scattering events are studied and comparisons are made with predictions from the general purpose QCD-based Monte Carlo generators, HERWIG and PYTHIA, and from the two-photon event generator F2GEN. The data was collected using the OPAL detector at LEP from 1994 to 1996 with a total luminosity 109.48 pb-1 and divided into three samples in terms of beam energy: 44.6 - 46.6 GeV, 80.5 GeV and 85.0 - 86.0 GeV. The complete data sample covers the Q2 region of 1.1 - 220.0 GeV2 with the energy and angle of the scattered electron or positron measured in one of three OPAL subdetectors with different polar angle ranges: the Silicon-Tungsten luminosity calorimeters (27-55 milliradians), the Forward Detector calorimeters (60-120 milliradians), or the main OPAL electromagnetic endcap calorimeters (200-550 milliradians). Discrepancies in hadronic energy flow are highlighted using a classification of events in terms of jet multiplicities. A first estimation of energy flow and jet multiplicity in events with the photon-gluon fusion subprocess is made using a development of the F2GEN event generator. Suggestions are made for improvements to the modelling of the hadronic final state in the HERWIG and PYTHIA generators.

Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Qualification: Ph.D
Title: An analysis of the hadronic final state and jets in deep inelastic e[gamma] scattering events using the OPAL detector at LEP
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Language: English
Additional information: Thesis digitised by ProQuest.
Keywords: Pure sciences; Scattering events
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10103111
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